994 resultados para 240300 Atomic and Molecular Physics


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A pure state decoheres into a mixed state as it entangles with an environment. When an entangled two-mode system is embedded in a thermal environment, however, each mode may not be entangled with its environment by their simple linear interaction. We consider an exactly solvable model to study the dynamics of a total system, which is composed of an entangled two-mode system and a thermal environment. The Markovian interaction with the environment is concerned with an array of infinite number of beam splitters. It is shown that many-body entanglement of the system and the environment may play a crucial role in the process of disentangling the system.


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Recently Ziman et al. [Phys. Rev. A 65, 042105 (2002)] have introduced a concept of a universal quantum homogenizer which is a quantum machine that takes as input a given (system) qubit initially in an arbitrary state rho and a set of N reservoir qubits initially prepared in the state xi. The homogenizer realizes, in the limit sense, the transformation such that at the output each qubit is in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the state xi irrespective of the initial states of the system and the reservoir qubits. In this paper we generalize the concept of quantum homogenization for qudits, that is, for d-dimensional quantum systems. We prove that the partial-swap operation induces a contractive map with the fixed point which is the original state of the reservoir. We propose an optical realization of the quantum homogenization for Gaussian states. We prove that an incoming state of a photon field is homogenized in an array of beam splitters. Using Simon's criterion, we study entanglement between outgoing beams from beam splitters. We derive an inseparability condition for a pair of output beams as a function of the degree of squeezing in input beams.


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We analyse the possibilities for quantum state engineering offered by a model for Kerr-type nonlinearity enhanced by electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), which was recently proposed by Petrosyan and Kurizki [2002, Phys. Rev. A, 65, 33833]. We go beyond the semiclassical treatment and derive a quantum version of the model with both a full Hamiltonian approach and an analysis in terms of dressed states. The preparation of an entangled coherent state via a cross-phase modulation effect is demonstrated. We briefly show that the violation of locality for such an entangled coherent state is robust against low detection efficiency. Finally, we investigate the possibility of a bi-chromatic photon blockade realized via the interaction of a low density beam of atoms with a bi-modal electromagnetic cavity which is externally driven. We show the effectiveness of the blockade effect even when more than a single atom is inside the cavity. The possibility to control two different cavity modes allows some insights into the generation of an entangled state of cavity modes.


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A long-lived coherent state and nonlinear interaction have been experimentally demonstrated for the vibrational mode of a trapped ion. We propose an implementation of quantum computation using coherent states of the vibrational modes of trapped ions. Differently from earlier experiments, we consider a far-off resonance for the interaction between external fields and the ion in a bidimensional trap. By appropriate choices of the detunings between the external fields, the adiabatic elimination of the ionic excited level from the Hamiltonian of the system allows for beam splitting between orthogonal vibrational modes, production of coherent states, and nonlinear interactions of various kinds. In particular, this model enables the generation of the four coherent Bell states. Furthermore, all the necessary operations for quantum computation, such as preparation of qubits and one-qubit and controlled two-qubit operations, are possible. The detection of the state of a vibrational mode in a Bell state is made possible by the combination of resonant and off-resonant interactions between the ion and some external fields. We show that our read-out scheme provides highly efficient discrimination between all the four Bell states. We extend this to a quantum register composed of many individually trapped ions. In this case, operations on two remote qubits are possible through a cavity mode. We emphasize that our remote-qubit operation scheme does not require a high-quality factor resonator: the cavity field acts as a catalyst for the gate operation.


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The problems related to the management of large quantum registers could be handled in the context of distributed quantum computation: unitary non-local transformations among spatially separated local processors are realized performing local unitary transformations and exchanging classical communication. In this paper, a scheme is proposed for the implementation of universal non-local quantum gates such as a controlled NOT (CNOT) and a controlled quantum phase gate (CQPG). The system chosen for their physical implementation is a cavity-quantum-electrodynamics (CQED) system formed by two spatially separated microwave cavities and two trapped Rydberg atoms. The procedures to follow for the realization of each step necessary to perform a specific non-local operation are described.


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We address the problem of springlike coupling between bosons in an open-chain configuration where the counter-rotating terms are explicitly included. We show that fruitful insight can be gained by decomposing the time-evolution operator of this problem into a pattern of linear-optics elements. This allows us to provide a clear picture of the effects of the counter-rotating terms in the important problem of long-haul entanglement distribution. The analytic control over the variance matrix of the state of the bosonic register allows us to track the dynamics of the entanglement. This helps in designing a global addressing scheme, complemented by a proper initialization of the register, which quantitatively improves the entanglement between the extremal oscillators in the chain, thus providing a strategy for feasible long-distance entanglement distribution.


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High-fidelity quantum computation and quantum state transfer are possible in short spin chains. We exploit a system based on a dispersive qubit-boson interaction to mimic XY coupling. In this model, the usually assumed nearest-neighbor coupling is no longer valid: all the qubits are mutually coupled. We analyze the performances of our model for quantum state transfer showing how preengineered coupling rates allow for nearly optimal state transfer. We address a setup of superconducting qubits coupled to a microstrip cavity in which our analysis may be applied.


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A key element in the architecture of a quantum-information processing network is a reliable physical interface between fields and qubits. We study a process of entanglement transfer engineering, where two remote qubits respectively interact with an entangled two-mode continuous-variable (CV) field. We quantify the entanglement induced in the qubit state at the expenses of the loss of entanglement in the CV system. We discuss the range of mixed entangled states which can be obtained with this setup. Furthermore, we suggest a protocol to determine the residual entangling power of the light fields inferring, thus, the entanglement left in the field modes which, after the interaction, are no longer in a Gaussian state. Two different setups are proposed: a cavity-QED system and an interface between superconducting qubits and field modes. We address in detail the practical difficulties inherent in these two proposals, showing that the latter is promising in many aspects.


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We show that two qubits can be entangled by local interactions with an entangled two-mode continuous variable state. This is illustrated by the evolution of two two-level atoms interacting with a two-mode squeezed state. Two modes of the squeezed field are injected respectively into two spatially separate cavities and the atoms are then sent into the cavities to interact resonantly with the cavity field. We find that the atoms may be entangled even by a two-mode squeezed state which has been decohered while penetrating into the cavity.


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We formulate a conclusive teleportation protocol for a system in d-dimensional Hilbert space utilizing the positive operator- valued measurement. The conclusive teleportation protocol ensures some perfect teleportation events when the channel is only partially entangled. at the expense of lowering the overall average fidelity. We discuss how much information remains in the inconclusive parts of the teleportation.


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We provide an analysis of basic quantum-information processing protocols under the effect of intrinsic nonidealities in cluster states. These nonidealities are based on the introduction of randomness in the entangling steps that create the cluster state and are motivated by the unavoidable imperfections faced in creating entanglement using condensed-matter systems. Aided by the use of an alternative and very efficient method to construct cluster-state configurations, which relies on the concatenation of fundamental cluster structures, we address quantum-state transfer and various fundamental gate simulations through noisy cluster states. We find that a winning strategy to limit the effects of noise is the management of small clusters processed via just a few measurements. Our study also reinforces recent ideas related to the optical implementation of a one-way quantum computer.


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Quantum nonlocality is tested for an entangled coherent state, interacting with a dissipative environment. A pure entangled coherent state violates Bell's inequality regardless of its coherent amplitude. The higher the initial nonlocality, the more rapidly quantum nonlocality is lost. The entangled coherent state can also be investigated in the framework of 2x2 Hilbert space. The quantum nonlocality persists longer in 2x2 Hilbert space. When it decoheres it is found that the entangled coherent state fails the nonlocality test, which contrasts with the fact that the decohered entangled state is always entangled.


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Some non-classical properties such as squeezing, sub-Poissonian photon statistics or oscillations in photon-number distributions may survive longer in a phase-sensitive environment than in a phase-insensitive environment. We examine if entanglement, which is an inter-mode non-classical feature, can also survive longer in a phase-sensitive environment. Differently from the single-mode case, we find that making the environment phase-sensitive does not aid in prolonging the inter-mode non-classical nature, i.e. entanglement.


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We investigate entanglement between collective operators of two blocks of oscillators in an infinite linear harmonic chain. These operators are defined as averages over local operators (individual oscillators) in the blocks. On the one hand, this approach of "physical blocks" meets realistic experimental conditions, where measurement apparatuses do not interact with single oscillators but rather with a whole bunch of them, i.e., where in contrast to usually studied "mathematical blocks" not every possible measurement is allowed. On the other, this formalism naturally allows the generalization to blocks which may consist of several noncontiguous regions. We quantify entanglement between the collective operators by a measure based on the Peres-Horodecki criterion and show how it can be extracted and transferred to two qubits. Entanglement between two blocks is found even in the case where none of the oscillators from one block is entangled with an oscillator from the other, showing genuine bipartite entanglement between collective operators. Allowing the blocks to consist of a periodic sequence of subblocks, we verify that entanglement scales at most with the total boundary region. We also apply the approach of collective operators to scalar quantum field theory.


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We generalize Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) nonlocality to every even-dimensional and odd-partite system. For the purpose we employ concurrent observables that are incompatible and nevertheless have a common eigenstate. It is remarkable that a tripartite system can exhibit the genuinely high-dimensional GHZ nonlocality.