907 resultados para Agenda de politicas
This paper disseminates the outcomes of a series of interdisciplinary and multi-sector research seminars that focused on current development problems in a region of fast urban growth. Qualitative data was collected during round table discussions and workshops involving practitioners and government officials from some of the largest economies in Latin America. The authors then grouped these discussions into coherent themes and framed them into current scholarly debates. After assessing the suitability of theory to respond to practice, the paper concludes with four key areas for further research, with the final aim to encourage more scholarly analysis that can better inform development policy in emerging economies.
This article presents a comparative analysis of housing policies in four Latin American countries with different political environments. The aim is to contrast and compare policies between the countries under study here and to place them in a more encompassing international framework of housing policies from around the globe.
In the early 1970s, Panama’s negotiations with the United States over the status of the Panama Canal ground to a standstill. General Omar Torrijos had rejected treaties left unratified by previous governments only to receive a less generous offer from the Nixon administration. Realizing that the talks were being ignored in Washington, the Panamanian government worked to internationalize the previously bilateral issue, creating and exploiting a high-profile forum: Extraordinary meetings of the UN Security Council in March 1973 held in Panama City. In those meetings, Panama isolated the United States in order to raise the issue’s profile and amplify the costs of leaving the matter unsettled. Using underutilized Panamanian sources, this article examines that meeting, the succeeding progress, and the effect of this early stage on the final negotiations several years later. The case also illustrates how, during the unsettled international environment of the 1970s, a small state utilized international organizations to obtain attention and support for its most important cause.
Los asuntos “intermésticos”, como el comercio, la migración y el narcotráfico, tienen un gran peso en las relaciones contemporáneas entre Estados Unidos y América Latina y son de suma importancia para los estados latinoamericanos y del Caribe. Pero, pese a su trascendencia para los líderes y las sociedades de Latinoamérica, el éxito que han tenido los diplomáticos del continente en influir sobre la política estadounidense en estos temas ha sido aún menor que en otras esferas. Esto se debe, al menos en parte, a las dinámicas que los asuntos intermésticos generan en el proceso de la política exterior de Estados Unidos. Si bien dichas dinámicas han sido ampliamente estudiadas, se ha prestado menos atención a cómo inciden en la política exterior de América Latina y el Caribe hacia Estados Unidos. A partir de los trabajos de Putnam, Milner y Tsebelis, entre otros, este artículo sostiene que los asuntos intermésticos enfrentan más actores con capacidad de veto y tienen menos “conjuntos ganadores” (win-sets) que los asuntos de política exterior tradicionales, lo que dificulta aún más los intentos por influir en las políticas estadounidenses. Esta tesis se examina tomando como ejemplo el caso de la disputa entre Estados Unidos y México por el cruce fronterizo de camiones y los veinte años que el gobierno mexicano tuvo que luchar contra funcionarios y grupos de interés estadounidenses para lograr que aquel país cumpliera con lo dispuesto en el TLCAN. Luego de examinar brevemente otros asuntos similares, el artículo concluye que los asuntos intermésticos exigen estrategias diplomáticas diferentes por parte de los legisladores latinoamericanos.
Internalization theory is usually applied at the firm level to analyse FDI, licensing and subcontracting, but this paper extends it to the industry level. It synthesises internalisation theory and oligopoly theory. It analyses a global industry where firms innovate competitively, and freely enter and exit the industry. It presents a formal model which highlights the inter-dependencies between rival firms. Each firm responds to its rivals by jointly optimising production and innovation through inter-dependent ownership and location decisions. The competitive outcome determines which firms serve which markets, which firms enter or exit the industry, and the internalisation strategy of each firm.
Esta dissertação aborda a utilização de métodos de concepção e avaliação ergonômica no desenvolvimento da interface gráfica de um sistema de Correio e Agenda Corporativo. Além dos métodos tradicionais, foi utilizado o método do Design Macroergonômico (DM), proposto por Fogliatto & Guimarães (1999), desenvolvido para auxiliar no projeto ergonômico de produtos e postos de trabalho, que tem como bases a macroergonomia e a ergonomia participativa. No estudo de caso abordado neste trabalho, o DM permitiu que fossem coletadas e analisadas as demandas e os índices de satisfação dos usuários e especialistas quanto à qualidade ergonômica. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o Design Macroergonômico, usado de forma integrada com outros métodos, é uma ferramenta útil para a administração do processo de melhoria contínua no desenvolvimento de sistemas com ênfase ergonômica.