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Collection : Collection d'historiens contemporains
Iowa Lottery Retailer Newsletter
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 54853
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 54851
Newsletter for Information Technology Department
Weekly Newsletter
In the last years, the classical view of glial cells (in particular of astrocytes) as a simple supportive cell for neurons has been replaced by a new vision in which glial cells are active elements of the brain. Such a new vision is based on the existence of a bidirectional communication between astrocytes and neurons at synaptic level. Indeed, perisynaptic processes of astrocytes express active G-protein-coupled receptors that are able (1) to sense neurotransmitters released from the synapse during synaptic activity, (2) to increase cytosolic levels of calcium, and (3) to stimulate the release of gliotransmitters that in turn can interact with the synaptic elements. The mechanism(s) by which astrocytes can release gliotransmitter has been extensively studied during the last years. Many evidences have suggested that a fraction of astrocytes in situ release neuroactive substances both with calcium-dependent and calcium-independent mechanism(s); whether these mechanisms coexist and under what physiological or pathological conditions they occur, it remains unclear. However, the calcium-dependent exocytotic vesicular release has received considerable attention due to its potential to occur under physiological conditions via a finely regulated way. By releasing gliotransmitters in millisecond time scale with a specific vesicular apparatus, astrocytes can integrate and process synaptic information and control or modulate synaptic transmission and plasticity.
Community Development News from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
News from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Business Development news from the Iowa Department of Economic Development
Os objetivos foram: caracterizar os pacientes queimados segundo as variáveis epidemiológicas e clínicas e identificar os tratamentos, procedimentos invasivos e as complicações. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e quantitativo. A amostra constituiu-se de 138 pacientes queimados internados em um hospital de ensino, no período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2007, de Uberaba-MG. Dos 138 pacientes internados, 98 (71,0%) eram do gênero masculino e a média de idade foi de 26,1 anos. O tempo médio de internação foi de 16,2 dias; 93 (67,4%) eram de natureza acidental e a principal causa 68 (49,3%) foi a chama aberta. A superfície corporal queimada média foi de 20,8% e a maioria 122 (88,4%) apresentou queimadura de 2° grau. A terapia tópica mais utilizada 93 (67,4%) foi a sulfadiazina de prata. A sondagem vesical de demora foi instalada em 47 (34,0%) pacientes; 30 (21,7%) foram submetidos à enxertia e 28 (20,3%) ao desbridamento; 14 (10,1%) apresentaram infecção da lesão.