413 resultados para vendor
The immolation of street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi and the demonstrations that followed in December 2010 triggered the Tunisian revolution. But there were more deep-seated issues at stake: unemployment, poverty and exclusion, coupled with a deep sense of injustice, humiliation and helplessness of the peripheries to influence the political centre. Five years after the revolution, the social and economic problems are still persistent and arguably worse. Many people believe Tunisians are facing a distorted revolution; political progress has not coincided with reforms leading to welfare.
WHS shelf-list has note: Inv. 29.
WHS shelf-list has note: Inv. 1275.
I studien undersöks huruvida en grupp narkotikasäljare på den svenska hemsidan Flugsvamp drivs av andra motivationer än ett grundläggande vinstintresse. Sidan bygger på de teknologiska verktyg som utvecklades av den libertarianskt inspirerade Cypherpunkrörelsens arbete med stark kryptografi i slutet av 1990-talet. Dessa verktyg skyddar både brottslingar och frihetskämpar, men har främst associerats med de som använder anonymiteten i kriminella syften och således har verktygen fått ett dåligt rykte som riskerar äventyra kryptografins framtid. Genom semistrukturerade onlineintervjuer med fem säljare av skiftande karaktär samlade jag information gällande deras upplevelse av sidan, relationerna till kunder och administratörer, hur de rent moraliskt rationaliserade sin verksamhet och vilken påverkan de såg sig ha på samhället och kryptografin. En bild framträdde där majoriteten av säljarna uppvisade ansvarskänsla och eftertänksamhet genom att agera med transparens och professionalitet. Genom att utkonkurrera oärliga aktörer och med ett nära kollegialt samarbete med varandra använde dessa säljare sin roll för att utmana den traditionella majoritetsinställningen till narkotika och visa hur den ansvarsfulla digitala försäljningen i längden kan vara samhällsförändrande. En minoritet uppgav att de endast använde sidan för att tjäna extrapengar och egentligen tyckte att det var en rimlig idé för staten att förbjuda de kryptoanarkistiska verktygen då de främst anses användas i kriminella syften. Studien når fram till slutsatserna att samhället som helhet tjänar på att det narkotikarelaterade våldet försvinner från gatorna, visar på hur en inkonsekvent och konservativ lagstiftning gör sig mottaglig för starka motargument samt understryker att den framtida digitala mänskligheten kommer ha en betydande användning för de kryptoanarkistiska verktygen.
In this paper, we present the correction of the geometric distortion measured in the clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems reported in the preceding paper (Part 1) using a 3D method based on the phantom-mapped geometric distortion data. This method allows the correction to be made on phantom images acquired without or with the vendor correction applied. With the vendor's 2D correction applied, the method corrects for both the residual geometric distortion still present in the plane in which the correction method was applied (the axial plane) and the uncorrected geometric distortion along the axis non-nal to the plane. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the correction using this new method was carried out through analyzing the residual geometric distortion in the corrected phantom images. The results show that the new method can restore the distorted images in 3D nearly to perfection. For all the MRI systems investigated, the mean absolute deviations in the positions of the control points (along x-, y- and z-axes) measured on the corrected phantom images were all less than 0.2 mm. The maximum absolute deviations were all below similar to0.8 mm. As expected, the correction of the phantom images acquired with the vendor's correction applied in the axial plane performed equally well. Both the geometric distortion still present in the axial plane after applying the vendor's correction and the uncorrected distortion along the z-axis have all been restored. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Recently, a 3D phantom that can provide a comprehensive and accurate measurement of the geometric distortion in MRI has been developed. Using this phantom, a full assessment of the geometric distortion in a number of clinical MRI systems (GE and Siemens) has been carried out and detailed results are presented in this paper. As expected, the main source of geometric distortion in modern superconducting MRI systems arises from the gradient field nonlinearity. Significantly large distortions with maximum absolute geometric errors ranged between 10 and 25 mm within a volume of 240 x 240 x 240 mm(3) were observed when imaging with the new generation of gradient systems that employs shorter coils. By comparison, the geometric distortion was much less in the older-generation gradient systems. With the vendor's correction method, the geometric distortion measured was significantly reduced but only within the plane in which these 2D correction methods were applied. Distortion along the axis normal to the plane was, as expected, virtually unchanged. Two-dimensional correction methods are a convenient approach and in principle they are the only methods that can be applied to correct geometric distortion in a single slice or in multiple noncontiguous slices. However, these methods only provide an incomplete solution to the problem and their value can be significantly reduced if the distortion along the normal of the correction plane is not small. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to use a case study setting involving the implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to expose and analyze the conflicts in the characterizations of the post bureaucratic organisation (PBO) in the literature. ERP implementations are often accompanied by increasing levels of stress in organizations that place pressures on organizational relationships and structures. Additionally, ERPs are regarded as introducing their own techno-logic of centralization, standardization and formalization that provides an apparent contrast to the exhortations about employee empowerment. Design/methodology/approach – A case study of ERP implementation in a medium-sized entity is presented. The paper explores aspects of ERP and PBO from the context of postmodern organization theory. Findings – Some concerns about PBO identified in the literature are reflected in the case situation. For example, there is a commitment to give up private time and work flexibly by some employees. The paper also provides evidence of the way the management team substitute their reliance on a key individual knowledge worker for that of an ERP system and external vendor support. Paradoxically, trust in that same knowledge worker and between core users of the system is essential to enable the implementation of the system. Originality/value – This paper adds empirical insight to a predominantly theoretical literature. The case evidence indicates some conflicting implications in the concurrent adoption of PBO and ERP.
Trust is a critical component of business to consumer (B2C) e-Commerce success. In the absence of typical environmental cues that consumers use to assess vendor trustworthiness in the offline retail context, online consumers often rely on trust triggers embedded within e-Commerce websites to contribute to the establishment of sufficient trust to make an online purchase. This paper presents and discusses the results of a study which took an initial look at the extent to which the context or manner in which trust triggers are evaluated may exert influence on the importance attributed to individual triggers.
In this article, we review aspects relating to the attractiveness of India for information technology offshore – outsourcing. Our starting point is that, indeed, India will remain competitive in the short-medium term. However, more importantly, we move on to argue that country attractiveness is becoming a less important issue. We consider an alternative approach to analyze country attractive in which the client's strategic intent behind going offshore and the vendor's global dispersedness and its local knowledge define the attractiveness of the firm's offshoring strategy.
In the traditional TOPSIS, the ideal solutions are assumed to be located at the endpoints of the data interval. However, not all performance attributes possess ideal values at the endpoints. We termed performance attributes that have ideal values at extreme points as Type-1 attributes. Type-2 attributes however possess ideal values somewhere within the data interval instead of being at the extreme end points. This provides a preference ranking problem when all attributes are computed and assumed to be of the Type-1 nature. To overcome this issue, we propose a new Fuzzy DEA method for computing the ideal values and distance function of Type-2 attributes in a TOPSIS methodology. Our method allows Type-1 and Type-2 attributes to be included in an evaluation system without compromising the ranking quality. The efficacy of the proposed model is illustrated with a vendor evaluation case for a high-tech investment decision making exercise. A comparison analysis with the traditional TOPSIS is also presented. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
This book contains 13 papers from the 7th Workshop on Global Sourcing, held in Val d'Isere, France, during March 11-14, 2013, which were carefully reviewed and selected from 40 submissions. They are based on a vast empirical base brought together by leading researchers in information systems, strategic management, and operations. This volume is intended for students, academics, and practitioners interested in research results and experiences on outsourcing and offshoring of information technology and business processes. The topics discussed represent both client and supplier perspectives on sourcing of global services, combine theoretical and practical insights regarding challenges that both clients and vendors face, and include case studies from client and vendor organizations.
This edited book is intended for use by students, academics and practitioners who take interest in the outsourcing and offshoring of information technology and business services and processes. The book offers a review of the key topics in outsourcing and offshoring, populated with practical frameworks that serve as a tool kit for practitioners, academics and students. The range of topics covered in this book is wide and diverse, and represents both client and supplier perspectives on sourcing of global services. Various aspects related to the decision making process (e.g., asset transfer), learning mechanisms and organizational practices for managing outsourcing relationships are discussed in great depth. Contemporary sourcing models, including cloud services, are examined. Client dependency on the outsourcing provider, and social aspects, such as identity, are discussed in detail. Furthermore, resistance in outsourcing and failures are investigated to derive lessons as to how to avoid them and improve efficiency in outsourcing. Topics discussed in this book combine theoretical and practical insights regarding challenges that both clients and vendors face. Case studies from client and vendor organizations are used extensively throughout the book. Last but not least, the book examines current and future trends in outsourcing and offshoring, placing particular attention on the centrality of innovation in sourcing arrangements, and how innovation can be realized in outsourcing. The book is based on a vast empirical base brought together through years of extensive research by leading researchers in information systems, strategic management and operations.
This book contains 11 carefully revised and selected papers from the 5th Workshop on Global Sourcing, held in Courchevel, France, March 14-17, 2011. They have been gleaned from a vast empirical base brought together by leading researchers in information systems, strategic management, and operations. This volume is intended for use by students, academics, and practitioners interested in the outsourcing and offshoring of information technology and business processes. It offers a review of the key topics in outsourcing and offshoring, populated with practical frameworks that serve as a tool kit for students and managers. The topics discussed combine theoretical and practical insights, and they are extensively illustrated by case studies from client and vendor organizations. Last but not least, the book examines current and future trends in outsourcing and offshoring, paying particular attention to how innovation can be realized in global or outsourced software development environments.
This edited book is intended for use by students, academics and practitioners who take interest in outsourcing and offshoring of information technology and business processes. The book offers a review of the key topics in outsourcing and offshoring, populated with practical frameworks that serve as a tool kit to students and managers. The range of topics covered in this book is wide and diverse. Various governance and coordination mechanisms for managing outsourcing relationships are discussed in great depth and the decision-making processes and considerations regarding sourcing arrangements, including multi-sourcing and cloud services, are examined. Vendors’ capabilities for managing global software development are studied in depth. Clients’ capabilities and issues related to compliance and culture are also discussed in association with various sourcing models. Topics discussed in this book combine theoretical and practical insights regarding challenges that both clients and vendors face. Case studies from client and vendor organizations are used extensively throughout the book. Last but not least, the book examines current and future trends in outsourcing and offshoring, placing particular attention on the centrality of innovation in sourcing arrangements, and how innovation can be realized in outsourcing. The book is based on a vast empirical base brought together through years of extensive research by leading researchers in information systems, strategic management and operations.