473 resultados para switches
Enveloped viruses enter cells by protein-mediated membrane fusion. For influenza virus, membrane fusion is regulated by the conformational state of the hemagglutinin (HA) protein, which switches from a native (nonfusogenic) structure to a fusion-active (fusogenic) conformation when exposed to the acidic environment of the cellular endosome. Here we demonstrate that destabilization of HA at neutral pH, with either heat or the denaturant urea, triggers a conformational change that is biochemically indistinguishable from the change triggered by low pH. In each case, the conformational change is coincident with induction of membrane-fusion activity, providing strong evidence that the fusogenic structure is formed. These results indicate that the native structure of HA is trapped in a metastable state and that the fusogenic conformation is released by destabilization of native structure. This strategy may be shared by other enveloped viruses, including those that enter the cell at neutral pH, and could have implications for understanding the membrane-fusion step of HIV infection.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is dimorphic and switches from a yeast form to a pseudohyphal (PH) form when starved for nitrogen. PH cells are elongated, bud in a unipolar manner, and invade the agar substrate. We assessed the requirements for actin in mediating the dramatic morphogenetic events that accompany the transition to PH growth. Twelve “alanine scan” alleles of the single yeast actin gene (ACT1) were tested for effects on filamentation, unipolar budding, agar invasion, and cell elongation. Some act1 mutations affect all phenotypes, whereas others affect only one or two aspects of PH growth. Tests of intragenic complementation among specific act1 mutations support the phenotypic evidence for multiple actin functions in filamentous growth. We present evidence that interaction between actin and the actin-binding protein fimbrin is important for PH growth and suggest that association of different actin-binding proteins with actin mediates the multiple functions of actin in filamentous growth. Furthermore, characterization of cytoskeletal structure in wild type and act1/act1 mutants indicates that PH cell morphogenesis requires the maintenance of a highly polarized actin cytoskeleton. Collectively, this work demonstrates that actin plays a central role in fungal dimorphism.
Duocarmycin A (Duo) normally alkylates adenine N3 at the 3′ end of A+T-rich sequences in DNA. The efficient adenine alkylation by Duo is achieved by its monomeric binding to the DNA minor groove. The addition of another minor groove binder, distamycin A (Dist), dramatically modulates the site of DNA alkylation by Duo, and the alkylation switches preferentially to G residues in G+C-rich sequences. HPLC product analysis using oligonucleotides revealed a highly efficient G–N3 alkylation via the cooperative binding of a heterodimer between Duo and Dist to the minor groove. The three-dimensional structure of the ternary alkylated complex of Duo/Dist/d(CAGGTGGT)·d(ACCACCTG) has been determined by nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)-restrained refinement using 750 MHz two-dimensional NOE spectroscopy data. The refined NMR structure fully explains the sequence requirement of such modulated alkylations. This is the first demonstration of Duo DNA alkylation through cooperative binding with another structurally different natural product, and it suggests a promising new way to alter or modify the DNA alkylation selectivity in a predictable manner.
It has been shown with lipid layers and more recently with purple membranes that protons have slow surface-to-bulk transfer. This results in long-range proton lateral conduction along membranes. We report here that such lateral transfer can take place along a pure protein film. It is strongly controlled by the packing. Subtle reorganizations of the protein–protein contact can be biological switches between interfacial and delocalized proton pathways between sources and sinks.
Molecular beacons are DNA probes that form a stem-and-loop structure and possess an internally quenched fluorophore. When they bind to complementary nucleic acids, they undergo a conformational transition that switches on their fluorescence. These probes recognize their targets with higher specificity than probes that cannot form a hairpin stem, and they easily discriminate targets that differ from one another by only a single nucleotide. Our results show that molecular beacons can exist in three different states: bound to a target, free in the form of a hairpin structure, and free in the form of a random coil. Thermodynamic analysis of the transitions between these states reveals that enhanced specificity is a general feature of conformationally constrained probes.
The acrosome reaction of spermatozoa is a complex, calcium-dependent, regulated exocytosis. Fusion at multiple sites between the outer acrosomal membrane and the cell membrane causes the release of the acrosomal contents and the loss of the membranes surrounding the acrosome. However, very little is known about the molecules that mediate and regulate this unique fusion process. Here, we show that N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF), a protein essential for most fusion events, is present in the acrosome of several mammalian spermatozoa. Moreover, we demonstrate that calcium-dependent exocytosis of permeabilized sperm requires active NSF. Previously, we have shown that the addition of the active (GTP-bound) form of the small GTPase Rab3A triggers exocytosis in permeabilized spermatozoa. In the present report we show that Rab3A is necessary for calcium-dependent exocytosis. The activation of Rab3A protects NSF from N-ethylmaleimide inhibition and precludes the exchange of the endogenous protein with recombinant dominant negative mutants of NSF. Furthermore, Rab3A activation of acrosomal exocytosis requires active NSF. Our results suggest that, upon calcium stimulation, Rab3A switches to its active GTP-bound form, triggering the formation of a protein complex in which NSF is protected. This process is suggested to be an essential part of the molecular mechanism of membrane fusion leading to the release of the acrosomal contents.
The Rev protein of HIV-1 actively shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm and mediates the export of unspliced retroviral RNAs. The localization of shuttling proteins such as Rev is controlled by the relative rates of nuclear import and export. To study nuclear export in isolation, we generated cell lines expressing a green fluorescent protein-labeled chimeric protein consisting of HIV-1 Rev and a hormone-inducible nuclear localization sequence. Steroid removal switches off import thus allowing direct visualization of the Rev export pathway in living cells. After digitonin permeabilization of these cells, we found that a functional nuclear export sequence (NES), ATP, and fractionated cytosol were sufficient for nuclear export in vitro. Nuclear pore-specific lectins and leptomycin B were potent export inhibitors. Nuclear export was not inhibited by antagonists of calcium metabolism that block nuclear import. These data further suggest that nuclear pores do not functionally close when luminal calcium stores are depleted. The distinct requirements for nuclear import and export argue that these competing processes may be regulated independently. This system should have wide applicability for the analysis of nuclear import and export.
Copy-choice RNA recombination occurs during viral RNA synthesis when the viral transcription complex switches templates. We demonstrate that RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from bovine viral diarrhea virus and the replicases from three plant-infecting RNA viruses can produce easily detectable recombination products in vitro by switching templates during elongative RNA synthesis. Template sequence and/or structure, and NTP availability affected the frequency of template switch by the transcription complex. Our results provide biochemical support for copy-choice recombination and establish assays for mechanistic analyses of intermolecular RNA recombination in vitro.
The Ras family of GTPases is a collection of molecular switches that link receptors on the plasma membrane to signaling pathways that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation. The accessory GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) negatively regulate the cell signaling by increasing the slow intrinsic GTP to GDP hydrolysis rate of Ras. Mutants of Ras are found in 25–30% of human tumors. The most dramatic property of these mutants is their insensitivity to the negative regulatory action of GAPs. All known oncogenic mutants of Ras map to a small subset of amino acids. Gln-61 is particularly important because virtually all mutations of this residue eliminate sensitivity to GAPs. Despite its obvious importance for carcinogenesis, the role of Gln-61 in the GAP-stimulated GTPase activity of Ras has remained a mystery. Our molecular dynamics simulations of the p21ras–p120GAP–GTP complex suggest that the local structure around the catalytic region can be different from that revealed by the x-ray crystal structure. We find that the carbonyl oxygen on the backbone of the arginine finger supplied in trans by p120GAP (Arg-789) interacts with a water molecule in the active site that is forming a bridge between the NH2 group of the Gln-61 and the γ-phosphate of GTP. Thus, Arg-789 may play a dual role in generating the nucleophile as well as stabilizing the transition state for P—O bond cleavage.
The Rho small GTP-binding proteins are versatile, conserved molecular switches in eukaryotic signal transduction. Plants contain a unique subfamily of Rho-GTPases called Rop (Rho-related GTPases from plants). Our previous studies involving injection of antibodies indicated that the pea Rop GTPase Rop1Ps is critical for pollen tube growth. In this study we show that overexpression of an apparent Arabidopsis ortholog of Rop1Ps, Rop1At, induces isotropic cell growth in fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and that green fluorescence protein-tagged Rop1At displays polar localization to the site of growth in yeast. We found that Rop1At and two other Arabidopsis Rops, Rop3At and Rop5At, are all expressed in mature pollen. All three pollen Rops fall into the same subgroup as Rop1Ps and diverge from those Rops that are not expressed in mature pollen, suggesting a coupling of the structural conservation of Rop GTPases to their gene expression in pollen. However, pollen-specific transcript accumulation for Rop1At is much higher than that for Rop3At and Rop5At. Furthermore, Rop1At is specifically expressed in anthers, whereas Rop3At and Rop5At are also expressed in vegetative tissues. In transgenic plants containing the Rop1At promoter:GUS fusion gene, GUS is specifically expressed in mature pollen and pollen tubes. We propose that Rop1At may play a predominant role in the regulation of polarized cell growth in pollen, whereas its close relatives Rop3At and Rop5At may be functionally redundant to Rop1At in pollen.
The daily rhythm in melatonin levels is controlled by cAMP through actions on the penultimate enzyme in melatonin synthesis, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT; serotonin N-acetyltransferase, EC Results presented here describe a regulatory/binding sequence in AANAT that encodes a cAMP-operated binding switch through which cAMP-regulated protein kinase-catalyzed phosphorylation [RRHTLPAN → RRHpTLPAN] promotes formation of a complex with 14-3-3 proteins. Formation of this AANAT/14-3-3 complex enhances melatonin production by shielding AANAT from dephosphorylation and/or proteolysis and by decreasing the Km for 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin). Similar switches could play a role in cAMP signal transduction in other biological systems.
Fen1 or maturation factor 1 is a 5'-3' exonuclease essential for the degradation of the RNA primer-DNA junctions at the 5' ends of immature Okazaki fragments prior to their ligation into a continuous DNA strand. The gene is also necessary for repair of damaged DNA in yeast. We report that human proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) associates with human Fen1 with a Kd of 60 nM and an apparent stoichiometry of three Fen1 molecules per PCNA trimer. The Fen1-PCNA association is seen in cell extracts without overexpression of either partner and is mediated by a basic region at the C terminus of Fen1. Therefore, the polymerase delta-PCNA-Fen1 complex has all the activities associated with prokaryotic DNA polymerases involved in replication: 5'-3' polymerase, 3'-5' exonuclease, and 5'-3' exonuclease. Although p21, a regulatory protein induced by p53 in response to DNA damage, interacts with PCNA with a comparable Kd (10 nM) and a stoichiometry of three molecules of p21 per PCNA trimer, a p21-PCNA-Fen1 complex is not formed. This mutually exclusive interaction suggests that the conformation of a PCNA trimer switches such that it can either bind p21 or Fen1. Furthermore, overexpression of p21 can disrupt Fen1-PCNA interaction in vivo. Therefore, besides interfering with the processivity of polymerase delta-PCNA, p21 also uncouples Fen1 from the PCNA scaffold.
Doxycycline-mediated quantitative and tissue-specific control of gene expression in transgenic mice.
The tet regulatory system in which doxycycline (dox) acts as an inducer of specifically engineered RNA polymerase II promoters was transferred into transgenic mice. Tight control and a broad range of regulation spanning up to five orders of magnitude were monitored dependent on the dox concentration in the water supply of the animals. Administration of dox rapidly induces the synthesis of the indicator enzyme luciferase whose activity rises over several orders of magnitude within the first 4 h in some organs. Induction is complete after 24 h in most organs analyzed. A comparable regulatory potential was revealed with the tet regulatory system where dox prevents transcription activation. Directing the synthesis of the tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA) to the liver led to highly specific regulation in hepatocytes where, in presence of dox, less than one molecule of luciferase was detected per cell. By contrast, a more than 10(5)-fold activation of the luciferase gene was observed in the absence of the antibiotic. This regulation was homogeneous throughout but stringently restricted to hepatocytes. These results demonstrate that both tetracycline-controlled transcriptional activation systems provide genetic switches that permit the quantitative control of gene activities in transgenic mice in a tissue-specific manner and, thus, suggest possibilities for the generation of a novel type of conditional mutants.
The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is a highly conserved series of three protein kinases implicated in diverse biological processes. Here we demonstrate that the cascade arrangement has unexpected consequences for the dynamics of MAPK signaling. We solved the rate equations for the cascade numerically and found that MAPK is predicted to behave like a highly cooperative enzyme, even though it was not assumed that any of the enzymes in the cascade were regulated cooperatively. Measurements of MAPK activation in Xenopus oocyte extracts confirmed this prediction. The stimulus/response curve of the MAPK was found to be as steep as that of a cooperative enzyme with a Hill coefficient of 4-5, well in excess of that of the classical allosteric protein hemoglobin. The shape of the MAPK stimulus/ response curve may make the cascade particularly appropriate for mediating processes like mitogenesis, cell fate induction, and oocyte maturation, where a cell switches from one discrete state to another.
As an essential nutrient and a potential toxin, iron poses an exquisite regulatory problem in biology and medicine. At the cellular level, the basic molecular framework for the regulation of iron uptake, storage, and utilization has been defined. Two cytoplasmic RNA-binding proteins, iron-regulatory protein-1 (IRP-1) and IRP-2, respond to changes in cellular iron availability and coordinate the expression of mRNAs that harbor IRP-binding sites, iron-responsive elements (IREs). Nitric oxide (NO) and oxidative stress in the form of H2O2 also signal to IRPs and thereby influence cellular iron metabolism. The recent discovery of two IRE-regulated mRNAs encoding enzymes of the mitochondrial citric acid cycle may represent the beginnings of elucidating regulatory coupling between iron and energy metabolism. In addition to providing insights into the regulation of iron metabolism and its connections with other cellular pathways, the IRE/IRP system has emerged as a prime example for the understanding of translational regulation and mRNA stability control. Finally, IRP-1 has highlighted an unexpected role for iron sulfur clusters as post-translational regulatory switches.