994 resultados para 8.2 ka event,


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Throughout the history of the Solar System, Earth has been bombarded by interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), which are asteroid and comet fragments of diameter 1-1,000 µm. The IDP flux is believed to be in quasi-steady state: particles created by episodic main belt collisions or cometary fragmentation replace those removed by comminution, dynamical ejection, and planetary or solar impact. Because IDPs are rich in 3He, seafloor sediment 3He concentrations provide a unique means of probing the major events that have affected the IDP flux and its source bodies over geological timescales (Farley et al., 1998, doi:10.1126/science.280.5367.1250; Takayanagi and Ozima, 1987, doi:10.1029/JB092iB12p12531; Farley, 1995, doi:10.1038/376153a0; Kortenkamp and Dermott, 1998, doi:10.1126/science.280.5365.874). Here we report that collisional disruption of the >150-km-diameter asteroid that created the Veritas family 8.3 +/- 0.5 Myr ago (Nesvorny et al., 2003, doi:10.1086/374807) also produced a transient increase in the flux of interplanetary dust-derived 3He. The increase began at 8.2 +/- 0.1 Myr ago, reached a maximum of 4 times pre-event levels, and dissipated over 1.5 Myr. The terrestrial IDP accretion rate was overwhelmingly dominated by Veritas family fragments during the late Miocene. No other event of this magnitude over the past 10**8 yr has been deduced from main belt asteroid orbits. One remarkably similar event is present in the 3He record 35 Myr ago, but its origin by comet shower (Farley et al., 1998, doi:10.1126/science.280.5367.1250) or asteroid collision (Tagle and Claeys, 2004, doi:10.1126/science.1098481) remains uncertain.


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The eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) is an important center of biological productivity, generating significant organic carbon and calcite fluxes to the deep ocean. We reconstructed paleocalcite flux for the past 30,000 years in four cores collected beneath the equatorial upwelling and the South Equatorial Current (SEC) by measuring ex230Th-normalized calcite accumulation rates corrected for dissolution with a newly developed proxy for "fraction of calcite preserved". This method produced very similar results at the four sites and revealed that the export flux of calcite was 30-50% lower during the LGM compared to the Holocene. The internal consistency of these results supports our interpretation, which is also in agreement with emerging data indicating lower glacial productivity in the EEP, possibly as a result of lower nutrient supply from the southern ocean via the Equatorial Undercurrent. However, these findings contradict previous interpretations based on mass accumulation rates (MAR) of biogenic material in the sediment of the EEP, which have been taken as reflecting higher glacial productivity due to stronger wind-driven upwelling.


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The carbonate fraction of sediment core ODP 849, leg 138, located in the eastern equatorial Pacific, mostly consisting of coccoliths, was separated and analyzed for its Zn isotopic composition. The overall variation in Zn isotopic composition, as determined by multiple-collector, magnetic-sector, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, was found to be on the order of 1? (expressed in delta66Zn, where deltaxZn=[(xZn/64Zn)sample/(xZn/64Zn)standard -1]*10**3 and x=66, 67 or 68) over the last 175 ka. The analytical precision was 0.04 per mil and the overall reproducibility was usually better than 0.07 per mil. The Zn isotopic composition signal exhibits several marked peaks and a high-frequency variability. A periodogram of the delta66Zn signal showed two periodicities of 35.2 and 21.2 ka. We suggest that the latter is caused by the precession of the Earth's axis of rotation. The periodogram exhibits a minimum at 41.1 ka, thus showing that the Zn isotopic composition is independent of the obliquity in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The range of delta66Zn values observed for the carbonate fraction of ODP 849 overlaps with the range observed for Fe-Mn nodules in the world's oceans, which suggests that seawater/carbonate Zn isotope fractionation is weak. We therefore assume that most of the Zn isotope variability is a result of the selective entrainment of the light isotopes by organic matter in the surface ocean. The ODP 849 delta66Zn record seems to follow the changes in the insolation cycles. Changes in the late summer/fall equatorial insolation modulate the intensity of the equatorial upwelling, hence the mixing between deep and surface waters. We propose that during decreased summer/fall equatorial insolation, when a steep thermocline can develop (El Niño-like conditions), the surface waters cannot be replenished by deep waters and become depleted in the lighter Zn isotopes by biological activity, thus resulting in the progressive increase of the delta66Zn values of the carbonate shells presumably in equilibrium with surface seawater.


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The rapid warming of arctic regions during recent decades has been recorded by instrumental monitoring, but the natural climate variability in the past is still sparsely reconstructed across many areas. We have reconstructed past climate changes in subarctic west-central Canada. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios (d13C, d18O) were derived from a single Sphagnum fuscum plant component; alpha-cellulose isolated from stems. Periods of warmer and cooler conditions identified in this region, described in terms of a "Mediaeval Climatic Anomaly" and "Little Ice Age" were registered in the temperature reconstruction based on the d13C record. Some conclusions could be drawn about wet/dry shifts during the same time interval from the d18O record, humification indices and the macrofossil analysis. The results were compared with other proxy data from the vicinity of the study area. The amplitude of the temperature change was similar to that in chironomid based reconstructions, showing c. 6.5 ±2.3 °C variability in July temperatures during the past 6.2 ka.


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Benthic oxygen and nitrogen fluxes were quantified within the years 2012 to 2014 at different time series sites in the southern North Sea with the benthic lander NuSObs (Nutrient and Suspension Observatory). In situ incubations of sediments, in situ bromide tracer studies, sampling of macrofauna and pore water investigations revealed considerable seasonal and spatial variations of oxygen and nitrogen fluxes. Seasonal and spatial variations of oxygen fluxes were observed between two different time series sites, covering different sediment types and/or different benthic macrofaunal communities. On a sediment type with a high content of fine grained particles (<63 µm) oxygen fluxes of -15.5 to -25.1 mmol/m**2/d (June 2012), -2.0 to -8.2 mmol/m**2/d (March 2013), -16.8 to -21.5 mmol/m**2/d (November 2013) and -6.1 mmol/m**2/d (March 2014) were measured. At the same site a highly diverse community of small species of benthic macrofauna was observed. On a sediment type with a low content of fine grained particles (<63 µm) high oxygen fluxes (-33.2 mmol/m**2/d August 2012; -47.2 to -55.1 mmol/m**2/d November 2013; -16.6 mmol/m**2/d March 2014) were observed. On this sediment type a less diverse benthic macrofaunal community, which was dominated by the large bodied suspension feeder Ensis directus, was observed. Average annual rain rates of organic carbon and organic nitrogen to the seafloor of 7.44 mol C/m**2/y and 1.34 mol N/m**2/y were estimated. On average 79% of the organic bound carbon and 95% of the organic bound nitrogen reaching the seafloor are recycled at the sediment-water interface.


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From a 10.7 m long gravity core from the Sierra Leone Rise (5°39.5' N, 19°51' W) a detailed oxygen and carbon isotope record of both planktonic and benthonic foraminifera species was obtained extending from the Recent to Jaramillo event. The analysis yielded six major results. 1. Benthos oxygen isotopes varied by 1.8-2.2 per mil from interglacial to glacial times and may indicate a synglacial cooling of North Atlantic Deep Water at 2800 m depth by 1-3°C. 2. Variable anomalies between the benthos and plankton d18O record indicate a cooling of sea-surface temperatures (SST) by up to 6 °C during some glacial stages. 3. Southerly trade winds and equatorial upwelling may excert the primary control off SST variations, in particular of extremee values of cold and warm stages and of the abrupt character of climate transitions and their leads and lags, and finally, of variable sedimentation rates. 4. The benthos d13C record correlates well with the flux and preservation of organic matter. 5. A new time scale, CARPOR, was established from the assumption that terrigenous sediment supply was ± constant bit CaCO3 varied considerably. When applied to the d18O record, three major and numerous short-term variations of sedimentation rates (0.8 to 4.0 cm/kyr) can be distinguished. 6. The climatic record was modified by bioturbation much more strongly during cold than during warm stages.


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Comprehensive geochronological and isotope-geochemical studies showed that the Late Quaternary Elbrus Volcano (Greater Caucasus) experienced long (approximately 200 ka) discrete evolution with protracted periods of igneous quiescence (approximately 50 ka) between large-scale eruptions. Volcanic activity of Elbrus is subdivided into three phases: Middle Neopleistocene (225-170 ka), Late Neopleistocene (110-70 ka), and Late Neopleistocene - Holocene (earlier than 35 ka). Petrogeochemical and isotope (Sr-Nd-Pb) signatures of Elbrus lavas point to their mantle-crustal origin. It was shown that hybrid parental magmas of the volcano formed due to mixing and/or contamination of deep-seated mantle melts by Paleozoic upper crustal material of the Greater Caucasus. Mantle reservoir that participated in genesis of Elbrus lavas as well as most other Neogene-Quaternary magmatic rocks of Caucasus was represented by the lower mantle "Caucasus" source. Primary melts generated by this source in composition corresponded to K-Na subalkali basalts with the following isotopic characteristics: 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7041+/-0.0001, e-Nd = +4.1+/-0.2, 147Sm/144Nd = 0.105-0.114, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.72, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.62, and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.78. Temporal evolution of isotope characteristics for lavas of the Elbrus Volcano is well described by a Sr-Nd mixing hyperbole between "Caucasus" source and estimated average composition of the Paleozoic upper crust of the Greater Caucasus. It was shown that, with time, proportions of mantle material in parental magmas of Elbrus gently increased: from ~60% at the Middle-Neopleistocene phase of activity to ~80% at the Late Neopleistocene - Holocene phase, which indicates an increase of activity of a deep-seated source at decreasing input of crustal melts or contamination with time. Unraveled evolution of the volcano with discrete eruption events, lacking signs of cessation of the Late Neopleistocene - Holocene phase, increasing contribution of the deep-seated mantle source in genesis of Elbrus lavas with time as deduced from isotope-geochemical data, as well as numerous geophysical and geological evidence indicate that Elbrus is a potentially active volcano and its eruptions may be resumed. Possible scenarios were proposed for evolution of the volcano, if its eruptive activity continued.