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Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos atendimentos ambulatoriais realizados em uma clínica de cirurgia plástica no sul do Brasil. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, exploratório e de caráter quantitativo com o intuito de analisar a totalidade de atendimentos ambulatoriais (consultas e cirurgias) realizadas em uma clínica privada de cirurgia plástica no período de 01 de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2010. Resultados: Observou-se que, das 671 (60,5%) consultas novas, apenas 205 (18,5%) cirurgias foram realizadas. Março foi o mês com mais consultas (10%) e cirurgias (11,7%). Do total de consultas novas, as reparadoras foram predominantes em 55,6% dos casos seguidos das estéticas com 33,7%. A média etária foi de 37 anos e com predomínio de mulheres. A idade variou de 8 meses a 89 anos. Os pacientes casados representaram a maioria das cirurgias (49,8%); houve predomínio de pacientes na fase adulta (31 a 59 anos) com 316 pacientes (47,1%). A Unimed foi o convênio mais atendido (49,3%) nas consultas; os procedimentos cirúrgicos mais frequentes foram as exéreses e/ou raspagem de afecções de pele e anexos 70 (33,1%), seguido das mastoplastias (mastoplastia de aumento, mamopexia, ginecomastia). Conclusão: Apesar da maioria dos atendimentos cirúrgicos terem sido exéreses de deformidades congênitas e/ou adquiridas, o resultado não se distancia da realidade encontrada no restante do Brasil, com predomínio de mulheres e grande número de implantes mamários. A clínica em estudo é uma instituição que apresenta condições para a viabilização de atendimentos ambulatoriais, considerando -se as inúmeras vantagens proporcionadas por este método.
El “Imperio de los Incas” que estuvo en proceso de consolidación, fue exterminado y esclavizado por el colonizador “español”, pues la población “del Imperio Incaico, conforme a cálculos prudentes, no era menor de diez millones. Hay quienes la hacen subir a doce y aun a quince millones” y “podemos señalar que disminuyó aproximadamente en un 75% hacia 1561”; y “entre 1821-1823, en los países de Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia, el 90% de la población eran siervos indígenas”; habiéndose suprimido el tributo indígena en el Perú, recién durante el gobierno de Ramón Castilla en 1854. Genialmente, José Carlos Mariátegui publica sobre “El problema de la tierra”, en los 7 ensayos de interpretación de la realidad peruana, donde establece que el problema del indio es “fundamentalmente económico”, afirmando que “No nos contentamos con reivindicar el derecho del indio a la educación, a la cultura, al progreso, al amor y al cielo. Comenzamos por reivindicar, categóricamente, su derecho a la tierra”. Sin embargo, José María Arguedas señaló que las “luchas sociales tienen un trasfondo no sólo económico, en un país como el nuestro, sino un denso trasfondo cultural”. Siendo así, nos preguntamos ¿Por qué a través de la historia el indígena peruano ha sido y es invisibilizado?, entonces ¿Qué pasó y en que parte del tiempo se detuvo la lucha del reconocimiento y respeto del indígena peruano?
En el presente trabajo de investigación me propongo estudiar la aplicación directa de la Constitución, siendo, esta última, norma fundamental de cualquier Estado y bajo el entendido de que la misma es un instrumento jurídico vinculante a todos los órganos y autoridades del Estado y miembros de la sociedad en su conjunto. Esto es consecuencia directa del supuesto de que la Constitución se impone como norma jurídica, lo cual trae consigo un conjunto de efectos como la posibilidad de que las normas constitucionales puedan ser aplicadas de forma directa, en tanto que se descarta la exigencia de mediación de leyes para que produzca efectos jurídicos; posibilita también el rechazo de normas inconstitucionales por medio de la tutela judicial y, por último, permite configurar la Constitución como el marco de interpretación y aplicación de leyes, actos públicos y privados. Esto determina que las normas constitucionales puedan ser aplicadas directamente para la resolución de conflictos jurídicos. Este tema adquiere especial connotación en los contextos de Bolivia y Ecuador, donde entraron en vigencia nuevas Constituciones Políticas del Estado, en 2009 y 2008, respectivamente. Si se pone atención a los diversos tipos de garantías que envuelven a las mismas, es posible resaltar el especial resguardo que adquiere el principio de supremacía constitucional, que define a la Constitución como norma suprema y declara que todos están sometidos a sus disposiciones. La aplicación directa de la Constitución se realiza a través de la exigencia hacia todos en el cumplimiento de la misma, además al declarar que los derechos reconocidos son directamente aplicables y que las normas constitucionales se deben aplicar de forma preferente en caso de conflictos o colisión de normas.
En este libro se establecen los fundamentos conceptuales en torno al precedente constitucional. Estudia sus orígenes y características; cuestiona el tratamiento que esta institución jurídica ha recibido en la jurisprudencia desde 2008, año en que se aprobó la actual Constitución de la República; expone las contradicciones en que incurrió la Corte Constitucional para el período de transición en torno a este tema; señala, como muestra, la existencia de varios precedentes, que en este libro reciben el nombre de «escenarios base», pese a la limitación que representa el «etiquetamiento» que implantó la referida Corte. Se critican las bases sobre las cuales la Corte Constitucional construyó una suigéneris concepción del aspecto vinculante de la jurisprudencia cuando se trata de procesos de garantías jurisdiccionales. Al cuestionar la interpretación del cuándo y el cómo es vinculante una sentencia, se recurre a los criterios que la misma Corte utilizó en forma contradictoria. Se evidencia también la variación o alejamiento de criterios que supone la nueva decisión con respecto a la decisión pasada, y se muestra una línea de precedentes constantes en las resoluciones del antiguo Tribunal Constitucional.
Although ways of thinking about the past have changed, in Britain the reporting of excavations has followed a series of shared conventions for nearly 100 years. This article considers two of them. It investigates the relationship between accounts of stratigraphic evidence and the publication of the associated artefacts and ecofacts and suggests that it results from the combination of two separate intellectual traditions in the late nineteenth century. It also identifies certain widely shared proportions between the separate components of excavation monographs published over a long period of time. Their existence has never been acknowledged. The excavation report has become a well-established literary genre and authors who are familiar with such texts unconsciously reproduce the same structures in their writing.
In this paper we show stability and convergence for a novel Galerkin boundary element method approach to the impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a half-plane with piecewise constant boundary data. This problem models, for example, outdoor sound propagation over inhomogeneous flat terrain. To achieve a good approximation with a relatively low number of degrees of freedom we employ a graded mesh with smaller elements adjacent to discontinuities in impedance, and a special set of basis functions for the Galerkin method so that, on each element, the approximation space consists of polynomials (of degree $\nu$) multiplied by traces of plane waves on the boundary. In the case where the impedance is constant outside an interval $[a,b]$, which only requires the discretization of $[a,b]$, we show theoretically and experimentally that the $L_2$ error in computing the acoustic field on $[a,b]$ is ${\cal O}(\log^{\nu+3/2}|k(b-a)| M^{-(\nu+1)})$, where $M$ is the number of degrees of freedom and $k$ is the wavenumber. This indicates that the proposed method is especially commendable for large intervals or a high wavenumber. In a final section we sketch how the same methodology extends to more general scattering problems.
Three existing models of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) transit between the Sun and the Earth are compared to coronagraph and in situ observations: all three models are found to perform with a similar level of accuracy (i.e. an average error between observed and predicted 1AU transit times of approximately 11 h). To improve long-term space weather prediction, factors influencing CME transit are investigated. Both the removal of the plane of sky projection (as suffered by coronagraph derived speeds of Earth directed CMEs) and the use of observed values of solar wind speed, fail to significantly improve transit time prediction. However, a correlation is found to exist between the late/early arrival of an ICME and the width of the preceding sheath region, suggesting that the error is a geometrical effect that can only be removed by a more accurate determination of a CME trajectory and expansion. The correlation between magnetic field intensity and speed of ejecta at 1AU is also investigated. It is found to be weak in the body of the ICME, but strong in the sheath, if the upstream solar wind conditions are taken into account.
A method to estimate the size and liquid water content of drizzle drops using lidar measurements at two wavelengths is described. The method exploits the differential absorption of infrared light by liquid water at 905 nm and 1.5 μm, which leads to a different backscatter cross section for water drops larger than ≈50 μm. The ratio of backscatter measured from drizzle samples below cloud base at these two wavelengths (the colour ratio) provides a measure of the median volume drop diameter D0. This is a strong effect: for D0=200 μm, a colour ratio of ≈6 dB is predicted. Once D0 is known, the measured backscatter at 905 nm can be used to calculate the liquid water content (LWC) and other moments of the drizzle drop distribution. The method is applied to observations of drizzle falling from stratocumulus and stratus clouds. High resolution (32 s, 36 m) profiles of D0, LWC and precipitation rate R are derived. The main sources of error in the technique are the need to assume a value for the dispersion parameter μ in the drop size spectrum (leading to at most a 35% error in R) and the influence of aerosol returns on the retrieval (≈10% error in R for the cases considered here). Radar reflectivities are also computed from the lidar data, and compared to independent measurements from a colocated cloud radar, offering independent validation of the derived drop size distributions.
The 2003 reform of the European Union's (EU) Common Agricultural Policy introduced a decoupled income support for farmers called the Single Farm Payment (SFP). Concerns were raised about possible future land use and production changes and their impact on rural communities. Here, such concerns are considered against the workings of the SFP in three EU Member States. Various quantitative studies that have determined the likely impact of the SFP within the EU and the study countries are reviewed. We present the results of a farm survey conducted in the study countries in which farmers' responses to a decoupling scenario similar to the SFP were sought. We found that little short-term change was proposed in the three, rather different, study countries with only 30% of the farmers stating that they would alter their mix of farm activities. Furthermore, less than 30% of all respondents in each country would idle any land under decoupling. Of those who would adopt a new activity, the most popular choices were forestry, woodland and non-food crops. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bee pollinators are currently recorded with many different sampling methods. However, the relative performances of these methods have not been systematically evaluated and compared. In response to the strong need to record ongoing shifts in pollinator diversity and abundance, global and regional pollinator initiatives must adopt standardized sampling protocols when developing large-scale and long-term monitoring schemes. We systematically evaluated the performance of six sampling methods (observation plots, pan traps, standardized and variable transect walks, trap nests with reed internodes or paper tubes) that are commonly used across a wide range of geographical regions in Europe and in two habitat types (agricultural and seminatural). We focused on bees since they represent the most important pollinator group worldwide. Several characteristics of the methods were considered in order to evaluate their performance in assessing bee diversity: sample coverage, observed species richness, species richness estimators, collector biases (identified by subunit-based rarefaction curves), species composition of the samples, and the indication of overall bee species richness (estimated from combined total samples). The most efficient method in all geographical regions, in both the agricultural and seminatural habitats, was the pan trap method. It had the highest sample coverage, collected the highest number of species, showed negligible collector bias, detected similar species as the transect methods, and was the best indicator of overall bee species richness. The transect methods were also relatively efficient, but they had a significant collector bias. The observation plots showed poor performance. As trap nests are restricted to cavity-nesting bee species, they had a naturally low sample coverage. However, both trap nest types detected additional species that were not recorded by any of the other methods. For large-scale and long-term monitoring schemes with surveyors with different experience levels, we recommend pan traps as the most efficient, unbiased, and cost-effective method for sampling bee diversity. Trap nests with reed internodes could be used as a complementary sampling method to maximize the numbers of collected species. Transect walks are the principal method for detailed studies focusing on plant-pollinator associations. Moreover, they can be used in monitoring schemes after training the surveyors to standardize their collection skills.