384 resultados para Albumen


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The university never owned McMillan Hall but it did serve the campus community. "For many years the Y.M.C.A. had rented Sackett & McMillan Halls on State Street three blocks north of the campus, from the Presbyterian Church, ...[source: Encyclopedic Survey, pl 1669]. The Y.M.C.A. moved into Lane Hall upon its opening in 1917.


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Irving Kane and Allen B. Pond, architects. Plans for the Union were on a scale unknown at the time for "club houses" in American colleges and universities: 250 feet long and 200 feet wide. Construction began in 1916 and owing to war time difficulties was not ready to be used by students until 1919. Two new wings to the south were completed in 1936 and 1938. View from the front and north. Another addition was begun 1954-55. Right side of photograph is faded; crease in image from top to bottom.


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Illustrated with albumen photographic portraits by Bradley & Rulofson.


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Breeding in the high Arctic is time constrained and animals should therefore start with their annual reproduction as early as possible. To allow for such early reproduction in migratory birds, females arrive at the breeding grounds either with body stores or they try to rapidly develop their eggs after arrival using local resources. Svalbard breeding barnacle geese Branta leucopsis have to fly non-stop for about 1100 km from their last continental staging site to the archipelago making the transport of body stores costly. However, environmental conditions at the breeding grounds are highly unpredictable favouring residual body stores allowing for egg production after arrival on the breeding grounds. We estimated the reliance on southern continental resources, i.e. body stores for egg formation, in barnacle geese using stable isotope ratios in the geese's forage along the flyway and in their eggs. Females adopted mixed breeding strategies by using southern resources as well as local resources to varying extents for egg formation. Southern capital in lipid-free yolk averaged 41% (range: 23-65%), early laid eggs containing more southern capital than eggs laid late in the season. Yolk lipids and albumen did not vary over time and averaged a southern capital proportion of 54% (range: 32-73%) and 47% (range: 25-88%), respectively. Our findings indicate that female geese vary the use of southern resources when synthesizing their eggs and this allocation also varies among egg tissues. Their mixed and flexible use of distant and local resources potentially allows for adaptive adjustments to environmental conditions encountered at the archipelago just before breeding.


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För att ge insikt hur design för ett nytt rockalbum ska ske och ge information kring vad som bör finnas med på ett nytt omslag har denna studie utförts. Studien framförde information om att albumsgrafik var relevant. Först sades det att en nedåtgående trend gick att anta, eftersom den digitala musikbranschen tog över från den fysiska. Men det visade sig därefter vara precis lika stor försäljning på de fysiska albumen som de digitala. För att besvara målen i studien utfördes en visuell innehållsanalys och informationssökning på internet. Studiens syfte var att visuellt granska rockalbum från tre olika ursprungsländer, som var Sverige, Storbritannien och USA. Genom analysen kategoriserades designelement, teman och framtogs landstypiska albumomslag. Studien berörde även vem som styr designen av ett omslag samt ifall det kunde ses någon tongivande designer bland de album som ingick i analysen. I slutsatsen framgick det att Storbritannien och USA hade mycket lika grafiskt manér och att omslag från Sverige såg annorlunda ut. Det framgick även att banden styr utseendet på omslaget mer än designern, och från analysen framgick inte någon tongivande designer.


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L’objectif du projet présenté dans ce mémoire était d’évaluer l’impact de trois systèmes de production d’œufs de consommation soit les cages conventionnelles, les cages aménagées et les volières de ponte sur les performances zootechniques et le bien-être des poules pondeuses. Pour ce faire, le nombre d’œufs par jour, la consommation d’aliments, la propreté, la localisation des œufs, des analyses de la qualité interne et externe des œufs, des prises de sang, des évaluations de l’état corporel et des observations directes des poules ont été enregistrées sur un total de 360 poules pondeuses (Lohmann LSL-Lite) âgées entre 19 et 36 semaines, logées en groupe de 30 poules dans 12 chambres indépendantes. Les résultats ont confirmé que la production est similaire pour la cage conventionnelle et la cage aménagée et plus faible pour la volière de ponte. Les œufs obtenus dans la volière étaient plus légers et par conséquent, les poids moyens du jaune et de la coquille et les rapports jaune/albumen étaient statistiquement plus faibles. Le jaune d’œuf des poules dans la volière était plus foncé. De plus, les observations directes ont montré que le niveau d’agressivité se manifestant par des coups de bec reçus et donnés était plus élevé chez les poules en volière. Cette différence s’explique peut-être par la taille élevée du groupe. Le confort et le comportement des bains de poussière étaient plus exprimés dans les cages aménagées et dans les volières que dans les cages conventionnelles. Aucune différence significative n’a été observée pour les ratios hétérophiles/lymphocytes (H/L) et l’état du plumage et des pieds entre les systèmes de logement. Les résultats de l’étude démontrent que le système de cages aménagées représente une alternative intéressante pour la production d’œufs, permettant à la fois de maintenir un meilleur taux de production et de mieux respecter le bien-être des poules.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica/Produção Animal


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BACKGROUND: The egg is a vital part of the chicken developmental process and an important protein source for humans. Despite the chicken egg being a subject of intense research little attention has been given to the role of microRNAs within the egg.

FINDINGS: We report a method for the reproducible and reliable isolation of miRNA from the albumen and yolk of chicken eggs. We also report the detection via real-time PCR of a number of miRNAs from both of these biological fluids.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide an interesting look into the chicken egg and raise questions as to the role that miRNAs maybe playing in the chicken egg. This method of detecting miRNAs in chicken eggs will allow researchers to investigate the presence of an additional level of epigenetic programming in chick development previously unknown and also how this impacts the nutritional value of eggs for human consumption.


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Reducing the losses caused by Aceria guerreronis Keifer has been an arduous task for farmers. However, there are no detailed studies on losses that simultaneously analyse correlated parameters, and very few studies that address the economic viability of chemical control, the main strategy for managing this pest. In this study the objectives were (1) to estimate the crop loss due to coconut mite and (2) to perform a financial analysis of acaricide application to control the pest. For this, the following parameters were evaluated: number and weight of fruits, liquid albumen volume, and market destination of plants with and without monthly abamectin spraying (three harvests). The costs involved in the chemical control of A. guerreronis were also quantified. Higher A. guerreronis incidence on plants resulted in a 60 % decrease in the mean number of fruits harvested per bunch and a 28 % decrease in liquid albumen volume. Mean fruit weight remained unaffected. The market destination of the harvested fruit was also affected by higher A. guerreronis incidence. Untreated plants, with higher A. guerreronis infestation intensity, produced a lower proportion of fruit intended for fresh market and higher proportions of non-marketable fruit and fruit intended for industrial processing. Despite the costs involved in controlling A. guerreronis, the difference between the profit from the treated site and the untreated site was 18,123.50 Brazilian Real; this value represents 69.1 % higher profit at the treated site. Keywords