739 resultados para Adsorvente sintético
The generation of wastes in most industrial process is inevitable. In the petroleum industry, one of the greatest problems for the environment is the huge amount of produced water generated in the oil fields. This wastewater is a complex mixture and present great amounts. These effluents can be hazardous to the environmental without adequate treatment. This research is focused in the analysis of the efficiencies of the flotation and photo-oxidation processes to remove and decompose the organic compounds present in the produced water. A series of surfactants derivated from the laurilic alcohol was utilized in the flotation to promote the separation. The experiments have been performed with a synthetic wastewater, carefully prepared with xylene. The experimental data obtained using flotation presented a first order kinetic, identified by the quality of the linear data fitting. The best conditions were found at 0.029 g.L-1 for the surfactant EO 7, 0.05 g.L-1 for EO 8, 0.07 g.L-1 for EO 9, 0.045 g.L-1 for EO 10 and 0.08 g.L-1 for EO 23 with the following estimated kinetic constants: 0.1765, 0.1325, 0.1210, 0.1531 and 0.1699 min-1, respectively. For the series studied, the most suitablesurfactant was the EO 7 due to the lower reagent consumption, higher separation rate constant and higher removal efficiency of xylene in the aqueous phase (98%). Similarly to the flotation, the photo-Fenton process shows to be efficient for degradation of xylene and promoting the mineralization of the organic charge around 90% and 100% in 90 min
The aim of this work is the treatment of produced water from oil by using electrochemical technology. Produced water is a major waste generated during the process of exploration and production in the oil industry. Several approaches are being studied aiming at the treatment of this effluent; among them can be cited the biological process and chemical treatments such as advanced oxidation process and electrochemical treatments (electrooxidation, electroflotation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation). This work studies the application of electrochemical technology in the treatment of the synthetic produced water effluent through the action of the electron, in order to remove or transform the toxic and harmful substances from the environment by redox reactions in less toxic substances. For this reason, we used a synthetic wastewater, containing a mixture H2SO4 0,5M and 16 HPAs, which are: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k) fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a, h)anthracene, benzo(g, h, i)perylene. Bulk electrochemical oxidation experiments were performed using a batch electrochemical reactor containing a pair of parallel electrodes, coupled with a power supply using a magnetic stirrer for favoring the transfer mass control. As anodic material was used, a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) of Ti/Pt, while as cathode was used a Ti electrode. Several samples were collected at specific times and after that, the analysis of these samples were carried out by using Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS) in order to determine the percentage of removal. The results showed that it was possible to achieve the removal of HPAs about 80% (in some cases, more than 80%). In addition, as an indicator of the economic feasibility of electrochemical treatment the energy consumption was analyzed for each hour of electrolysis, and based on the value kWh charged by ANEEL, the costs were estimated. Thus, the treatment costs of this research were quite attractive
Sweeteners provide a pleasant sensation of sweetness that helps the sensory quality of the human diet, can be divided into natural sweeteners such as fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose and sucrose, and articial sweeteners such as aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin. This work aimed to study the thermal stability of natural and artificial sweeteners in atmospheres of nitrogen and syntetic air using thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Among the natural sweeteners analyzed showed higher thermal stability for the lactose and sucrose, which showed initial decomposition temperatures near 220 ° C, taking advantage of the lactose has a higher melting point (213 ° C) compared to sucrose (191 ° C). The lower thermal stability was observed for fructose, it has the lowest melting point (122 °C) and the lower initial decomposition temperature (170 °C). Of the artificial sweeteners studied showed higher thermal stability for sodium saccharin, which had the highest melting point (364 ° C) as well as the largest initial decomposition temperature (466 ° C under nitrogen and 435 ° C in air). The lower thermal stability was observed for aspartame, which showed lower initial decomposition temperature (158 ° C under nitrogen and 170 ° C under air). For commercial sweeteners showed higher thermal stability for the sweeteners L and C, which showed initial temperature of thermal decomposition near 220 ° C and melting points near 215 ° C. The lower thermal stability was observed for the sweetener P, which showed initial decomposition temperature at 160 ° C and melting point of 130 °C. Sweeteners B, D, E, I, J, N and O had low thermal stability, with the initial temperature of decomposition starts near 160 °C, probably due to the presence of aspartame, even if they have as the main constituent of the lactose, wich is the most stable of natural sweeteners. According to the results we could also realize that all commercial sweeteners are in its composition by at least a natural sweeteners and are always found in large proportions, and lactose is the main constituent of 60% of the total recorded
In this work, expanded perlite, a mineral clay, consisting of SiO2 and Al2O3 in the proportions of 72.1 and 18.5%, respectively, was used as an adsorbent for oil in its pure expanded form as well as hydrofobized with linseed oil. Thermogravimetry (TG), Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) were used to study the thermal behavior and quantify the percent adsorption of perlite in differents processes comparing the results with the ones obtained using Gravimetric Analysis. In the process of hydrophobization with linseed oil granulometric fractions > 20, 20-32 and 32-60 mesh were used and adsorption tests with crude oil were performed in triplicate at room temperature. The results obtained by TG/DTG in dynamic atmosphere of air showed mass losses in a single step for the expanded perlite with pure adsorbed oil, indicating that the adsorption of oil was limited and that the particle size did not in this process. Linseed oil has performed well as an agent of hydrophobized perlite (32 to 60 mesh) indicating a maximum percentage of 59.9% and 68.6% the linseed with a fraction range from considering the data obtained by thermogravimetry and Gravimetry, respectively. The adsorption of oil in the expanded perlite and hydrofobized pure perlite with linseed oil did not produce good results, characterizing an increase of 0.5 to 4.6% in pure perlite and 3.3% in hydrofobized perlite with granulometric 32 to 60 mesh
The phenomenon of adsorption is of fundamental importance for the treatment of textile effluents and removal of dyes. Chitosan is characterized as an excellent adsorbent material, not only for its adsorption capacity but also the low cost production. Equilibrium and kinetic studies were developed in this study to describe the mechanism of adsorption of the anionic azo dye Orange G in chitosan, with the isotherms obtained from the variation of the concentration of dye in the continuous phase. The kinetics of the process was analyzed based on models involving the adsorption of molecules of the dye in nonpolar and polar sites. Adsorption experiments were carried out in water and in saline media with different NaCl concentrations, both for the determination of the equilibrium time as isotherms for making kinetic curves in which the amount of dye adsorbed measured indirectly varied with time. The experiments revealed the opening of the biopolymer structure with increasing concentration of Orange G, accompanied by high pH values and change on the type of interaction between the dye and the adsorbent surface, suggesting behavior advocated by the Langmuir equation in a certain range of concentration of the adsorbate and following the Henry's Law at higher concentrations, from the increased number of sites available for adsorption. The studies conducted showed that the saline medium reduces the chitosan s adsorption capacity according to a certain concentration, the occurrence of the cooperative adsorption process steps kinetic mechanism suggested as a new alternative for the interpretation of the phenomenon
In this work were synthesized matrix-based commercial white clay in its composition having large amounts of kaolinite and quartz, with a certain percentage of iron oxide for use as an adsorbent for hydrogen sulfide (H2S). To characterize the effect of initial matrix techniques were used to characterize XRD, FTIR, XRF and TG. The initial clay mineral matrix was placed in contact with 0.1 molar solutions of the salts of Co2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and a solution 0.1 g / 100ml rhodamine B. During the synthesis process, the solutions were placed in contact with the initial matrix for a period of 48 hours in order to have ion exchange with the clay mineral. To check the amount of exchanged metals, we used the technique of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). After synthesis was initiated the process of adsorption of H2S, where the arrays were placed in the reactor, then by passing a stream of hydrogen sulfide. The matrix along with the reactor was weighed before and after to measure the amount of gas adsorbed. Based on the gravimetric data the matrix which had the highest performance of the adsorption matrix was exchanged with Ni2+ ions, obtaining a result of 11.13 mg H2S / g matrix, then the matrix coated with rhodamine B which was reached 10.13 mg H2S / g matrix
Muitos mecanismos provocados pela ação humana vêm gerando um aumento na queima de combustíveis fósseis e processos químicos (produtos orgânicos, carvão, madeira, óleo diesel, gasolina e outros derivados de petróleo) e, consequentemente, há um aumento na emissão de CO2 na atmosfera. Uma das alternativas para a captura desse poluente é o processo de adsorção, o qual pode ajudar na redução do CO2. As hidrotalcitas ou hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDL s) estão dentre esses materiais estudados, já que apresentam alta estabilidade e uma boa porosidade, tornando-se assim um promissor adsorvente de gases poluentes. Os HDL s formam um grupo de argilas do tipo aniônico que consiste em camadas positivamente carregadas de óxido de metal (ou hidróxido de metal) com intercamadas de ânions. Foi constatado que ânions que possuem duas cargas negativas, estabilizam muito mais que ânions monovalentes, sendo o carbonato o mais estável dos ânions divalentes. Neste trabalho, foi proposta uma modificação na síntese direta através da co-precipitação a pH constante utilizando sais de cátions divalentes (Mg2+) e trivalentes (Al3+) reportados na literatura. Durante a síntese dos HDL s retirou-se o carbonato, bem como, utilizou-se um copolímero como um template para o alargamento das lamelas. As amostras foram caracterizadas utilizando as técnicas de DRX, TG/DTG, FTIR, MEV/EDX, MET e adsorção e dessorção de N2. Os dados obtidos indicam que a estrutura, mesmo após a modificação, apresentou resultados condizentes com os encontrados na literatura. Dentre as várias aplicações dos HDL s foi realizado o estudo da adsorção do CO2. A capacidade de adsorção do material foi testada de acordo com o tempo de contato entre o adsorvente e o adsorbato, sendo esperado que os materiais tratados com template apresentassem um maior desempenho
Among the various layered silicates, vermiculite has been used as one of the adsorbent material by presenting the ion exchange capacity which facilitates the removal of organic compounds which are potential pollutants in relation to the water surface. The importance of the modification of clay minerals by hydrophobization with carnauba wax establishes the increase in oil removal capacity in aqueous medium, it contributes to a better environment for life in ecosystems. The vermiculite when expanded decreases its hydrophobicity requiring the use of a hydrophobizing leaving - the organoclay. In this work were used in the process of modifying the particle sizes of vermiculite -18+16, -16 +20 and -20 +35 #. Samples of vermiculite hydrophobized with carnauba wax and clay mineral without hydrophobizing were characterized with physicochemical analyzes and analytical. Techniques were used: thermal analysis (thermogravimetry and derivative thermogravimetry), infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence rays - x adsorption tests. The TG / DTG was used to evaluate the thermal behavior of expanded vermiculite and carnauba wax and samples hidrofobizadas with percentages of 5, 10 and 15 % by weight of hydrophobizing. The results of FTIR confirmed increase of the characteristic signs of carnauba wax in samples hidrofobizadas as the greatest amount of hydrophobizing the clay mineral used in hydrophobization. Thermogravimetry and FTIR show based on the results that coating the surface of the vermiculite occur homogeneously. The data obtained by the technique of x-ray fluorescence with loss on ignition confirmed the results of thermogravimetric analysis in relation to the percentage of wax incorporated. The fluorescence indicates through information provided by the analysis shows that the material covered - is homogeneous. The mev inspection was used to texture and morphology of the clay mineral with and without carnauba wax. The scanning electron microscopy confirms the deposition of wax evenly over the surface of the mineral as indicated by the other techniques. To verify the adsorption capacity of the clay without hydrophobizing hydrophobized and used a fixed volume of water to 1 ½ liters in each experiment with 3 g to 50 g of oil sample. The results show that better extraction of oil for the material processed corresponds to 260 % relative to the weight of the sample coated and greater than 80 % of the oil drop in the system
The objective of this study was to analyze the oxidative stability of biodiesel from jatropha obtained from different purification processes, three wet processes with different drying (in a vacuum oven, conventional oven and in anhydrous sodium sulfate) and dry (purification with magnesium silicate adsorbent). Raw materials of different qualities (jatropha crop ancient and recent crop) were used. The Jatropha oil was extracted by mechanical extraction and refined. The Jatropha biodiesel was obtained by the transesterification reaction in ethyl route using alkaline catalysis. The biodiesel samples were characterized by analysis of water content, carbon residue, Absorption Spectroscopy in the Infrared Region and Thermogravimetry. Thermogravimetric curves of purified PUsv* PUsq* and had higher initial decomposition temperatures, indicating that the most stable, followed by samples PU* and PUSC*. Besides the sample SP* is a smaller initial temperature, confirming the sample without purification to be less thermally stable. The percentage mass loss of the purified samples showed conversion of about 98.5%. The results of analyzes carbon residue and infrared suggested that contamination by impurities is the main factor for decreased oxidative stability of biodiesel. The oxidative stability was assessed from periodic monitoring, using the techniques of Rancimat, peroxide index, acid value and Pressurized Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Samples of biodiesel from jatropha which showed better oxidative stability were of the best quality raw material and wet scrubbing: PUsq* with dry chemical, using anhydrous sodium sulfate and PUsv* with vacuum drying, which had oxidative stability 6 hours in Rancimat time 0 days, within the limits established by the Technical Regulation No. 4/2012 of the ANP, without the addition of antioxidant, suggesting that these procedures the least influence on the oxidative stability of biodiesel
The contamination by metal ions has been occurring for decades through the introduction of liquid effluent not treated, mainly from industrial activities, rivers and lakes, affecting water quality. For that the effluent can be disposed in water bodies, environmental standards require that they be adequately addressed, so that the concentration of metals does not exceed the limits of standard conditions of release in the receptor. Several methods for wastewater treatment have been reported in the literature, but many of them are high cost and low efficiency. The adsorption process has been used as effective for removal of metal ions. This paper presents studies to evaluate the potential of perlite as an adsorbent for removing metals in model solution. Perlite, in its natural form (NP) and expanded (EP), was characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, surface area analysis using nitrogen adsorption (BET method), scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The physical characteristic and chemical composition of the material presented were appropriate for the study of adsorption. Adsorption experiments by the method of finite bath for model solutions of metal ions Cr3+, Cu2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+ were carried out in order to study the effect of pH, mass of the adsorbent and the contact time on removal of ions in solution. The results showed that perlite has good adsorption capacity. The NP has higher adsorption capacity (mg g-1) than the EP. According to the values of the constant of Langmuir qm (mg g-1), the maximum capacity of the monolayer was obtained and in terms of proportion of mass, we found the following order experimental adsorption: Cr3+ (2.194 mg g- 1) > Ni2+ (0.585 mg g-1) > Mn2+ (0.515 mg g-1) > Cu2+ (0.513 mg g-1) and Cr3+ (1.934 mg g-1)> Ni2+ (0.514 mg g-1) > Cu2+ (0.421 mg g-1) > Mn2+ (0.364 mg g-1) on the NP and EP, respectively. The experimental data were best fitted the Langmuir model compared to Freundlich for Cu2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+. However, for the Cr3+, both models fit the experimental data
This work is directed to the treatment of organic compounds present in produced water from oil using electrochemical technology. The water produced is a residue of the petroleum industry are difficult to treat , since this corresponds to 98 % effluent from the effluent generated in the exploration of oil and contains various compounds such as volatile hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenols, carboxylic acids and inorganic compounds. There are several types of treatment methodologies that residue being studied, among which are the biological processes, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as electrochemical treatments electrooxidation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation and eletroredution. The electrochemical method is a method of little environmental impact because instead of chemical reagents uses electron through reactions of oxide-reducing transforms toxic substances into substances with less environmental impact. Thus, this paper aims to study the electrochemical behavior and elimination of the BTX (benzene, toluene and xylene) using electrode of Ti/Pt. For the experiment an electrochemical batch system consists of a continuous source, anode Ti/Pt was used, applying three densities of current (1 mA/cm2, 2,5 mA/cm2 and 5 mA/cm2). The synthetic wastewater was prepared by a solution of benzene, toluene and xylene with a concentration of 5 ppm, to evaluate the electrochemical behavior by cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves, even before assessing the removal of these compounds in solution by electrochemical oxidation. The behavior of each of the compounds was evaluated by the use of electrochemical techniques indicate that each of the compounds when evaluated by cyclic voltammetry showed partial oxidation behavior via adsorption to the surface of the Ti/Pt electrode. The adsorption of each of the present compounds depends on the solution concentration but there is the strong adsorption of xylene. However, the removal was confirmed by UV-Vis, and analysis of total organic carbon (TOC), which showed a percentage of partial oxidation (19,8 % - 99,1 % TOC removed), confirming the electrochemical behavior already observed in voltammetry and cyclic polarization curves
The natural gas (NG) is a clean energy source and found in the underground of porous rocks, associated or not to oil. Its basic composition includes methane, ethane, propane and other components, like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide and water. H2S is one of the natural pollutants of the natural gas. It is considered critical concerning corrosion. Its presence depends on origin, as well as of the process used in the gas treatment. It can cause problems in the tubing materials and final applications of the NG. The Agência Nacional do Petróleo sets out that the maximum concentration of H2S in the natural gas, originally national or imported, commercialized in Brazil must contain 10 -15 mg/cm3. In the Processing Units of Natural Gas, there are used different methods in the removal of H2S, for instance, adsorption towers filled with activated coal, zeolites and sulfatreat (solid, dry, granular and based on iron oxide). In this work, ion exchange resins were used as adsorbing materials. The resins were characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy and sweeping electronic microscopy. The adsorption tests were performed in a system linked to a gas-powered chromatograph. The present H2S in the exit of this system was monitored by a photometrical detector of pulsing flame. The electronic microscopy analyzes showed that the topography and morphology of the resins favor the adsorption process. Some characteristics were found such as, macro behavior, particles of variable sizes, spherical geometries, without the visualization of any pores in the surface. The infrared specters presented the main frequencies of vibration associated to the functional group of the amines and polymeric matrixes. When the resins are compared with sulfatreat, under the same experimental conditions, they showed a similar performance in retention times and adsorption capacities, making them competitive ones for the desulphurization process of the natural gas
The natural gas (NG) is a clean energy source and found in the underground of porous rocks, associated or not to oil. Its basic composition includes methane, ethane, propane and other components, like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide and water. H2S is one of the natural pollutants of the natural gas. It is considered critical concerning corrosion. Its presence depends on origin, as well as of the process used in the gas treatment. It can cause problems in the tubing materials and final applications of the NG. The Agência Nacional do Petróleo sets out that the maximum concentration of H2S in the natural gas, originally national or imported, commercialized in Brazil must contain 10 -15 mg/cm3. In the Processing Units of Natural Gas, there are used different methods in the removal of H2S, for instance, adsorption towers filled with activated coal, zeolites and sulfatreat (solid, dry, granular and based on iron oxide). In this work, ion exchange resins were used as adsorbing materials. The resins were characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, infrared spectroscopy and sweeping electronic microscopy. The adsorption tests were performed in a system linked to a gas-powered chromatograph. The present H2S in the exit of this system was monitored by a photometrical detector of pulsing flame. The electronic microscopy analyzes showed that the topography and morphology of the resins favor the adsorption process. Some characteristics were found such as, macro behavior, particles of variable sizes, spherical geometries, without the visualization of any pores in the surface. The infrared specters presented the main frequencies of vibration associated to the functional group of the amines and polymeric matrixes. When the resins are compared with sulfatreat, under the same experimental conditions, they showed a similar performance in retention times and adsorption capacities, making them competitive ones for the desulphurization process of the natural gas
Intensive use of machinery and engines burning fuel dumps into the atmosphere huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), causing the intensification of the greenhouse effect. Climate changes that are occurring in the world are directly related to emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly CO2, gases, mainly due to the excessive use of fossil fuels. The search for new technologies to minimize the environmental impacts of this phenomenon has been investigated. Sequestration of CO2 is one of the alternatives that can help minimize greenhouse gas emissions. The CO2 can be captured by the post-combustion technology, by adsorption using adsorbents selective for this purpose. With this objective, were synthesized by hydrothermal method at 100 °C, the type mesoporous materials MCM - 41 and SBA-15. After the synthesis, the materials were submitted to a calcination step and subsequently functionalized with different amines (APTES, MEA, DEA and PEI) through reflux method. The samples functionalized with amines were tested for adsorption of CO2 in order to evaluate their adsorption capacities as well, were subjected to various analyzes of characterization in order to assess the efficiency of the method used for functionalization with amines. The physic-chemical techniques were used: X- ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption and desorption (BET/BJH), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), CNH Analysis, Thermogravimetry (TG/DTG) and photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray (XPS). The CO2 adsorption experiments were carried out under the following conditions: 100 mg of adsorbent, at 25 °C under a flow of 100 ml/min of CO2, atmospheric pressure and the adsorption variation in time 10-210 min. The X-ray diffraction with the transmission electron micrographs for the samples synthesized and functionalized, MCM-41 and SBA-15 showed characteristic peaks of hexagonal mesoporous structure formation, showing the structure thereof was obtained. The method used was efficient reflux according to XPS and elemental analysis, which showed the presence of amines in the starting materials. The functionalized SBA -15 samples were those that had potential as best adsorbent for CO2 capture when compared with samples of MCM-41, obtaining the maximum adsorption capacity for SBA-15-P sample
This study sprang from the hypothesis that spatial variations in the morbidity rate for dengue fever within the municipality of Natal are related to intra-city socioeconomic and environmental variations. The objective of the project was to classify the different suburbs of Natal according to their living conditions and establish if there was any correlation between this classification and the incidence rate for dengue fever, with the aim of enabling public health planners to better control this disease. Data on population density, access to safe drinking water, rubbish collection, sewage disposal facilities, income level, education and the incidence of dengue fever during the years 2001 and 2003 was drawn from the Brazilian Demographic Census 2000 and from the Reportable Disease Notification System -SINAN. The study is presented here in the form of two papers, corresponding to the types of analysis performed: a classification of the urban districts into quartiles according to the living conditions which exist there, in the first article; and the incidence of dengue fever in each of these quartiles, in the second. By applying factorial analysis to the chosen socioeconomic and environmental indicators for the year 2000, a compound index of living condition (ICV) was obtained. On the basis of this index, it was possible to classify the urban districts into quartiles. On undertaking this grouping (paper 1), a heterogeneous distribution of living conditions was found across the city. As to the incidence rate for dengue fever (paper 2), it was discovered that the quartile identified as having the best living conditions presented incidence rates of 15.62 and 15.24 per 1000 inhabitants respectively in the years 2001 and 2003; whereas the quartile representing worst living conditions showed incidence rates of 25.10 and 10.32 for the comparable periods. The results suggest that dengue fever occurs in all social classes, and that its incidence is not related in any evident way to the chosen formula for living conditions