841 resultados para Allylic amine
Los embutidos fermentados ligeramente acidificados son un grupo de productos tradicionales mediterráneos, caracterizados por un pH superior a 5,3. Para un control eficiente de la seguridad microbiológica de los embutidos se necesitan técnicas rápidas para la identificación y recuento de los microorganismos patógenos a estudiar. En el presente trabajo, se desarrolló una técnica para la enumeración de L. monocytogenes que combinó el método del número más probable y la identificación mediante PCR específica. Para la detección de Salmonella spp. y L. monocytogenes se desarrolló un sistema de PCR-multiplex que permitió la identificación de ambos patógenos de forma simultánea en una sola reacción. El estudio de la calidad microbiológica de los embutidos fermentados ligeramente acidificados se completó con la caracterización de las comunidades microbianas más importantes en estos productos. Se identificaron a nivel de especie los aislados de bacterias del ácido láctico (BAL), de enterococos y de cocos gram-positivos catalasa-positivos (CGC+). Posteriormente se realizó una tipificación molecular de los mismos mediante RAPD y análisis del perfil plasmídico y se estudiaron las principales características de interés higiénico-sanitario y tecnológico de las cepas. Mediante PCR se identificó Lactobacillus sakei como la especie predominante (74%), seguida por Lactobacillus curvatus (21,2%). La actividad aminoácido-descarboxilasa se asoció a la especie L. curvatus (el 66% de los aislados presentaron esta actividad). La identificación de los enterococos se realizó mediante PCR-multiplex y por secuenciación del gen sodA. Enterococcus faecium fue la especie de enterococos predominante (51,9%) seguida por Enterococcus faecalis (14,2%). Todas las cepas de E. faecalis presentaron genes asociados a factores de virulencia. E. faecalis presentó mayor resistencia a antibióticos que el resto de las especies de enterococos estudiadas. Tan sólo una cepa de E. faecium presentó el genotipo vanA (que confiere resistencia de alto nivel a la vancomicina). La identificación de los aislados de CGC+ (mediante PCR específica y amplificación de la región intergénica 16S-23S ARNr) demostró que Staphylococcus xylosus es la especie predominante en los embutidos fermentados ligeramente acidificados (80,8%). La amina biógena más común en los CGC+ fue la feniletilamina, producida por un 10,8% de aislados. Un pequeño porcentaje de aislados fueron mecA+ (4,6%), presentando además resistencia a múltiples antibióticos. El potencial enterotoxigénico de las cepas de CGC+ fue muy reducido (3,3% de los aislados), detectándose únicamente el gen entC. El estudio pormenorizado de las comunidades bacterianas de interés permitió la selección de 2 cepas de L. sakei y 2 cepas de S. xylosus con características tecnológicas e higiénico-sanitarias óptimas. Para evaluar su efectividad como cultivos iniciadores se elaboraron dos tipos de embutidos ligeramente ácidos, chorizo y fuet, inoculados con microorganismos patógenos (Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes y S. aureus). El uso de cultivos iniciadores permitió el control de L. monocytogenes, Enterobacteriaceae y Enterococcus así como del contenido en aminas biógenas. Los recuentos de Salmonella spp. disminuyeron de forma significante durante la maduración de los embutidos, independientemente del uso de cultivos iniciadores. El uso del tratamiento de alta presión (400 MPa) en los embutidos madurados consiguió la ausencia de Salmonella spp. en los lotes tratados.
Aquesta Tesi Doctoral està dividida en diferents capítols tots ells basats en aplicacions de macrocicles nitrogenats triolefínics de 15 membres i dels seus complexos amb metalls de transició. En primer lloc es descriu l'aplicació d'un complex macrocíclic ferrocenílic de Pd0 com a catalitzador en reaccions de Mizoroki-Heck i Suzuki emprant sals de diazoni com a agents arilants. Aquest catalitzador va proporcionar bons rendiments de productes i va poder ser recuperat i reutilitzat, essent el primer sistema catalític reciclable descrit en la reacció de Mizoroki-Heck amb sals de diazoni. La metodologia es va estendre de forma efectiva a alcohols al·lílics, però en no ser possible recuperar el catalitzador macrocíclic, es va emprar Pd(dba)2. Posteriorment es van preparar estructures macromoleculars mitjançant la introducció de diferents unitats macrocícliques sobre un espaiador. La complexació d'aquestes estructures va permetre preparar complexos tant homo (Pd0) com heterometàl·lics (Pd0, Pt0) amb bons rendiments. Els complexos homometàl·lics van resultar ser bons catalitzadors en reaccions de Suzuki i fàcilment recuperables per simple filtració. En una última part, es van preparar nous macrocicles triolefínics contenint d'un a tres grups amino lliures en l'estructura mitjançant la utilització del grup protector (2-trimetilsilil)etansulfonil (SES). Aquesta modificació estructural va permetre ampliar la capacitat coordinant dels macrocicles a altres metalls de transició, com el PdII, possibilitant noves aplicacions. Concretament es va aplicar el lligand contenint un sol grup amino lliure al reconeixement, transport i preconcentració de PdII i PtIV continguts en dissolucions aquoses.
Els polímers són una sèrie de compostos que troben un ampli ventall d'aplicacions en la indústria actual. Un exemple són les espumes de poliuretà, estructures de tipus cel·lular obtingudes mitjançant la reacció química entre compostos de tipus isocianat i compostos de tipus poliol (polièters amb diferent nombre de grups hidroxil). És imprescindible l'ús d'additius d'estructura tensioactiva (surfactants de silicona) per estabilitzar el procés d'espumació i per proporcionar una estructura cel·lular ordenada i homogènia en mida i distribució. La síntesis i caracterització de les molècules precursores (polihidrosiloxans i polièters al·lílics), l'estudi de la reacció d'hidrosililació com a via d'obtenció dels diferents surfactants per reacció d'addició entre els polihidrosiloxans i els polièters al·lílics i la caracterització i avaluació en formulacions comercials de poliuretà dels surfactants sintetitzats han constituït els objectius del present treball. MEMÒRIA La Tesi Doctoral ha estat presentada seguint el següent esquema: CAPÍTOL I. INTRODUCCIÓ A LA QUÍMICA DEL POLIURETÀ. Es presenten els principis de la química del poliuretà, fent esment dels recents avenços en la síntesis i caracterització d'aquests compostos polimèrics, així com un apartat concret centrat en els surfactants de silicona. Es presenten les estructures habituals d'aquests compostos comercials i es detallen les reaccions de síntesi i les característiques físiques que aquests compostos proporcionen a les espumes de poliuretà. CAPÍTOL II. OBJECTIUS. 1.- Síntesis y caracterització d'una àmplia gamma de poliglicols al·lílics i de polihidrosiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius, ambdós precursors d'estructures polimèriques de tipus surfactant. 2.- Estudi de la reacció d'hidrosililació com a via de formació d'enllaços Si-C no hidrolitzables, mitjançant la reacció d'addició entre els substrats al·lílics insaturats i els polisiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius. 3.- Caracterització de les estructures polimèriques de tipus surfactant sintetitzades i avaluació d'aquestes en formulacions de poliuretà, a fi de relacionar l'estructura química d'aquests oligómers amb els efectes físics que originen en l'espuma de poliuretà. CAPÍTOL III. SÍNTESI I CARACTERITZACIÓ DE SUBSTRATS AL·LÍLICS INSATURATS DE TIPUS POLIGLICOL. S'han caracteritzat per HPLC-UV una sèrie de polietilenglicols comercials. S'ha estudiat la reacció de derivatització al·lílica sobre els grups hidroxil dels polièters comercials (PEG, PPG i copolímers PEG-PPG) i s'han caracteritzat exhaustivament els productes sintetitzats (1H,13C-RMN, GC, GC-MS, FTIR, ESI-MS, HPLC-UV). S'ha iniciat un estudi de polimerització aniònica sobre nous epòxids amb un punt de diversitat molecular, sintetitzant-se i caracteritzant-se els corresponents nous polièters obtinguts. CAPÍTOL IV. SÍNTESI I CARACTERITZACIÓ DE POLIHIDROSILOXANS REACTIUS. S'estudia la síntesis de polihidrosiloxans amb grups hidrur reactius, mitjançant la reacció de polimerització aniònica d'obertura d'anell ("AROP, anionic ring opening polimerization") i mitjançant la reacció de polimerització per equilibració catiònica. Es presenta una caracterització exhaustiva dels productes sintetitzats i es descriu la naturalesa de la microestructura polimèrica a partir de la distribució bivariant dels copolímers PDMS-co-PHMS (poli(dimetilsiloxà)-co-poli(hidrometilsiloxà)). CAPÍTOL V. ESTUDI SISTEMÀTIC DE LA REACCIÓ D'HIDROSILILACIÓ. S'ha estudiat la reacció d'hidrosililació amb la finalitat de sintetitzar estructures copolimèriques poliglicol-polisiloxà a partir de la reacció de polisiloxans hidrur reactius i polièters al·lílics. S'han provat diferents catalitzadors (Pt/C 5%, cat. de Speier i cat. de Karstedt), s'han sintetitzat diferents estructures tensoactives (lineals i ramificades) i s'ha modelitzat les diferents reaccions secundàries observades, per presentar un estudi mecanístic de la reacció d'hidrosililació aplicada a la síntesis de molècules d'elevat PM a partir de la reacció entre substrats al·lílics insaturats i polihidrosiloxans. CAPÍTOL VI. AVALUACIÓ DELS SURFACTANTS EN FORMULACIONS DE POLIURETÀ. S'ha estudiat la idoneïtat dels surfactants de silicona sintetitzats en diferents formulacions de poliuretà comercials. S'ha relacionat el comportament físic d'aquests surfactants en les espumes de poliuretà amb la seva estructura química a partir de l'anàlisi per microscòpia electrònica de rastreig. CAPÍTOL VII. CONCLUSIONS. S'han esposat les conclusions extretes de cada capítol.
The purpose of this programme was to synthesize and analyze new bioconjugates of interest for the potential inhibition of the influenza virus, using poly(aspartimide) as a polymer support. The macromolecular targets were obtained by attaching various sialic acid-linker-amine compounds to poly(aspartimide). 1H and 13C NMR studies were then performed to analyze the degree of incorporation of the sialic acid-linker-amine compounds within the poly(aspartimide). These studies illustrated that the incorporation was dependent on the nature of the spacer between the sugar and the amine functionality. Thus aliphatic spacers favoured the inclusion of sialic acid onto the polymer support whereas compounds having only an aromatic moiety between the sialic acid and the amine could not be easily incorporated.
It is known that germin, which is a marker of the onset of growth in germinating wheat, is an oxalate oxidase, and also that germins possess sequence similarity with legumin and vicilin seed storage proteins. These two pieces of information have been combined in order to generate a 3D model of germin based on the structure of vicilin and to examine the model with regard to a potential oxalate oxidase active site. A cluster of three histidine residues has been located within the conserved beta-barrel structure. While there is a relatively low level of overall sequence similarity between the model and the vicilin structures, the conservation of amino acids important in maintaining the scaffold of the beta-barrel lends confidence to the juxtaposition of the histidine residues. The cluster is similar structurally to those found in copper amine oxidase and other proteins, leading to the suggestion that it defines a metal-binding location within the oxalate oxidase active site. It is also proposed that the structural elements involved in intermolecular interactions in vicilins may play a role in oligomer formation in germin/oxalate oxidase.
The synthesis of a series of poly(aromatic amide) dendrimers up to the second generation is described herein. The AB, building block used throughout the synthesis of the dendrimers was the allyl ester of 3,5-diaminocinnamic acid, which has been synthesized from 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid in good yield with use of a four-step procedure. Dendron synthesis was achieved via a convergent approach with use of a sequence of deprotection/coupling steps. Two commercially available alcohols, L-menthol and citronellol, were coupled to the AB(2) monomer by using an alkyl diacid spacer and two core units; 1,7-diaminoheptane and tris(2-aminoethyl)amine have been used to produce the final dendrimers. Characterization was carried out by NMR and IR spectroscopies, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, GPC, and DSC. The novel monomer and dendritic derivatives exhibited a strong fluorescence emission in the visible region (lambda approximate to 500 nm) of the spectrum and a weak emission in the near-infrared (lambda approximate to 850 nm) upon excitation in the near-UV region. The fluorescence emission characteristics were found to be solvent and dendrimer generation dependent.
Three heterometallic trinuclear Schiff base complexes, [{GuL(1)(H2O)}(2)Ni(CN)(4)]center dot 4H(2)O (1), [{CuL2(H2O)}(2)Ni(CN)(4)] (2), and [{CuL3(H2O)}(2)Ni(CN)(4)] (3) (HL1 = 7-amino-4-methyl-5-azahept-3-en-2-one, HL2 = 7-methylamino-4-methyl-5-azahept-3-en-2-one, and HL3 = 7-dimethylamino-4-methyl-5-azahept-3-en-2-one), were synthesized. All three complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, IR and UV spectroscopies, and thermal analysis. Two of them (1 and 3) were also characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. Complex 1 forms a hydrogen-bonded one-dimensional metal-organic framework that stabilizes a helical water chain into its cavity, but when any of the amine hydrogen atoms of the Schiff base are replaced by methyl groups, as in L 2 and L 3, the water chain, vanishes, showing explicitly the importance of the host-guest H-bonding interactions for the stabilization of a water cluster.
[15-(CH3)-C-13-H-2]-dihydroartemisinic acid (2a) and [15-(CH3)-H-2]-dihydroartemisinic acid (2b) have been fed via the root to intact Artemisia annua plants and their transformations studied in vivo by one-dimensional H-2 NMR spectroscopy and two-dimensional, C-13-H-2 correlation NMR spectroscopy (C-13-(2) H COSY). Labelled dihydroartemisinic acid was transformed into 16 12-carboxy-amorphane and cadinane sesquiterpenes within a few days in the aerial parts of A. annua, although transformations in the root were much slower and more limited. Fifteen of these 16 metabolites have been reported previously as natural products from A. annua. Evidence is presented that the first step in the transformation of dihydroartemisinic acid in vivo is the formation of allylic hydroperoxides by the reaction of molecular oxygen with the Delta(4,5)-double bond in this compound. The origin of all 16 secondary metabolites might then be explained by the known further reactions of such hydroperoxides. The qualitative pattern for the transformations of dihydroartemisinic acid in vivo was essentially unaltered when a comparison was made between plants, which had been kept alive and plants which were allowed to die after feeding of the labelled precursor. This, coupled with the observation that the pattern of transformations of 2 in vivo demonstrated very close parallels with the spontaneous autoxidation chemistry for 2, which we have recently demonstrated in vitro, has lead us to conclude that the main 'metabolic route' for dihydroartemisinic acid in A. annua involves its spontaneous autoxidation and the subsequent spontaneous reactions of allylic hydroperoxides which are derived from 2. There may be no need to invoke the participation of enzymes in any of the later biogenetic steps leading to all 16 of the labelled 11,13-dihydro-amorphane sesquiterpenes which are found in A. annua as natural products. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Artemisinic acid labeled with both C-13 and H-2 at the 15-position has been fed to intact plants of Artemisia annua via the cut stem, and its in vivo transformations studied by 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopy. Seven labeled metabolites have been isolated, all of which are known as natural products from this species. The transformations of artemisinic acid-as observed both for a group of plants, which was kept alive by hydroponic administration of water and for a group, which was allowed to die by desiccation-closely paralleled those, which have been recently described for its 11,13-dihydro analog, dihydroartemisinic acid. It seems likely therefore that similar mechanisms, involving spontaneous autoxidation of the Delta(4,5) double bond in both artemisinic acid and dihydroartemisinic acid and subsequent rearrangements of the resultant allylic hydroperoxides, may be involved in the biological transformations, which are undergone by both compounds. All of the sesquiterpene metabolites, which were obtained from in vivo transformations of artemisinic acid retained their unsaturation at the 11,13-position, and there was no evidence for conversion into any 11,13-dihydro metabolite, including artemisinin, the antimalarial drug, which is produced by A. annua. This observation led to the proposal of a unified biosynthetic scheme, which accounts for the biogenesis of many of the amorphane and cadinane sesquiterpenes that have been isolated as natural products from A. annua. In this scheme, there is a bifurcation in the biosynthetic pathway starting from amorpha-4,11-diene leading to either artemisinic acid or dihydroartemisinic acid; these two committed precursors are then, respectively, the parents for the two large families of highly oxygenated 11,13-dehydro and 11,13-dihydro sesquiterpene metabolites, which are known from this species. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[15-(CH3)-C-13-H-2]-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (4a) has been fed to intact Artemisia annua plants via the root and three labeled metabolites (17a-19a) have been identified by 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopies. The in vivo transformations of 4a in A. annua are proposed to involve enzymatically-mediated processes in addition to possible spontaneous autoxidation. In the hypothetical spontaneous autoxidation pathway, the tri-substituted double bond in 4a appears to have undergone 'ene-type' reaction with oxygen to form an allylic hydroperoxide, which subsequently rearranges to the allylic hydroxyl group in the metabolite 3 alpha-hydroxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (17a). In the enzymatically-mediated pathways, compound 17a has then been converted to its acetyl derivative, 3 alpha-acetoxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (18a), while oxidation of 4a at the 'unactivated' 9-position has yielded 9 beta-hydroxy-dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B (19a). Although all of the natural products artemisinin ( 1), arteannuin K ( 7), arteannuin L ( 8), and arteannuin M ( 9) have been suggested previously as hypothetical metabolites from dihydro-epi-deoxyarteannuin B in A. annua, none were isolated in labeled form in this study. It is argued that the nature of the transformations undergone by compound 4a are more consistent with a degradative metabolism, designed to eliminate this compound from the plant, rather than with a role as a late precursor in the biosynthesis of artemisinin or other natural products from A. annua. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The title compound, [Cu(C4H8N3O2)(2)]center dot 2C(5)H(9)NO, consists of a neutral copper complex, in which the Cu II centre coordinates to two bis(methoxycarbimido) aminate ligands, solvated by two molecules of 1-methylpyrrolidin-2-one. The complex is planar and centrosymmetric, with the Cu II centre occupying a crystallographic inversion centre and adopting approximately square-planar geometry. N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen-bonding interactions exist between the amine NH groups of the ligands and the O atoms of the 1-methylpyrrolidin-2-one molecules. The associated units pack to form sheets.
The Mannich reaction of hydrazones can be performed without solvent by simply mixing the hydrazone with two to three equivalents of a secondary amine and formaldehyde. Best yields and conditions are obtained with p-nitro substituted arylhydrazones. These conditions allow the efficient coupling of simple hydrazones that failed to react in toluene or ethanol solutions.
The selective catalytic oxidation of alcohols over a mixture of copper(l) chloride and a number of linear 'linker-less' or 'branched' poly(ethylene glycol)-supported nitroxyl radicals of the 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) family as a catalyst system has been investigated in the presence of molecular oxygen in a batch reactor. It is found that the activity profile of the polymer-supported nitroxyl radicals is in good agreement with that of low-molecular weight nitroxyl catalysts, for example, allylic and benzylic alcohols are oxidised faster than aliphatic alcohols. The oxidations can be tuned to be highly selective such that aldehydes are the only oxidation products observed in the oxidation of primary alcohols and the oxidations of secondary alcohols yield the corresponding ketones. A strong structural effect of the polymeric nitroxyl species on catalytic activity that is dependent upon their spatial orientation of the nitroxyl radicals is particularly noted. The new soluble macromolecular catalysts can be recovered readily from the reaction mixture by solvent precipitation and filtration. In addition, the recycled catalysts demonstrate a similar selectivity with only a small decrease in activity compared to the fresh catalyst even after five repetitive cycles. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of heterometal substituted gallium phosphates, (N2C4H7)(0.5+x)[Me0.5+xGa2.5-x(PO4)(3)] (Me = Mn, Fe, Co and Zn, x approximate to 0.25), has been synthesised under solvothermal conditions at 433 K in ethylene glycol using I-methylimidazole as a templating agent and their structures determined at 150 K using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compounds are isostructural, crystallising in the monoclinic space group C 2/c, with lattice parameters ca. 15 x 13 x 15 angstrom and beta = 112 degrees, and adopt the laumontite framework type (LAU). The incorporation of 1-methylimidazole cations into the one-dimensional pore systems of these materials is about three quarters the uptake value obtained previously for the less-bulky amine cations of imidazole and pyridine in other MeGaPO laumontites, which have the formula (TH)[MeGa2(PO4)(3)] (Me = Mn, Fe, Co and Zn; T = C5H5N and C3N2H4). The size, shape and charge of the amine clearly influence both the metal-phosphate framework stoichiometry (i.e. Me2+:Ga3+ ratio) and the framework charge. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper compares and contrasts, for the first time, one- and two-component gelation systems that are direct structural analogues and draws conclusions about the molecular recognition pathways that underpin fibrillar self-assembly. The new one-component systems comprise L-lysine-based dendritic headgroups covalently connected to an aliphatic diamine spacer chain via an amide bond, One-component gelators with different generations of headgroup (from first to third generation) and different length spacer chains are reported. The self-assembly of these dendrimers in toluene was elucidated using thermal measurements, circular dichroism (CD) and NMR spectroscopies, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The observations are compared with previous results for the analogous two-component gelation system in which the dendritic headgroups are bound to the aliphatic spacer chain noncovalently via acid-amine interactions. The one-component system is inherently a more effective gelator, partly as a consequence of the additional covalent amide groups that provide a new hydrogen bonding molecular recognition pathway, whereas the two-component analogue relies solely on intermolecular hydrogen bond interactions between the chiral dendritic headgroups. Furthermore, because these amide groups are important in the assembly process for the one-component system, the chiral information preset in the dendritic headgroups is not always transcribed into the nanoscale assembly, whereas for the two-component system, fiber formation is always accompanied by chiral ordering because the molecular recognition pathway is completely dependent on hydrogen bond interactions between well-organized chiral dendritic headgroups.