415 resultados para Adhesives.


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Actualmente, la reducción de materias activas (UE) y la implantación de la nueva Directiva comunitaria 2009/128/ que establece el marco de actuación para conseguir un uso sostenible de los plaguicidas químicos y la preferencia de uso de métodos biológicos, físicos y otros no químicos, obliga a buscar métodos de control menos perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. El control biológico (CB) de enfermedades vegetales empleando agentes de control biológico (ACB) se percibe como una alternativa más segura y con menor impacto ambiental, bien solos o bien como parte de una estrategia de control integrado. El aislado 212 de Penicillium oxalicum (PO212) (ATCC 201888) fue aislado originalmente de la micoflora del suelo en España y ha demostrado ser un eficaz ACB frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate. Una vez identificado y caracterizado el ACB se inició el periodo de desarrollo del mismo poniendo a punto un método de producción en masa de sus conidias. Tras lo cual se inició el proceso de formulación del ACB deshidratando las conidias para su preservación durante un período de tiempo mayor mediante lecho fluido. Finalmente, se han desarrollado algunos formulados que contienen de forma individual diferentes aditivos que han alargado su viabilidad, estabilidad y facilitado su manejo y aplicación. Sin embargo, es necesario seguir trabajando en la mejora de su eficacia de biocontrol. El primer objetivo de esta Tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la interacción ACB-patógeno-huésped que permita la actuación de P.oxalicum en diferentes patosistemas. Uno de los primeros puntos que se abordan dentro de este objetivo es el desarrollo de nuevas FORMULACIONES del ACB que incrementen su eficacia frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate. Las conidias formuladas de PO212 se obtuvieron por la adición conjunta de distintos aditivos (mojantes, adherentes o estabilizantes) en dos momentos diferentes del proceso de producción/secado: i) antes del proceso de producción (en la bolsa de fermentación) en el momento de la inoculación de las bolsas de fermentación con conidias de PO212 o ii) antes del secado en el momento de la resuspensión de las conidias tras su centrifugación. De las 22 nuevas formulaciones desarrolladas y evaluadas en plantas de tomate en ensayos en invernadero, seis de ellas (FOR22, FOR25, FOR32, FOR35, FOR36 y FOR37) mejoran significativamente (P=0,05) el control de la marchitez vascular del tomate con respecto al obtenido con las conidias secas de P.oxalicum sin aditivos (CSPO) o con el fungicida Bavistin. Los formulados que mejoran la eficacia de las conidias secas sin aditivos son aquellos que contienen como humectantes alginato sódico en fermentación, seguido de aquellos que contienen glicerol como estabilizante en fermentación, y metil celulosa y leche desnatada como adherentes antes del secado. Además, el control de la marchitez vascular del tomate por parte de los formulados de P. oxalicum está relacionado con la fecha de inicio de la enfermedad. Otra forma de continuar mejorando la eficacia de biocontrol es mejorar la materia activa mediante la SELECCIÓN DE NUEVAS CEPAS de P. oxalicum, las cuales podrían tener diferentes niveles de eficacia. De entre las 28 nuevas cepas de P. oxalicum ensayadas en cámara de cultivo, sólo el aislado PO15 muestra el mismo nivel de eficacia que PO212 (62-67% de control) frente a la marchitez vascular del tomate en casos de alta presión de enfermedad. Mientras que, en casos de baja presión de enfermedad todas las cepas de P. oxalicum y sus mezclas demuestran ser eficaces. Finalmente, se estudia ampliar el rango de actuación de este ACB a OTROS HUÉSPEDES Y OTROS PATÓGENOS Y DIFERENTES GRADOS DE VIRULENCIA. En ensayos de eficacia de P. oxalicum frente a aislados de diferente agresividad de Verticillium spp. y Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici en plantas de tomate en cámaras de cultivo, se demuestra que la eficacia de PO212 está negativamente correlacionada con el nivel de enfermedad causada por F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici pero que no hay ningún efecto diferencial en la reducción de la incidencia ni de la gravedad según la virulencia de los aislados. Sin embargo, en los ensayos realizados con V. dahliae, PO212 causa una mayor reducción de la enfermedad en las plantas inoculadas con aislados de virulencia media. La eficacia de PO212 también era mayor frente a aislados de virulencia media alta de F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis y F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum, en plantas de melón y sandía, respectivamente. En ambos huéspedes se demuestra que la dosis óptima de aplicación del ACB es de 107 conidias de PO212 g-1 de suelo de semillero, aplicada 7 días antes del trasplante. Además, entre 2 y 4 nuevas aplicaciones de PO212 a la raíces de las plantas mediante un riego al terreno de asiento mejoran la eficacia de biocontrol. La eficacia de PO212 no se limita a hongos patógenos vasculares como los citados anteriormente, sino también a otros patógenos como: Phytophthora cactorum, Globodera pallida y G. rostochiensis. PO212 reduce significativamente los síntomas (50%) causados por P. cactorum en plantas de vivero de fresa, tras la aplicación del ACB por inmersión de las raíces antes de su trasplante al suelo de viveros comerciales. Por otra parte, la exposición de los quistes de Globodera pallida y G. rostochiensis (nematodos del quiste de la patata) a las conidias de P. oxalicum, en ensayos in vitro o en microcosmos de suelo, reduce significativamente la capacidad de eclosión de los huevos. Para G. pallida esta reducción es mayor cuando se emplean exudados de raíz de patata del cv. 'Monalisa', que exudados de raíz del cv. 'Desirée'. No hay una reducción significativa en la tasa de eclosión con exudados de raíz de tomate del cv. 'San Pedro'. Para G. rostochiensis la reducción en la tasa de eclosión de los huevos se obtiene con exudados de la raíz de patata del cv. 'Desirée'. El tratamiento con P. oxalicum reduce también significativamente el número de quistes de G. pallida en macetas. Con el fin de optimizar la aplicación práctica de P. oxalicum cepa 212 como tratamiento biológico del suelo, es esencial entender cómo el entorno físico influye en la capacidad de colonización, crecimiento y supervivencia del mismo, así como el posible riesgo que puede suponer su aplicación sobre el resto de los microorganismos del ecosistema. Por ello en este segundo objetivo de esta tesis se estudia la interacción del ACB con el medio ambiente en el cual se aplica. Dentro de este objetivo se evalúa la INFLUENCIA DE LA TEMPERATURA, DISPONIBILIDAD DE AGUA Y PROPIEDADES FÍSICO-QUÍMICAS DE LOS SUELOS (POROSIDAD, TEXTURA, DENSIDAD...) SOBRE LA SUPERVIVENCIA Y EL CRECIMIENTO DE PO212 en condiciones controladas elaborando modelos que permitan predecir el impacto de cada factor ambiental en la supervivencia y crecimiento de P. oxalicum y conocer su capacidad para crecer y sobrevivir en diferentes ambientes. En las muestras de suelo se cuantifica: i) la supervivencia de Penicillium spp. usando el recuento del número de unidades formadoras de colonias en un medio de cultivo semi-selectivo y ii) el crecimiento (biomasa) de PO212 mediante PCR en tiempo real. En los resultados obtenidos se demuestra que P. oxalicum crece y sobrevive mejor en condiciones de sequía independientemente de la temperatura y del tipo de suelo. Si comparamos tipos de suelo P. oxalicum crece y sobrevive en mayor medida en suelos areno-arcillosos con un bajo contenido en materia orgánica, un mayor pH y una menor disponibilidad de fósforo y nitrógeno. La supervivencia y el crecimiento de P. oxalicum se correlaciona de forma negativa con la disponibilidad de agua y de forma positiva con el contenido de materia orgánica. Sólo la supervivencia se correlaciona también positivamente con el pH. Por otro lado se realizan ensayos en suelos de huertos comerciales con diferentes propiedades físico-químicas y diferentes condiciones ambientales para ESTUDIAR EL ESTABLECIMIENTO, SUPERVIVENCIA Y DISPERSIÓN VERTICAL Y MOVILIDAD HORIZONTAL DE PO212. P. oxalicum 212 puede persistir y sobrevivir en esos suelos al menos un año después de su liberación pero a niveles similares a los de otras especies de Penicillium indígenas presentes en los mismos suelos naturales. Además, P. oxalicum 212 muestra una dispersión vertical y movilidad horizontal muy limitada en los diferentes tipos de suelo evaluados. La introducción de P. oxalicum en un ambiente natural no sólo implica su actuación sobre el microorganismo diana, el patógeno, si no también sobre otros microorganismos indígenas. Para EVALUAR EL EFECTO DE LA APLICACIÓN DE P. oxalicum SOBRE LAS POBLACIONES FÚNGICAS INDIGENAS PRESENTES EN EL SUELO de dos huertos comerciales, se analizan mediante electroforesis en gradiente desnaturalizante de poliacrilamida (DGGE) muestras de dichos suelos a dos profundidades (5 y 10 cm) y a cuatro fechas desde la aplicación de P. oxalicum 212 (0, 75, 180 y 365 días). El análisis de la DGGE muestra que las diferencias entre las poblaciones fúngicas se deben significativamente a la fecha de muestreo y son independientes del tratamiento aplicado y de la profundidad a la que se tomen las muestras. Luego, la aplicación del ACB no afecta a la población fúngica de los dos suelos analizados. El análisis de las secuencias de la DGGE confirma los resultados anteriores y permiten identificar la presencia del ACB en los suelos. La presencia de P. oxalicum en el suelo se encuentra especialmente relacionada con factores ambientales como la humedad. Por tanto, podemos concluir que Penicillium oxalicum cepa 212 puede considerarse un óptimo Agente de Control Biológico (ACB), puesto que es ecológicamente competitivo, eficaz para combatir un amplio espectro de enfermedades y no supone un riesgo para el resto de microorganismos fúngicos no diana presentes en el lugar de aplicación. ABSTRACT Currently, reduction of active (EU) and the implementation of the new EU Directive 2009/128 which establishing the framework for action to achieve the sustainable use of chemical pesticides and preference of use of biological, physical and other non-chemical methods, forces to look for control methods less harmful to the environment. Biological control (CB) of plant diseases using biological control agents (BCA) is perceived as a safer alternative and with less environmental impact, either alone or as part of an integrated control strategy. The isolate 212 of Penicillium oxalicum (PO212) (ATCC 201888) was originally isolated from the soil mycoflora in Spain. P. oxalicum is a promising biological control agent for Fusarium wilt and other tomato diseases. Once identified and characterized the BCA, was developed a mass production method of conidia by solid-state fermentation. After determined the process of obtaining a formulated product of the BCA by drying of product by fluid-bed drying, it enables the preservation of the inoculum over a long period of time. Finally, some formulations of dried P. oxalicum conidia have been developed which contain one different additive that have improved their viability, stability and facilitated its handling and application. However, further work is needed to improve biocontrol efficacy. The first objective of this thesis has focused on the study of the interaction BCA- pathogen-host, to allow P.oxalicum to work in different pathosystems. The first point to be addressed in this objective is the development of new FORMULATIONS of BCA which increase their effectiveness against vascular wilt of tomato. PO212 conidial formulations were obtained by the joint addition of various additives (wetting agents, adhesives or stabilizers) at two different points of the production-drying process: i) to substrate in the fermentation bags before the production process, and (ii) to conidial paste obtained after production but before drying. Of the 22 new formulations developed and evaluated in tomato plants in greenhouse tests, six of them (FOR22 , FOR25 , FOR32 , FOR35 , FOR36 and FOR3) improved significantly (P = 0.05) the biocontrol efficacy against tomato wilt with respect to that obtained with dried P.oxalicum conidia without additives (CSPO) or the fungicide Bavistin. The formulations that improve the efficiency of dried conidia without additives are those containing as humectants sodium alginate in the fermentation bags, followed by those containing glycerol as a stabilizer in the fermentation bags, and methylcellulose and skimmed milk as adherents before drying. Moreover, control of vascular wilt of tomatoes by PO212 conidial formulations is related to the date of disease onset. Another way to further improve the effectiveness of biocontrol is to improve the active substance by SELECTION OF NEW STRAINS of P. oxalicum, which may have different levels of effectiveness. Of the 28 new strains of P. oxalicum tested in a culture chamber, only PO15 isolate shows the same effectiveness that PO212 (62-67 % of control) against tomato vascular wilt in cases of high disease pressure. Whereas in cases of low disease pressure all strains of P. oxalicum and its mixtures effective. Finally, we study extend the range of action of this BCA TO OTHER GUESTS AND OTHER PATHOGENS AND DIFFERENT DEGREES OF VIRULENCE. In efficacy trials of P. oxalicum against isolates of different aggressiveness of Verticillium spp. and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in tomato plants in growth chambers, shows that the efficiency of PO212 is negatively correlated with the level of disease caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. There is not differential effect in reducing the incidence or severity depending on the virulence of isolates. However, PO212 cause a greater reduction of disease in plants inoculated with virulent isolates media of V. dahlia. PO212 efficacy was also higher against isolates of high and average virulence of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis and F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum in melon and watermelon plants, respectively. In both hosts the optimum dose of the BCA application is 107 conidia PO212 g-1 soil, applied on seedlings 7 days before transplantation into the field. Moreover, the reapplication of PO212 (2-4 times) to the roots by irrigation into the field improve efficiency of biocontrol. The efficacy of PO212 is not limited to vascular pathogens as those mentioned above, but also other pathogens such as Oomycetes (Phytophthora cactorum) and nematodes (Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis). PO212 significantly reduces symptoms (50 %) caused by P. cactorum in strawberry nursery plants after application of BCA by dipping the roots before transplanting to soil in commercial nurseries. Moreover, the exposure of G. pallida and G. rostochiensis cysts to the conidia of P. oxalicum, in in vitro assays or in soil microcosms significantly reduces hatchability of eggs. The reduction in the rate of G. pallida juveniles hatching was greatest when root diffusates from the `Monalisa´ potato cultivar were used, followed by root diffusates from the `Désirée´ potato cultivar. However, no significant reduction in the rate of G. pallida juveniles hatching was found when root diffusates from the ‘San Pedro” tomato cultivar were used. For G. rostochiensis reduction in the juveniles hatching is obtained from the root diffusates 'Desirée' potato cultivar. Treatment with P. oxalicum also significantly reduces the number of cysts of G. pallida in pots. In order to optimize the practical application of P. oxalicum strain 212 as a biological soil treatment, it is essential to understand how the physical environment influences the BCA colonization, survival and growth, and the possible risk that can cause its application on other microorganisms in the ecosystem of performance. Therefore, the second objective of this thesis is the interaction of the BCA with the environment in which it is applied. Within this objective is evaluated the INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE, WATER AVAILABILITY AND PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS (POROSITY, TEXTURE, DENSITY...) ON SURVIVAL AND GROWTH OF PO212 under controlled conditions to develop models for predicting the environmental impact of each factor on survival and growth of P. oxalicum and to know their ability to grow and survive in different environments. Two parameters are evaluated in the soil samples: i) the survival of Penicillium spp. by counting the number of colony forming units in semi-selective medium and ii) growth (biomass) of PO212 by real-time PCR. P. oxalicum grows and survives better in drought conditions regardless of temperature and soil type. P. oxalicum grows and survives more in sandy loam soils with low organic matter content, higher pH and lower availability of phosphorus and nitrogen. Survival and growth of P. oxalicum negatively correlates with the availability of water and positively with the organic content. Only survival also correlated positively with pH. Moreover, trials are carried out into commercial orchards soils with different physic-chemical properties and different environmental conditions TO STUDY THE ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL, VERTICAL DISPERSION AND HORIZONTAL SPREAD OF PO212. P. oxalicum 212 can persist and survive at very low levels in soil one year after its release. The size of the PO212 population after its release into the tested natural soils is similar to that of indigenous Penicillium spp. Furthermore, the vertical dispersion and horizontal spread of PO212 is limited in different soil types. The introduction of P. oxalicum in a natural environment not only involves their action on the target organism, the pathogen, but also on other indigenous microorganisms. TO ASSESS THE EFFECT OF P. oxalicum APPLICATION ON SOIL INDIGENOUS FUNGAL COMMUNITIES in two commercial orchards, soil samples are analyzed by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis polyacrylamide (DGGE). Samples are taken from soil at two depths (5 and 10 cm) and four dates from the application of P. oxalicum 212 (0, 75, 180 and 365 days). DGGE analysis shows that differences are observed between sampling dates and are independent of the treatment of P. oxalicum applied and the depth. BCA application does not affect the fungal population of the two soil analyzed. Sequence analysis of the DGGE bands confirms previous findings and to identify the presence of BCA on soils. The presence of P. oxalicum in soil is especially related to environmental factors such as humidity. Therefore, we conclude that the 212 of strain Penicillium oxalicum can be considered an optimum BCA, since it is environmentally competitive and effective against a broad spectrum of diseases and does not have any negative effect on soil non-target fungi communities.


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The thermal, mechanical, and adhesive properties of nanoclay-modified adhesives were investigated. Two organically modified montmorillonites: Cloisite 93A (C93A) and Nanomer I.30E (I.30E) were used as reinforcement of an epoxy adhesive. C93A and I.30E are modified with tertiary and primary alkyl ammonium cations, respectively. The aim was to study the influence of the organoclays on the curing, and on the mechanical and adhesive properties of the nanocomposites. A specific goal was to compare their behavior with that of Cloisite30B/epoxy and Cloisite15A/ epoxy nanocomposites that we have previously studied. Both C30B and C15A are modified with quaternary alkyl ammonium cations. Differential scanning calorimetry results showed that the clays accelerate the curing reaction, an effect that is related to the chemical structure of the ammonium cations. The three Cloisite/nanocomposites showed intercalated clay structures,the interlayer distance was independent of the clay content. The I.30E/epoxy nanocomposites presented exfoliated structure due to the catalytic effect of the organic modifier. Clay-epoxy nanocompo-sites showed lower glass transition temperature (Tg) and higher values of storage modulus than neat epoxy thermoset, with no significant differences between exfoliated or intercalated nanocom-posites. The shear strength of aluminum joints using clay/epoxy adhesives was lower than with the neat epoxy adhesive. The wáter aging was less damaging for joints with I.30E/epoxy adhesive.


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(SPA)Las propiedades mecánicas de las uniones adhesivas no solo dependen de la naturaleza y propiedades de los adhesivos; hay muchos otros parámetros que influyen directamente en el comportamiento de las uniones adhesivas. Algunos de los más significativos son: el acabado superficial de los materiales, área y espesor de la capa adhesiva, un diseño adecuado, secuencia de aplicación, propiedades químicas de la superficie y preparación de los sustratos antes de aplicar el adhesivo. La resistencia mecánica de las uniones adhesivas está íntimamente relacionada con el proceso de rotura, directamente dependiente del mecanismo cohesión-adhesión. El objeto de este trabajo es analizar la influencia de dos acabados superficiales diferentes, sobre el comportamiento a fatiga de uniones con adhesivo epoxi. Los resultados muestran que la compatibilidad química entre el adhesivo y la capa prepintada mejora la adhesión de las uniones y la resistencia mecánica frente a cargas estáticas y dinámicas. Se ha obtenido el límite de fatiga para las uniones de ambas superficies. (ENG)The mechanical properties of adhesive joints depend not only on the nature and properties of the adhesives; there are many parameters which influence the behaviour of the adhesive joints. Some of more significant parameters are: the surface conditions of materials, area and thickness of adhesive layer, compatibility of the design, applying sequence, chemical properties of surface and the surface treatments of substrates prior to be bonded. The mechanical resistance of adhesive joints is interrelated to the fracture process depended on cohesion-adhesion mechanism. The aim of this paper is analyse the influence of two different surfaces on the fatigue behaviour of epoxy adhesive joints. The results show that chemical compatibility of adhesive and paint improve adhesion of joints and the mechanical resistance against static and dynamic loads. The fatigue limited has been obtained for joints with both surfaces.


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Los adhesivos se conocen y han sido utilizados en multitud de aplicaciones a lo lago de la historia. En la actualidad, la tecnología de la adhesión como método de unión de materiales estructurales está en pleno crecimiento. Los avances científicos han permitido comprender mejor los fenómenos de adhesión, así como, mejorar y desarrollar nuevas formulaciones poliméricas que incrementan el rango de aplicaciones de los adhesivos. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de nuevos materiales y la necesidad de aligerar peso, especialmente en el sector transporte, hace que las uniones adhesivas se introduzcan en aplicaciones hasta ahora reservadas a otros sistemas de unión como la soldadura o las uniones mecánicas, ofreciendo rendimientos similares y, en ocasiones, superiores a los aportados por estas. Las uniones adhesivas ofrecen numerosas ventajas frente a otros sistemas de unión. En la industria aeronáutica y en automoción, las uniones adhesivas logran una reducción en el número de componentes (tales como los tornillos, remaches, abrazaderas) consiguiendo como consecuencia diseños más ligeros y una disminución de los costes de manipulación y almacenamiento, así como una aceleración de los procesos de ensamblaje, y como consecuencia, un aumento de los procesos de producción. En el sector de la construcción y en la fabricación de equipos industriales, se busca la capacidad para soportar la expansión y contracción térmica. Por lo tanto, se usan las uniones adhesivas para evitar producir la distorsión del sustrato al no ser necesario el calentamiento ni la deformación de las piezas cuando se someten a un calentamiento elevado y muy localizado, como en el caso de la soldadura, o cuando se someten a esfuerzos mecánicos localizados, en el caso de montajes remachados. En la industria naval, se están desarrollando técnicas de reparación basadas en la unión adhesiva para distribuir de forma más uniforme y homogénea las tensiones con el objetivo de mejorar el comportamiento frente a fatiga y evitar los problemas asociados a las técnicas de reparación habituales de corte y soldadura. Las uniones adhesivas al no requerir importantes aportes de calor como la soldadura, no producen modificaciones microestructurales indeseables como sucede en la zona fundida o en la zona afectada térmicamente de las uniones soldadas, ni deteriora los recubrimientos protectores de metales de bajo punto de fusión o de naturaleza orgánica. Sin embargo, las uniones adhesivas presentan una desventaja que dificulta su aplicación, se trata de su durabilidad a largo plazo. La primera causa de rotura de los materiales es la rotura por fatiga. Este proceso de fallo es la causa del 85% de las roturas de los materiales estructurales en servicio. La rotura por fatiga se produce cuando se somete al material a la acción de cargas que varían cíclicamente o a vibraciones durante un tiempo prolongado. Las uniones y estructuras sometidas a fatiga pueden fallar a niveles de carga por debajo del límite de resistencia estática del material. La rotura por fatiga en las uniones adhesivas no se produce por un proceso de iniciación y propagación de grieta de forma estable, el proceso de fatiga va debilitando poco a poco la unión hasta que llega un momento que provoca una rotura de forma rápida. Underhill explica este mecanismo como un proceso de daño irreversible de los enlaces más débiles en determinados puntos de la unión. Cuando se ha producido el deterioro de estas zonas más débiles, su área se va incrementando hasta que llega un momento en que la zona dañada es tan amplia que se produce el fallo completo de la unión. En ensayos de crecimiento de grieta realizados sobre probetas preagrietadas en viga con doble voladizo (DCB), Dessureault identifica los procesos de iniciación y crecimiento de grietas en muestras unidas con adhesivo epoxi como una acumulación de microfisuras en la zona próxima al fondo de grieta que, luego, van coalesciendo para configurar la grieta principal. Lo que supone, igualmente, un proceso de daño del adhesivo en la zona de mayor concentración de tensiones que, posteriormente, conduce al fallo de la unión. La presente tesis surge con el propósito de aumentar los conocimientos existentes sobre el comportamiento a fatiga de las uniones adhesivas y especialmente las realizadas con dos tipos de adhesivos estructurales aplicados en aceros con diferentes acabados superficiales. El estudio incluye la obtención de las curvas de tensión frente al número de ciclos hasta el fallo del componente, curvas SN o curvas de Wöhler, que permitirán realizar una estimación de la resistencia a la fatiga de un determinado material o estructura. Los ensayos de fatiga realizados mediante ciclos predeterminados de carga sinusoidales, de amplitud y frecuencia constantes, han permitido caracterizar el comportamiento a la fatiga por el número de ciclos hasta la rotura, siendo el límite de fatiga el valor al que tiende la tensión cuando el número de ciclos es muy grande. En algunos materiales, la fatiga no tiende a un valor límite sino que decrece de forma constante a medida que aumenta el número de ciclos. Para estas situaciones, se ha definido la resistencia a la fatiga (o límite de resistencia) por la tensión en que se produce la rotura para un número de ciclos predeterminado. Todos estos aspectos permitirán un mejor diseño de las uniones y las condiciones de trabajo de los adhesivos con el fin de lograr que la resistencia a fatiga de la unión sea mucho más duradera y el comportamiento total de la unión sea mucho mejor, contribuyendo al crecimiento de la utilización de las uniones adhesivas respecto a otras técnicas. ABSTRACT Adhesives are well-known and have been used in many applications throughout history. At present, adhesion bonding technology of structural materials is experiencing an important growth. Scientific advances have enabled a better understanding of the phenomena of adhesion, as well as to improve and develop new polymeric formulations that increase the range of applications. On the other hand, the development of new materials and the need to save weight, especially in the transport sector, have promote the use of adhesive bonding in many applications previously reserved for other joining technologies such as welded or mechanical joints, presenting similar or even higher performances. Adhesive bonding offers many advantages over other joining methods. For example, in the aeronautic industry and in the automation sector, adhesive bonding allows a reduction in the number of components (such as bolts, rivets, clamps) and as consequence, resulting in lighter designs and a decrease in handling and storage costs, as well as faster assembly processes and an improvement in the production processes. In the construction sector and in the industrial equipment manufacturing, the ability to withstand thermal expansion and contraction is required. Therefore, adhesion bonding technology is used to avoid any distortion of the substrate since this technology does not require heating nor the deformation of the pieces when these are exposed to very high and localized heating, as in welding, or when are subjected to localized mechanical stresses in the case of riveted joints. In the naval industry, repair techniques based in the adhesive bonding are being developed in order to distribute stresses more uniform and homogeneously in order to improve the performance against fatigue and to avoid the problems associated with standard repair techniques as cutting and welding. Adhesive bonding does not require the use of high temperatures and as consequence they do not produce undesirable microstructural changes, as it can be observed in molten zones or in heat-affected zones in the case of welding, neither is there damage of the protective coating of metals with low melting points or polymeric films. However, adhesive bonding presents a disadvantage that limits its application, the low longterm durability. The most common cause of fractures of materials is fatigue fracture. This failure process is the cause of 85% of the fracture of structural materials in service. Fatigue failure occurs when the materials are subjected to the action of cyclic loads or vibrations for a long period of time. The joints and structures subjected to fatigue can fail at stress values below the static strength of the material. Fatigue failure do not occurs by a static and homogeneous process of initiation and propagation of crack. The fatigue process gradually weakens the bond until the moment in which the fracture occurs very rapidly. Underhill explains this mechanism as a process of irreversible damage of the weakest links at certain points of the bonding. When the deterioration in these weaker zones occurs, their area increase until the damage zone is so extensive that the full failure of the joint occurs. During the crack growth tests performed on precracked double-cantilever beam specimen, (DCB), Dessureault identified the processes of crack initiation and growth in samples bonded with epoxy adhesive as a process of accumulation of microcracks on the zone near the crack bottom, then, they coalesced to configure the main crack. This is a damage process of the adhesive in the zone of high stress concentration that leads to failure of the bond. This thesis aims to further the understanding of the fatigue behavior of the adhesive bonding, primarily those based on two different types of structural adhesives used on carbon-steel with different surface treatments. This memory includes the analysis of the SN or Wöhler curves (stress vs. number of cycles curves up to the failure), allowing to carry out an estimation of the fatigue strength of a specific material or structure. The fatigue tests carried out by means of predetermined cycles of sinusoidal loads, with a constant amplitude and frequency, allow the characterisation of the fatigue behaviour. For some materials, there is a maximum stress amplitude below which the material never fails for any number of cycles, known as fatigue limit. In the other hand, for other materials, the fatigue does not tend toward a limit value but decreases constantly as the number of cycles increases. For these situations, the fatigue strength is defined by the stress at which the fracture occurs for a predetermined number of cycles. All these aspects will enable a better joint design and service conditions of adhesives in order to get more durable joints from the fatigue failure point of view and in this way contribute to increase the use of adhesive bonding over other joint techniques.


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En los últimos años, podemos darnos cuenta de la importancia que tienen las nuevas aplicaciones de vidrio especialmente en edificios turísticos donde el vértigo juega un papel importante en la visita. Sin embargo los sistemas constructivos no tienen un especial interés porque el vidrio laminado está siempre soportado por otro elemento de acero o incluso vidrio en forma de retícula. En la presente tesis voy a desarrollar una nueva solución de elemento autoportante de vidrio de gran tamaño haciendo seguro el uso del elemento para andar en el aire. El sueño de muchos arquitectos ha sido diseñar un edificio completamente transparente y a mí me gustaría contribuir a este sueño empezando a estudiar un forjado de vidrio como elemento estructural horizontal y para ello debemos cumplir requerimientos de seguridad. Uno de los objetivos es lograr un elemento lo más transparente y esbelto posible para el uso de pasarelas en vestíbulos de edificios. Las referencias construidas son bien conocidas, pero por otro lado Universidades europeas estudian continua estudiando el comportamiento del vidrio con diferentes láminas, adhesivos, apilados, insertos, sistemas de laminado, pretensado, pandeo lateral, seguridad post-rotura y muchos más aspectos necesarios. La metodología llevada a cabo en esta tesis ha sido primeramente diseñar un elemento industrial prefabricado horizontal de vidrio teniendo en cuenta todos los conceptos aprendidos en el estado del arte y la investigación para poder predimensionar el elemento. El siguiente paso será verificar el modelo por medio de cálculo analítico, simulación de elementos finitos y ensayos físicos. Para realizar los ensayos hay un paso intermedio teniendo que cambiar la hipótesis de carga uniforme a carga puntal para realizar el ensayo de flexión a 4 puntos normalizado y además cambiar a escala 1:2 para adaptarse al espacio de ensayo y ser viable económicamente. Finalmente compararé los resultados de tensión y deformación obtenidos por los tres métodos para extraer conclusiones. Sin embargo el problema de la seguridad no ha concluido, tendré que demostrar que el sistema es seguro después de que se produzca la rotura y para ello sólo dispongo de los ensayos como medio de demostración. El diseño es el resultado de la evolución de una viga tipo “I”; cuando es pretensada para obtener más resistencia, aparece el problema de pandeo lateral y éste es solucionado con una viga con sección en “T” cuya unión es resuelta con un cajeado longitudinal en la parte inferior del elemento horizontal. Las alas de éste crecen para recoger las cargas superficiales creando a su vez un punto débil en la unión que a su vez se soluciona duplicando la sección “TT” y haciendo trabajar dicho tablero de forma tan óptima como una viga continua. Dicha sección en vidrio como un único elemento pretensado es algo inédito. Además he diseñado unas escuadras metálicas en los extremos de los nervios como apoyo y placa de pretensión, así como una hendidura curva en el centro de los nervios para alojar los tirantes de acero de modo que al pretensar el tirante la placa corrija al menos la deformación por peso propio. Realizados los cambios geométricos de escala y las simplificaciones en el laminado y el adhesivo se programan la extracción de resultados desde 3 estadios diferentes: Sin pretensión y con pretensión de 750 Kg y de 1000Kg en cada nervio. Por cada estadio y por cada uno de los métodos, cálculo, simulación y ensayos, se extraen los datos de deformación y tensión en el punto medio de un nervio con el objetivo de hacer una comparación de resultados para obtener unas conclusiones, siempre en el campo de la elasticidad. Posteriormente incrementaré la carga hasta el momento de la rotura de la placa y después hasta el colapso teniendo en cuenta el tiempo y demostrando una rotura segura. El vidrio no tendrá un comportamiento plástico pero habrá sido controlado su comportamiento frágil manteniendo una carga y una deformación aceptable. ABSTRACT Over the past few years we have realized the importance of the new technologies regarding the application of glass in new buildings, especially those touristic places were the views and the heights are the reason of the visit. However, the construction systems of these glass platforms are not usually as interesting, because the laminated glass is always held by another steel substructure or even a grid-formed glass element. Throughout this thesis I am going to develop a new solution of a self-bearing element with big dimensions made out of glass, ensuring a safe solution to use as an element to walk on the air. The dream of many architects has been to create a building completely transparent, and I would like to contribute to this idea by making a glass slab as a horizontal structural element, for which we have to meet the security requirements. One of the goals is to achieve an element as transparent and slim as possible for the use in walkways of building lobbies. The glass buildings references are well known, but on the other hand the European Universities study the behaviour of the glass with different interlayers, adhesives, laminating systems, stacking, prestressed, buckling, safety, breakage and post-breakage capacity; and many other necessary aspects. The methodology followed in this thesis has been to first create a horizontal industrial prefabricated horizontal element of glass, taking into account all the concepts learned in the state of art and the investigation to be able to predimension this element. The next step will be to verify this model with an analytic calculus, a finite element modelling simulation and physical tests. To fulfil these tests there is an intermediate step, having to change the load hypothesis from a punctual one to make the test with a four points normalized deflexion, and also the scale of the sample was changed to 1:2 to adapt to the space of the test and make it economically possible. Finally, the results of tension and deformation obtained from the three methods have been compared to make the conclusions. However, the problem with safety has not concluded yet, for I will have to demonstrate that this system is safe even after its breakage, for which I can only use physical tests as a way of demonstration. The design is the result of the evolution of a typical “I” beam, which when it is prestressed to achieve more resistance, the effect of buckling overcomes, and this is solved with a “T” shaped beam, where the union is solved with a longitudinal groove on the inferior part of the horizontal element. The boards of this beam grow to cover the superficial loads, creating at the same time a weak point, which is solved by duplicating the section “TT” and therefore making this board work as optimal as a continuous beam. This glass section as a single prestressed element is unique. After the final design of the “π” glass plate was obtained and the composition of the laminated glass and interlayers has been predimensioned, the last connection elements must be contemplated. I have also designed a square steel shoe at the end of the beams, which will be the base and the prestressed board, as well as a curved slot in the centre of the nerves to accommodate the steel braces so that when this brace prestresses the board, at least the deformation due to its self-weight will be amended. Once I made the geometric changes of the scale and the simplifications on the laminating and the adhesive, the extraction on results overcomes from three different stages: without any pretension, with a pretension of 750 kg and with a pretension of 1000 kg on each rib. For each stage and for each one of the methods, calculus, simulation and tests, the deformation datum were extracted to obtain the conclusions, always in the field of the elasticity. Afterwards, I will increase the load until the moment of breakage of this board, and then until the collapse of the element, taking into account the time spent and demonstrating a safe breakage. The glass will not have a plastic behaviour, but its brittle behaviour has been controlled, keeping an acceptable load and deflection.


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Achnanthes longipes is a marine, biofouling diatom that adheres to surfaces via adhesive polymers extruded during motility or organized into structures called stalks that contain three distinct regions: the pad, shaft, and collar. Four monoclonal antibodies (AL.C1–AL.C4) and antibodies from two uncloned hybridomas (AL.E1 and AL.E2) were raised against the extracellular adhesives of A. longipes. Antibodies were screened against a hot-water-insoluble/hot-bicarbonate-soluble-fraction. The hot-water-insoluble/hot-bicarbonate-soluble fraction was fractionated to yield polymers in three size ranges: F1, ≥ 20,000,000 Mr; F2, ≅100,000 Mr; and F3, <10,000 Mr relative to dextran standards. The ≅100,000-Mr fraction consisted of highly sulfated (approximately 11%) fucoglucuronogalactans (FGGs) and low-sulfate (approximately 2%) FGGs, whereas F1 was composed of O-linked FGG (F2)-polypeptide (F3) complexes. AL.C1, AL.C2, AL.C4, AL.E1, and AL.E2 recognized carbohydrate complementary regions on FGGs, with antigenicity dependent on fucosyl-containing side chains. AL.C3 was unique in that it had a lower affinity for FGGs and did not label any portion of the shaft. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunocytochemistry indicated that low-sulfate FGGs are expelled from pores surrounding the raphe terminus, creating the cylindrical outer layers of the shaft, and that highly sulfated FGGs are extruded from the raphe, forming the central core. Antibody-labeling patterns and other evidence indicated that the shaft central-core region is related to material exuded from the raphe during cell motility.


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Atualmente, os adesivos de contato de policloropreno base aquosa, possuem capacidade de adesão, variando entre 1,15 até 2,75 kgf/cm2. Em contrapartida, os adesivos de policloropreno base solvente, suportam tensões médias de cisalhamento de 3,8 kgf/cm2. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma proposta inovadora de condicionamento magnético do adesivo de contato de policloropreno base aquosa com o objetivo de aumentar a capacidade de aderência entre o adesivo e o substrato. Para promover um incremento na capacidade de adesão do adesivo de policloropreno base aquosa, formulou-se um adesivo utilizando um nanoaditivo, o gás carbônico como catalisador e um processo de condicionamento magnético precedente à etapa de aplicação sobre os substratos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram aumento médio de 292 % na tensão de cisalhamento do adesivo condicionado magneticamente quando comparado com o adesivo de mesma formulação sem o condicionamento magnético, e quando comparado com um adesivo comercial de policloropreno base aquosa, o aumento foi de 122 %.


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Bibliography: p. 149.


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"August 1965."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Monogeneans (flatworms) are among the most host-specific of parasites in general and may be the most host-specific of all fish parasites. Specificity, in terms of a restricted spatial distribution within an environment, is not unique to parasites and is displayed by some fungi, insects, birds, symbionts and pelagic larvae of free-living marine invertebrates. The nature of cues, how habitats are recognised and how interactions between partners are mediated and maintained is of interest across these diverse associations. We review some experiments that demonstrate important factors that contribute to host-specificity at the level of infective stages (larvae of oviparous monogeneans; juveniles of viviparous gyrodactylids) and adult parasites. Recent research on immune responses by fish to monogenean infections is considered. We emphasise the critical importance of host epidermis to the Monogenea. Monogeneans live on host epidermis, they live in its products (e.g. mucus), monopisthocotyleans feed on it, some of its products are attractants and it may be an inhospitable surface because of its immunological activity. We focus attention on fish but reference is made to amphibian hosts. We develop the concept for a potential role in host-speciality by the anterior adhesive areas, either the specialised tegument and/or anterior secretions produced by monogeneans for temporary but firm attachment during locomotion on host epithelial surfaces. Initial contact between the anterior adhesive areas of infective stages and host epidermis may serve two important purposes. (1) Appropriate sense organs or receptors on the parasite interact with a specific chemical or chemicals or with surface structures on host epidermis. (2) A specific but instant recognition or reaction occurs between component(s) of host mucus and the adhesive(s) secreted by monogeneans. The chemical composition of fish skin is known to be species-specific and our preliminary analysis of the chemistry of some monogenean adhesives indicates they are novel proteins that display some differences between parasite families and species. (C) 2000 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This thesis is concerned with the analysis of phospholipids in the tear film and with the synthesis of phospholipids analogous to hydrogels. The work consists of two areas. The first area is the study of the phospholipids in the tear film, their nature and fate. The use of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry determined that the concentration of phospholipids in the tear film was less than previously thought. The analysis of the tear film phospholipids continued with thin layer chromatography. This showed the presence of diacylglycerides (DAGs) in the tear film at relatively high concentrations. The activity of an enzyme, phospholipase C, was found in the tear film. It was hypothesised that the low concentration of phospholipids and high concentrations of DAG in the tear film was due to the action of this enzyme. The second area of study was the synthesis of phospholipids analogous materials for use in ocular and dermal applications for use in ocular and dermal applications.For ocular applications the synthesis involved the use of the monomer N,N-dimethyl-N-(2-acryloylethyl)-N-(3-sulfopropyl) ammonium betaine (SPDA) in combination with 2-hdyroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA). Charge-balanced membranes were also synthesised using potentially anionic monomers in conjunction with cationic monomers in stoichiometrically equivalent ratios also with HEMA as a commoner. Membranes of SPDA copolymers and charge-balanced copolymers proved to have some properties suitable for ocular applications. The dermal materials consisted of one family of partially hydrated hydrogels synthesised from SPDA in combination with ionic monomers: sodium 2-(acrylamido)-2-methyl propane sulfonate and acrylic acid-bis(3-sulfopropyl)-ester, potassium salt. A second family of partially hydrated hydrogels was synthesised from N-vinyl pyrrolidone in combination with the same ionic monomers. Both of the partially hydrated hydrogels synthesised proved to have some properties suitable for use as adhesives for the skin.


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This thesis presents the potential sensing applications of fibre Bragg gratings in polymer optical fibres. Fibre Bragg gratings are fabricated in different kinds of polymer optical fibres, including Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) and TOPAS cyclic olefin copolymer based microstructured polymer optical fibres and PMMA based step-index photosensitive polymer optical fibre, using the 325nm continuous wave ultraviolet laser and phase mask technique. The thermal response of fabricated microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings has been characterized. The PMMA based single mode microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings exhibit negative non-linear Bragg wavelength shift with temperature, including a quasi-linear region. The thermal sensitivity of such Bragg gratings in the linear region is up to -97pm/°C. A permanent shift in the grating wavelength at room temperature is observed when such gratings are heated above a threshold temperature which can be extended by annealing the fibre before grating inscription. The largest positive Bragg wavelength shift with temperature in transmission is observed in TOPAS based few moded microstructured polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings and the measured temperature sensitivity is 250±0.5pm/°C. Gluing method is developed to maintain stable optical coupling between PMMA based single mode step index polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings and single mode step index silica optical fibre. Being benefit from this success, polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings are able to be characterised for their temperature, humidity and strain sensitivity, which are -48.2±1pm/°C, 38.3±0.5pm per %RH and 1.33±0.04 pm/µ??respectively. These sensitivities have been utilised to achieve several applications. The strain sensitivity of step index polymer optical fibre Bragg grating devices has been exploited in the potential application of the strain condition monitoring of heavy textiles and when being attached to textile specimens with certain type of adhesives. These polymer fibre Bragg grating devices show better strain transfer and lower structure reinforcement than silica optical fibre Bragg grating devices. The humidity sensitivity of step index polymer optical fibre Bragg grating devices is applied to detecting water in jet fuel and is proved to be able to measure water content of less than 20 ppm in Jet fuel. A simultaneous temperature and humidity sensor is also made by attaching a polymer fibre Bragg grating to a silica optical fibre Bragg grating and it shows better humidity measurement accuracy than that of electronic competitors.


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Adhesive bonding of aluminium is widely used in the aerospace industry. High initial bood strengths can be obtained, but bond failure occurs atter prolonged exposure to humid enviroments. The thesis contains details ot a test procedure which has been designed and developed for the assessment of different alloys, pretreatments, and adhesives, which will give adhesively bonded aluminium joints of high strength coupled with long term durability. The test involves assembly of lap shear specimens in a precision jig using 250 ballotini spacers in the adhesive to control the bond line thickness. The test is modified by drilling three accurately located holes through the bonded area after assembly of the joint and curing of the adhesive. Further important features at the test, such as fillet control, are detailed. The test was assessed, modified and developed to give a reliable and reproducible method which would discriminate amongst different bonding systems after exposure to humid test environments. This is the first test to have achieved the discrimination necessary for short term assessment of bond systems where long term durability is required. Even better discrimination has been obtained by applying stress in a stress humidity test. Having established accurate, reliable and discriminating test methods they were used to study the durability of structural epoxy adhesive bonds to aluminium as a function of alloy, pretreatment, adhesive and environment. It was established that the long term durability or adhesively bonded aluminium was directly related to the infulence of water migrating within the adhesive. Pretreatments differed in their ability to prevent hydration of the aluminium oxide by the water absorbed within the adhesive.


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This thesis illustrates the development of tailor-made, partially hydrated skin adhesive hydrogels as a vehicle for the topical delivery of moisturising agents. Maintaining an optimum hydration level of the stratum corneum ensures that the barrier properties of the skin are preserved. An unsaturated ionic monomer 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt, glycerol, water, a photoinitiator Irgacure 184 and crosslinker Ebacryl II facilitated the production of monophasic sheet skin adhesives using photopolymerisation. The exploration and modification of the hydrogel components coupled with their influence on the adhesive and dynamic mechanical behaviour led to the development of novel monophasic and biphasic hydrogels. Biphasic pregels comprising of a hydrophobic monomer (epoxidised soybean oil acrylate, lauryl acrylate or stearyl acrylate) micellised with a non ionic surfactant Tween 60 allowed a homogeneous distribution throughout a predominantly hydrophilic phase (2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid sodium salt, 4-acryloylmorpholine, glycerol and water). Further development of biphasic hydrogel technology led to the incorporation of preformed commercial O/W emulsions (Acronal, Flexbond 150, DM137 or Texicryl 13056WB) allowing the hydrophobic component to be added without prior stabilisation. The topical release of moisturising agents 2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid, lactobionic acid and d-calcium pantothenate results in the deposition onto the skin by an initial burst mechanism. The hydration level of the stratum corneum was measured using a Comeometer CM 825, Skin Reader MY810 or FT-ATR. The use of hydrophilic actives in conjunction with lipophilic agents for example Vitamin E or Jojoba oil provided an occlusive barrier, which reduced the rate of transepidermal water loss. The partition coefficients of the release agents provided invaluable information which enabled the appropriate gel technology to be selected. In summary the synthetic studies led to the understanding and generation of transferable technology. This enabled the synthesis of novel vehicles allowing an array of actives with a range of solubilities to be incorporated.