832 resultados para video as a research tool
Use the Browse Object tool to quickly navigate through a selected type of object in your file – pages, tables, sections, images, footnotes or headings of your document. For best viewing Download the video.
When working on a long Word document it can be very useful to be able to look at two parts of the file at the same time, use the Screen Split tool to do just this. For best viewing Download the video.
Web 3.0 - Future Technology Awareness By Team "Time Management": Alejandro Saucedo - Video & Flyer Stephen Griffith - Website James Crickmere - Research Jack Kanani - Dictionary In this era you cannot afford being tech-illiterate as it is literally everywhere! This is why we did thorough research on the future of technology - Web 3.0! You can find all our resources at http://web3.hackasoton.com
Wednesday 19th March 2014 Speaker(s): Kirk Martinez, Dr Jonathon S Hare and Dr Enrico Costanza Organiser: Dr Tim Chown Time: 19/03/2014 11:00-11:50 Location: B32/3077 File size: 676 Mb Abstract The new WAIS seminar series features classic seminars, research discussions, tutorial-style presentations, and research debates. This seminar takes the form of a research discussion which will focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) research being undertaken in WAIS and other research groups in ECS. IoT is a significant emerging research area, with funding for research available from many channels including new H2020 programmes and the TSB. We have seen examples of IoT devices being built in WAIS and other ECS groups, e.g. in sensor networking, energy monitoring via Zigbee devices, and of course Erica the Rhino (a Big Thing!). The goal of the session is to briefly present such examples of existing Things in our lab with the intent of seeding discussion on open research questions, and therefore future work we could do towards new Things being deployed for experimentation in Building 32 or its environs. The session will discuss what 'things' we have, how they work, what new 'things' might we want to create and deploy, what components we might need to enable this, and how we might interact with these objects.
This is a research discussion about the Hampshire Hub - see http://protohub.net/. The aim is to find out more about the project, and discuss future collaboration and sharing of ideas. Mark Braggins (Hampshire Hub Partnership) will introduce the Hampshire Hub programme, setting out its main objectives, work done to-date, next steps including the Hampshire data store (which will use the PublishMyData linked data platform), and opportunities for University of Southampton to engage with the programme , including the forthcoming Hampshire Hackathons Bill Roberts (Swirrl) will give an overview of the PublishMyData platform, and how it will help deliver the objectives of the Hampshire Hub. He will detail some of the new functionality being added to the platform Steve Peters (DCLG Open Data Communities) will focus on developing a web of data that blends and combines local and national data sources around localities, and common topics/themes. This will include observations on the potential employing emerging new, big data sources to help deliver more effective, better targeted public services. Steve will illustrate this with practical examples of DCLG’s work to publish its own data in a SPARQL end-point, so that it can be used over the web alongside related 3rd party sources. He will share examples of some of the practical challenges, particularly around querying and re-using geographic LinkedData in a federated world of SPARQL end-point.
Speaker: Lynda Hardman Organiser: Time: 04/02/2015 12:30-13:30 Location: B32/3077 Abstract The challenges of addressing gender inequalities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine is widely acknowledged. We currently hold a bronze award and ECS is one of many academic units in the University which has gained Athena Swan Charter status. In this seminar, Professor Lynda Hardman, Chair of the Informatics Europe working group "Women in Informatics Research and Education” will be explaining the causes of issued underlying gender inequality and constructive routes to addressing this important agenda. In undertaking to commit to an action plan which is a prerequisite of gaining charter status, the University or academic department agreed to accept and incorporate the Athena Swan six principles listed below: * To address gender inequalities requires commitment and action from everyone, at all levels of the organisation * To tackle the unequal representation of women in science requires changing cultures and attitudes across the organisation * The absence of diversity at management and policy-making levels has broad implications which the organisation will examine * The high loss rate of women in science is an urgent concern which the organisation will address * The system of short-term contracts has particularly negative consequences for the retention and progression of women in science, which the organisation recognises * There are both personal and structural obstacles to women making the transition from PhD into a sustainable academic career in science, which require the active consideration of the organisation. This seminar is designed to provide an opportunity to explore these issues NOTE: Lynda will be basing here talk on some of the work she directed as chair of the "Women in Informatics Research and Education” working group. The purpose of the working group is to actively participate and promote actions that contribute to improve gender balance in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies. The first concrete result of the working group's activities was the publication of the booklet "More Women in Informatics Research and Education" in 2013. The booklet is a compact source of clear and simple best practices to deans and heads of departments that aim to increase the participation of women as both students and employees in their institutions. Many tips included were also inspired by colleagues already in leading positions who have already implemented actions in their institutions to attract more women and ensure their continued participation in the organization at commensurate ratios with their male colleagues. The booklet is endorsed by the European Commission and features a foreword by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for the Digital Agenda.
set of resources and activities about drafting a research Proposal: selecting a suitable theme, and topic. Identify key research questions from proposal and hypothesis. Contains videos and activities
In this seminar slot, we will discuss Steve's research aims and plan. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have received substantial coverage in mainstream sources, academic media, and scholarly journals, both negative and positive. Numerous articles have addressed their potential impact on Higher Education systems in general, and some have highlighted problems with the instructional quality of MOOCs, and the lack of attention to research from online learning and distance education literature in MOOC design. However, few studies have looked at the relationship between social change and the construction of MOOCs within higher education, particularly in terms of educator and learning designer practices. This study aims to use the analytical strategy of Socio-Technical Interaction Networks (STIN) to explore the extent to which MOOCs are socially shaped and their relationship to educator and learning designer practices. The study involves a multi-site case study of 3 UK MOOC-producing universities and aims to capture an empirically based, nuanced understanding of the extent to which MOOCs are socially constructed in particular contexts, and the social implications of MOOCs, especially among educators and learning designers.
El concepto de organización saludable cada vez toma más fuerza en el ámbito empresarial y académico, a razón de su enfoque integral y al impacto generado en distintos grupos de interés. Debido a su reciente consolidación como concepto, existe un limitado cuerpo de investigación en torno al tema. Para contribuir a la generación de conocimiento en este sentido, se desarrolló un estudio exploratorio el cual tenía como objetivo identificar la relación existente entre la implementación de prácticas saludables en las organizaciones y los valores culturales. En el estudio participaron 66 sujetos a quienes se les administró un cuestionario compuesto por nueve variables, cinco provenientes del modelo de Hofstede (1980) y cuatro más que evaluaban la implementación de prácticas organizacionales saludables. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los valores culturales predicen la implementación de prácticas saludables.
Este trabajo explica la realidad brasileña de las favelas, en particular las que se ubican en la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro. Así mismo, se pretende ubicar al lector en la favela Rocinha, y en uno de los principales problemas que enfrentan sus habitantes: la violencia infantil, o violencia contra los niños. La incapacidad del Estado para dar solución a este problema ha llevado a instituciones como UNICEF a crear alternativas para mitigarlo, por lo que es importante analizar esa nueva agenda, traducida en el primer ciclo del programa "Plataforma de Centros Urbanos". Se ha escogido el trabajo de campo como herramienta metodológica para dar cuenta de tal realidad, y para llegar a la conclusión de que un problema social puede, efectivamente, modificar la determinación de una agenda institucional.
El presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar el papel de la Diplomacia Cultural de Corea del Sur en el posicionamiento de su marca país en Colombia en el periodo 2011-2013. Se pretende demostrar que desde el 2011 la diplomacia cultural de Corea del Sur ha sido usada como estrategia sistemática y armónica del Gobierno de Lee Myung Bak en alianza con los sectores público y privado, a fin de posicionar su marca país en Colombia y promover a través de la llamada “Ola Coreana” la demanda por parte de la sociedad colombiana de productos culturales y educativos coreanos. Al ser este un estudio de caso que aborda experiencias concretas durante un periodo de tiempo de 3 años, el diseño metodológico será longitudinal dentro de un marco cualitativo de investigación, usando como principal técnica el análisis documental.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explicar cuál es el papel de la construcción de memoria histórica por parte de la asociación de familias víctimas de Trujillo “AFAVIT” en su reconocimiento como víctimas por parte del Estado colombiano. Se pretende demostrar que la construcción de memoria histórica juega un papel fundamental como herramienta visibilizadora tanto del conflicto colombiano como medio que permite el reconocimiento por parte del Estado. Para lograr dicho fin, se hace imperativo abordar dicha problemática desde un enfoque psicosocial; adicionalmente se tendrán en cuenta entrevistas realizadas a la comunidad AFAVIT.
Esta investigación se preocupa por dilucidar la función de la diplomacia cultural como herramienta para mejorar la relación económica de Colombia con Corea del Sur y Australia. Así, se analiza a la diplomacia cultural y lo que hace Colombia en esta materia en ambos países; así como el estado de la relación económica de Colombia en un periodo de ocho años con dichos países, y cómo las acciones culturales colombianas podrían llegar a mejorar dicha relación económica. De esta manera además del desarrollo conceptual de diplomacia cultural y los indicadores económicos, a saber; exportaciones; Inversión Extranjera Directa y turismo; se corrió un modelo de regresión lineal para saber si efectivamente hay relación entre ambas variables y una contribución final que consiste en una propuesta de generación de indicadores de gestión a utilizarse al momento de implementar la diplomacia cultural como herramienta en política exterior.
This paper examines the production of a videotape of “Little Red Riding Hood,” produced at Central Institute for the Deaf, as a supplemental tool in the teaching of fairy tales.
The paper reports an interactive tool for calibrating a camera, suitable for use in outdoor scenes. The motivation for the tool was the need to obtain an approximate calibration for images taken with no explicit calibration data. Such images are frequently presented to research laboratories, especially in surveillance applications, with a request to demonstrate algorithms. The method decomposes the calibration parameters into intuitively simple components, and relies on the operator interactively adjusting the parameter settings to achieve a visually acceptable agreement between a rectilinear calibration model and his own perception of the scene. Using the tool, we have been able to calibrate images of unknown scenes, taken with unknown cameras, in a matter of minutes. The standard of calibration has proved to be sufficient for model-based pose recovery and tracking of vehicles.