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On cover: 1907.
Issued in parts, 1899-1921, as: New ser. no. 939, 948, 958, 962, 969, 970974, 978, 989, 1000, 1002, 1005, 1011, 1018, 1022, 1029, 1048, 1052, 1063, 1075 1101, 1105, 1117, 1124, 1136, 1162, 1167, 1182, 1185, 1207, 1216, 1231, 1268, 1346, 1436, 1443. 700/1:1 :
Background While much attention has been given to the prediction of violent offending behaviour amongst people with psychotic disorders, less attention has been given to the fact that these same individuals are often the victims of violence. In this paper, we examine victimisation amongst participants in a prevalence study of psychosis, and describe demographic and clinical correlates of victimisation. Method The study was based on the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing - Low Prevalence (Psychotic) Disorders. The participants were asked if they had been a victim of violence in the previous year. The association between selected demographic and clinical variables and being a victim of violence was examined using logistic regression. Results Of the 962 individuals with psychosis, 172 reported being a victim of violence in the past 12 months (17.9 %). The odds of being a victim were increased in those who: (a) were female, (b) were homeless, (c) had a lifetime history of substance abuse, (d) had been arrested in the previous 12 months, (e) had poorer social and occupational function, and (f) had higher scores on the disorganisation summary score. Conclusions Clinicians should remain mindful that one out of every six individuals with a psychotic disorder reports being a victim of violence in the previous year. Models of care that address issues related to symptom relief, accommodation, and exposure to high-crime areas may reduce the rates of victimisation amongst those with psychotic disorders.
Este trabalho discute as Representações Sociais construídas por Coordenadores Pedagógicos sobre seu próprio trabalho. Apresenta-se, devido à atual pauta de reflexões da categoria, como uma discussão importante, principalmente se considerada como uma atividade profissional multifacetada e que encerra várias funções e atribuições simultâneas. De forma a constituir as bases teórico-metodológicas para a análise da temática, foram pesquisados autores de referência, a exemplo de Serge Moscovici (1971), com sua teoria das Representações Sociais e António Nóvoa que discute a teoria da pessoalidade inscrita no interior de uma teoria da profissionalidade para captar o sentido de uma profissão. A pesquisa apoiou-se na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional LDB-9394/96, bem como na Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações de 2002 que descreve e delimita as matrizes de responsabilidade do cargo e/ou função do Coordenador Pedagógico. Em relação à metodologia, procura articular uma pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico com a pesquisa de campo, com a realização de entrevistas com coordenadores pedagógicos de várias instituições educativas, a partir de um roteiro aberto. Os resultados revelaram novas relações e novas formas de entendimento da realidade do trabalho do Coordenador Pedagógico, do seu papel profissional, das dificultadas enfrentadas no cotidiano, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre as políticas e práticas relacionadas ao seu papel na organização do trabalho da e na escola.
We demonstrate a simple lossless method for the implementation of repetition-rate multiplication of a periodic pulse train. As it is showed, a single all-pass optical cavity (APOC) can increase the repetition rate of the output pulse train by factors of 2, 3, and 4. Two different APOC implementations, based on a Gires-Tournois interferometer and an all-pass ring resonator, are proposed and numerically demonstrated.
The article presents the exact algorithm for solving one case of the job-scheduling problem for the case when the source matrix is ordered by rows.
Koopmans gyakorlati problémák megoldása során szerzett tapasztalatait általánosítva fogott hozzá a lineáris tevékenységelemzési modell kidolgozásához. Meglepődve tapasztalta, hogy a korabeli közgazdaságtan nem rendelkezett egységes, kellően egzakt termeléselmélettel és fogalomrendszerrel. Úttörő dolgozatában ezért - mintegy a lineáris tevékenységelemzési modell elméleti kereteként - lerakta a technológiai halmazok fogalmán nyugvó axiomatikus termeléselmélet alapjait is. Nevéhez fűződik a termelési hatékonyság és a hatékonysági árak fogalmának egzakt definíciója, s az egymást kölcsönösen feltételező viszonyuk igazolása a lineáris tevékenységelemzési modell keretében. A hatékonyság manapság használatos, pusztán műszaki szempontból értelmezett definícióját Koopmans csak sajátos esetként tárgyalta, célja a gazdasági hatékonyság fogalmának a bevezetése és elemzése volt. Dolgozatunkban a lineáris programozás dualitási tételei segítségével rekonstruáljuk ez utóbbira vonatkozó eredményeit. Megmutatjuk, hogy egyrészt bizonyításai egyenértékűek a lineáris programozás dualitási tételeinek igazolásával, másrészt a gazdasági hatékonysági árak voltaképpen a mai értelemben vett árnyékárak. Rámutatunk arra is, hogy a gazdasági hatékonyság értelmezéséhez megfogalmazott modellje az Arrow-Debreu-McKenzie-féle általános egyensúlyelméleti modellek közvetlen előzményének tekinthető, tartalmazta azok szinte minden lényeges elemét és fogalmát - az egyensúlyi árak nem mások, mint a Koopmans-féle hatékonysági árak. Végezetül újraértelmezzük Koopmans modelljét a vállalati technológiai mikroökonómiai leírásának lehetséges eszközeként. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: B23, B41, C61, D20, D50. /===/ Generalizing from his experience in solving practical problems, Koopmans set about devising a linear model for analysing activity. Surprisingly, he found that economics at that time possessed no uniform, sufficiently exact theory of production or system of concepts for it. He set out in a pioneering study to provide a theoretical framework for a linear model for analysing activity by expressing first the axiomatic bases of production theory, which rest on the concept of technological sets. He is associated with exact definition of the concept of production efficiency and efficiency prices, and confirmation of their relation as mutual postulates within the linear model of activity analysis. Koopmans saw the present, purely technical definition of efficiency as a special case; he aimed to introduce and analyse the concept of economic efficiency. The study uses the duality precepts of linear programming to reconstruct the results for the latter. It is shown first that evidence confirming the duality precepts of linear programming is equal in value, and secondly that efficiency prices are really shadow prices in today's sense. Furthermore, the model for the interpretation of economic efficiency can be seen as a direct predecessor of the Arrow–Debreu–McKenzie models of general equilibrium theory, as it contained almost every essential element and concept of them—equilibrium prices are nothing other than Koopmans' efficiency prices. Finally Koopmans' model is reinterpreted as a necessary tool for microeconomic description of enterprise technology.
A gazdasági növekedésnek a válság miatti megtorpanása gondot okoz az embereknek, de furcsa módon „ajándék” a természetnek, mert a gazdasági növekedés lassulásával együtt csökken a környezetpusztítás sebessége is. Az utóbbi évtizedben annyit már elérték, hogy legalább az egy főre jutó, naturáliákban kifejezett anyag és energiafelhasználás nem növekszik Európában. Ez eredménynek tekinthető, bár ennél többet szerettek volna. De ha elérték volna a különféle világkonferenciákon eddig kitűzött célokat, az sem volna elég ahhoz, hogy a Föld kellemes élőhely lehessen 9 milliárd embernek.
Approaches to quantify the organic carbon accumulation on a global scale generally do not consider the small-scale variability of sedimentary and oceanographic boundary conditions along continental margins. In this study, we present a new approach to regionalize the total organic carbon (TOC) content in surface sediments (<5 cm sediment depth). It is based on a compilation of more than 5500 single measurements from various sources. Global TOC distribution was determined by the application of a combined qualitative and quantitative-geostatistical method. Overall, 33 benthic TOC-based provinces were defined and used to process the global distribution pattern of the TOC content in surface sediments in a 1°x1° grid resolution. Regional dependencies of data points within each single province are expressed by modeled semi-variograms. Measured and estimated TOC values show good correlation, emphasizing the reasonable applicability of the method. The accumulation of organic carbon in marine surface sediments is a key parameter in the control of mineralization processes and the material exchange between the sediment and the ocean water. Our approach will help to improve global budgets of nutrient and carbon cycles.
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) was a global survey of ocean ecosystems aboard the Sailing Vessel Tara. It carried out extensive measurements of evironmental conditions and collected plankton (viruses, bacteria, protists and metazoans) for later analysis using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter that were measured from discrete water samples collected with Niskin bottles during the 2009-2013 Tara Oceans expedition. Properties include pigment concentrations from HPLC analysis (10 depths per vertical profile, 25 pigments per depth), the carbonate system (Surface and 400m; pH (total scale), CO2, pCO2, fCO2, HCO3, CO3, Total alkalinity, Total carbon, OmegaAragonite, OmegaCalcite, and dosage Flags), nutrients (10 depths per vertical profile; NO2, PO4, N02/NO3, SI, quality Flags), DOC, CDOM, and dissolved oxygen isotopes. The Service National d'Analyse des Paramètres Océaniques du CO2, at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, determined CT and AT potentiometrically. More than 200 vertical profiles of these properties were made across the world ocean. DOC, CDOM and dissolved oxygen isotopes are available only for the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013).
Ultrasound guidance is now a standard nerve localization technique for peripheral nerve block (PNB). Ultrasonography allows simultaneous visualization of the target nerve, needle, local anesthetic injectate and surrounding anatomical structures. Accurate deposition of local anesthetic next to the nerve is essential to the success of the nerve block procedure. Unfortunately, due to limitations in the visibility of both needle tip and nerve surface, the precise relationship between needle tip and target nerve is unknown at the moment of injection. Importantly, nerve injury may result both from an inappropriately placed needle tip and inappropriately placed local anesthetic. The relationship between the block needle tip and target nerve is of paramount importance to the safe conduct of peripheral nerve block. This review summarizes the evolution of nerve localization in regional anesthesia, characterizes a problem faced by clinicians in performing ultrasound guided nerve block and explores the potential technological solutions to this problem.
Conventional K-Ar, 40Ar/39Ar total fusion, and 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating data on hawaiite and tholeiitic basalt samples from Ojin (Site 430), alkalic basalt samples from Nintoku (Site 432), and alkalic and tholeiitic basalt samples from Suiko (Site 433) seamounts in the Emperor Seamount chain give the following best ages for these volcanoes: Ojin = 55.2 ± 0.7 m.y., Nintoku = 56.2 ± 0.6 m.y., and Suiko = 64.7 ± 1.1 m.y. These new data bring to 27 the number of dated volcanoes in the Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic chain. The new dates prove that the age progression from Kilauea Volcano on Hawaii (0 m.y.) through the Hawaiian-Emperor bend (- 43 m.y.) to Koko Seamount (48.1 m.y.) in the southernmost Emperor Seamounts continues more than halfway up the Emperor chain to Suiko Seamount. The age versus distance data for the Hawaiian-Emperor chain are consistent with the kinematic hot-spot hypothesis, which predicts that the volcanoes are progressively older west and north away from the active volcanoes of Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The data are consistent with an average volcanic propagation velocity of either 8 cm/year from Suiko to Kilauea or of 6 cm/year from Suiko to Midway followed by a velocity of 9 cm/year from Midway to Kilauea, but it appears that the change in direction that formed the Hawaiian- Emperor bend probably was not accompanied by a major change in velocity.