459 resultados para Adriamycin nephropathy


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Background. Hhereditary cystic kidney diseases are a heterogeneous spectrum of disorders leading to renal failure. Clinical features and family history can help to distinguish the recessive from dominant diseases but the differential diagnosis is difficult due the phenotypic overlap. The molecular diagnosis is often the only way to characterize the different forms. A conventional molecular screening is suitable for small genes but is expensive and time-consuming for large size genes. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies enables massively parallel sequencing of nucleic acid fragments. Purpose. The first purpose was to validate a diagnostic algorithm useful to drive the genetic screening. The second aim was to validate a NGS protocol of PKHD1 gene. Methods. DNAs from 50 patients were submitted to conventional screening of NPHP1, NPHP5, UMOD, REN and HNF1B genes. 5 patients with known mutations in PKHD1 were submitted to NGS to validate the new method and a not genotyped proband with his parents were analyzed for a diagnostic application. Results. The conventional molecular screening detected 8 mutations: 1) the novel p.E48K of REN in a patient with cystic nephropathy, hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia and anemia; 2) p.R489X of NPHP5 in a patient with Senior Loken Syndrome; 3) pR295C of HNF1B in a patient with renal failure and diabetes.; 4) the NPHP1 deletion in 3 patients with medullar cysts; 5) the HNF1B deletion in a patient with medullar cysts and renal hypoplasia and in a diabetic patient with liver disease. The NGS of PKHD1 detected all known mutations and two additional variants during the validation. The diagnostic NGS analysis identified the patient’s compound heterozygosity with a maternal frameshift mutation and a paternal missense mutation besides a not transmitted paternal missense mutation. Conclusions. The results confirm the validity of our diagnostic algorithm and suggest the possibility to introduce this NGS protocol to clinical practice.


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"Silent mating type information regulation 2 Type" 1 (SIRT1), das humane Homolog der NAD+-abhängigen Histondeacetylase Sir2 aus Hefe, besitzt Schlüsselfunktionen in der Regulation des Metabolismus, der Zellalterung und Apoptose. Letztere wird vor allem durch die Deacetylierung von p53 an Lys382 und der dadurch verringerten Transkription proapoptotischer Zielgene vermittelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die SIRT1 Regulation im Zusammenhang mit der DNA-Schadensantwort untersucht.rnIn der Apoptoseregulation übernimmt die Serin/Threonin-Kinase "Homeodomain interacting protein kinase" 2 (HIPK2) eine zentrale Rolle und daher wurde die SIRT1 Modifikation und Regulation durch HIPK2 betrachtet. Durch Phosphorylierung des Tumorsuppressorproteins p53 an Ser46 aktiviert HIPK2 das Zielprotein und induziert die Transkription proapoptotischer Zielgene von p53. Es wurde beschrieben, dass HIPK2 nach DNA-Schädigung über einen bisher unbekannten Mechnismus die Acetylierung von p53 potenzieren kann.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass SIRT1 von HIPK2 in vitro und in Zellen an Serin 27 und 682 phosphoryliert wird. Weiterhin ist die Interaktion von SIRT1 mit HIPK2 sowie die SIRT1 Phosphorylierung an Serin 682 durch DNA-schädigende Adriamycinbehandlung erhöht. Es gibt Hinweise, dass HIPK2 die Expression von SIRT1 reguliert, da HIPK2 RNA-Interferenz zur Erniedrigung der SIRT1 Protein- und mRNA-Mengen führt.rnEin weiterer interessanter Aspekt liegt in der Beobachtung, dass Ko-Expression von PML-IV, welches SIRT1 sowie HIPK2 in PML-Kernkörper rekrutiert, die SIRT1 Phosphorylierung an Serin 682 verstärkt. Phosphorylierung von SIRT1 an Serin 682 interferiert wiederum mit der SUMO-1 Modifikation, welche für die Lokalisation in PML-Kernkörpen wichtig ist.rnBemerkenswerterweise reduziert die DNA-schadendsinduzierte SIRT1 Phosphorylierung die Bindung des SIRT1 Ko-Aktivators AROS, beeinflusst aber nicht diejenige des Inhibitors DBC1. Dies führt zur Reduktion der enzymatischen Aktivität von SIRT1 und der darausfolgenden weniger effizienten Deacetylierung des Zielproteins p53.rnDurch die von mir in der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit erzielten Ergebnisse konnte ein neuer molekularer Mechanismus entschlüsselt werden, welcher die durch HIPK2 modulierte Acetylierung von p53 und die daran anschließende Induktion der Apoptose beschreibt.rnHIPK2-vermittelte SIRT1 Phosphorylierung resultiert in einer verminderten Deacetylasefunktion von SIRT1 und führt so zu einer verstärkten acetylierungsinduzierten Expression proapoptotischer p53 Zielgene.


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Neolymphangiogenesis has recently been demonstrated in transplanted kidneys as well as in chronic interstitial nephritis and IgA nephropathy. However, its significance in kidney disease remains to be defined and a systematic study of renal lymphangiogenesis is warranted. We investigated patients with multiple myeloma (MM) presenting in the great majority with acute renal insufficiency. Controls were allograft kidney donors and patients with renal insufficiency due to acute renal failure (ARF). Lymph vessel length density (LVD) was quantified immunohistochemically by means of antipodoplanin staining followed by computer-assisted stereology. The mean LVD in kidneys of patients with MM (23.19 mm(-2)) was higher when compared with allograft donors (7.42 mm(-2), P = 0.0003) and patients with ARF (6.78 mm(-2), P = 0.0002). The higher LVD was significantly associated with interstitial inflammation, and the newly formed lymph vessels were accompanied by diffuse and nodular interstitial infiltrates composed mainly of CD20(+) B cells and CD27(+) plasma cells. The infiltrates in patients with MM also displayed a higher expression of the B-cell chemoattractant CXCL13. These results demonstrate for the first time that lymphangiogenesis is a prominent feature in MM kidneys and that it is associated with a significant accumulation of macrophages, CD20(+) and CD27(+) B lymphocytes. Further studies should clarify whether these changes represent a beneficial or detrimental factor in the progression of the myeloma-related kidney damage.


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Ifosfamide (IF) and cyclophosphamide (CP) are common chemotherapeutic agents. Interestingly, while the two drugs are isomers, only IF treatment is known to cause nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity. Therefore, it was anticipated that a comparison of IF and CP drug metabolites in the mouse would reveal reasons for this selective toxicity. Drug metabolites were profiled by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-linked electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS), and the results analyzed by multivariate data analysis. Of the total 23 drug metabolites identified by UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS for both IF and CP, five were found to be novel. Ifosfamide preferentially underwent N-dechloroethylation, the pathway yielding 2-chloroacetaldehyde, while cyclophosphamide preferentially underwent ring-opening, the pathway yielding acrolein (AC). Additionally, S-carboxymethylcysteine and thiodiglycolic acid, two downstream IF and CP metabolites, were produced similarly in both IF- and CP-treated mice. This may suggest that other metabolites, perhaps precursors of thiodiglycolic acid, may be responsible for IF encephalopathy and nephropathy.


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Uromodulin (UMOD) mutations are responsible for three autosomal dominant tubulo-interstitial nephropathies including medullary cystic kidney disease type 2 (MCKD2), familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy and glomerulocystic kidney disease. Symptoms include renal salt wasting, hyperuricemia, gout, hypertension and end-stage renal disease. MCKD is part of the 'nephronophthisis-MCKD complex', a group of cystic kidney diseases. Both disorders have an indistinguishable histology and renal cysts are observed in either. For most genes mutated in cystic kidney disease, their proteins are expressed in the primary cilia/basal body complex. We identified seven novel UMOD mutations and were interested if UMOD protein was expressed in the primary renal cilia of human renal biopsies and if mutant UMOD would show a different expression pattern compared with that seen in control individuals. We demonstrate that UMOD is expressed in the primary cilia of renal tubules, using immunofluorescent studies in human kidney biopsy samples. The number of UMOD-positive primary cilia in UMOD patients is significantly decreased when compared with control samples. Additional immunofluorescence studies confirm ciliary expression of UMOD in cell culture. Ciliary expression of UMOD is also confirmed by electron microscopy. UMOD localization at the mitotic spindle poles and colocalization with other ciliary proteins such as nephrocystin-1 and kinesin family member 3A is demonstrated. Our data add UMOD to the group of proteins expressed in primary cilia, where mutations of the gene lead to cystic kidney disease.


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OBJECTIVES:: To determine prevalence and characteristics of end-stage renal diseases (ESRD) [dialysis and renal transplantation (RT)] among European HIV-infected patients. METHODS:: Cross-sectional multicenter survey of EuroSIDA clinics during 2008. RESULTS:: Prevalence of ESRD was 0.5%. Of 122 patients with ESRD 96 were on dialysis and 26 had received a RT. Median age was 47 years, 73% were males and 43% were black. Median duration of HIV infection was 11 years. Thirty-three percent had prior AIDS; 91% were receiving antiretrovirals; and 88% had undetectable viral load. Median CD4T-cell count was 341 cells per cubic millimetre; 20.5% had hepatitis C coinfection. Most frequent causes of ESRD were HIV-associated nephropathy (46%) and other glomerulonephritis (28%). Hemodialysis (93%) was the most common dialysis modality; 34% of patients were on the RT waiting list. A poor HIV control was the reason for exclusion from RT waiting list in 22.4% of cases. All the RT recipients were all alive at the time of the survey. Acute rejection was reported in 8 patients (30%). Functioning graft was present in 21 (80%). CONCLUSIONS:: This is the first multinational cross-sectional study of ESRD among European HIV population. Low prevalence of ESRD was found. Two-thirds of patients were excluded from RT for non-HIV/AIDS-related pathologies. Most patients had a functioning graft despite a high acute rejection rate.


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IgA nephropathy, one of the most frequent forms of glomerulonephritis, characterized by mesangial hypercellularity and glomerular extracellular matrix (ECM) expansion, often leads to end-stage renal disease over a prolonged period. We investigated whether antiproliferative treatment in a single low dose specifically targeted to the glomerular mesangium by immunoliposomes (ILs) results in an amelioration of mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis in rats (anti-Thy1.1 nephritis). Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) containing ILs was generated that targets the Thy1.1 antigen (OX-7) in rat mesangial cells. Treatment benefit of a single intravenous dose of these ILs given 2 days after disease induction was investigated by stereology, immunohistochemistry, and functional analyses (creatinine, albuminuria) until day +9 and was compared among untreated and free MMF-treated rats using six male Wistar rats per group. MMF-loaded OX7-IL prevented creatinine increase and albuminuria. Stereological analyses of MMF OX7-IL-treated animals yielded 30% reduction of mesangial cells on day +9 and a 40% reduction of glomerular ECM volume on day +5, compared with all of the other nephritic animals. Furthermore, at days +5 and +9 we observed decreased ECM content and decreased glomerular volume (day +5) in the MMF-OX7-IL-treated group compared with the nephritic group treated with free MMF. In conclusion, MMF-OX7-IL-based directed drug delivery represents a novel approach for treating mesangial cell-mediated forms of glomerulonephritis.


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A retrospective review of mortality records of Key Largo woodrats (Neotoma floridana smalli) in a captive breeding program revealed chronic renal disease in 5 of 6 woodrats older than 4 years of age. Two of the 5 woodrats with chronic renal disease also had clinical evidence of diabetes mellitus. Kidneys from all 5 woodrats were examined via light microscopy, histochemical staining, immunohistochemical staining, and transmission electron microscopy. The dietary histories of the affected animals were examined as well. The most striking histopathologic abnormality in the affected kidneys was the presence of large protein casts within cortical and medullary tubules in combination with lesions of membranous glomerulopathy and glomerulosclerosis. Transmission electron microscopy revealed thickening and undulation of the tubular and glomerular mesangial basement membranes with the variable presence of electron-dense deposits within the capillary endothelial basement membrane. Patchy glomerular immunoreactivity for IgG was noted in 2 cases, but IgA and IgM immunoreactivity were not present. The pathologic changes in the kidneys of the Key Largo woodrats mirrored many of the features of chronic progressive nephropathy commonly diagnosed in laboratory rats. Woodrats in the captive population were fed an ad libitum high-protein diet similar to diets that have been shown in laboratory rats to exacerbate the development and progression of chronic progressive nephropathy. It is concluded that Key Largo woodrats develop glomerulonephropathy with features similar to chronic progressive nephropathy described in laboratory rats. Age, concomitant disease, and dietary factors may contribute to the development and severity of this potentially age-limiting disease in Key Largo woodrats.


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The various types of glomerulonephritis, including many forms of vasculitis, are responsible for about 15% of cases of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Arterial hypertension represents a frequent finding in patients suffering from glomerulonephritis or vasculitis and hypertension also serves as an indicator for these severe types of diseases. In addition, there are symptoms and signs like hematuria, proteinuria and renal failure. Especially, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) constitutes a medical emergency and must not be missed by treating physicians. This disease can either occur limited to the kidneys or in the context of a systemic inflammatory disorder, like a vasculitis. If left untreated, RPGN can lead to a necrotizing destruction of glomeruli causing irreversible kidney damage within several months or even weeks. With respect to the immunologically caused vasculitis, there are - depending upon the severity and type of organ involved - many clinical warning signs to be recognized, such as arterial hypertension, hemoptysis, arthalgias, muscle pain, palpable purpura, hematuria, proteinuria and renal failure. In addition, constitutional signs, such as fever and loss of body weight may occur concurrently. Investigations of glomerulonephritis or vasculitis must contain a careful and complete examination of family history and medications used by the respective patient. Thereafter, a thorough clinical examination must follow, including skin, joints and measurement of arterial blood pressure. In addition, a spectrum of laboratory analyses is required in blood, such as full blood screen, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP, creatinine, urea and glucose, and in urine, including urinalysis looking for hematuria, red cell casts and proteinuria. Importantly, proteinuria needs to be quantified by the utilization of a random urine sample. Proteinuria > 3g/d is diagnostic for a glomerular damage. These basic tests are usually followed by more specialized analyses, such as a screening for infections, including search for HIV, hepatitis B or C and various bacteria, and for systemic inflammatory diseases, including tests for antibodies, such as ANA, anti-dsDNA, ANCA, anti-GBM and anti-CCP. In cases of membranous nephropathy, antibodies against phospholipase-A2-receptor need to be looked for. Depending upon the given clinical circumstances and the type of disease, a reasonable tumor screening must be performed, especially in cases of membranous and minimal-change nephropathy. Finally, radiological examinations will complete the initial work-up. In most cases, at least an ultrasound of the kidney is mandatory. Thereafter, in most cases a renal biopsy is required to establish a firm diagnosis to define all treatment options and their chance of success. The elimination of a specific cause for a given glomerulonephritis or vasculitis, such as an infection, a malignancy or a drug-related side-effect, remains the key principle in the management of these diseases. ACE-inhibitors, angiotensin receptor-blockers, aldosteron antagonists and renin-inhibitors remain the mainstay in the therapy of arterial hypertension with proteinuria. Only in cases of persistently high proteinuria, ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers can be prescribed in combination. Certain types of glomerulonephritis and essentially all forms of vasculitis require some form of more specific anti-inflammatory therapy. Respective immunosuppressive drug regimens contain traditionally medications, such as glucocorticoids (e. g. prednisone), cyclosporine A, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine. With respect to more severe forms of glomerulonephritis and vasculitis, the antibody rituximab represents a new and less toxic alternative to cyclophosphamide. Finally, in certain special cases, like Goodpasture's syndrome or severe ANCA-positive vasculitis, a plasma exchange will be useful and even required.


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(E)-β-caryophyllene (BCP) is a natural sesquiterpene found in many essential oils of spice (best known for contributing to the spiciness of black pepper) and food plants with recognized anti-inflammatory properties. Recently it was shown that BCP is a natural agonist of endogenous cannabinoid 2 (CB(2)) receptors, which are expressed in immune cells and mediate anti-inflammatory effects. In this study we aimed to test the effects of BCP in a clinically relevant murine model of nephropathy (induced by the widely used antineoplastic drug cisplatin) in which the tubular injury is largely dependent on inflammation and oxidative/nitrative stress. β-caryophyllene dose-dependently ameliorated cisplatin-induced kidney dysfunction, morphological damage, and renal inflammatory response (chemokines MCP-1 and MIP-2, cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β, adhesion molecule ICAM-1, and neutrophil and macrophage infiltration). It also markedly mitigated oxidative/nitrative stress (NOX-2 and NOX-4 expression, 4-HNE and 3-NT content) and cell death. The protective effects of BCP against biochemical and histological markers of nephropathy were absent in CB(2) knockout mice. Thus, BCP may be an excellent therapeutic agent to prevent cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity through a CB(2) receptor-dependent pathway. Given the excellent safety profile of BCP in humans it has tremendous therapeutic potential in a multitude of diseases associated with inflammation and oxidative stress.


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To assess whether blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), a recognized strategy to prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy, affects renal tissue oxygenation in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients.


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We describe successful endovascular stenting of a high-grade stenosis of a renal transplant vein in a 53-year old patient. Kidney transplantation had been performed due to IgA nephropathy and the patient had become symptomatic two months after uneventful recovery from operation.


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Chronic allograft nephropathy, including chronic rejection, remains one of the major causes of renal allograft failure. Amongst other mediators, metzincins, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), direct extracellular matrix metabolism and cell proliferation. Thus, we hypothesized, that these proteolytic enzymes are differentially regulated in chronic renal transplant rejection in rats and in human renal allograft nephropathy. Our studies demonstrated on the experimental level and in humans an overall up-regulation of MMP, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) and related enzymes as a result of rejection processes. Thus, metzincins may represent novel markers and therapeutic targets with respect to renal allograft rejection.


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Coxsackie B viruses types 1-6 (CVB1-6) occur worldwide and cause a broad spectrum of diseases, including myocarditis and aseptic meningitis. Although renal damage due to CVB has been suspected since the 1950s, these agents are only rarely searched for in today's clinical nephrological practice. Nevertheless, CVB can infect mesangial cells. Furthermore, infections with these viruses lead to a histological picture resembling mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis and IgA-nephropathy in mice. In the present article, we provide an overview of this largely neglected topic, and of the slowly and steadily increasing evidence suggesting a link between coxsackieviral infections and kidney diseases.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the potential cost-effectiveness of testing patients with nephropathies for the I/D polymorphism before starting angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor therapy, using a 3-year time horizon and a healthcare perspective. METHODS: We used a combination of a decision analysis and Markov modeling technique to evaluate the potential economic value of this pharmacogenetic test by preventing unfavorable treatment in patients with nephropathies. The estimation of the predictive value of the I/D polymorphism is based on a systematic review showing that DD carriers tend to respond well to ACE inhibitors, while II carriers seem not to benefit adequately from this treatment. Data on the ACE inhibitor effectiveness in nephropathy were derived from the REIN (Ramipril Efficacy in Nephropathy) trial. We calculated the number of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) prevented and the differences in the incremental costs and incremental effect expressed as life-years free of ESRD. A probabilistic sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the robustness of the results. RESULTS: Compared with unselective treatment, testing patients for their ACE genotype could save 12 patients per 1000 from developing ESRD during the 3 years covered by the model. As the mean net cost savings was euro 356,000 per 1000 patient-years, and 9 life-years free of ESRD were gained, selective treatment seems to be dominant. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that genetic testing of the I/D polymorphism in patients with nephropathy before initiating ACE therapy will most likely be cost-effective, even if the risk for II carriers to develop ESRD when treated with ACE inhibitors is only 1.4% higher than for DD carriers. Further studies, however, are required to corroborate the difference in treatment response between ACE genotypes, before genetic testing can be justified in clinical practice.