397 resultados para 1241
Online Social Network (OSN) services provided by Internet companies bring people together to chat, share the information, and enjoy the information. Meanwhile, huge amounts of data are generated by those services (they can be regarded as the social media ) every day, every hour, even every minute, and every second. Currently, researchers are interested in analyzing the OSN data, extracting interesting patterns from it, and applying those patterns to real-world applications. However, due to the large-scale property of the OSN data, it is difficult to effectively analyze it. This dissertation focuses on applying data mining and information retrieval techniques to mine two key components in the social media data — users and user-generated contents. Specifically, it aims at addressing three problems related to the social media users and contents: (1) how does one organize the users and the contents? (2) how does one summarize the textual contents so that users do not have to go over every post to capture the general idea? (3) how does one identify the influential users in the social media to benefit other applications, e.g., Marketing Campaign? The contribution of this dissertation is briefly summarized as follows. (1) It provides a comprehensive and versatile data mining framework to analyze the users and user-generated contents from the social media. (2) It designs a hierarchical co-clustering algorithm to organize the users and contents. (3) It proposes multi-document summarization methods to extract core information from the social network contents. (4) It introduces three important dimensions of social influence, and a dynamic influence model for identifying influential users.
Historically, memory has been evaluated by examining how much is remembered, however a more recent conception of memory focuses on the accuracy of memories. When using this accuracy-oriented conception of memory, unlike with the quantity-oriented approach, memory does not always deteriorate over time. A possible explanation for this seemingly surprising finding lies in the metacognitive processes of monitoring and control. Use of these processes allows people to withhold responses of which they are unsure, or to adjust the precision of responses to a level that is broad enough to be correct. The ability to accurately report memories has implications for investigators who interview witnesses to crimes, and those who evaluate witness testimony. This research examined the amount of information provided, accuracy, and precision of responses provided during immediate and delayed interviews about a videotaped mock crime. The interview format was manipulated such that a single free narrative response was elicited, or a series of either yes/no or cued questions were asked. Instructions provided by the interviewer indicated to the participants that they should either stress being informative, or being accurate. The interviews were then transcribed and scored. Results indicate that accuracy rates remained stable and high after a one week delay. Compared to those interviewed immediately, after a delay participants provided less information and responses that were less precise. Participants in the free narrative condition were the most accurate. Participants in the cued questions condition provided the most precise responses. Participants in the yes/no questions condition were most likely to say “I don’t know”. The results indicate that people are able to monitor their memories and modify their reports to maintain high accuracy. When control over precision was not possible, such as in the yes/no condition, people said “I don’t know” to maintain accuracy. However when withholding responses and adjusting precision were both possible, people utilized both methods. It seems that concerns that memories reported after a long retention interval might be inaccurate are unfounded.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.
A quantitative radiolarian study at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1241 in the eastern tropical Pacific enables us to reconstruct paleoceanographic changes that occurred since the latest middle Miocene. Today, this site is located just under the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool (EPWP). Based on the abundance variations of radiolarian characteristic species which are indicators of upwelling and thermocline changes, it is suggested that three notable changes occurred at 10.6, 9.8, and 4.2 Ma in the region. Four distinct periods of oceanographic conditions bounded by these notable changes were characterized on the basis of the following: (1) stratified seawater (12.0 to 10.6 Ma); (2) a shallowing of the thermocline and an increasing of upwelling (10.6 to 9.8 Ma); (3) significant inflow of warm water to the eastern tropical Pacific caused by an intensified Northern Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC), resulting in the formation of EPWP (9.8 to 4.2 Ma); and (4) the reduction of the EPWP and the NECC, and an increase in upwelling (4.2 to 0 Ma). The timing of these paleoceanographic events indicated the strong relations with the opening and closing of the Indonesian and Central American (Panama) Seaways. The reduction of the EPWP (this study) and the deepening of the thermocline in western Pacific at about 4.2 Ma (Cannariato and Ravelo, 1997; Chaisson and Ravelo, 2000) indicated a change from a state resembling El Niño in the late Miocene and the early Pliocene time to a state resembling La Niña by the late Pliocene
A new surface sediment sample set gained in the western Barents Sea by the MAREANO program has been analysed for basic clay mineral assemblages. Distribution maps including additional samples from earlier German research cruises to and off Svalbard are compiled. Some trends in the clay mineral assemblages are related to the sub-Barents Sea geology because the Quaternary sediment cover is rather thin. Additionally, land masses like Svalbard and northern Scandinavia dominate the clay mineral signal with their erosional products. Dense bottom water, very often of brine origin, that flows within deep troughs, such as the Storfjorden or Bear Island Trough, transport the clay mineral signal from their origin to the Norwegian-Greenland Sea.
O presente relatório de mestrado tem como objetivo fundamental partilhar e refletir sobre a minha intervenção pedagógica desenvolvida na valência de Educação Pré-Escolar na Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar da Achada e de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico na Escola do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico com Pré-Escolar da Lombada. Integra os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos, utilizados como orientação a toda a ação realizada em contexto pedagógico, de forma a fundamentar e conjugar a teoria e a prática. É essencial salientar que o exercício da profissão docente, implica a promoção de aprendizagens diversificadas, a constante e contínua formação, com intuito de possibilitar aos docentes refletir, investigar, adequar e inovar a sua intervenção pedagógica ao grupo de crianças/alunos com quem trabalham. As estratégias desenvolvidas ao longo da prática pedagógica, tanto na Educação Pré-escolar como no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, apoiaram-se numa aprendizagem integrada, estimulante e significativa, tendo sempre por base o respeito pelas capacidades, necessidades, interesses e pelas diferenças individuais de cada criança com o intuito de lhes proporcionar situações de aprendizagem diversificadas e enriquecedoras. A investigação-ação foi a metodologia principal no desenvolvimento da prática, por permitir ao educador/professor desempenhar o papel de investigador e reflexivo com o objetivo de melhorar a sua intervenção e incentivar as crianças para a participação ativa no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O presente relatório reflete todo o percurso desenvolvido ao longo das intervenções realizadas em contexto de Educação PréEscolar e de 1.º Ciclo, o que possibilitou a adquisição de uma experiência profissional muito útil e construtiva, na medida em que me permitiu adquirir conhecimentos práticos, que só são possíveis de aprender em contexto educativo.
[EN] Snakes introduced to islands can be devastating to naïve native fauna. However, introduced populations must establish before range expansion (invasion) can occur. The factors that can determine successful invasion are those associated with the introduction event (e.g., characteristics of the founding population), the location (e.g., suitable environment and prey availability) and the species (e.g. life history characteristics). Here, we collected morphometric, ecological and genetic data on the recently introduced California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis californiae) in Gran Canaria.
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by excessive iron absorption resulting in pathologically increased body iron stores. It is typically associated with common HFE gene mutation (p.Cys282Tyr and p.His63Asp). However, in Southern European populations up to one third of HH patients do not carry the risk genotypes. This study aimed to explore the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to analyse a panel of iron metabolism-related genes (HFE, TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1, and FTL) in 87 non-classic HH Portuguese patients. A total of 1241 genetic alterations were detected corresponding to 53 different variants, 13 of which were not described in the available public databases. Among them, five were predicted to be potentially pathogenic: three novel mutations in TFR2 [two missense (p.Leu750Pro and p.Ala777Val) and one intronic splicing mutation (c.967-1G>C)], one missense mutation in HFE (p.Tyr230Cys), and one mutation in the 5'-UTR of HAMP gene (c.-25G>A). The results reported here illustrate the usefulness of NGS for targeted iron metabolism-related gene panels, as a likely cost-effective approach for molecular genetics diagnosis of non-classic HH patients. Simultaneously, it has contributed to the knowledge of the pathophysiology of those rare iron metabolism-related disorders.
Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da nicotina na cicatrização da camada musculoaponeurótica da parede abdominal. Métodos: Estudo experimental em que foram usados 16 ratos da raça Wistar pesando em média 210±8g, separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos de 8. Nos animais do grupo A foi implantado disco de nicotina (Nicotinel Ò) na dose de 5mg/Kg de peso/dia no subcutâneo da região dorsal, trocado a cada dois dias, a partir do 5º dia antes da operação em que foi feita laparotomia mediana de 5 cm, até o 10o dia de observação. No grupo B (controle) foram usados discos de celulose com o mesmo diâmetro. Tubo de silicone multiperfurado foi implantado no subcutâneo a 1cm da lesão da parede abdominal. A camada musculoaponeurótica e a pele foram suturadas com fio de nylon 5-0. No 10º dia pós-operatório foi colhido 1ml de líquido seroso do tubo de silicone por punção percutânea para dosagem de pO2 e os animais receberam dose letal de anestésico. Foi ressecado um segmento da camada musculoaponeurótica com 2cm de largura para tensiometria, em seguida processado e corado em HE e tricrômico de Masson para análise quantitativa dos dados histopatológicos em sistema digitalizado. A análise estatística foi feita pelo ANOVA e teste Newman-Keuls, com significância 0,05. Resultados: No grupo A a pO2 do líquido tecidual atingiu o valor 17,75±3,4 mmHg e no grupo B (controle) a pO2 = 40,75±6,4 mmHg (p<0,01). A resistência à tensão apresentou o valor de 728,5±161,75gf no grupo A e 1241,6±232gf no grupo de controle (p<0,01), coincidindo com os achados da pO2. A densidade média dos elementos histopatológicos estudados foi de 105±17,1 nos animais do grupo A e 146,2±8,8 no grupo B (p<0,01). Conclusão: após avaliação da pO2 tecidual, tensiometria e histopatologia, concluiu-se que a nicotina por via subcutânea exerce efeito deletério sobre a cicatrização de lesões da parede abdominal de ratos
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) or Horton's disease is a systemic granulomatous vasculitis of medium–and large–sized arteries. This is an antigen–driven disease with local T–cell and macrophage activation in the vessel wall and with an important role of proinflammatory cytokines. GCA is also called “temporal arteritis” because it involves often the superficial temporal arteries. The condition affects especially the extracranial branches of the carotid artery, but recently, GCA has been recognised to also affect limb arteries and the aorta with high prevalence.
The objective of this study was to gain an understanding of the effects of population heterogeneity, missing data, and causal relationships on parameter estimates from statistical models when analyzing change in medication use. From a public health perspective, two timely topics were addressed: the use and effects of statins in populations in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and polypharmacy in older population. Growth mixture models were applied to characterize the accumulation of cardiovascular and diabetes medications among apparently healthy population of statin initiators. The causal effect of statin adherence on the incidence of acute cardiovascular events was estimated using marginal structural models in comparison with discrete-time hazards models. The impact of missing data on the growth estimates of evolution of polypharmacy was examined comparing statistical models under different assumptions for missing data mechanism. The data came from Finnish administrative registers and from the population-based Geriatric Multidisciplinary Strategy for the Good Care of the Elderly study conducted in Kuopio, Finland, during 2004–07. Five distinct patterns of accumulating medications emerged among the population of apparently healthy statin initiators during two years after statin initiation. Proper accounting for time-varying dependencies between adherence to statins and confounders using marginal structural models produced comparable estimation results with those from a discrete-time hazards model. Missing data mechanism was shown to be a key component when estimating the evolution of polypharmacy among older persons. In conclusion, population heterogeneity, missing data and causal relationships are important aspects in longitudinal studies that associate with the study question and should be critically assessed when performing statistical analyses. Analyses should be supplemented with sensitivity analyses towards model assumptions.
Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da nicotina na cicatrização da camada musculoaponeurótica da parede abdominal. Métodos: Estudo experimental em que foram usados 16 ratos da raça Wistar pesando em média 210±8g, separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos de 8. Nos animais do grupo A foi implantado disco de nicotina (Nicotinel Ò) na dose de 5mg/Kg de peso/dia no subcutâneo da região dorsal, trocado a cada dois dias, a partir do 5º dia antes da operação em que foi feita laparotomia mediana de 5 cm, até o 10o dia de observação. No grupo B (controle) foram usados discos de celulose com o mesmo diâmetro. Tubo de silicone multiperfurado foi implantado no subcutâneo a 1cm da lesão da parede abdominal. A camada musculoaponeurótica e a pele foram suturadas com fio de nylon 5-0. No 10º dia pós-operatório foi colhido 1ml de líquido seroso do tubo de silicone por punção percutânea para dosagem de pO2 e os animais receberam dose letal de anestésico. Foi ressecado um segmento da camada musculoaponeurótica com 2cm de largura para tensiometria, em seguida processado e corado em HE e tricrômico de Masson para análise quantitativa dos dados histopatológicos em sistema digitalizado. A análise estatística foi feita pelo ANOVA e teste Newman-Keuls, com significância 0,05. Resultados: No grupo A a pO2 do líquido tecidual atingiu o valor 17,75±3,4 mmHg e no grupo B (controle) a pO2 = 40,75±6,4 mmHg (p<0,01). A resistência à tensão apresentou o valor de 728,5±161,75gf no grupo A e 1241,6±232gf no grupo de controle (p<0,01), coincidindo com os achados da pO2. A densidade média dos elementos histopatológicos estudados foi de 105±17,1 nos animais do grupo A e 146,2±8,8 no grupo B (p<0,01). Conclusão: após avaliação da pO2 tecidual, tensiometria e histopatologia, concluiu-se que a nicotina por via subcutânea exerce efeito deletério sobre a cicatrização de lesões da parede abdominal de ratos
O presente relatório de mestrado tem como objetivo fundamental partilhar e refletir sobre a minha intervenção pedagógica desenvolvida na valência de Educação Pré-Escolar na Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar da Achada e de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico na Escola do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico com Pré-Escolar da Lombada. Integra os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos, utilizados como orientação a toda a ação realizada em contexto pedagógico, de forma a fundamentar e conjugar a teoria e a prática. É essencial salientar que o exercício da profissão docente, implica a promoção de aprendizagens diversificadas, a constante e contínua formação, com intuito de possibilitar aos docentes refletir, investigar, adequar e inovar a sua intervenção pedagógica ao grupo de crianças/alunos com quem trabalham. As estratégias desenvolvidas ao longo da prática pedagógica, tanto na Educação Pré-escolar como no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, apoiaram-se numa aprendizagem integrada, estimulante e significativa, tendo sempre por base o respeito pelas capacidades, necessidades, interesses e pelas diferenças individuais de cada criança com o intuito de lhes proporcionar situações de aprendizagem diversificadas e enriquecedoras. A investigação-ação foi a metodologia principal no desenvolvimento da prática, por permitir ao educador/professor desempenhar o papel de investigador e reflexivo com o objetivo de melhorar a sua intervenção e incentivar as crianças para a participação ativa no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O presente relatório reflete todo o percurso desenvolvido ao longo das intervenções realizadas em contexto de Educação PréEscolar e de 1.º Ciclo, o que possibilitou a adquisição de uma experiência profissional muito útil e construtiva, na medida em que me permitiu adquirir conhecimentos práticos, que só são possíveis de aprender em contexto educativo.
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by excessive iron absorption resulting in pathologically increased body iron stores. It is typically associated with common HFE gene mutation (p.Cys282Tyr and p.His63Asp). However, in Southern European populations up to one third of HH patients do not carry the risk genotypes. This study aimed to explore the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to analyse a panel of iron metabolism-related genes (HFE, TFR2, HJV, HAMP, SLC40A1, and FTL) in 87 non-classic HH Portuguese patients. A total of 1241 genetic alterations were detected corresponding to 53 different variants, 13 of which were not described in the available public databases. Among them, five were predicted to be potentially pathogenic: three novel mutations in TFR2 [two missense (p.Leu750Pro and p.Ala777Val) and one intronic splicing mutation (c.967-1GNC)], one missense mutation in HFE (p.Tyr230Cys), and one mutation in the 5′-UTR of HAMP gene(c.-25GNA). The results reported here illustrate the usefulness of NGS for targeted iron metabolism-related gene panels, as a likely cost-effective approach for molecular genetics diagnosis of non-classic HH patients. Simultaneously, it has contributed to the knowledge of the pathophysiology of those rare iron metabolism-related disorders.