933 resultados para terrorist attacks


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Several pharmacological targets have been proposed as modulators of panic-like reactions. However, interest should be given to other potential therapeutic neurochemical agents. Recent attention has been given to the potential anxiolytic properties of cannabidiol, because of its complex actions on the endocannabinoid system together with its effects on other neurotransmitter systems. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cannabidiol on innate fear-related behaviors evoked by a prey vs predator paradigm. Male Swiss mice were submitted to habituation in an arena containing a burrow and subsequently pre-treated with intraperitoneal administrations of vehicle or cannabidiol. A constrictor snake was placed inside the arena, and defensive and non-defensive behaviors were recorded. Cannabidiol caused a clear anti-aversive effect, decreasing explosive escape and defensive immobility behaviors outside and inside the burrow. These results show that cannabidiol modulates defensive behaviors evoked by the presence of threatening stimuli, even in a potentially safe environment following a fear response, suggesting a panicolytic effect. Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 37, 412-421; doi:10.1038/npp.2011.188; published online 14 September 2011


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Objectives: To observe postpartum migraine recurrence among migraine sufferers before pregnancy, its classifications and associated factors and to compare women, who were exclusively breastfeeding, with those that used other forms of infant feeding. Methods: Out of 686 consecutively assisted women, at the first postnatal week, 266 were identified as migraine sufferers before pregnancy. Among those, one in five that were exclusively breastfeeding (53) and all the ones consecutively using others forms of infant feeding (40) were interviewed at the first and forth postpartum weeks. Results: After multivariable analysis, exclusive breastfeeding, no breastfeeding problems, and low income were associated with decrease in migraine recurrence at the first postpartum week. At the fourth week, exclusive breastfeeding continued to be a protective factor. Conclusions: A decrease in postpartum migraine recurrence seems to be another advantage of exclusive breastfeeding.


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Objective: To review the clinical characteristics of patients with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and to compare their visual outcome with those of patients with optic neuritis (ON) and multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: Thirty-three patients with NMO underwent neuro-ophthalmic evaluation, including automated perimetry along with 30 patients with MS. Visual function in both groups was compared overall and specifically for eyes after a single episode of ON. Results: Visual function and average visual field (VF) mean deviation were significantly worse in eyes of patients with NMO. After a single episode of ON, the VF was normal in only 2 of 36 eyes of patients with NMO compared to 17 of 35 eyes with MS (P < 0.001). The statistical analysis indicated that after a single episode of ON, the odds ratio for having NMO was 6.0 (confidence interval [CI]: 1.6-21.9) when VF mean deviation was worse than -20.0 dB while the odds ratio for having MS was 16.0 (CI: 3.6-68.7) when better than -3.0 dB. Conclusion: Visual outcome was significantly worse in NMO than in MS. After a single episode of ON, suspicion of NMO should be raised in the presence of severe residual VF deficit with automated perimetry and lowered in the case of complete VF recovery.


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[EN]Spoofing identities using photographs is one of the most common techniques to attack 2-D face recognition systems. There seems to exist no comparative stud- ies of di erent techniques using the same protocols and data. The motivation behind this competition is to com- pare the performance of di erent state-of-the-art algo- rithms on the same database using a unique evaluation method. Six di erent teams from universities around the world have participated in the contest.


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L’avanzare delle tecnologie ICT e l’abbattimento dei costi di produzione hanno portato ad un aumento notevole della criminalità informatica. Tuttavia il cambiamento non è stato solamente quantitativo, infatti si può assistere ad un paradigm-shift degli attacchi informatici da completamente opportunistici, ovvero senza un target specifico, ad attacchi mirati aventi come obiettivo una particolare persona, impresa o nazione. Lo scopo della mia tesi è quello di analizzare modelli e tassonomie sia di attacco che di difesa, per poi valutare una effettiva strategia di difesa contro gli attacchi mirati. Il lavoro è stato svolto in un contesto aziendale come parte di un tirocinio. Come incipit, ho effettuato un attacco mirato contro l’azienda in questione per valutare la validità dei sistemi di difesa. L’attacco ha avuto successo, dimostrando l’inefficacia di moderni sistemi di difesa. Analizzando i motivi del fallimento nel rilevare l’attacco, sono giunto a formulare una strategia di difesa contro attacchi mirati sotto forma di servizio piuttosto che di prodotto. La mia proposta è un framework concettuale, chiamato WASTE (Warning Automatic System for Targeted Events) il cui scopo è fornire warnings ad un team di analisti a partire da eventi non sospetti, ed un business process che ho nominato HAZARD (Hacking Approach for Zealot Attack Response and Detection), che modella il servizio completo di difesa contro i targeted attack. Infine ho applicato il processo all’interno dell’azienda per mitigare minacce ed attacchi informatici.


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This thesis collects the outcomes of a Ph.D. course in Telecommunications Engineering and it is focused on the study and design of possible techniques able to counteract interference signal in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) systems. The subject is the jamming threat in navigation systems, that has become a very increasingly important topic in recent years, due to the wide diffusion of GNSS-based civil applications. Detection and mitigation techniques are developed in order to fight out jamming signals, tested in different scenarios and including sophisticated signals. The thesis is organized in two main parts, which deal with management of GNSS intentional counterfeit signals. The first part deals with the interference management, focusing on the intentional interfering signal. In particular, a technique for the detection and localization of the interfering signal level in the GNSS bands in frequency domain has been proposed. In addition, an effective mitigation technique which exploits the periodic characteristics of the common jamming signals reducing interfering effects at the receiver side has been introduced. Moreover, this technique has been also tested in a different and more complicated scenario resulting still effective in mitigation and cancellation of the interfering signal, without high complexity. The second part still deals with the problem of interference management, but regarding with more sophisticated signal. The attention is focused on the detection of spoofing signal, which is the most complex among the jamming signal types. Due to this highly difficulty in detect and mitigate this kind of signal, spoofing threat is considered the most dangerous. In this work, a possible techniques able to detect this sophisticated signal has been proposed, observing and exploiting jointly the outputs of several operational block measurements of the GNSS receiver operating chain.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Time delays from stroke onset to arrival at the hospital are the main obstacles for widespread use of thrombolysis. In order to decrease the delays, educational campaigns try to inform the general public how to act optimally in case of stroke. To determine the content of such a campaign, we assessed the stroke knowledge in our population. METHODS: The stroke knowledge was studied by means of a closed-ended questionnaire. 422 randomly chosen inhabitants of Bern, Switzerland, were interviewed. RESULTS: The knowledge of stroke warning signs (WS) was classified as good in 64.7%. A good knowledge of stroke risk factors (RF) was noted in 6.4%. 4.2% knew both the WS and the RF of stroke indicating a very good global knowledge of stroke. Only 8.3% recognized TIA as symptoms of stroke resolving within 24 hours, and only 2.8% identified TIA as a disease requiring immediate medical help. In multivariate analysis being a woman, advancing age, and having an afflicted relative were associated with a good knowledge of WS (p = 0.048, p < 0.001 and p = 0.043). Good knowledge of RF was related to university education (p < 0.001). The good knowledge of TIA did not depend on age, sex, level of education or having an afflicted relative. CONCLUSIONS: The study brings to light relevant deficits of stroke knowledge in our population. A small number of participants could recognize TIA as stroke related symptoms resolving completely within 24 hours. Only a third of the surveyed persons would seek immediate medical help in case of TIA. The information obtained will be used in the development of future educational campaigns.


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The diagnosis of an acute asthmatic attack in a child is made on a clinical basis. The severity of the exacerbation can be assessed by physical examination and measurement of the transcutaneous oxygenation saturation. A blood gas analysis can be helpful in this assessment. A child with a severe asthma exacerbation should be promptly referred to an emergency department of a hospital. Oxygen should be given to keep the oxygen saturation above 92% and short-acting, selective beta-2 agonists should be administered. Beta-2 agonists can be delivered by intermittent nebulization, continuous nebulization or by metered dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer They can also be given intravenously in patients who are unresponsive to escalating therapy. The early administration of systemic corticosteroids is essential for the management of acute asthma in children. When tolerated, systemic corticoseroids can be given orally but inhaled corticosteroids are not recommended. Oxygen delivery, beta-2 agonists and steroid therapy are the mainstay of emergency treatment. Hypovolemia should be corrected either intravenously or orally. Administration of multiple doses of ipratropium bromide has been shown to decrease the hospitalization rate in children and adolescents with severe asthma. Clinical response to initial treatment is the main criterion for hospital admission. Patients with failure to respond to treatment should be transferred to an intensive care unit. A critical aspect of management of the acute asthma attack in a child is the prevention of similar attacks in the future.


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Support among US citizens for severe interrogation has been recognized as drawing upon utilitarian as well as on retributive motivation (Carlsmith & Sood, 2009). Two studies were conducted to expand on these findings in a Swiss sample. In Study 1, participants rated the severity of different interrogation techniques, which were scaled to provide an alternative measure of interrogation severity. In Study 2, retributive motivation was manipulated by varying the terrorist past of a male suspect, and utilitarian motivation was manipulated by varying the probability that the suspect could provide valuable information. Additionally, we manipulated the suspect’s group membership. The results of the vignette study suggest that the number and severity of recommended interrogation techniques is mainly influenced by whether the suspect might provide valuable information. Whether the suspect had a terrorist past was an additional influence that, however, was primarily attributable to the suspect’s group membership: If the suspect belonged to the ingroup, participants’ harsher interrogation recommendations were affected by that person’s past, whereas recommendations were not significantly influenced by a terrorist past if the suspect was an outgroup member.