926 resultados para 3Helium polarized MRI
Il presente lavoro di tesi si inserisce all'interno di uno studio dal titolo: "Strategia di posizionamento multi-step come approccio pragmatico per ridurre il rischio di encefalopatia epatica post-TIPS (shunt trans-giugulare porto-sistemico intraepatico) in pazienti cirrotici con ascite refrattaria". Il progetto di tesi si è concentrato sull'analisi dei segnali ottenuti tramite DCE MRI, con lo scopo di implementare in ambiente MatLab due modelli differenti (Dual input - Mono compartment e Dual input - Dual compartment) che descrivono la cinetica del tracciante all'interno del sistema vascolare epatico e valutare l'efficacia dei parametri di perfusione associati nella descrizione delle variazioni in termini di microcircolazione introdotte dall'inserimento del TIPS. Inizialmente si sono voluti valutare, tramite simulazione, gli effetti in termini di amplificazione del rumore e stima dei parametri perfusionali dell'approssimazione lineare nella conversione da intensità di segnale MR a concentrazione di mezzo di contrasto. Successivamente, sempre attraverso simulazioni, per entrambi i modelli considerati è stato scelto uno schema di model-fitting e quindi testata l'affidabilità in termini di accuratezza e precisione delle stime dei parametri ottenute in funzione del livello di rumore associato alle curve di intensità di segnale. Parallelamente all'implementazione dei modelli per la stima di parametri di perfusione, sono stati realizzati dei phantom con l'obiettivo di simulare il parenchima epatico prima e dopo l'arrivo del mezzo di contrasto e poter testare la sequenza utilizzata durante l'acquisizione dei dati su paziente. Infine sono stati considerati gli esami di DCE MRI effettuati su un campione di nove pazienti pre e post-TIPS, utilizzando per l'analisi dei segnali entrambi i modelli implementati in fase di simulazione e successivamente valutando le variazioni nel valori associati ai parametri di perfusione introdotte dall'inserimento del TIPS.
La geometria frattale descrive la complessità strutturale di oggetti che presentano, entro certi limiti, invarianza a fattori di scala. Obiettivo di questa tesi è l’analisi di indici frattali della morfologia cerebrale e cerebellare da immagini di risonanza magnetica (MRI) pesate T1 e della loro correlazione con l’età. A tale scopo sono state analizzate la dimensione frattale (D0) e la lacunarità (λs), indice di eterogeneità strutturale, della sostanza grigia (GM) e bianca (WM), calcolate mediante algoritmi di box counting e di differential gliding box, implementati in linguaggio C++, e regressione lineare con scelta automatica delle scale spaziali. Gli algoritmi sono stati validati su fantocci 3D ed è stato proposto un metodo per compensare la dipendenza di λs dalle dimensioni dell’immagine e dalla frazione di immagine occupata. L’analisi frattale è stata applicata ad immagini T1 a 3T del dataset ICBM (International Consortium for Brain Mapping) composto da 86 soggetti (età 19-85 anni). D0 e λs sono state rispettivamente 2.35±0.02 (media±deviazione standard) e 0.41±0.05 per la GM corticale, 2.34±0.03 e 0.35±0.05 per la WM cerebrale, 2.19±0.05 e 0.17±0.02 per la GM cerebellare, 1.95±0.06 e 0.30±0.04 per la WM cerebellare. Il coefficiente di correlazione lineare tra età e D0 della GM corticale è r=−0.38 (p=0.003); tra età e λs, r=0.72 (p<0.001) (mostrando che l’eterogeneità strutturale aumenta con l’invecchiamento) e tra età e λs compensata rispetto al volume della GM cerebrale (GMV), r=0.51 (p<0.001), superiore in valore assoluto a quello tra età e GMV (r=−0.45, p<0.001). In un modello di regressione lineare multipla, dove l’età è stata modellata da D0, λ e GMV della GM corticale, λs è risultato l’unico predittore significativo (r parziale=0.62, p<0.001). La lacunarità λs è un indice sensibile alle variazioni strutturali dovute all’invecchiamento cerebrale e si candida come biomarcatore nella valutazione della complessità cerebrale nelle malattie neurodegenerative.
PURPOSE: To identify MRI characteristics that may predict the functional effect of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) in children with bilateral spastic paresis. METHODS: We performed SDR in a group of 36 patients. The gross motor functioning measure-66 (GMFM-66) was applied before and after SDR. Available cerebral MRIs were retrospectively classified into three diagnostic groups: periventricular leucomalacia (PVL; n = 10), hydrocephalus (n = 2), and normal (n = 6). In patients with PVL, we scored the severity of the MR abnormalities. We compared the changes in the GMFM-66 after SDR in the diagnostic groups. In patients with PVL, we correlated the severity of the MR abnormalities with the changes in the GMFM-66. RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 5 years and 4 months (range, 1 year and 1 month to 9 years). The best improvement in gross motor function was observed in patients with normal MRI, and the slightest improvement was observed in patients with hydrocephalus. The severity of the PVL did correlate with the GMFM-66 score before SDR but not with the functional effect of SDR. CONCLUSION: We conclude that with respect to gross motor skills, the improvements after SDR are good in patients with no MRI abnormalities. In the patients with hydrocephalus, the improvements after SDR were insignificant. In patients with PVL, the improvements were intermediate and did not correlate with the degree of PVL.
An imaging biomarker that would provide for an early quantitative metric of clinical treatment response in cancer patients would provide for a paradigm shift in cancer care. Currently, nonimage based clinical outcome metrics include morphology, clinical, and laboratory parameters, however, these are obtained relatively late following treatment. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) holds promise for use as a cancer treatment response biomarker as it is sensitive to macromolecular and microstructural changes which can occur at the cellular level earlier than anatomical changes during therapy. Studies have shown that successful treatment of many tumor types can be detected using DW-MRI as an early increase in the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values. Additionally, low pretreatment ADC values of various tumors are often predictive of better outcome. These capabilities, once validated, could provide for an important opportunity to individualize therapy thereby minimizing unnecessary systemic toxicity associated with ineffective therapies with the additional advantage of improving overall patient health care and associated costs. In this report, we provide a brief technical overview of DW-MRI acquisition protocols, quantitative image analysis approaches and review studies which have implemented DW-MRI for the purpose of early prediction of cancer treatment response.
Robust and accurate identification of intervertebral discs from low resolution, sparse MRI scans is essential for the automated scan planning of the MRI spine scan. This paper presents a graphical model based solution for the detection of both the positions and orientations of intervertebral discs from low resolution, sparse MRI scans. Compared with the existing graphical model based methods, the proposed method does not need a training process using training data and it also has the capability to automatically determine the number of vertebrae visible in the image. Experiments on 25 low resolution, sparse spine MRI data sets verified its performance.
Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is caused by a combination of intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. Different surgical techniques are being performed to delay or halt osteoarthritis. Success of salvage procedures of the hip depends on the existing cartilage and joint damage before surgery; the likelihood of therapy failure rises with advanced osteoarthritis. For imaging of intra-articular hip pathology, MR imaging represents the best technique because of its ability to directly visualize cartilage, superior soft tissue contrast, and the prospect of multidimensional imaging. This article gives an overview on the standard MR imaging techniques used for diagnosis of hip osteoarthritis and their implications for surgery.
To evaluate the feasibility of molecular cartilage MRI in finger joints.
To assess rotation deficits, asphericity of the femoral head and localisation of cartilage damage in the follow-up after slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE).
To use T2 and T2* mapping in patients after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) of the knee, and to compare and correlate both methodologies.
To demonstrate the feasibility of delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of cartilage (dGEMRIC) in the ankle at 3 T and to obtain preliminary data on matrix associated autologous chondrocyte (MACI) repair tissue.
To prospectively evaluate a 3-dimensional spoiled gradient-dual-echo (3D SPGR-DE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of liver fat content (LFC) in patients with the suspicion of fatty liver disease using histopathology as the standard of reference.
The aim of the study was to examine the clinical forensic findings of strangulation according to their ability to differentiate between life-threatening and non-life-threatening strangulation, compare clinical and MRI findings of the neck and discuss a simple score for life-threatening strangulation (SLS).
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) appears to hold promise as a non-invasive imaging modality in the detection of early microstructural and functional changes of different organs. DW-MRI is an imaging technique with a high sensitivity for the detection of a large variety of diseases in the urogenital tract. In kidneys, DW-MRI has shown promise for the characterization of solid lesions. Also in focal T1 hyperintense lesions DW-MRI was able to differentiate hemorrhagic cysts from tumours according to the lower apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values reported for renal cell carcinomas. Promising results were also published for the detection of prostate cancer. DW-MRI applied in addition to conventional T2-weighted imaging has been found to improve tumour detection. On a 3 T magnetic resonance unit ADC values were reported to be lower for tumours compared with the normal-appearing peripheral zone. The combined approach of T2-weighted imaging and DW-MRI also showed promising results for the detection of recurrent tumour in patients after radiation therapy. DW-MRI may improve the performance of conventional T2-weighted and contrast-enhanced MRI in the preoperative work-up of bladder cancer, as it may help in distinguishing superficial from muscle invasive bladder cancer, which is critical for patient management. Another challenging application of DW-MRI in the urogenital tract is the detection of pelvic lymph node metastases. As the ADC is generally reduced in malignant tumours and increased under inflammatory conditions, reduced ADC values were expected in patients with lymph node metastases.
Extracranial application of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has gained increasing importance in recent years. As a result of technical advances, this new non-invasive functional technique has also been applied in head and neck radiology for several clinical indications. In cancer imaging, diffusion-weighted MRI can be performed for tumour detection and characterization, monitoring of treatment response as well as the differentiation of recurrence and post-therapeutic changes after radiotherapy. Even for lymph node staging promising results have been reported recently. This review article provides overview of potential applications of diffusion-weighted MRI in head and neck with the main focus on its applications in oncology.
To evaluate whether it is feasible to measure the segmental flux of small bowel content using MR phase-contrast (PC) pulse sequences.