895 resultados para Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation
Aromatic amines resulted from azo dyes biotransformation under anaerobic conditions are generally recalcitrant to further anaerobic degradation. The catalytic effect of carbon materials (CM) on the reduction of azo dyes is known and has been confirmed in this work by increasing 3-fold the biological reduction rate of Mordant Yellow 1 (MY1). The resulting m-nitroaniline (m-NoA) was further degraded to m-phenylenediamine (m-Phe) only in the presence of CM. The use of CM to degraded anaerobically aromatic amines resulted from azo dye reduction was never reported before. In the sequence, we studied the effect of different CM on the bioreduction of o-, m- and p-NoA. Three microporous activated carbons with different surface chemistry, original (AC0), chemical oxidized with HNO3 (ACHNO3) and thermal treated (ACH2), and three mesoporous carbons, xerogels (CXA and CXB) and nanotubes (CNT) were assessed. In the absence of CM, NoA were only partially reduced to the corresponding Phe, whereas in the presence of CM, more than 90% was converted to the corresponding Phe. ACH2 and AC0 were the best electron shuttles, increasing the rates up to 8-fold. In 24h, the biological treatment of NoA and MY1 with AC0, decreased up to 88% the toxicity towards a methanogenic consortium, as compared to the non-treated solutions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
OBJECTIVE: To study the differences between fluvastatin and pravastatin regarding LDL susceptibility to oxidation, plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides (TG) in hypercholesterolemic patients with established coronary heart disease (CHD). METHODS: A double-blind randomized parallel study was conducted that included 41 hypercholesterolemic outpatients with CHD treated at the Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul. The inclusion criteria were LDL-C above 100 mg/dL and triglycerides below 400 mg/dL based on 2 measures. After 4 weeks on a low cholesterol diet, those patients that fullfilled the inclusion criteria were randomized into 2 groups: the fluvastatin group (fluvastatin 40 mg/day) and the pravastatin group (pravastatin 20 mg/day), for 24 weeks of treatment. LDL susceptibility to oxidation was analyzed with copper-induced production of conjugated dienes (Cu2+) and water-soluble free radical initiator azo-bis (2'-2'amidinopropanil) HCl (AAPH). Spectroscopy nuclear magnetic resonance was used for determination of lipids. RESULTS: After 24 weeks of drug therapy, fluvastatin and pravastatin significantly reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation as demonstrated by the reduced rate of oxidation (azo and Cu) and by prolonged azo-induced lag time (azo lag). The TC, LDL-C, and TG reduced significantly and HDL-C increased significantly. No differences between the drugs were observed. CONCLUSION: In hypercholesterolemic patients with CHD, both fluvastatin and pravastatin reduced LDL susceptibility to oxidation.
El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la respuesta de P. putida frente a condiciones ambientales adversas dadas por la presencia del detergente catiónico tetradeciltrimetilamonio (TDTMA). El objetivo final que se persigue es el de utilizar este microorganismo como vehículo en procesos de biorremediación. El proyecto comprende aspectos relacionados con la degradación y con la respuesta adaptativa que le permiten a P. putida tolerar altas concentraciones del biocida. La degradación de TDTMA por P. putida involucra una actividad monooxigenasa, que produce trimetilamina (TMA) y tetradecilalcanal. Parte de la TMA producida es demetilada, por una TMAdehidrogenasa (TMADH), e utilizada por la bacteria como fuente de nitrógeno y parte es acumulada intracelularmente, inhibiendo el crecimiento bacteriano. Considerando la importancia de las oxigenasas y dehidrogenasas en la transformación química de compuestos recalcitrantes, se identificarán los genes responsables de la actividad monooxigenasa y de la TMADH, se caracterizarán las enzimas, lo que permitirá conocer, además, datos evolutivos de las mismas. Teniendo en cuenta que la acumulación intracelular TMA conduce a la degradación parcial del detergente, efecto contrarrestado por la adición de aluminio (Al), se investigarán si otros factores nutricionales participan en el control de la degradación de TDMA por P. putida. Se investigará si el regulador global NtrC, que se activa en respuesta a limitación de nitrógeno, participa en el metabolismo de TDTMA. Se prevé construir mutantes en los genes que codifican para monoxigenasa y TMADH y analizar la respuesta de estas cepas frente al estrés ocasionado por TDTMA y Al. En este proyecto se postula además que los cambios a nivel de fosfolípidos (PL) de membrana son una estrategia de P. putida para sobrevivir en presencia del TDTMA. Para concluir si fosfatidilglicerol es el principal responsable de la adaptación de P. putida frente al estrés ocasionado por TDTMA, se pretenden obtener mutantes afectadas en la biosíntesis de novo de PL, particularmente en cardiolipina sintasa. Paralelamente se estudiará si fosfolipasa D participa en la respuesta, lo que permitirá asignar un rol a esta enzima en procesos de señalización análogos a los que ocurren en organismos eucariotas. En presencia de TDTMA y Al, P. putida responde aumentando el contenido de fosfatidilcolina y posiblemente este PL actúe como un reservorio temporario del ión. Identificar en P. putida los genes que codifican para las enzimas responsables de su biosíntesis, particularmente fosfatidilcolina sintasa y/o fosfolípido N-metiltranferasa, conducirá a conocer el mecanismo por el cual fosfatidilcolina estaría involucrada en la respuesta a Al.
It has been well documented that the optimum feedstock for anaerobic digesters consists of readily biodegradable compounds, as found in primary sludge or even a mixed substrate of primary and excess activated sludge. Due to the requirements of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant Directive of 1991, the quantities of secondary sludge generated is set to increase substantially. A pilot scale study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of both Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion and Thermophilic Aerobic digestion in the treatment of secondary sludge. The results indicated that the anaerobic pilot scale digester achieved a greater solids destruction than the aerobic pilot plant averaging at 28% T.S. removal verses 20% for the aerobic digester, despite the fact that secondary sludge is the optimum feedstock for aerobic digestion. This can, however, be attributed to the greater biomass yield experienced with aerobic systems, and to the absence of Autothermal conditions. At present, the traditional technique of Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion is in widespread application throughout Ireland, for the stabilisation of sewage sludge. There is only one Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digester at present situated in Killarney, Co. Kerry. A further objectives of the study was to compare full-scale applications of Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion to ATAD. Two Sludge Treatment plants, situated in Co. Kerry, were used for this purpose, and were assessed mainly under the following headings; process stability, solids reduction on average, the ATAD plant in Killarney has the advantage of producing a “Class A” Biosolid in terms of pathogen reduction, and can effectively treat double the quantity of sludge. In addition, economically the ATAD plant is cheaper to run, costing €190 / t.d.s verses €211 / t.d.s. for the anaerobic digester in Tralee. An overview of additional operational Anaerobic Digestion Plants throughout Ireland is also presented.
The appraisal of anaerobic digestion in Ireland to develop improved designs and operational practice
Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion treating sewage sludge was investigated at five full-scale sewage treatment plants in Ireland. The anaerobic digestion plants are compared and evaluated in terms of design, equipment, operation, monitoring and management. All digesters are cylindrical, gas mixed and heated Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTR), varying in size from 130m3 to 800m3. Heat exchanger systems heat all digesters. Three plants reported difficulties with the heating systems ranging from blockages to insufficient insulation and design. Exchangers were modified and replaced within one year of operation at two plants. All but one plant had Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems installed. Parameter monitoring is a problem at all plants mainly due to a lack of staff and knowledge. The plant operators consider pH and temperature the most important parameters to be measured in terms of successful monitoring of an anaerobic digester. The short time taken and the ease at which pH and temperature can be measured may favour these parameters. Three laboratory scale pilot anaerobic digesters were operated using a variety of feeds over at 144-day period. Two of the pilots were unmixed and the third was mechanically mixed. As expected the unmixed reactors removed more COD by retention of solids in the digesters but also produced greater quantities of biogas than the mixed digester, especially when low solids feed such as whey was used. The mixed digester broke down more solids due to the superior contact between the substrate and the biomass. All three reactors showed good performance results for whey and sewage solids. Scum formation occurred giving operational problems for mixed and unmixed reactors when cattle slurry was used as the main feed source. The pilot test was also used to investigate which parameters were the best indicators of process instability. These trials clearly indicated that total Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) concentrations was the best parameter to show signs of early process imbalance, while methane composition in the biogas was good to indicate possible nutrient deficiencies in the feed and oxygen shocks. pH was found to be a good process parameter only if the wastewater being treated produced low bicarbonate alkalinities during treatment.
n-Butane, Partial oxidation, Maleic anhydride, electrochemical oxygen pumping, solid electrolyte membrane reactor
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2010
The rate of nitrification of several nitrogenous fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, nitre-chalk, ureia, and cottonseed meal) was studied in three soils, namely, "terra roxa legítima", a red soil derived from basalt, "terra roxa misturada", a soil also derived from basalt but with a higher proportion of sand, and "areito Corumbataí", a sandy soil. The effects of the following treatments on nitrification were considered: addition of limestone of micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Mo), and inoculation with a suspension of spores of Aspergillus wentii, a heterotrophic nitrifier. The results showed that: in "terra roxa legítima" limestone had no influence on the nitrification rate, whereas the micronutrients estimulated the oxidation of nitre-chalk, cottonseed meal and urea; inoculation with A. wentii helped only the nitrification of ammonium sulfate and of the cottonseed meal; the latter, in all the treatments employed gave use to a smaller amount of nitrates; in "terra roxa misturada", all the fertilizers depending upon the treatments they were subjected to, presented maximum values for nitrification; limestone estimulated the oxidation of ammonium sulfate as well as the mineralization of the cottonseed meal; the addition of micronutrients helped the nitrification of all the fertilizers, except that of urea; inoculation showed a benefical influence on the nitrification of ammonium sulfate and cottonseed meal; in "arenito de Corumbatai", the amounts of nitrates produced was roughly the same for all the fertilizers investigated; limestone estimulated the nitrification of nitro-chalk, ammonium sulfate and cottonseed meal whilst the addition of micronutrients benefited only the latter two; the inoculation with A. wentii helped the oxidation of all the fertilizers. In order to study the availability of the various fertilizers above discussed, two plant growing experiments were carried cut, one in pots, using the three soil types and another one in the field, with "terra roxa misturada". In "arenito de Corumbatai" there was no significant difference in the yield both of straw and rice grains for none of the fertilizers: Chilean nitrate of soda was used as a control; ho marked agreement could be detected between the data concerning nitrification and the yield results. In "terra roxa legítima", ammonium sulfate won the competition and there was a good parallelism between nitrification and yield. In "terra roxa misturada", there was no statistical difference among the various fertilizers; the agreement between nitrification and yields was reasonable. In the field (corn), Chilean nitrate, ammonium sulfate and nitro-chalk were clearly beter than urea and cottonseed meal which did not differ from the minus nitrogen plots.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2014
The organic and inorganic forms of soil nitrogen and how they participate in the process of fixation, immobilization and mineralization of ammonium in soils were evaluated, after different periods of incubaton, utilizing two soils, a Lithic Haplustoll and a Typic Eutrorthox. The results obtained permit to suggest that : 1) The method for determination of the ammonium fixing capacity based on the extraction with 2N KC1, is considered to be subject to interferences of other soil fractions capable of retaining ammonium. 2) The increase in exchangeable ammonium content is related to the decrease in amino acids and hydrolyzable ammonium. 3) The immobilization and mineralization processes are still held under mil microbial. The forms more affected by this condition are amino acids and hydrolyzable ammonium.
Working with low voltage microscope (R.C.A., EMC-2, of 30KV.) the authors verified that parlodion and Formvar films are quickly destroyed by intense heating under the electron beam. They have tried to employ oxide films, as Al2O3 and SiO, more resistant to heat. Al2O3 films are prepared by anodic oxidation of thin aluminium sheets, under 8 to 10 volts in a 3% ammonium citrate solution and subsequent aluminium dissolution in a O.25% HgCl2 solution. These films are very suitable when prepared with highly pure aluminium of extremely homogeneous surface. Best results were obtained with SiO films, evaporated in high vacuum over Parlodion films mounted on metallic grids. Employing 1 or 1.5 mg of SiOm highly homogeneous and resistant films are obtained, having little inferior transparence than the Parlodion ones. Pure SiO films (1.5 mg) are obtained by elimination of the Parlodion under slow heating until 250°C; they are greatly transparent but little resistant to water, thus beeing indicated in dry preparations. For particles which deposite in a chain-like form around thin fibers, the authors employ the mounting on Parlodion fibers, obtained by heating Parlodion films on microscope grids about 190°C.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop a mathematical model (sine model, SIN) to describe fat oxidation kinetics as a function of the relative exercise intensity [% of maximal oxygen uptake (%VO2max)] during graded exercise and to determine the exercise intensity (Fatmax) that elicits maximal fat oxidation (MFO) and the intensity at which the fat oxidation becomes negligible (Fatmin). This model included three independent variables (dilatation, symmetry, and translation) that incorporated primary expected modulations of the curve because of training level or body composition. METHODS: Thirty-two healthy volunteers (17 women and 15 men) performed a graded exercise test on a cycle ergometer, with 3-min stages and 20-W increments. Substrate oxidation rates were determined using indirect calorimetry. SIN was compared with measured values (MV) and with other methods currently used [i.e., the RER method (MRER) and third polynomial curves (P3)]. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the fitting accuracy between SIN and P3 (P = 0.157), whereas MRER was less precise than SIN (P < 0.001). Fatmax (44 +/- 10% VO2max) and MFO (0.37 +/- 0.16 g x min(-1)) determined using SIN were significantly correlated with MV, P3, and MRER (P < 0.001). The variable of dilatation was correlated with Fatmax, Fatmin, and MFO (r = 0.79, r = 0.67, and r = 0.60, respectively, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The SIN model presents the same precision as other methods currently used in the determination of Fatmax and MFO but in addition allows calculation of Fatmin. Moreover, the three independent variables are directly related to the main expected modulations of the fat oxidation curve. SIN, therefore, seems to be an appropriate tool in analyzing fat oxidation kinetics obtained during graded exercise.
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a family of polymers composed primarily of R-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids. These polymers have properties of biodegradable thermoplastics and elastomers. Medium-chain-length PHAs (MCL-PHAs) are synthesized in bacteria by using intermediates of the beta-oxidation of alkanoic acids. To assess the feasibility of producing MCL-PHAs in plants, Arabidopsis thaliana was transformed with the PhaC1 synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa modified for peroxisome targeting by addition of the carboxyl 34 amino acids from the Brassica napus isocitrate lyase. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that the modified PHA synthase was appropriately targeted to leaf-type peroxisomes in light-grown plants and glyoxysomes in dark-grown plants. Plants expressing the PHA synthase accumulated electron-lucent inclusions in the glyoxysomes and leaf-type peroxisomes, as well as in the vacuole. These inclusions were similar to bacterial PHA inclusions. Analysis of plant extracts by GC and mass spectrometry demonstrated the presence of MCL-PHA in transgenic plants to approximately 4 mg per g of dry weight. The plant PHA contained saturated and unsaturated 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids ranging from six to 16 carbons with 41% of the monomers being 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 3-hydroxyoctenoic acid. These results indicate that the beta-oxidation of plant fatty acids can generate a broad range of R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates that can be used to synthesize MCL-PHAs.
Purpose: Diabetic myocardium is particularly vulnerable to develop heart failure in response to chronic stress conditions including hypertension or myocardial infarction. We have recently observed that angiotensin II (Ang II)-mediated downregulation of the fatty acid oxidation pathway favors occurrence of heart failure by myocardial accumulation of lipids (lipotoxicity). Because diabetic heart is exposed to high levels of circulating fatty acid, we determined whether insulin resistance favors development of heart failure in mice with Ang II-mediated myocardial remodeling.Methods: To study the combined effect of diabetes and Ang II-induced heart remodeling, we generated leptin-deficient/insulin resistant (Lepob/ob) mice with cardiac targeted overexpression of angiotensinogen (TGAOGN). Left ventricular (LV) failure was indicated by pulmonary congestion (lung weight/tibial length>+2SD of wild-type mice). Myocardial metabolism and function were assessed during in vitro isolated working heart perfusion.Results: Forty-eight percent of TGAOGN mice without insulin resistance exhibited pulmonary congestion at the age of 6 months associated with increased myocardial BNP expression (+375% compared with WT) and reduced LV power (developed pressure x cardiac output; -15%). The proportion of mice presenting heart failure was markedly increased to 71% in TGAOGN mice with insulin resistance (TGAOGN/Lepob/ob). TGAOGN/Lepob/ob mice with heart failure exhibited further increase of BNP compared with failing non-diabetic TGAOGN mice (+146%) and further reduction of cardiac power (-59%). Mice with insulin resistance alone (Lepob/ob) did not exhibit signs of heart failure or LV dysfunction. Myocardial fatty acid oxidation measured during in vitro perfusion was markedly increased in non-failing hearts from Lepob/ob mice (+380% compared with WT) and glucose oxidation decreased (-72%). In contrast, fatty acid and glucose oxidation did not differ from Lepob/ob mice in hearts from TGAOGN/Lepob/ob mice without heart failure. However, both fatty acid and glucose oxidation were markedly decreased (-47% and -48%, respectively, compared with WT/Lepob/+) in failing hearts from TGAOGN/Lepob/ob mice. Reduction of fatty acid oxidation was associated with marked reduction of protein expression of a number of regulatory enzymes implied in fatty acid oxidation.Conclusions: Insulin resistance favors the progression to heart failure during chronic exposure of the myocardium to Ang II. Our results are compatible with a role of Ang II-mediated downregulation of fatty acid oxidation, potentially promoting lipotoxicity.
Fluctuations in ammonium (NH4+), measured as NH4-N loads using an ion-selective electrode installed at the inlet of a sewage treatment plant, showed a distinctive pattern which was associated to weekly (i.e., commuters) and seasonal (i.e., holidays) fluctuations of the population. Moreover, population size estimates based on NH4-N loads were lower compared to census data. Diurnal profiles of benzoylecgonine (BE) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH) were shown to be strongly correlated to NH4-N. Characteristic patterns, which reflect the prolonged nocturnal activity of people during the weekend, could be observed for BE, cocaine, and a major metabolite of MDMA (i.e., 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethamphetamine). Additional 24 h composite samples were collected between February and September 2013. Per-capita loads (i.e., grams per day per 1000 inhabitants) were computed using census data and NH4-N measurements. Normalization with NH4-N did not modify the overall pattern, suggesting that the magnitude of fluctuations in the size of the population is negligible compared to those of illicit drug loads. Results show that fluctuations in the size of the population over longer periods of time or during major events can be monitored using NH4-N loads: either using raw NH4-N loads or population size estimates based on NH4-N loads, if information about site-specific NH4-N population equivalents is available.