996 resultados para amphibole olivine


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Geochemical and Rb---Sr isotope studies indicate that the meta-anorthosites of Holénarasipur, occurring as minor differentiates in ultramafic-mafic complex are igneous intrusives with cumulus character, emplaced around 3095 m.y. ago. The fine-grained nature is secondary; relict cumulus features are preserved in less deformed bodies. In major element chemistry, they compare well with other Archean anorthosites. Abundance levels of Ti, Zr, Y and P indicate the evolution through crystal fractionation of a parental magma; cumulus olivine and pyroxenes dominated chemistry for ultramafites, cumulus plagioclase and possibly clinopyroxene controlled chemistry for anorthosite-gabbros and cumulus magnetite in magnetite-gabbros. Magnetite is not an early cumulate. REE geochemistry is dominated by plagioclase with low abundance levels, slightly LREE enriched and variable positive Eu anomaly. Sr and Image values vary with An content in plagioclase. Isotopic studies show low initial Image (=0.7016) indicating that Rb---Sr isochron age represents the time of intrusion rather than the time of metamorphism.


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This study presents a detailed description on crustal metamorphic signatures of garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz-rutile-bearing high P-T granulites, Samgot unit, Imajingang belt, northwestern Korean Peninsula that formed during Permo-Triassic regional metamorphism related to the amalgamation of East Asian continental fragments. Lenses and blocks of high P-T granulites and garnet-bearing leucosomes occur within mafic metamorphic rocks (mainly amphibolites). The mafic blocks comprise relicts of granoblastic garnet and clinopyroxene with medium-grained quartz and rutile. These relict mineral assemblages are confined to local micro-domains and constitute remnants of peak metamorphism. Plagioclase and amphibole form only as retrograde phases in medium ton coarse-grained moats that rim grain boundaries between relict peak mineral assemblages. This microstructure represents the reaction between garnet, clinopyroxene, quartz and rutile in the presence of melt to form amphibole, plagioclase and titanite with minor biotite. The leucosome domains consist of euhedral garnets within the quartz-K feldspar-plagioclase (granitic) matrix, probably representing peritectic garnet growth along with melting. The rare earth element (REE) composition of minerals also support the peritectic garnet growth with a positive Eu/Eu* (positive Eu anomaly), while the relict garnet shows a slight negative anomaly typical for high-grade granulites. The peak-metamorphic conditions calculated from thermodynamic modeling and compositional isopleths indicate a temperature around c. 900 degrees C at a pressure around c. 20 kbar. The present P-T path indicates a clear multi-stage decompression history with initial decompression and cooling followed by a stage of decompression during hydration possibly during Late Triassic exhumation. The results from this study together with the presence of eclogites from the Hongsung area suggest that the Imjingang area and the western Gyeonggi massif likely resided at crustal levels deeper than those of the eastern and southern part of the Gyeonggi massif. (C) 2009 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The oxygen potentials corresponding to fayalite-quartz-iron (FQI) and fayalite-quartz-magnetite (FQM) equilibria have been determined using solid-state galvanic cells: Pt,Fe + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Fe + \r"FeO,\l"Pt and Pt, Fe3O4 + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Ni + NiO, Pt in the temperature ranges 900 to 1400 K and 1080 to 1340 K, respectively. The cells are written such that the right-hand electrodes are positive. Silica used in this study had the quartz structure. The emf of both cells was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature. From the emf, Gibbs energy changes were deduced for the reactions: 0.106Fe (s) + 2Fe0.947O (r.s.) + SiO2 (qz) â Fe2SiO4 (ol) δGâ¡= -39,140+ 15.59T(± 150) J mol-1 and 3Fe2SiO4 (ol) + O2 (g) â 2Fe3O4 (sp) + 3SiO2 (qz) δGâ¡ = -471,750 + 160.06 T±} 1100) J mol-1 The âœthird-lawâ analysis of fayalite-quartz-wustite and fayalite-quartz-magnetite equilibria gives value for δHâ¡298 as -35.22 (±0.1) and -528.10 (±0.1) kJ mol-1, respectively, independent of temperature. The Gibbs energy of formation of the spinel form of Fe2SiO4 is derived by com-bining the present results on FQI equilibrium with the high-pressure data on olivine to spinel transformation of Fe2SiO4.


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Phase relations in the pseudoternary system CaO-CoO-SiO2 have been established at 1323 K. Three quaternary oxides were found to be stable: CaCoSi2O6 with clinopyroxene (Cpx), Ca2CoSi2O7 with melilite (Mel), and CaCoSiO4 with olivine (Ol) structures. The Gibbs energies of formation of the quaternary oxides from their component binary oxides were measured using solid-state galvanic cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte in the temperature range of 1000-1324 K. The results can be summarized as follows: CoO (rs) + CaO (rs) + 2SiO(2) (Qtz) --> CaCoSi2O6 (Cpx), Delta G(f)(0) = -117920 + 11.26T (+/-150) J/mol CoO (rs) + 2CaO (rs) + 2SiO(2) (Qtz) --> Ca2CoSi2O7 (Mel), Delta G(f)(0) = -192690 + 2.38T (+/-130) J/mol CoO (rs) + CaO (rs) + SiO2 (Qtz) --> CaCoSiO2 (Ol), Delta G(f)(0) = -100325 + 2.55T (+/-100) J/mol where rs = rock salt (NaCl) structure and Qtz = quartz. The uncertainty limits correspond to twice the standard error estimate. The experimentally observed miscibility gaps along the joins CaO-CoO and CaCoSiO4-Co2SiO4 were used to calculate the excess free energies of mixing for the solid solutions CaxCo1-xO and (CayCo1-y)CoSiO4:Delta G(E) = X(1 - X)[31975X + 26736 (1 - X)] J/mol and Delta G(E) = 23100 (+/-250) Y(1 - Y) J/mol. A T-X phase diagram for the binary CaO-CoO was computed from the thermodynamic information; the diagram agrees with information available in the literature. The computed miscibility gap along the CaCoSiO4-Co2SiO4 join is associated with a critical temperature of 1389 (+/-15) K. Stability fields for the various solid solutions and the quaternary compounds are depicted on chemical-potential diagrams for SiO2, CaO, and CoO at 1323 K.


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Two solid state galvanic cells:Pt, Ni + Ni2Si04 + Si02/(Y203)Zr02/Ni + + NiO, Pt (1) and Pt, Ni + NizSiOj + Si02/CaF2/Ni + + NiO, Pt (11) have been employed for the determination of the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel orthosilicate(Ni2Si04) from nickel oxide and quartz. The emf of cell (I) was reversible and reproducible in the temperature range 925 to 1375K whereas emf of cell (11) drifted with time and changed polarity. From the results of cell (I), the Gibbs' energy of formation of nickel silicate is obtained as,2Ni0 (r.s.) + Si02 (quartz) + Ni2Si04 (olivine)Gibbs' energy of formation of the spinel form of Ni2Si04 is obtained by combining the data for olivine obtained in this study with high pressure data on olivine to spinel transition reported in the literature. The complex time dependence of the emf of cell (11) can be rationalised on the basis of formation of calcium silicates from calcium oxide, generally present as an impurity in the calcium fluoride electrolyte, and silica. The emf of cell (11) is shown to be the function of the activity of calcium oxide at the electrolyte/ electrode interface. The results provide strong evidence against the recent suggestion of mixed anionic conduction in calcium fluoride.


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The Neoarchean layered anorthositic complex at Sittampundi in southern India is known for its chromitite layers that are mostly associated with anorthosite (An(90-100)). The chromitites contain FeAl-rich chromites concentrated in layers between amphibole-rich layers with a dominant mineralogy of amphibole-spinel-plagiocase+/-sapphirine. The chromite-rich layers contain only amphibole and plagioclase. Mineral compositions illustrated by X-ray composition maps and profiles show subtle chemical differences. The chrome spinels are of refractory grade with Cr2O3 and Al2O3 contents varying between 34-40 wt.% and 23-28 wt.%. The chromite compositions are noticeably different from those in layered igneous intrusions of the Bushveld-Stillwater type. The existence of original highly calcic plagioclase, FeAl-rich chromite, and magmatic amphibole is consistent with derivation from a parental magma of hydrous tholeiitic composition that was most likely generated in a supra-subduction zone arc setting. In terms of mineralogy and field relations, the Sittampundi chromitites are remarkably similar to anorthosite-hosted chromitites in the Neoarchean Fiskensset anorthositic complex, Greenland. We propose that the Sittampundi chromitites formed by partial melting of unusually aluminous harzburgite in a hydrated mantle wedge above a subduction zone. This melting process produced hydrous, aluminous basalt, which fractionated at depth to give rise to a variety of high-alumina basalt compositions from which the anorthositic complex with its cumulate chromite-rich and amphibole-rich layers formed within the magma chamber of a supra-subduction zone arc. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sub-solidus phase relations in the ternary systems CaO-RuO2-SiO2 and CaO-RuO2-V2O5 have been refined using thermodynamic data on calcium ruthenates, silicates and vanadates. Tie lines are established by considering Gibbs energy change for exchange reactions. Quaternary oxides have not been detected in these systems. Because of the relatively large entropy associated with phase transition of Ca2SiO4 from olivine to alpha' structure at 1120 K, reversal of one tie line is seen in the system CaO-RuO2-SiO2 between 950 and 1230 K. There is no change in sub-solidus phase relation as a function of temperature in the system CaO-RuO2-V2O5. Since vanadium can exist in several lower oxidation states, the computed sub-solidus phase relations are valid only at high oxygen partial pressures. There is fair agreement between the computed phase diagram and the limited experimental information available for CaO-deficient compositions in the literature. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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<p>Oxygen isotopes were measured in mineral separates from martian meteorites using laser fluorination and were found to be remarkably uniform in both δ18O and Î17O, suggesting that martian magmas did not assimilate aqueously altered crust regardless of any other geochemical variations.</p> <p>Measurements of Cl, F, H, and S in apatite from martian meteorites were made using the SIMS and NanoSIMS. Martian apatites are typically higher in Cl than terrestrial apatites from mafic and ultramafic rocks, signifying that Mars is inherently higher in Cl than Earth. Apatites from basaltic and olivine-phyric shergottites are as high in water as any terrestrial apatite from mafic and utramafic rocks, implying the possibility that martian magmas may be more similar in water abundance to terrestrial magmas than previously thought. Apatites from lherzolitic shergottites, nakhlites, chassignites, and ALH 84001 (all of which are cumulate rocks) are all lower in water than the basaltic and olivine-phyric shergottites, indicating that the slow-cooling accumulation process allows escape of water from trapped melts where apatite later formed. Sulfur is only high in some apatites from basaltic and olivine-phyric shergottites and low in all other SNCs from this study, which could mean that cumulate SNCs are low in all volatiles and that there are other controlling factors in basaltic and olivine-phyric magmas dictating the inclusion of sulfur into apatite.</p> <p>Sulfur Kα X-rays were measured in SNC apatites using the electron probe. None of the peaks in the SNC spectra reside in the same position as anhydrite (where sulfur is 100% sulfate) or pyrite (where sulfur is 100% sulfide), but instead all SNC spectra peaks lie in between these two end member peaks, which implies that SNC apatites may be substituting some sulfide, as well as sulfate, into their structure. However, further work is needed to verify this hypothesis.</p>


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<p>Secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), electron probe analysis (EPMA), analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy were used to determine the chemical composition and the mineralogy of sub-micrometer inclusions in cubic diamonds and in overgrowths (coats) on octahedral diamonds from Zaire, Botswana, and some unknown localities.</p> <p>The inclusions are sub-micrometer in size. The typical diameter encountered during transmission electron microscope (TEM) examination was 0.1-0.5 µm. The micro-inclusions are sub-rounded and their shape is crystallographically controlled by the diamond. Normally they are not associated with cracks or dislocations and appear to be well isolated within the diamond matrix. The number density of inclusions is highly variable on any scale and may reach 10^(11) inclusions/cm^3 in the most densely populated zones. The total concentration of metal oxides in the diamonds varies between 20 and 1270 ppm (by weight).</p> <p>SIMS analysis yields the average composition of about 100 inclusions contained in the sputtered volume. Comparison of analyses of different volumes of an individual diamond show roughly uniform composition (typically ±10% relative). The variation among the average compositions of different diamonds is somewhat greater (typically ±30%). Nevertheless, all diamonds exhibit similar characteristics, being rich in water, carbonate, SiO_2, and K_2O, and depleted in MgO. The composition of micro-inclusions in most diamonds vary within the following ranges: SiO_2, 30-53%; K_2O, 12-30%; CaO, 8-19%; FeO, 6-11%; Al_2O_3, 3-6%; MgO, 2-6%; TiO_2, 2-4%; Na_2O, 1-5%; P_2O_5, 1-4%; and Cl, 1-3%. In addition, BaO, 1-4%; SrO, 0.7-1.5%; La_2O_3, 0.1-0.3%; Ce_2O_3, 0.3-0.5%; smaller amounts of other rare-earth elements (REE), as well as Mn, Th, and U were also detected by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Mg/(Fe+Mg), 0.40-0.62 is low compared with other mantle derived phases; K/ AI ratios of 2-7 are very high, and the chondrite-normalized Ce/Eu ratios of 10-21 are also high, indicating extremely fractionated REE patterns.</p> <p>SEM analyses indicate that individual inclusions within a single diamond are roughly of similar composition. The average composition of individual inclusions as measured with the SEM is similar to that measured by SIMS. Compositional variations revealed by the SEM are larger than those detected by SIMS and indicate a small variability in the composition of individual inclusions. No compositions of individual inclusions were determined that might correspond to mono-mineralic inclusions.</p> <p>IR spectra of inclusion- bearing zones exhibit characteristic absorption due to: (1) pure diamonds, (2) nitrogen and hydrogen in the diamond matrix; and (3) mineral phases in the micro-inclusions. Nitrogen concentrations of 500-1100 ppm, typical of the micro-inclusion-bearing zones, are higher than the average nitrogen content of diamonds. Only type IaA centers were detected by IR. A yellow coloration may indicate small concentration of type IB centers.</p> <p>The absorption due to the micro-inclusions in all diamonds produces similar spectra and indicates the presence of hydrated sheet silicates (most likely, Fe-rich clay minerals), carbonates (most likely calcite), and apatite. Small quantities of molecular CO_2 are also present in most diamonds. Water is probably associated with the silicates but the possibility of its presence as a fluid phase cannot be excluded. Characteristic lines of olivine, pyroxene and garnet were not detected and these phases cannot be significant components of the inclusions. Preliminary quantification of the IR data suggests that water and carbonate account for, on average, 20-40 wt% of the micro-inclusions.</p> <p>The composition and mineralogy of the micro-inclusions are completely different from those of the more common, larger inclusions of the peridotitic or eclogitic assemblages. Their bulk composition resembles that of potassic magmas, such as kimberlites and lamproites, but is enriched in H_2O, CO_3, K_2O, and incompatible elements, and depleted in MgO.</p> <p>It is suggested that the composition of the micro-inclusions represents a volatile-rich fluid or a melt trapped by the diamond during its growth. The high content of K, Na, P, and incompatible elements suggests that the trapped material found in the micro-inclusions may represent an effective metasomatizing agent. It may also be possible that fluids of similar composition are responsible for the extreme enrichment of incompatible elements documented in garnet and pyroxene inclusions in diamonds.</p> <p>The origin of the fluid trapped in the micro-inclusions is still uncertain. It may have been formed by incipient melting of a highly metasomatized mantle rocks. More likely, it is the result of fractional crystallization of a potassic parental magma at depth. In either case, the micro-inclusions document the presence of highly potassic fluids or melts at depths corresponding to the diamond stability field in the upper mantle. The phases presently identified in the inclusions are believed to be the result of closed system reactions at lower pressures.</p>


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<p>(1) Equation of State of Komatiite</p> <p>The equation of state (EOS) of a molten komatiite (27 wt% MgO) was detennined in the 5 to 36 GPa pressure range via shock wave compression from 1550°C and 0 bar. Shock wave velocity, U<sub>S</sub>, and particle velocity, U<sub>P</sub>, in km/s follow the linear relationship U<sub>S</sub> = 3.13(±0.03) + 1.47(±0.03) U<sub>P</sub>. Based on a calculated density at 1550°C, 0 bar of 2.745±0.005 glee, this U<sub>S</sub>-U<sub>P</sub> relationship gives the isentropic bulk modulus K<sub>S</sub> = 27.0 ± 0.6 GPa, and its first and second isentropic pressure derivatives, K'<sub>S</sub> = 4.9 ± 0.1 and K"<sub>S</sub> = -0.109 ± 0.003 GPa<sup>-1</sup>.</p> <p>The calculated liquidus compression curve agrees within error with the static compression results of Agee and Walker [1988a] to 6 GPa. We detennine that olivine (FO<sub>94</sub>) will be neutrally buoyant in komatiitic melt of the composition we studied near 8.2 GPa. Clinopyroxene would also be neutrally buoyant near this pressure. Liquidus garnet-majorite may be less dense than this komatiitic liquid in the 20-24 GPa interval, however pyropic-garnet and perovskite phases are denser than this komatiitic liquid in their respective liquidus pressure intervals to 36 GPa. Liquidus perovskite may be neutrally buoyant near 70 GPa.</p> <p>At 40 GPa, the density of shock-compressed molten komatiite would be approximately equal to the calculated density of an equivalent mixture of dense solid oxide components. This observation supports the model of Rigden et al. [1989] for compressibilities of liquid oxide components. Using their theoretical EOS for liquid forsterite and fayalite, we calculate the densities of a spectrum of melts from basaltic through peridotitic that are related to the experimentally studied komatiitic liquid by addition or subtraction of olivine. At low pressure, olivine fractionation lowers the density of basic magmas, but above 14 GPa this trend is reversed. All of these basic to ultrabasic liquids are predicted to have similar densities at 14 GPa, and this density is approximately equal to the bulk (PREM) mantle. This suggests that melts derived from a peridotitic mantle may be inhibited from ascending from depths greater than 400 km.</p> <p>The EOS of ultrabasic magmas was used to model adiabatic melting in a peridotitic mantle. If komatiites are formed by >15% partial melting of a peridotitic mantle, then komatiites generated by adiabatic melting come from source regions in the lower transition zone (âˆ500-670 km) or the lower mantle (>670 km). The great depth of incipient melting implied by this model, and the melt density constraint mentioned above, suggest that komatiitic volcanism may be gravitationally hindered. Although komatiitic magmas are thought to separate from their coexisting crystals at a temperature =200°C greater than that for modern MORBs, their ultimate sources are predicted to be diapirs that, if adiabatically decompressed from initially solid mantle, were more than 700°C hotter than the sources of MORBs and derived from great depth.</p> <p>We considered the evolution of an initially molten mantle, i.e., a magma ocean. Our model considers the thermal structure of the magma ocean, density constraints on crystal segregation, and approximate phase relationships for a nominally chondritic mantle. Crystallization will begin at the core-mantle boundary. Perovskite buoyancy at > 70 GPa may lead to a compositionally stratified lower mantle with iron-enriched mangesiowiistite content increasing with depth. The upper mantle may be depleted in perovskite components. Olivine neutral buoyancy may lead to the formation of a dunite septum in the upper mantle, partitioning the ocean into upper and lower reservoirs, but this septum must be permeable.</p> <p>(2) Viscosity Measurement with Shock Waves</p> <p>We have examined in detail the analytical method for measuring shear viscosity from the decay of perturbations on a corrugated shock front The relevance of initial conditions, finite shock amplitude, bulk viscosity, and the sensitivity of the measurements to the shock boundary conditions are discussed. The validity of the viscous perturbation approach is examined by numerically solving the second-order Navier-Stokes equations. These numerical experiments indicate that shock instabilities may occur even when the Kontorovich-D'yakov stability criteria are satisfied. The experimental results for water at 15 GPa are discussed, and it is suggested that the large effective viscosity determined by this method may reflect the existence of ice VII on the Rayleigh path of the Hugoniot This interpretation reconciles the experimental results with estimates and measurements obtained by other means, and is consistent with the relationship of the Hugoniot with the phase diagram for water. Sound waves are generated at 4.8 MHz at in the water experiments at 15 GPa. The existence of anelastic absorption modes near this frequency would also lead to large effective viscosity estimates.</p> <p>(3) Equation of State of Molybdenum at 1400°C</p> <p>Shock compression data to 96 GPa for pure molybdenum, initially heated to 1400°C, are presented. Finite strain analysis of the data gives a bulk modulus at 1400°C, K'<sub>S</sub>. of 244±2 GPa and its pressure derivative, K'<sub>OS</sub> of 4. A fit of shock velocity to particle velocity gives the coefficients of U<sub>S</sub> = C<sub>O</sub>+S U<sub>P</sub> to be C<sub>O</sub> = 4.77±0.06 km/s and S = 1.43±0.05. From the zero pressure sound speed, C<sub>O</sub>, a bulk modulus of 232±6 GPa is calculated that is consistent with extrapolation of ultrasonic elasticity measurements. The temperature derivative of the bulk modulus at zero pressure, θK<sub>OS</sub>θT|<sub>P</sub>, is approximately -0.012 GPa/K. A thermodynamic model is used to show that the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter is proportional to the density and independent of temperature. The Mie-Grüneisen equation of state adequately describes the high temperature behavior of molybdenum under the present range of shock loading conditions.</p>


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<p>Several types of seismological data, including surface wave group and phase velocities, travel times from large explosions, and teleseismic travel time anomalies, have indicated that there are significant regional variations in the upper few hundred kilometers of the mantle beneath continental areas. Body wave travel times and amplitudes from large chemical and nuclear explosions are used in this study to delineate the details of these variations beneath North America.</p> <p>As a preliminary step in this study, theoretical P wave travel times, apparent velocities, and amplitudes have been calculated for a number of proposed upper mantle models, those of Gutenberg, Jeffreys, Lehman, and Lukk and Nersesov. These quantities have been calculated for both P and S waves for model CIT11GB, which is derived from surface wave dispersion data. First arrival times for all the models except that of Lukk and Nersesov are in close agreement, but the travel time curves for later arrivals are both qualitatively and quantitatively very different. For model CIT11GB, there are two large, overlapping regions of triplication of the travel time curve, produced by regions of rapid velocity increase near depths of 400 and 600 km. Throughout the distance range from 10 to 40 degrees, the later arrivals produced by these discontinuities have larger amplitudes than the first arrivals. The amplitudes of body waves, in fact, are extremely sensitive to small variations in the velocity structure, and provide a powerful tool for studying structural details.</p> <p>Most of eastern North America, including the Canadian Shield has a Pn velocity of about 8.1 km/sec, with a nearly abrupt increase in compressional velocity by ~ 0.3 km/sec near at a depth varying regionally between 60 and 90 km. Variations in the structure of this part of the mantle are significant even within the Canadian Shield. The low-velocity zone is a minor feature in eastern North America and is subject to pronounced regional variations. It is 30 to 50 km thick, and occurs somewhere in the depth range from 80 to 160 km. The velocity decrease is less than 0.2 km/sec.</p> <p>Consideration of the absolute amplitudes indicates that the attenuation due to anelasticity is negligible for 2 hz waves in the upper 200 km along the southeastern and southwestern margins of the Canadian Shield. For compressional waves the average Q for this region is > 3000. The amplitudes also indicate that the velocity gradient is at least 2 x 10<sup>-3</sup> both above and below the low-velocity zone, implying that the temperature gradient is &#60; 4.8°C/km if the regions are chemically homogeneous.</p> <p>In western North America, the low-velocity zone is a pronounced feature, extending to the base of the crust and having minimum velocities of 7.7 to 7.8 km/sec. Beneath the Colorado Plateau and Southern Rocky Mountains provinces, there is a rapid velocity increase of about 0.3 km/sec, similar to that observed in eastern North America, but near a depth of 100 km.</p> <p>Complicated travel time curves observed on profiles with stations in both eastern and western North America can be explained in detail by a model taking into account the lateral variations in the structure of the low-velocity zone. These variations involve primarily the velocity within the zone and the depth to the top of the zone; the depth to the bottom is, for both regions, between 140 and 160 km.</p> <p>The depth to the transition zone near 400 km also varies regionally, by about 30-40 km. These differences imply variations of 250 °C in the temperature or 6 % in the iron content of the mantle, if the phase transformation of olivine to the spinel structure is assumed responsible. The structural variations at this depth are not correlated with those at shallower depths, and follow no obvious simple pattern.</p> <p>The computer programs used in this study are described in the Appendices. The program TTINV (Appendix IV) fits spherically symmetric earth models to observed travel time data. The method, described in Appendix III, resembles conventional least-square fitting, using partial derivatives of the travel time with respect to the model parameters to perturb an initial model. The usual ill-conditioned nature of least-squares techniques is avoided by a technique which minimizes both the travel time residuals and the model perturbations.</p> <p>Spherically symmetric earth models, however, have been found inadequate to explain most of the observed travel times in this study. TVT4, a computer program that performs ray theory calculations for a laterally inhomogeneous earth model, is described in Appendix II. Appendix I gives a derivation of seismic ray theory for an arbitrarily inhomogeneous earth model.</p>


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O tema abordado nesta dissertação de mestrado é a petrogênese dos diabásios do Eocretáceo que integram o Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar na região de Angra dos Reis (RJ). Estes diques intrudem rochas do Terreno Ocidental e do Arco Magmático Rio Negro, inserindo-se no contexto geodinâmico de fragmentação do Gondwana no Cretáceo Inferior. Essas intrusões são subverticais e orientam-se preferencialmente a N039E. Intrusões retilíneas são as mais observadas em campo. Os diabásios são compostos, essencialmente, por plagioclásio e clinopiroxênios (augita e pigeonita). Quartzo, minerais opacos, apatita e olivina ocorrem como minerais acessórios. A composição mineral secundária é marcada pela presença de biotita, uralita e saussurita. Os diabásios estudados compreendem uma série transicional com afinidade toleítica. Os estudos petrológicos revelam a existência de cinco suítes de alto-TiO2, tendo sido as mesmas discriminadas com base nas razões La/Yb de amostras com o mesmo teor de MgO. Destas, apenas a suíte 2 têm quantidade mínima de amostras para avaliação de processos evolutivos. O resultado da modelagem petrogenética aponta que o processo evolutivo mais provável para a geração dos diabásios da suíte 2 é cristalização fracionada sem mudança na assembleia fracionante. As amostras representativas dos líquidos parentais das cinco suítes apresentam razões La/Nb e La/Yb maiores que a unidade, típicas de derivação de fonte enriquecida, que, em várias províncias basálticas continentais, tem sido associada à fusão exclusiva do manto litosférico subcontinental ou a sua participação em processos de mistura de fontes. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita exclusivamente com base nos teores de elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais das cinco suítes discriminadas na área de estudo. Os modelos indicam que todas as cinco suítes estudadas estão relacionadas a fontes harzburgíticas com granada residual. A suíte 5 da área de estudo não pode ser associada à mesma fonte mantélica geradora das suítes 1, 2, 3 e 4 que, por sua vez, se originaram por diferentes quantidades de fusão parcial (respectivamente, 44%, 35%, 31% e 25%) de uma mesma fonte. Cabe ressaltar que a ocorrência de duas suítes, com razões La/Yb muito distintas, porém geograficamente muito próximas, sugere que processos de heterogeneidade mantélica, tipicamente laterais, devem também ocorrer verticalmente.


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Lamprófiros e diabásios alcalinos afloram no litoral dos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro e integram o Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar (EDSM). Essas rochas ocorrem sob a forma de diques e intrudem o Orógeno Ribeira, de idade Neoproterozóica/Cambro-Ordoviciana, inserindo-se no contexto geodinâmico de abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul durante o Cretáceo Superior. Essas intrusões são subverticais e orientam-se preferencialmente a NE-SW, seguindo a estruturação das rochas encaixantes. Os lamprófiros são classificados como monchiquitos e camptonitos e exibem, respectivamente, textura hipocristalina e holocristalina. Apresentam também textura panidiomórfica, fenocristais de clinopiroxênio e olivina, imersos em matriz formada essencialmente por esses mesmos minerais, além de biotita, kaersutita e minerais opacos. O camptonito apresenta ainda plagioclásio na matriz. Os diabásios alcalinos são hipocristalinos a holocristalinos, equigranulares a inequigranulares, com fenocristais de olivina e/ou clinopiroxênio e/ou plagioclásio, em uma matriz composta essencialmente por esses minerais. As rochas estudadas caracterizam séries alcalinas miaskíticas, com os lamprófiros sendo tanto sódicos, potássicos e ultrapotássicos e os diabásios alcalinos como predominantemente sódicos. Modelagens petrogenéticas envolvendo possíveis processos evolutivos mostram que é improvável que os lamprófiros sejam cogenéticos por processos evolutivos envolvendo tanto cristalização fracionada, com ou sem assimilação concomitante, quanto hibridização. O mesmo ocorre para os diabásios alcalinos. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita com base nos teores de elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais e indica que esse magmatismo alcalino está relacionado a fontes lherzolíticas com fusão parcial na zona de estabilidade do espinélio, isto é, a poucas profundidades. Os dados litogeoquímicos e isotópicos do sistema Sr-Nd das rochas estudadas sugerem tanto o envolvimento de fontes férteis, associadas ao manto sublitosférico, quanto de fontes enriquecidas, relacionadas ao manto litosférico subcontinental. Modelagens de mistura binária revelam que a petrogênese dos lamprófiros e diabásios alcalinos envolveu uma grande participação de um componente fértil misturado com contribuições menores de um componente enriquecido. Idades TDM (760-557 Ma) obtidas sugerem remobilização do manto litosférico no Neoproterozóico, talvez relacionadas à subducção da Placa São Francisco preteritamente à colisão do Orógeno Ribeira. Altas razões CaO/Al2O3 para os líquidos lamprofíricos menos evoluídos, altos teores de Zr, correlações negativas Zr/Hf e Ti/Eu e associação com carbonatitos indicam condições metassomáticas de alto CO2/H2O. Em escala local, modelos geodinâmicos baseados na astenosfera não isotérmica parecem mais aplicáveis. No entanto, modelos geodinâmicos baseados na astenosfera isotérmica (com o envolvimento de plumas) parecem mais indicados num contexto regional, considerando-se outras províncias alcalinas contemporâneas e correlatas.


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Este trabalho de mestrado estudou a ilha de Martin Vaz e cinco montes submarinos da Cadeia Vitória-Trindade Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur e Montague. Martin Vaz é um conjunto de ilhas formado pela ilha principal - Martin Vaz, duas ilhotas íngremes e inacessíveis - a Ilha do Norte e a Ilha do Sul além de vários rochedos menores, como o Rochedo Agulha, espalhados a 48 km a leste de Trindade, perfazendo uma área total de 0,3 km. Martin Vaz, assim como os montes submarinos, pertencem a chamada Cadeia Vitória-Trindade, estão inseridos em um contexto tectônico regional cujo trend W-E sugere representar o track da pluma mantélica de Trindade quando da passagem da Placa Sul Americana sobre ela desde o Terciário (CROUGH et al., 1980; OCONNOR & DUNCAN, 1990, GIBSON et at., 1997). A petrografia das amostras de Martin Vaz indica haver basanitos parcialmente alteradas, melanocráticas, textura afanítica, porosas, apresentando vesículas em torno de 1,0-5,0 milímetros. Apresenta fenocristais de piroxênio além de alguns fenocristais de olivina verde-oliva translúcido variando de 1,0-3,0 milímetros. A ilha principal apresenta também diques e necks fonolíticos apresentando matriz microlítica alterada, orientada, de cor verde apresentando minerais ripiformes de cor branca (feldspato alcalino) e outros de cor violácea (titanoaugita) além de pequenos opacos. Pequenos fenocristais de aegerina-augita fortemente pleocroica, alguns apresentando geminação simples, por vezes zonado, apresenta extinção variando de c &#8743; &#945; ou X = 23 a 33 (medida de 10 grãos). Biotita laranja amarronzada com textura poiquilítica (1,0 mm), minúsculos cristais euédricos de titanita (raros), além de cristais pseudohexagonais isotrópicos alterados de analcita e carbonatos. As amostras utilizadas neste trabalho de mestrado possuem valor mínimo de 33.91 % SiO2 (TRIM-01D) e máximo de 52,2 (MVA-01) variando de ultrabásicas a básicas. Através da análise dos óxidos SiO2 e MgO é possível distinguir dois grupos de rochas para Martin Vaz: um ultramáfico magnesiano (<42% SiO2 e >7% MgO) e um básico (>45% SiO2) e, para os montes submarinos, dois grupos: um ultramáfico magnesiano (>9% MgO <42% SiO2) e um básico (>45% SiO2 e com valores de MgO em torno de 4%). As análises de Ar-Ar para as quatro amostras de Martin Vaz apresentam idades para o derrame de basanito variando de 320366 Ka (MVA-10) à 623127 Ka (MVA-04). A única amostra datada representando do dique de fonólito é a MVA-05B e obteve idade de 64984 Ka, indicando ser contemporânea ao derrame basanítico.


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A formação ferrífera do Serrote do Breu e de Alto das Pedras localiza-se no município de Campo Grande, Estado de Alagoas e está sendo pesquisada quanto ao seu potencial como minério de ferro. Ela está inserida em um domo de embasamento arqueano no interior da Faixa Sergipana, o Domo de Jirau de Ponciano. A área de estudo é caracterizada por dois altos topográficos denominados Serrote do Breu e Alto das Pedras, sustentados pela formação ferrífera, e que representam flancos opostos de um sinformal inclinado, com direção N60W e forte mergulho para sul, e extensão total de aproximadamente 2 km. A formação ferrífera ocorre em diversas camadas intercaladas em gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos e em rochas metamáficas. Os primeiros foram agrupados na unidade de gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos e as últimas na suíte intrusiva máfica-ultramáfica. Na porção interior do sinformal estão quartzitos e paragnaisses agrupados na unidade metassedimentar e cortando essas unidades há uma unidade de pegmatitos. A formação ferrífera é constituída por quartzo, hematita, anfibólio e magnetita. O anfibólio é em geral cummingtonita, mas riebeckita também ocorre subordinadamente. Os teores médios de SiO2, e Fe2O3t são 43,1% e 50,7%, respectivamente, e, assim como os demais elementos maiores, são compatíveis com outras formações ferríferas do mundo. Com base na petrografia e geoquímica de elementos terras raras os gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos foram divididos em gnaisses bandados e gnaisses com titanita. Ambos apresentam composição riolítica e trend calcio-alcalino. Já as rochas metamáficas e metaultramáficas apresentam composição basáltica a andesítica e trend toleítico completamente dissociado daquele dos gnaisses. Acredita-se que os gnaisses quartzo-feldspáticos e as rochas metamáficas e metaultramáficas tenham se formado em ambientes tectônicos totalmente distintos, com as últimas tendo se formado provavelmente intrusivas nos primeiros.