1000 resultados para Amat, María Ana-Exèquies


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El paper del DirCom en les organitzacions és un treball de fi de carrera en el que es fa una aproximació al perfil professional del Director de Comunicació. Conté una primera part teòrica, basada en la opinió de diversos autors i una segona part pràctica en la que s’estudia si els tres DirCom entrevistats s’ajusten a la teoria proposada


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En el curs acadèmic 2007-2008 s'ha implementat l’autoavaluació formativa en les assignatures de Dret Financer i Tributari I i II de la Llicenciatura en Dret de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, com a conseqüència del Projecte de millora de la qualitat docent concedit per l'AGAUR l’any 2006. Es tracta d'unes assignatures en les quals se segueix des del curs acadèmic 2004-2005 un sistema d’avaluació continua enfocada per competències, amb molt bona acollida tant pels docents com pels estudiants. Mitjançant aquesta experiència docent, ideada com a complement de l’avaluació contínua, i que consisteix en l'elaboració d'activitats d’autoavaluació formativa de diferent tipologia enfocades per competències, es pretén ajudar l’estudiant a desenvolupar i millorar les competències d'ambdues assignatures de forma autònoma en el marc de l'Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior.


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Es va avaluar la seguretat de quatre dosis diferents (5, 25, 100 i 200 µg de FCMtb) d’una nova vacuna anti-tuberculosa (RUTI) en voluntaris sans comparant-la amb placebo amb un assaig clínic de fase I (n=24), unicèntric, doble cec, emmascarat, aleatoritzat (2:1), controlat amb placebo, seqüencial, d’escalada de dosi, administrant dues dosis de vacuna separades per 28 dies. Noranta-nou % dels esdeveniments adversos van ser lleus. Cefalea, dolor al lloc d’inoculació i fasciculacions van ser els esdeveniments locals més freqüents. Els grups de dosi de 5 i 25 µg de FCMtb van presentar la millor relació benefici/risc, sent d’elecció per a futurs estudis de fase II.


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This article focuses on business risk management in the insurance industry. A methodology for estimating the profit loss caused by each customer in the portfolio due to policy cancellation is proposed. Using data from a European insurance company, customer behaviour over time is analyzed in order to estimate the probability of policy cancelation and the resulting potential profit loss due to cancellation. Customers may have up to two different lines of business contracts: motor insurance and other diverse insurance (such as, home contents, life or accident insurance). Implications for understanding customer cancellation behaviour as the core of business risk management are outlined.


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L'ototoxicitat per cisplatí es presenta fins en un 70% dels pacients i pogués estar relacionada amb els haplogrups de l'ADN mitocondrial de cada individu. Material i Mètode: es va determinar el haplogrup de 26 pacients tractats amb cisplatí i es va realitzar un seguiment audiomètric durant el tractament. Resultats: 61,5% va presentar pèrdua auditiva significativa. Haplogrups: 16 pertanyents al grup HV, 6 al UK, 3 al WIX i 1 al JT. No es va trobar relació entre la pèrdua auditiva i els haplogrups de l'ADN mitocondrial. Conclusió: L'ototoxicitat per cisplastí no guarda relació amb els haplogrups de l'ADN mitocondrial.


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El diagnóstic de insuficiència renal aguda (IRA) és complicat, encara i això els estudis mostren incidències elevades de IRA en els pacientes ingressats en UCI respecte a la resta de hospitalitzats. Així mateix la mortalitat del pacient amb IRA en UCI és molt més elevada respecte a la resta de pacients. La gran majoria dels que sobrevisquin presentaran curació complerta de la IRA. L´objectiu del treball és descriure les característiques dels pacients ingressats a la UCI amb IRA que van precisan teràpia reemplaçament renal, analitzar els canvis evolutius dels pacients i el tractament rebut durant els anys passats i determinar els factors de risc associats a mortalitat i recuperació de la funció renal.


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Attempts to recreate all the developmental stages of Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro have thus far been met with partial success. It is possible, for instance, to produce trypomastigotes in tissue culture and to obtain metacyclic trypomastigotes in axenic conditions. Even though T. cruzi amastigotes are known to differentiate from trypomastigotes and metacyclic trypomastigotes, it has only been possible to generate amastigotes in vitro from the tissue-culture-derived trypomastigotes. The factors and culture conditions required to trigger the transformation of metacyclic trypomastigotes into amastigotes are as yet undetermined. We show here that pre-incubation of metacyclic trypomastigotes in culture (MEMTAU) medium at 37°C for 48 h is sufficient to commit the parasites to the transformation process. After 72 h of incubation in fresh MEMTAU medium, 90% of the metacyclic parasites differentiate into forms that are morphologically indistinguishable from normal amastigotes. SDS-PAGE, Western blot and PAABS analyses indicate that the transformation of axenic metacyclic trypomastigotes to amastigotes is associated with protein, glycoprotein and antigenic modifications. These data suggest that (a) T. cruzi amastigotes can be obtained axenically in large amounts from metacyclic trypomastigotes, and (b) the amastigotes thus obtained are morphological, biological and antigenically similar to intracellular amastigotes. Consequently, this experimental system may facilitate a direct, in vitro assessment of the mechanisms that enable T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes to transform into amastigotes in the cells of mammalian hosts.


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Amastigogenesis occurs first when metacyclic trypomastigotes from triatomine urine differentiate into amastigotes inside mammalian host cells and a secondary process when tissue-derived trypomastigotes invade new cells and differentiate newly to amastigotes. Using scanning electron microscopy, we compared the morphological patterns manifested by trypomastigotes and metacyclic forms of Trypanosoma cruzi during their axenic-transformation to amastigotes in acidic medium at 37°C. We show here that in culture MEMTAU medium, secondary and primary axenic amastigogenesis display different morphologies. As already described, we also observed a high differentiation rate of trypomastigotes into amastigotes. Conversely, the transformation rate of in vitro-induced-metacyclic trypomastigotes to amastigotes was significantly slower and displayed distinct patterns of transformation that seem environment-dependent. Morphological comparisons of extracelullar and intracellular amastigotes showed marked similarities, albeit some differences were also detected. SDS-PAGE analyses of protein and glycoprotein from primary and axenic extracelullar amastigotes showed similarities in glycopeptide profiles, but variations between their proteins demonstrated differences in their respective macromolecular constitutions. The data indicate that primary and axenic secondary amastigogenesis of T. cruzi may be the result of different developmental processes and suggest that the respective intracellular mechanisms driving amastigogenesis may not be the same.


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Biomphalaria tenagophila population from Taim (state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) is totally resistant toSchistosoma mansoni, and presents a molecular marker of 350 bp by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism of the entire rDNA internal transcriber spacer. The scope of this work was to determine the heritage pattern of this marker. A series of cross-breedings between B. tenagophila from Taim (resistant) and B. tenagophila from Joinville, state of Santa Catarina (susceptible) was carried out, and their descendants F1 and F2 were submitted to this technique. It was possible to demonstrate that the specific fragment from Taim is endowed with dominant character, since the obtained segregation was typically mendelian.


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The aim of the present work was to study parasitological, molecular, and genetic aspects in descendants of crossbreedings between a totally resistant Biomphalaria tenagophila strain (Taim, RS) and another one highly susceptible (Joinville, SC) to Schistosoma mansoni. Descendants F1 and F2 were submitted to S. mansoni infection (LE strain). The susceptibility rates for individuals from Group F1 were 0 to 0.6%, and from Group F2 was 7.2%. The susceptible individuals from Group F2 discharged a lower number of cercariae, when compared with the susceptible parental group, and in 2 out of 9 positive snails the cercarial elimination was discontinued. In order to identify genetic markers associated with resistance the genotype of parental snails and their offspring F1 and F2 were analyzed by means of the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA method. Nevertheless, it was not possible to detect any marker associated to resistance, but the results showed that in the mentioned species the resistance character is determined by two dominant genes.


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Resistant (Taim, RS) and susceptible albino (Joinville, SC) Biomphalaria tenagophila populations were kept together, at different proportions, throughout a 18-month-period. Some of the snail groups were submitted to Schistosoma mansoni infection. The targets of this study were (a) to analyze the populational dynamics among resistant and susceptible individuals to S. mansoni; (b) to study the resistance phenotype in descendants of cross-breeding; (c) to observe whether the parasite could exert any kind of selection in those snail populations. Throughout the experiment it could be observed that the susceptible B. tenagophila strain (Joinville) underwent a selective pressure of the parasite that was negative, since the individuals showed a high mortality rate. Although B. tenagophila (Taim) population presented a higher mortality rate without pressure of the parasite, this event was compensated by a reproductive capacity. B. tenagophila Taim was more fecund than B. tenagophila Joinville and was able to transmit the resistance character to their descendants. F1 generation obtained by cross-breeding between resistant and susceptible lineages was completely resistant to S. mansoni infection, irrespective of the Taim proportion. Moreover, less than 5% of F2 progeny were susceptible to S. mansoni infection.


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Two allelic genomic fragments containing ribosomal protein S4 encoding genes (rpS4) from Trypanosoma cruzi (CL-Brener strain) were isolated and characterized. One allele comprises two complete tandem repeats of a sequence encoding an rpS4 gene. In the other, only one rpS4 gene is found. Sequence comparison to the accessed data in the genome project database reveals that our two-copy allele corresponds to a variant haplotype. However, the deduced aminoacid sequence of all the gene copies is identical. The rpS4 transcripts processing sites were determined by comparison of genomic sequences with published cDNA data. The obtained sequence data demonstrates that rpS4 genes are expressed in epimastigotes, amastigotes, and trypomastigotes. A recombinant version of rpS4 was found to be an antigenic: it was recognized by 62.5% of the individuals with positive serology for T. cruzi and by 93.3% of patients with proven chronic chagasic disease.


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Aquest projecte desenvolupa un pla d'empresa per un negoci que explota el programari lliure.


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To determine if hepatitis C virus seropositivity and active hepatitis B virus infection in HIV-positive patients vary with patients' geographic origins, we studied co-infections in HIV-seropositive adults. Active hepatitis B infection was more prevalent in persons from Africa, and hepatitis C seropositivity was more common in persons from eastern Europe.