920 resultados para solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates


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A correlated two-body basis function is used to describe the three-dimensional bosonic clusters interacting via two-body van der Waals potential. We calculate the ground state and the zero orbital angular momentum excited states for Rb-N clusters with up to N = 40. We solve the many-particle Schrodinger equation by potential harmonics expansion method, which keeps all possible two-body correlations in the calculation and determines the lowest effective many-body potential. We study energetics and structural properties for such diffuse clusters both at dimer and tuned scattering length. The motivation of the present study is to investigate the possibility of formation of N-body clusters interacting through the van der Waals interaction. We also compare the system with the well studied He, Ne, and Ar clusters. We also calculate correlation properties and observe the generalised Tjon line for large cluster. We test the validity of the shape-independent potential in the calculation of the ground state energy of such diffuse cluster. These are the first such calculations reported for Rb clusters. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730972]


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Working with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in quadrupolar spin systems, in this paper we transfer the concept of atomic coherent state to the nuclear spin context, where it is referred to as pseudonuclear spin coherent state (pseudo-NSCS). Experimentally, we discuss the initialization of the pseudo- NSCSs and also their quantum control, implemented by polar and azimuthal rotations. Theoretically, we compute the geometric phases acquired by an initial pseudo-NSCS on undergoing three distinct cyclic evolutions: (i) the free evolution of the NMR quadrupolar system and, by analogy with the evolution of the NMR quadrupolar system, that of (ii) single-mode and (iii) two-mode Bose-Einstein Condensate like system. By means of these analogies, we derive, through spin angular momentum operators, results equivalent to those presented in the literature for orbital angular momentum operators. The pseudo-NSCS description is a starting point to introduce the spin squeezed state and quantum metrology into nuclear spin systems of liquid crystal or solid matter.


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The Josephson junction model is applied to the experimental implementation of classical bifurcation in a quadrupolar nuclear magnetic resonance system. There are two regimes, one linear and one nonlinear, which are implemented by the radio-frequency and the quadrupolar terms of the Hamiltonian of a spin system, respectively. These terms provide an explanation of the symmetry breaking due to bifurcation. Bifurcation depends on the coexistence of both regimes at the same time in different proportions. The experiment is performed on a lyotropic liquid crystal sample of an ordered ensemble of 133Cs nuclei with spin I = 7/2 at room temperature. Our experimental results confirm that bifurcation happens independently of the spin value and of the physical system. With this experimental spin scenario, we confirm that a quadrupolar nuclei system could be described analogously to a symmetric two-mode Bose-Einstein condensate.


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The Spin-Statistics theorem states that the statistics of a system of identical particles is determined by their spin: Particles of integer spin are Bosons (i.e. obey Bose-Einstein statistics), whereas particles of half-integer spin are Fermions (i.e. obey Fermi-Dirac statistics). Since the original proof by Fierz and Pauli, it has been known that the connection between Spin and Statistics follows from the general principles of relativistic Quantum Field Theory. In spite of this, there are different approaches to Spin-Statistics and it is not clear whether the theorem holds under assumptions that are different, and even less restrictive, than the usual ones (e.g. Lorentz-covariance). Additionally, in Quantum Mechanics there is a deep relation between indistinguishabilty and the geometry of the configuration space. This is clearly illustrated by Gibbs' paradox. Therefore, for many years efforts have been made in order to find a geometric proof of the connection between Spin and Statistics. Recently, various proposals have been put forward, in which an attempt is made to derive the Spin-Statistics connection from assumptions different from the ones used in the relativistic, quantum field theoretic proofs. Among these, there is the one due to Berry and Robbins (BR), based on the postulation of a certain single-valuedness condition, that has caused a renewed interest in the problem. In the present thesis, we consider the problem of indistinguishability in Quantum Mechanics from a geometric-algebraic point of view. An approach is developed to study configuration spaces Q having a finite fundamental group, that allows us to describe different geometric structures of Q in terms of spaces of functions on the universal cover of Q. In particular, it is shown that the space of complex continuous functions over the universal cover of Q admits a decomposition into C(Q)-submodules, labelled by the irreducible representations of the fundamental group of Q, that can be interpreted as the spaces of sections of certain flat vector bundles over Q. With this technique, various results pertaining to the problem of quantum indistinguishability are reproduced in a clear and systematic way. Our method is also used in order to give a global formulation of the BR construction. As a result of this analysis, it is found that the single-valuedness condition of BR is inconsistent. Additionally, a proposal aiming at establishing the Fermi-Bose alternative, within our approach, is made.


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This thesis describes experiments which investigate ultracold atom ensembles in an optical lattice. Such quantum gases are powerful models for solid state physics. Several novel methods are demonstrated that probe the special properties of strongly correlated states in lattice potentials. Of these, quantum noise spectroscopy reveals spatial correlations in such states, which are hidden when using the usual methods of probing atomic gases. Another spectroscopic technique makes it possible to demonstrate the existence of a shell structure of regions with constant densities. Such coexisting phases separated by sharp boundaries had been theoretically predicted for the Mott insulating state. The tunneling processes in the optical lattice in the strongly correlated regime are probed by preparing the ensemble in an optical superlattice potential. This allows the time-resolved observation of the tunneling dynamics, and makes it possible to directly identify correlated tunneling processes.


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Una stella non è un sistema in "vero" equilibrio termodinamico: perde costantemente energia, non ha una composizione chimica costante nel tempo e non ha nemmeno una temperatura uniforme. Ma, in realtà, i processi atomici e sub-atomici avvengono in tempi così brevi, rispetto ai tempi caratteristici dell'evoluzione stellare, da potersi considerare sempre in equilibrio. Le reazioni termonucleari, invece, avvengono su tempi scala molto lunghi, confrontabili persino con i tempi di evoluzione stellare. Inoltre il gradiente di temperatura è dell'ordine di 1e-4 K/cm e il libero cammino medio di un fotone è circa di 1 cm, il che ci permette di assumere che ogni strato della stella sia uno strato adiabatico a temperatura uniforme. Di conseguenza lo stato della materia negli interni stellari è in una condizione di ``quasi'' equilibrio termodinamico, cosa che ci permette di descrivere la materia attraverso le leggi della Meccanica Statistica. In particolare lo stato dei fotoni è descritto dalla Statistica di Bose-Einstein, la quale conduce alla Legge di Planck; lo stato del gas di ioni ed elettroni non degeneri è descritto dalla Statistica di Maxwell-Boltzmann; e, nel caso di degenerazione, lo stato degli elettroni è descritto dalla Statistica di Fermi-Dirac. Nella forma più generale, l'equazione di stato dipende dalla somma dei contributi appena citati (radiazione, gas e degenerazione). Vedremo prima questi contributi singolarmente, e dopo li confronteremo tra loro, ottenendo delle relazioni che permettono di determinare quale legge descrive lo stato fisico di un plasma stellare, semplicemente conoscendone temperatura e densità. Rappresentando queste condizioni su un piano $\log \rho \-- \log T$ possiamo descrivere lo stato del nucleo stellare come un punto, e vedere in che stato è la materia al suo interno, a seconda della zona del piano in cui ricade. È anche possibile seguire tutta l'evoluzione della stella tracciando una linea che mostra come cambia lo stato della materia nucleare nelle diverse fasi evolutive. Infine vedremo come leggi quantistiche che operano su scala atomica e sub-atomica siano in grado di influenzare l'evoluzione di sistemi enormi come quelli stellari: infatti la degenerazione elettronica conduce ad una massa limite per oggetti completamente degeneri (in particolare per le nane bianche) detta Massa di Chandrasekhar.


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Cold atoms in optical potentials provide an ideal test bed to explore quantum nonlinear dynamics. Atoms are prepared in a magneto-optic trap or as a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate and subjected to a far detuned optical standing wave that is modulated. They exhibit a wide range of dynamics, some of which can be explained by classical theory while other aspects show the underlying quantum nature of the system. The atoms have a mixed phase space containing regions of regular motion which appear as distinct peaks in the atomic momentum distribution embedded in a sea of chaos. The action of the atoms is of the order of Planck's constant, making quantum effects significant. This tutorial presents a detailed description of experiments measuring the evolution of atoms in time-dependent optical potentials. Experimental methods are developed providing means for the observation and selective loading of regions of regular motion. The dependence of the atomic dynamics on the system parameters is explored and distinct changes in the atomic momentum distribution are observed which are explained by the applicable quantum and classical theory. The observation of a bifurcation sequence is reported and explained using classical perturbation theory. Experimental methods for the accurate control of the momentum of an ensemble of atoms are developed. They use phase space resonances and chaotic transients providing novel ensemble atomic beamsplitters. The divergence between quantum and classical nonlinear dynamics is manifest in the experimental observation of dynamical tunnelling. It involves no potential barrier. However a constant of motion other than energy still forbids classically this quantum allowed motion. Atoms coherently tunnel back and forth between their initial state of oscillatory motion and the state 180 out of phase with the initial state.


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The general idea of a stochastic gauge representation is introduced and compared with more traditional phase-space expansions, like the Wigner expansion. Stochastic gauges can be used to obtain an infinite class of positive-definite stochastic time-evolution equations, equivalent to master equations, for many systems including quantum time evolution. The method is illustrated with a variety of simple examples ranging from astrophysical molecular hydrogen production, through to the topical problem of Bose-Einstein condensation in an optical trap and the resulting quantum dynamics.


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We analyze molecular bound states of atomic quantum gases near a Feshbach resonance. A simple, renormalizable field theoretic model is shown to have exact solutions in the two-body sector, whose binding energy agrees well with observed experimental results in both Bosonic and Fermionic cases. These solutions, which interpolate between BEC and BCS theories, also provide a more general variational ansatz for resonant superfluidity and related problems.


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We extend the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation formalism of Davis [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 160402 (2001)] to the experimentally relevant case of thermal Bose gases in harmonic potentials and outline a robust and accurate numerical scheme that can efficiently simulate this system. We apply this method to investigate the equilibrium properties of the harmonically trapped three-dimensional projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation at finite temperature and consider the dependence of condensate fraction, position, and momentum distributions and density fluctuations on temperature. We apply the scheme to simulate an evaporative cooling process in which the preferential removal of high-energy particles leads to the growth of a Bose-Einstein condensate. We show that a condensate fraction can be inferred during the dynamics even in this nonequilibrium situation.


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We summarize recent theoretical results for the signatures of strongly correlated ultra-cold fermions in optical lattices. In particular, we focus on collective mode calculations, where a sharp decrease in collective mode frequency is predicted at the onset of the Mott metal-insulator transition; and correlation functions at finite temperature, where we employ a new exact technique that applies the stochastic gauge technique with a Gaussian operator basis.


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We analyze photoionization and ion detection as a means of accurately counting ultracold atoms. We show that it is possible to count clouds containing many thousands of atoms with accuracies better than N-1/2 with current technology. This allows the direct probing of sub-Poissonian number statistics of atomic samples. The scheme can also be used for efficient single-atom detection with high spatiotemporal resolution. All aspects of a realistic detection scheme are considered, and we discuss experimental situations in which such a scheme could be implemented.


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Summary form only given. Both dispersion management and the use of a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) as a saturable absorber can improve the performance of a soliton-based communication system. Dispersion management gives the benefits of low average dispersion while allowing pulses with higher powers to propagate, which helps to suppress Gordon-Haus timing jitter without sacrificing the signal-to-noise ratio. The NOLM suppresses the buildup of amplifier spontaneous emission noise and background dispersive radiation which, if allowed to interact with the soliton, can lead to its breakup. We examine optical pulse propagation in dispersion-managed (DM) transmission system with periodically inserted in-line NOLMs. To describe basic features of the signal transmission in such lines, we develop a simple theory based on a variational approach involving Gaussian trial functions. It, has already been proved that the variational method is an extremely effective tool for description of DM solitons. In the work we manage to include in the variational description the point action of the NOLM on pulse parameters, assuming that the Gaussian pulse shape is inherently preserved by propagation through the NOLM. The obtained results are verified by direct numerical simulations


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Summary form only given. Both dispersion management and the use of a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) as a saturable absorber can improve the performance of a soliton-based communication system. Dispersion management gives the benefits of low average dispersion while allowing pulses with higher powers to propagate, which helps to suppress Gordon-Haus timing jitter without sacrificing the signal-to-noise ratio. The NOLM suppresses the buildup of amplifier spontaneous emission noise and background dispersive radiation which, if allowed to interact with the soliton, can lead to its breakup. We examine optical pulse propagation in dispersion-managed (DM) transmission system with periodically inserted in-line NOLMs. To describe basic features of the signal transmission in such lines, we develop a simple theory based on a variational approach involving Gaussian trial functions. It, has already been proved that the variational method is an extremely effective tool for description of DM solitons. In the work we manage to include in the variational description the point action of the NOLM on pulse parameters, assuming that the Gaussian pulse shape is inherently preserved by propagation through the NOLM. The obtained results are verified by direct numerical simulations