994 resultados para Apis melífera
Deep-eutectic solvents (DES) are considered novel renewable and biodegradable solvents, with a cheap and easy synthesis, without waste production. Later it was discovered a new subclass of DES that even can be biocompatible, since their synthesis uses primary metabolites such as amino acids, organic acids and sugars, from organisms. This subclass was named natural deep-eutectic solvents (NADES). Due to their properties it was tried to study the interaction between these solvents and biopolymers, in order to produce functionalized fibers for biomedical applications. In this way, fibers were produced by using the electrospinning technique. However, it was first necessary to study some physical properties of NADES, as well as the influence of water in their properties. It has been concluded that the water has a high influence on NADES properties, which can be seen on the results obtained from the rheology and viscosity studies. The fluid dynamics had changed, as well as the viscosity. Afterwards, it was tested the viability of using a starch blend. First it was tested the dissolution of these biopolymers into NADES, in order to study the viability of their application in electrospinning. However the results obtained were not satisfactory, since the starch polymers studied did not presented any dissolution in any NADES, or even in organic solvents. In this way it was changed the approach, and it was used other biocompatible polymers. Poly(ethylene oxide), poly(vinyl alcohol) and gelatin were the others biopolymers tested for the electrospinning, with NADES. All polymers show good results, since it was possible to obtain fibers. However for gelatin it was used only eutectic mixtures, containing active pharmaceutical ingredients (API’s), instead of NADES. For this case it was used mandelic acid (antimicrobial properties), choline chloride, ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory properties) and menthol (analgesic properties). The polymers and the produced fibers were characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). With the help of these techniques it was possible to conclude that it was possible to encapsulate NADES within the fibers. Rheology it was also study for poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(vinyl alcohol), in a way to understand the influence of polymer concentration, on the electrospinning technique. For the gelatin, among the characterization techniques, it was also performed cytotoxicity and drug release studies. The gelatin membranes did not show any toxicity for the cells, since their viability was maintained. Regarding the controlled release profile experiment no conclusion could be drawn from the experiments, due to the rapid and complete dissolution of the gelatin in the buffer solution. However it was possible to quantify the mixture of choline chloride with mandelic acid, allowing thus to complete, and confirm, the information already obtained for the others characterization technique.
Ionic Liquids (ILs) are class of compounds, which have become popular since the mid-1990s. Despite the fact that ILs are defined by one physical property (melting point), many of the potential applications are now related to their biological properties. The use of a drug as a liquid can avoid some problems related to polymorphism which can influence a drug´s solubility and thus its dosages. Also, the arrangement of the anion or cation with a specific drug might be relevant in order to: a) change the correspondent biopharmaceutical drug classification system; b) for the drug formulation process and c) the change the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients’ (APIs). The main goal of this Thesis is the synthesis and study of physicochemical and biological properties of ILs as APIs from beta-lactam antibiotics (ampicillin, penicillin G and amoxicillin) and from the anti-fungal Amphotericin B. All the APIs used here were neutralized in a buffer appropriate hydroxide cations. The cation hydroxide was obtained on Amberlite resin (in the OH form) in order to exchange halides. The biological studies of these new compounds were made using techniques like the micro dilution and colorimetric methods. Overall a total of 19 new ILs were synthesised (6 ILs based on ampicillin, 4 ILs, based on amoxicillin, 6 ILs based on penicillin G and 4 ILs based on amphotericin B) and characterized by spectroscopic and analytical methods in order to confirm their structure and purity. The study of the biological properties of the synthesised ILs showed that some have antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeast cells, even in resistant bacteria. Also this work allowed to show that ILs based on ampicillin could be used as anti-tumour agents. This proves that with a careful selection of the organic cation, it is possible to provoke important physico-chemical and biological alteration in the properties of ILs-APIs with great impact, having in mind their applications.
The widespread use of mobile devices has made known to the general public new areas that were hitherto confined to specialized devices. In general, the smartphone came to give all users the ability to execute multiple tasks, and among them, take photographs using the integrated cameras. Although these devices are continuously receiving improved cameras, their manufacturers do not take advantage of their full potential, since the operating systems normally offer simple APIs and applications for shooting. Therefore, taking advantage of this environment for mobile devices, we find ourselves in the best scenario to develop applications that help the user obtaining a good result when shooting. In an attempt to provide a set of techniques and tools more applied to the task, this dissertation presents, as a contribution, a set of tools for mobile devices that provides information in real-time on the composition of the scene before capturing an image. Thus, the proposed solution gives support to a user while capturing a scene with a mobile device. The user will be able to receive multiple suggestions on the composition of the scene, which will be based on rules of photography or other useful tools for photographers. The tools include horizon detection and graphical visualization of the color palette presented on the scenario being photographed. These tools were evaluated regarding the mobile device implementation and how users assess their usefulness.
Information technologies (ITs), and sports resources and services aid the potential to transform governmental organizations, and play an important role in contributing to sustainable communities development, respectively. Spatial data is a crucial source to support sports planning and management. Low-cost mobile geospatial tools bring productive and accurate data collection, and their use combining a handy and customized graphical user interface (GUI) (forms, mapping, media support) is still in an early stage. Recognizing the benefits — efficiency, effectiveness, proximity to citizens — that Mozambican Minister of Youth and Sports (MJD) can achieve with information resulted from the employment of a low-cost data collection platform, this project presents the development of a mobile mapping application (app) — m-SportGIS — under Open Source (OS) technologies and a customized evolutionary software methodology. The app development embraced the combination of mobile web technologies and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) (e.g. Sencha Touch (ST), Apache Cordova, OpenLayers) to deploy a native-to-the-device (Android operating system) product, taking advantage of device’s capabilities (e.g. File system, Geolocation, Camera). In addition to an integrated Web Map Service (WMS), was created a local and customized Tile Map Service (TMS) to serve up cached data, regarding the IT infrastructures limitations in several Mozambican regions. m-SportGIS is currently being exploited by Mozambican Government staff to inventory all kind of sports facilities, which resulted and stored data feeds a WebGIS platform to manage Mozambican sports resources.
INTRODUCTION: In 1956, Africanized honeybees (AHB) migrated from Brazil to other regions of the Western Hemisphere, including South, Central, and North America, except for Canada. Despite being productive, they are highly aggressive and cause fatal accidents. This study aimed to evaluate patients at the Clinical Hospital of Botucatu Medical School (HC-FMB) and to propose treatment guidelines. METHODS: From 2005 to 2006, the clinical and laboratorial aspects of 11 patients (7 male and 4 female) and the anatomopathological aspects of one patient who had died in 2003 were analyzed. RESULTS: The age of the surviving patients varied from 5 to 87 years, with a mean of 42.5 years. The majority of accidents occurred in the afternoon, and the number of stings ranged from 20 to 500. The principal signs and symptoms were pain and local inflammatory signs, nausea, tachycardia, and vomiting. Biochemical findings presented increased levels of creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and aspartate/alanine aminotransferase. An 11-year-old male patient died upon entering the attic of a two-storey building where he was attacked by a swarm, receiving more than 1,000 stings. He was sent to HC-FMB where he was treated, but he died 24h later. Observed at the autopsy were erythematous-purpuric skin lesions besides necrosis at the sting locations, rhabdomyolysis, focal myocardial necrosis, tubular hydropic degeneration and focal tubular acute necrosis of the kidneys, myoglobinuria, and centrolobular necrosis in the liver. CONCLUSIONS: Accidents caused by multiple AHB stings always constitute a medical emergency. As there is no specific antivenom, we have developed guidelines, including first aid, drugs, and the proper removal of stingers.
IntroductionThis study aimed to investigate the occurrence of Africanized honeybees in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, and to implement a program to remove such swarms.MethodsThe occurrences of Africanized honeybee swarms between 2010 and 2012 were studied and strategies to prevent accidents were developed.ResultsWe noted 1,164 cases of Africanized honeybee occurrences in the city, and 422 swarms were collected. The developed strategies to prevent accidents were disseminated to the population.ConclusionsWe contributed to reducing the risks represented by Africanized honeybee swarms in urban areas, by collecting swarms and disseminating strategic information for preventing accidents.
O objetivo deste trabalho é a identificação dos insetos visitantes do guaraná (Paullinia cupanavar. sorbilis)e a determinação dos prováveis polinizadores, em uma plantação próxima de Manaus, assim como determinar a taxa de visita em ambas as flores, masculinas e femininas. Também estuda a variação na freqüência da produção de flores masculinas e femininas, no período da floração. Foram coletadas trinta e duas famílias de insetos de cinco ordens. Hymenoptera foi a ordem mais freqüente com 71% de todos os indivíduos. Vinte e sete espécies de abelhas foram encontradas visitando as flores. A síndrome geral da polinização da espécies parece estar adaptada aos Hymenoptera. E sugerido que Melipona seminigra merilae, Xylocopa muscariae Apis melliferaestão entre os mais Importantes polinlzadores, sendo que outros Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera e Coleoptera são, talvez, ocasionais . Parece não haver preferência dos diversos grupos de insetos por flores masculinas ou femininas. A floração ocorreu durante 37 a 38 dias com dois períodos bem definidos. Houve uma pausa de um a dois dias [sem floração) entre os dois períodos, coincidindo em todas as inflarescências estudadas. 0 primeiro período durou 20-22 dias, enquanto o segundo foi menor, durando somente 16-18 dias. Em nenhum caso, o pique da floração masculina coincidiu com a feminina.
Este trabalho apresenta 79 espécies de plantas que fornecem néctar e/ou pólen para operárias de Melipona compressipes fasciculata, que é a abelha mais comum do Maranhão. A maioria dessas plantas são também visitadas por Apis mellifera. Sugere-se, com isso, o plantio de algumas espécies em estradas, cercas, ruas, avenidas e praças, a fim de melhorar a pasto apícola.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a identificação dos insetos visitantes e polinizadores das flores do "dendê" Elaeis guineensis Jacq., e do "caiaué" Elaeis oleifera (H.B.K) Cortés, atráves de coletas em locais e horários diferentes, quando as inflorescências masculinas das plantas encontravam-se em plena antese. Um total de 159 insetos foram observados tendo sido constatado dentre os diversos tipos de visitantes, os meliponídeos: Trigona sp. ("dendê" e "caiaué"), Apis mellifera adansonni e Partamona sp. ("dendê"). Constatou-se ainda a presença de uma quantidade razoável de insetos da família Curculionidae do gênero Elaeidobius, que voavam em torno das inflorescências, sendo evidente a sua participação na polinização das espécies estudadas. Além disso, verificou-se a presença de larvas de um coléoptero da família lycidae, junto as inflorescências das plantas.
De julho/1992 a junho/1993 foram feitas coletas em intervalos de ,28 a 30 dias em uma .área de vegetação secundária com 1.650m2, próxima ao rio Pepital, em Alcântara - MA, com o objetivo de conhecer a fauna apícola e suas relações com a flora local. Foram coletados sobre flores 1.076 indivíduos (1.073 fêmeas e 03 machos), pertencentes a 20 espécies e 11 gêneros da família Apidae. Trigona fulviventrís(42,2%), Apis mellifera(24,5%), Trigona pollens(12,5%), Trigona fuscipennis(10,0%), Tetragona clavipes(2,9%) e Melipona puncticollis(2,3%) foram as espécies mais abundantes. O menor número de indivíduos foi coletado em abril (mês chuvoso), e o mês com maior númerode indivíduos capturados foi julho. A maior frequência de Apidae foi observada entre 6:00 e 8:00 horas. As espécies de plantas que receberam o maior número de visitas foram: Borreria verticillata(Rubiaceae), Clusiasp. (Guttiferae), Hyptis atrorubens(Labiatae), Heliotropiumsp. (Boraginaceae) e Crotalaria refusa(Leguminosae). As espécies de Trigonavisitaram quase todas as plantas do local, preferencialmente aquelas das famílias Guttiferae, Rubiaceae e Boraginaceae.
O araçá-boi (Eugenia stipitata McVaugh ssp. sororia McVaugh, Myrtaceae) é uma frutífera nativa da Amazônia Ocidental com potencial para a indústria de sucos e flavorizantes. Embora pouco plantada na Amazônia brasileira devido a sua acidez, é frequentemente cultivada na Amazônia peruana. O conhecimento de sua fenologia pode ajudar no planejamento do manejo do plantio e da comercialização dos frutos. A fenologia de dez plantas, crescendo num latossolo amarelo degradado, foi observada durante cinco anos. O araçá-boi geralmente floresceu e frutificou três vezes ao longo do ano e sempre teve pelo menos um pico de floração forte durante a estação seca (julho a setembro) e um pico de frutificação mais acentuado na estação chuvosa (janeiro a março). A floração é um evento complexo e demorado que pode durar de dois a três meses, embora o período entre o aparecimento do botão floral até a antese do flor é curto (~15 dias) e o período entre a antese e a maturação dos frutos dura 50 a 60 dias. As regressões múltiplas usadas para determinar o efeito das variáveis climáticas na floração e frutificação não apresentaram altos coeficientes de determinação, embora os modelos tenham sido significantes, provavelmente porque o araçá-boi floresce várias vezes durante o ano e ainda não se sabe qual o estímulo mais importante para iniciar o processo. O vingamento dos frutos variou de menos de 5% a aproximadamente 15%. O peso médio dos frutos avaliados em janeiro de 1988 foi 135 g, com 77% de polpa. Ao longo do período, estimou-se que as dez plantas produziram cm média 1000 frutos/ano, com uma mediana de 890 frutos/ano. Os insetos visitantes eram principalmente abelhas, especialmente Apis mellifera, Eulaema mocsaryi e Ptilotrigona lurida.
Estudou-se durante um ano a fauna de abelhas de uma região da Baixada maranhense em Vitória do Mearim — MA. Foram feitas coletas mensais com auxílio de redes entomológicas e armadilhas de cheiro, no período de um ano, totalizando 288 horas de amostragem. Um total de 839 indivíduos de 38 espécies de abelhas pertencentes às famílias Apidae, Megachilidae, Halictidae, Andrenidae e Colletidae foram coletadas nas flores e 72 indivíduos (11 espécies) de Euglossinae em armadilhas com iscas-odoríferas. Scaptotrigona flavisetis Μoure, Trigona pallens Cockerell e Apis mellifera Linnaeus foram as espécies mais abundantes na área. A sazonalidade foi variável de acordo com as diferentes espécies de abelhas. S. flavisetis foi observada em maior número em janeiro e outubro, T. pallens em janeiro e fevereiro e A. mellifera em abril. Das abelhas coletadas em armadilhas, Euglossa (E.) cordata e Ε. (E.) gr. modestior foram as mais abundantes e Eucaliptol foi a isca odorífera que recebeu maior número de visitas.
A comunidade de abelhas em uma área de transição cerrado-amazônia, localizada na região do Bico-do-Papagaio, Estado do Tocantins, foi estudada entre novembro de 1999 e novembro de 2000, por meio da amostragem sistemática dos espécimes nas plantas em floração, com o objetivo de obter informações sobre a sua composição. Um total de 5.534 indivíduos, distribuídos em 83 espécies e 38 gêneros foram coletados. A maior abundância de indivíduos e riqueza de espécies foi encontrado na família Apidae sensu Roig-Alsina & Michener. Os gêneros com maior riqueza foram Trigona (8), Megachile (7), Centris (6), Augochloropsis (5), Coelioxys (5), Paratetrapedia (5) e Xylocopa (5), enquanto que a espécie mais freqüente foi Apis mellifera. A comunidade seguiu o padrão geral encontrado nos neotrópicos, apresentando muitas espécies com poucos indivíduos e poucas espécies com muitos indivíduos. A freqüência, constância e dominância das espécies são discutidas e os índices de abundância, diversidade, eqüitabilidade e dominância são apresentados.
A biologia reprodutiva de Byrsonima coccolobifolia, foi avaliada em uma população de savana do Estado de Roraima. A espécie é constituída de arbustos e arvoretas com altura inferior a 3m, de flores hermafroditas zigomorfas, pentâmeras, reunidas em inflorescências do tipo racemo terminal, produzidos em brotações novas, o cálice é composto por cinco sépalas, que apresentam um par de glândulas produtoras de óleo. A corola é formada por cinco pétalas albo-róseas e unguiculadas, o androceu é composto por dez estames com anteras de coloração amarela. A antese pode ser noturna ou diurna, estende-se por um período médio de 12 horas e as flores costumam ficar abertas e vistosas por um período adicional de 15 horas, quando se inicia a senescência. Foram registrados dois episódios de floração e o fogo parece ser um fator ambiental estimulador desta fenofase. Os visitantes florais predominantes foram abelhas das famílias Anthophoridae (Centris sp. e Xylocopa sp.) e Apidae (Apis mellifera e Bombus sp.). Os resultados das polinizações controladas e o cálculo do índice de auto-incompatibilidade (ISI) indicam que a espécie apresenta comportamento protogínico e é autocompatível, produzindo frutos em todos os tratamentos de autopolinização em proporções semelhantes à polinização natural, não sendo confirmada a produção de frutos apomíticos. Entretanto, os percentuais de frutos formados nos tratamentos de xenogamia foram significativamente superiores aos tratamentos de autofertilização, indicando que B. coccolobifolia apresenta um sistema reprodutivo misto com níveis elevados de alogamia e autogamia.
Propolis is a chemically complex biomass produced by honeybees (Apis mellifera) from plant resins added of salivary enzymes, beeswax, and pollen. The biological activities described for propolis were also identified for donor plants resin, but a big challenge for the standardization of the chemical composition and biological effects of propolis remains on a better understanding of the influence of seasonality on the chemical constituents of that raw material. Since propolis quality depends, among other variables, on the local flora which is strongly influenced by (a)biotic factors over the seasons, to unravel the harvest season effect on the propolis chemical profile is an issue of recognized importance. For that, fast, cheap, and robust analytical techniques seem to be the best choice for large scale quality control processes in the most demanding markets, e.g., human health applications. For that, UV-Visible (UV-Vis) scanning spectrophotometry of hydroalcoholic extracts (HE) of seventy-three propolis samples, collected over the seasons in 2014 (summer, spring, autumn, and winter) and 2015 (summer and autumn) in Southern Brazil was adopted. Further machine learning and chemometrics techniques were applied to the UV-Vis dataset aiming to gain insights as to the seasonality effect on the claimed chemical heterogeneity of propolis samples determined by changes in the flora of the geographic region under study. Descriptive and classification models were built following a chemometric approach, i.e. principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) supported by scripts written in the R language. The UV-Vis profiles associated with chemometric analysis allowed identifying a typical pattern in propolis samples collected in the summer. Importantly, the discrimination based on PCA could be improved by using the dataset of the fingerprint region of phenolic compounds ( = 280-400m), suggesting that besides the biological activities of those secondary metabolites, they also play a relevant role for the discrimination and classification of that complex matrix through bioinformatics tools. Finally, a series of machine learning approaches, e.g., partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), and Decision Trees showed to be complementary to PCA and HCA, allowing to obtain relevant information as to the sample discrimination.