968 resultados para wrist monitor
Decomposition of domestic wastes in an anaerobic environment results in the production of landfill gas. Public concern about landfill disposal and particularly the production of landfill gas has been heightened over the past decade. This has been due in large to the increased quantities of gas being generated as a result of modern disposal techniques, and also to their increasing effect on modern urban developments. In order to avert diasters, effective means of preventing gas migration are required. This, in turn requires accurate detection and monitoring of gas in the subsurface. Point sampling techniques have many drawbacks, and accurate measurement of gas is difficult. Some of the disadvantages of these techniques could be overcome by assessing the impact of gas on biological systems. This research explores the effects of landfill gas on plants, and hence on the spectral response of vegetation canopies. Examination of the landfill gas/vegetation relationship is covered, both by review of the literature and statistical analysis of field data. The work showed that, although vegetation health was related to landfill gas, it was not possible to define a simple correlation. In the landfill environment, contribution from other variables, such as soil characteristics, frequently confused the relationship. Two sites are investigated in detail, the sites contrasting in terms of the data available, site conditions, and the degree of damage to vegetation. Gas migration at the Panshanger site was dominantly upwards, affecting crops being grown on the landfill cap. The injury was expressed as an overall decline in plant health. Discriminant analysis was used to account for the variations in plant health, and hence the differences in spectral response of the crop canopy, using a combination of soil and gas variables. Damage to both woodland and crops at the Ware site was severe, and could be easily related to the presence of gas. Air photographs, aerial video, and airborne thematic mapper data were used to identify damage to vegetation, and relate this to soil type. The utility of different sensors for this type of application is assessed, and possible improvements that could lead to more widespread use are identified. The situations in which remote sensing data could be combined with ground survey are identified. In addition, a possible methodology for integrating the two approaches is suggested.
Introduction - In recent years much progress has been made in the development of tools for systems biology to study the levels of mRNA and protein, and their interactions within cells. However, few multiplexed methodologies are available to study cell signalling directly at the transcription factor level. Methods - Here we describe a sensitive, plasmid-based RNA reporter methodology to study transcription factor activation in mammalian cells, and apply this technology to profiling 60 transcription factors in parallel. The methodology uses two robust and easily accessible detection platforms; quantitative real-time PCR for quantitative analysis and DNA microarrays for parallel, higher throughput analysis. Findings - We test the specificity of the detection platforms with ten inducers and independently validate the transcription factor activation. Conclusions - We report a methodology for the multiplexed study of transcription factor activation in mammalian cells that is direct and not theoretically limited by the number of available reporters.
Eight otherwise healthy diabetic volunteers took a daily antioxidant supplement consisting of vitamin E (200 IU), vitamin C (250 mg) and α-lipoic acid (90 mg) for a period of 6 weeks. Diabetic dapsone hydroxylamine-mediated methaemoglobin formation and resistance to erythrocytic thiol depletion was compared with age and sex-matched non-diabetic subjects. At time zero, methaemoglobin formation in the non-diabetic subjects was greater at all four time points compared with that of the diabetic subjects. Resistance to glutathione depletion was initially greater in non-diabetic compared with diabetic samples. Half-way through the study (3 weeks), there were no differences between the two groups in methaemoglobin formation and thiol depletion in the diabetic samples was now lower than the non-diabetic samples at 10 and 20 min. At 6 weeks, diabetic erythrocytic thiol levels remained greater than those of non-diabetics. HbA1c values were significantly reduced in the diabetic subjects at 6 weeks compared with time zero values. At 10 weeks, 4 weeks after the end of supplementation, the diabetic HbA1c values significantly increased to the point where they were not significantly different from the time zero values. Total antioxidant status measurement (TAS) indicated that diabetic plasma antioxidant capacity was significantly improved during antioxidant supplementation. Conversion of α-lipoic acid to dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) in vivo led to potent interference in a standard fructosamine assay kit, negating its use in this study. This report suggests that triple antioxidant therapy in diabetic volunteers attenuates the in vitro experimental oxidative stress of methaemoglobin formation and reduces haemoglobin glycation in vivo. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Background. Operative tremor can greatly influence the outcome of certain, precise, microsurgical operations. Reducing a surgeons tremor may not only improve the operative results but decrease the operative time. Previous studies have only measured uni or bi directional tremor and therefore have been unable to calculate both the overall tremor amplitude and the tremor reduction by resting the wrists. Materials and methods. We measured the tremor of 21 neurologically normal volunteers while performing a micromanipulation task, with and without wrist support. Measurements were acquired in three dimensions using three accelerometers attached to the hand, allowing an overall tremor amplitude to be calculated. Results. Resting the wrist on a gelled surface decreases an individuals tremor by a factor of 2.67 (P = 0). Conclusions. Supporting the wrists significantly decreases the amplitude of the tremor. Surgeons should consider using wrist supports when performing parts of operations which necessitate a high degree of accuracy. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Credit must be given to Leinwand from Monkmeyer Press Photo Service].
Copyright © 2014 International Anesthesia Research Society.BACKGROUND: Goal-directed fluid therapy (GDFT) is associated with improved outcomes after surgery. The esophageal Doppler monitor (EDM) is widely used, but has several limitations. The NICOM, a completely noninvasive cardiac output monitor (Cheetah Medical), may be appropriate for guiding GDFT. No prospective studies have compared the NICOM and the EDM. We hypothesized that the NICOM is not significantly different from the EDM for monitoring during GDFT. METHODS: One hundred adult patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery participated in this study. Patients in phase I (n = 50) had intraoperative GDFT guided by the EDM while the NICOM was connected, and patients in phase II (n = 50) had intraoperative GDFT guided by the NICOM while the EDM was connected. Each patient's stroke volume was optimized using 250- mL colloid boluses. Agreement between the monitors was assessed, and patient outcomes (postoperative pain, nausea, and return of bowel function), complications (renal, pulmonary, infectious, and wound complications), and length of hospital stay (LOS) were compared. RESULTS: Using a 10% increase in stroke volume after fluid challenge, agreement between monitors was 60% at 5 minutes, 61% at 10 minutes, and 66% at 15 minutes, with no significant systematic disagreement (McNemar P > 0.05) at any time point. The EDM had significantly more missing data than the NICOM. No clinically significant differences were found in total LOS or other outcomes. The mean LOS was 6.56 ± 4.32 days in phase I and 6.07 ± 2.85 days in phase II, and 95% confidence limits for the difference were -0.96 to +1.95 days (P = 0.5016). CONCLUSIONS: The NICOM performs similarly to the EDM in guiding GDFT, with no clinically significant differences in outcomes, and offers increased ease of use as well as fewer missing data points. The NICOM may be a viable alternative monitor to guide GDFT.
Tree planting is one of the most physically demanding occupations in Canada and as a result, tree planters are at an elevated risk of injury, specifically at the wrist. Wrist injuries develop on account of the highly repetitive nature of the job, as well as other musculoskeletal risk factors including non-neutral wrist postures and high impact forces sustained at the wrist during shovel-ground impact. As a result, wrist brace use has become common among planters, in an effort to limit deviated wrist postures while also providing enhanced stability at the wrist. The external stability provided by a wrist brace is thought to reduce the muscular effort required to provide stiffness at the wrist during shovel-ground impact. Since these prospective benefits have not been formally investigated, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a wrist brace on wrist posture, muscle activity, and joint rotational stiffness about the wrist joint (for two degrees of freedom: flexion/extension and ulnar/radial deviation). We hypothesized that the brace would promote more neutrally aligned wrist angles, and that muscle activity and joint rotational stiffness would also decrease when participants wore the brace. Fourteen tree planters with at least one season of experience were recruited to complete two planting conditions in a laboratory setting: one condition while wearing the brace (with brace, WB) and one condition without the brace (no brace, NB). The results from this study showed that at shovel-ground impact muscle activity trended towards increasing in three muscles when participants wore the brace. Additionally, wrist angles improved about the flexion/extension axis of rotation while increasing in deviation about the ulnar/radial axis of rotation when participants wore the brace. Joint rotational stiffness increased when participants wore the wrist brace. Participants from this study indicated difficulty gripping the shovel due to the bulk of the wrist brace, and this feature is discussed with possible suggestions for future iterations of design. In addition to grip diameter this analysis also prompts the suggestion that hand length and experience should also be considered in the design of tree planting tools, specifically an ergonomic aid such as a wrist brace.
Since 2013, the Baker Program in Real Estate and Hodes Weill & Associates have co-sponsored the Institutional Real Estate Capital Allocations Monitor (the “Allocations Monitor”). The Allocations Monitor was created to conduct a comprehensive annual assessment of institutional allocations to real estate investments through analyzing trends and collecting survey responses of institutional portfolios and allocations by region, type, and size of institution. The Allocations Monitor reports on the role of real estate investments in institutional portfolios, and the impact of institutional allocation trends on the investment management industry.
Introduction Compounds exhibiting antioxidant activity have received much interest in the food industry because of their potential health benefits. Carotenoids such as lycopene, which in the human diet mainly derives from tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), have attracted much attention in this aspect and the study of their extraction, processing and storage procedures is of importance. Optical techniques potentially offer advantageous non-invasive and specific methods to monitor them. Objectives To obtain both fluorescence and Raman information to ascertain if ultrasound assisted extraction from tomato pulp has a detrimental effect on lycopene. Method Use of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor carotenoids in a hexane extract obtained from tomato pulp with application of ultrasound treatment (583 kHz). The resultant spectra were a combination of scattering and fluorescence. Because of their different timescales, decay associated spectra could be used to separate fluorescence and Raman information. This simultaneous acquisition of two complementary techniques was coupled with a very high time-resolution fluorescence lifetime measurement of the lycopene. Results Spectroscopic data showed the presence of phytofluene and chlorophyll in addition to lycopene in the tomato extract. The time-resolved spectral measurement containing both fluorescence and Raman data, coupled with high resolution time-resolved measurements, where a lifetime of ~5 ps was attributed to lycopene, indicated lycopene appeared unaltered by ultrasound treatment. Detrimental changes were, however, observed in both chlorophyll and phytofluene contributions. Conclusion Extracted lycopene appeared unaffected by ultrasound treatment, while other constituents (chlorophyll and phytofluene) were degraded.
Este es un ensayo clínico controlado realizado en 327 pacientes ASA II, sometidas a cesárea, distribuidas aleatoriamente en dos grupos iguales para identificar las variaciones hemodinámicas y nivel metamérico, al aplicar Anestesia Intratecal con Lidocaína Isobárica al 2(AILI) comparada con Lidocaína Hiperbárica al 5(AILH), ambas a dosis de 80 mg. Resultados: la AILI, se mantuvo en determinadas metámeras sin sustancial variabilidad, comportamiento totalmente contrario a la AILH. Las diferencias estadísticas en la presión sistólica, diastólica, y frecuencia cardiaca, entre ambos tipos de anestesia no fueron significativas. La hipotensión se presentó en 32,9con AILI, y 54con AILH; siendo tratada con 2,26 mg (ñ 3.65) y 3,93 mg (ñ 4,26) de efedrina respectivamente. (p> 0.05). Con AILI se presentaron 4 casos de bloqueo raquídeo alto más dificultad respiratoria y, con AILH 3 casos, de los cuales solo 2 presentaron dificultad respiratoria. Conclusión: la AILI produce un bloqueo nervioso más predecible que la AILH. Los valores hemodinámicos y la incidencia de complicaciones, entre ambos anestésicos fueron semejantes