912 resultados para social evolution


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The understanding of the structure and dynamics of the intricate network of connections among people that consumes products through Internet appears as an extremely useful asset in order to study emergent properties related to social behavior. This knowledge could be useful, for example, to improve the performance of personal recommendation algorithms. In this contribution, we analyzed five-year records of movie-rating transactions provided by Netflix, a movie rental platform where users rate movies from an online catalog. This dataset can be studied as a bipartite user-item network whose structure evolves in time. Even though several topological properties from subsets of this bipartite network have been reported with a model that combines random and preferential attachment mechanisms [Beguerisse Díaz et al., 2010], there are still many aspects worth to be explored, as they are connected to relevant phenomena underlying the evolution of the network. In this work, we test the hypothesis that bursty human behavior is essential in order to describe how a bipartite user-item network evolves in time. To that end, we propose a novel model that combines, for user nodes, a network growth prescription based on a preferential attachment mechanism acting not only in the topological domain (i.e. based on node degrees) but also in time domain. In the case of items, the model mixes degree preferential attachment and random selection. With these ingredients, the model is not only able to reproduce the asymptotic degree distribution, but also shows an excellent agreement with the Netflix data in several time-dependent topological properties.


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Resulta difícil definir una profesión que surge por la necesidad de adaptar los espacios de trabajo a las nuevas tendencias de las organizaciones, a la productividad, a las nuevas tecnologías que continúan modificando y facilitando desde las últimas décadas el modo y forma de trabajar. Mucho más complicado resulta definir una profesión casi invisible. Cuando todo funciona en un edificio, en un inmueble, en un activo. Todo está correcto. He ahí la dificultad de su definición. Lo que no se ve, no se valora. Las reuniones, las visitas, un puesto de trabajo, una sala de trabajo, una zona de descanso. La climatización, la protección contra incendios, la legionela, el suministro eléctrico, una evacuación. La organización, sus necesidades, su filosofía. Los informes, los análisis, las mejoras. Las personas, el espacio, los procesos, la tecnología. En la actualidad, todo se asocia a su coste. A su rentabilidad. En la difícil tarea de realizar el proyecto de un edificio, participan multitud de aspectos que deben estar perfectamente organizados. El arquitecto proyecta y aúna en el proyecto: pasado (experiencia), presente (tendencias) y futuro (perdurabilidad). Y es en ese momento, cuando al considerar el futuro del edificio, su perdurabilidad, hace que su ciclo de vida sea criterio fundamental al proyectar. Que deba considerarse desde el primer esbozo del proyecto. Para que un edificio perdure en el tiempo existen gran número de factores condicionantes. Empezando por su uso apropiado, su nivel de actividad, pasando por las distintas propiedades que pueda tener, y terminando por los responsables de su mantenimiento en su día a día. Esa profesión invisible, es la disciplina conocida como Facility Management. Otra disciplina no tan novedosa –sus inicios fueron a finales del siglo XIX-, y que en la actualidad se empieza a valorar en gran medida es la Responsabilidad Social. Todo lo que de forma voluntaria, una organización realiza por encima de lo estrictamente legal con objeto de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible (económico, social y medio ambiental). Ambas disciplinas destacan por su continuo dinamismo. Reflejando la evolución de distintas inquietudes: • Personas, procesos, espacios, tecnología • Económica, social, medio-ambiental Y que sólo puede gestionarse con una correcta gestión del cambio. Elemento bisagra entre ambas disciplinas. El presente trabajo de investigación se ha basado en el estudio del grado de sensibilización que existe para con la Responsabilidad Social dentro del sector de la Facility Management en España. Para ello, se han estructurado varios ejercicios con objeto de analizar: la comunicación, el marco actual normativo, la opinión del profesional, del facilities manager. Como objetivo, conocer la implicación actual que la Responsabilidad Social ejerce en el ejercicio de la profesión del Facilities Manager. Se hace especial hincapié en la voluntariedad de ambas disciplinas. De ahí que el presente estudio de investigación realice dicho trabajo sobre elementos voluntarios y por tanto sobre el valor añadido que se obtiene al gestionar dichas disciplinas de forma conjunta y voluntaria. Para que una organización pueda desarrollar su actividad principal –su negocio-, el Facilities Manager gestiona el segundo coste que esta organización tiene. Llegando a poder ser el primero si se incluye el coste asociado al personal (nóminas, beneficios, etc.) Entre el (70 – 80)% del coste de un edificio a lo largo de toda su vida útil, se encuentra en su periodo de explotación. En la perdurabilidad. La tecnología facilita la gestión, pero quien gestiona y lleva a cabo esta perdurabilidad son las personas en los distintos niveles de gestión: estratégico, táctico y operacional. En estos momentos de constante competencia, donde la innovación es el uniforme de batalla, el valor añadido del Facilities Manager se construye gestionando el patrimonio inmobiliario con criterios responsables. Su hecho diferenciador: su marca, su reputación. ABSTRACT It comes difficult to define a profession that emerges due to the need of adapting working spaces to new organization’s trends, productivity improvements and new technologies, which have kept changing and making easier the way that we work during the last decades. Defining an invisible profession results much more complicated than that, because everything is fine when everything works in a building, or in an asset, properly. Hence, there is the difficulty of its definition. What it is not seen, it is not worth. Meeting rooms, reception spaces, work spaces, recreational rooms. HVAC, fire protection, power supply, legionnaire’s disease, evacuation. The organization itself, its needs and its philosophy. Reporting, analysis, improvements. People, spaces, process, technology. Today everything is associated to cost and profitability. In the hard task of developing a building project, a lot of issues, that participate, must be perfectly organized. Architects design and gather/put together in the project: the past (experience), the present (trends) and the future (durability). In that moment, considering the future of the building, e. g. its perdurability, Life Cycle turn as the key point of the design. This issue makes LCC a good idea to have into account since the very first draft of the project. A great number of conditioner factors exist in order to the building resist through time. Starting from a suitable use and the level of activity, passing through different characteristics it may have, and ending daily maintenance responsible. That invisible profession, that discipline, is known as Facility Management. Another discipline, not as new as FM –it begun at the end of XIX century- that is becoming more and more valuable is Social Responsibility. It involves everything a company realizes in a voluntary way, above legal regulations contributing sustainable development (financial, social and environmentally). Both disciplines stand out by their continuous dynamism. Reflecting the evolution of different concerning: • People, process, spaces, technology • Financial, social and environmentally It can only be managed from the right change management. This is the linking point between both disciplines. This research work is based on the study of existing level of increasing sensitivity about Social Responsibility within Facility Management’s sector in Spain. In order to do that, several –five- exercises have been studied with the purpose of analyze: communication, law, professional and facility manager’s opinions. The objective is to know the current implication that Social Responsibility has over Facility Management. It is very important the voluntary part of both disciplines, that’s why the present research work is focused over the voluntary elements and about the added value that is obtained managing the before named disciplines as a whole and in voluntary way. In order a company can develop his core business/primary activities, facility managers must operate the second largest company budget/cost centre. Being the first centre cost if we considerer human resources’ costs included (salaries, incentives…) Among 70-80% building costs are produced along its operative life. Durability Technology ease management, but people are who manage and carry out this durability, within different levels: strategic, tactic and operational. In a world of continuing competence, where innovation is the uniform for the battle, facility manager’s added value is provided managing company’s real estate with responsibility criteria. Their distinguishing element: their brand, their reputation.


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The amazing evolution of technology, ruled by information, is an incubator where, to give several specific examples, we have witnessed the birth and development of electronic mail, medical tele-assistance and e-learning, as well as various forms of cyberspatial communication,such as the immensely popular social networks and blogs.


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Recent applications of Foucauldian categories in geography, spatial history and the history of town planning have opened up interesting new perspectives, with respect to both the evolution of spatial knowledge and the genealogy of territorial techniques and their relation to larger socio-political projects, that would be enriched if combined with other discursive traditions. This article proposes to conceptualise English parliamentary enclosureea favourite episode for Marxist historiography, frequently read in a strictly materialist fashioneas a precedent of a new form of sociospatial governmentality, a political technology that inaugurates a strategic manipulation of territory for social change on the threshold between feudal and capitalist spatial rationalities. I analyse the sociospatial dimensions of parliamentary enclosure’s technical and legal innovations and compare them to the forms of communal self-regulation of land use customs and everyday regionalisations that preceded it. Through a systematic, replicable mechanism of reterritorialisation, enclosure acts normalised spatial regulations, blurred regional differences in the social organisation of agriculture and erased the modes of autonomous social reproduction linked to common land. Their exercise of dispossession of material resources, social capital and community representations is interpreted therefore as an inaugural logic that would pervade the emergent spatial rationality later known as planning.


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La evolución de Internet al modelo Web 2.0, ha creado el nuevo sistema denominado Social Media, donde han proliferado un número ingente de redes sociales, que han cambiado las formas de relación y colaboración entre los usuarios, así como la relaciones de éstos y las empresas. En respuesta a estos dramáticos cambios sociales y tecnológicos, que actualmente están dando forma a las relaciones negocio-empresa, las empresas están descubriendo que es necesario modificar la estrategia de utilización del CRM (Customer Relationship Management) con sus clientes y desarrollar nuevas capacidades que permitan la creación de valor con los clientes. Y es aquí donde aparece el concepto de Social CRM, entendido como una estrategia centrada en entender, anticiparse y responder mejor a las necesidades de los clientes existentes o potenciales, aprovechando los datos sociales, para crear unas fuertes relaciones beneficiosas para ambas partes. En este trabajo se describe un modelo de adopción de Social CRM, aplicando un método de análisis “Top-Down”, y basado en el modelo de Gartner denominado “The Eight Building Blocks of CRM” [1]. El presente trabajo descompone el modelo de adopción descrito por Gartner, en los siguientes puntos. - Una decisión estratégica de la compañía - Asomarse a la realidad social - Analizar las redes sociales. - Metodología de adopción. - Despliegue y extensión en todos los departamentos de la compañía y la adaptación de los recursos humanos. - Selección e integración con las plataformas tradicionales de CRM - Análisis de herramientas de monitorización de Social CRM El modelo propuesto tiene dos objetivos, por un lado pretende proporcionar la visión de cómo CRM puede influir en los resultados empresariales en la era del cliente social, y por otro, proporcionar a los administradores cómo las inversiones y los recursos existentes de CRM puede ser integrados con las nuevas tecnologías y procesos para formar capacidades que pueden mejorar el rendimiento del negocio. ABSTRACT. “The Internet evolution to Web 2.0 model has created a new system called Social Media, where have proliferated a huge number of social networks which have changed the relationship and collaboration forms user-to-user and user-to-company. In response to these dramatic social and technological changes that are currently shaping the business-business relationships, companies are finding it necessary to modify the strategy for use of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) with customers and develop new capabilities to creating value with customers. And here is where the concept of Social CRM appears, understood as a focus on understanding, anticipating and responding to the needs of existing and potential customers strategy, leveraging social data to create a strong mutually beneficial relationships. In this paper describes an adoption model of Social CRM, using a "Top-Down" analysis method and based on the model of Gartner called "The Eight Building Blocks of CRM" [1]. This paper decomposes the adoption model described by Gartner in the following points. - A company strategic decision. - Look at social reality. - Analyze social networks. - Methodology adoption. - Deployment and extension in all departments of the company and the adaptation of human resources. - Selection and integration with traditional CRM platforms. - Analysis of monitoring tools for Social CRM. The proposed model has two objectives, firstly aims to provide insight into how CRM can influence business outcomes in the era of the social customer, and secondly, to provide administrators how investments and existing resources can be integrated CRM with new technologies and processes for developing capabilities that can increase business performance”.


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En las últimas dos décadas, se ha puesto de relieve la importancia de los procesos de adquisición y difusión del conocimiento dentro de las empresas, y por consiguiente el estudio de estos procesos y la implementación de tecnologías que los faciliten ha sido un tema que ha despertado un creciente interés en la comunidad científica. Con el fin de facilitar y optimizar la adquisición y la difusión del conocimiento, las organizaciones jerárquicas han evolucionado hacia una configuración más plana, con estructuras en red que resulten más ágiles, disminuyendo la dependencia de una autoridad centralizada, y constituyendo organizaciones orientadas a trabajar en equipo. Al mismo tiempo, se ha producido un rápido desarrollo de las herramientas de colaboración Web 2.0, tales como blogs y wikis. Estas herramientas de colaboración se caracterizan por una importante componente social, y pueden alcanzar todo su potencial cuando se despliegan en las estructuras organizacionales planas. La Web 2.0 aparece como un concepto enfrentado al conjunto de tecnologías que existían a finales de los 90s basadas en sitios web, y se basa en la participación de los propios usuarios. Empresas del Fortune 500 –HP, IBM, Xerox, Cisco– las adoptan de inmediato, aunque no hay unanimidad sobre su utilidad real ni sobre cómo medirla. Esto se debe en parte a que no se entienden bien los factores que llevan a los empleados a adoptarlas, lo que ha llevado a fracasos en la implantación debido a la existencia de algunas barreras. Dada esta situación, y ante las ventajas teóricas que tienen estas herramientas de colaboración Web 2.0 para las empresas, los directivos de éstas y la comunidad científica muestran un interés creciente en conocer la respuesta a la pregunta: ¿cuáles son los factores que contribuyen a que los empleados de las empresas adopten estas herramientas Web 2.0 para colaborar? La respuesta a esta pregunta es compleja ya que se trata de herramientas relativamente nuevas en el contexto empresarial mediante las cuales se puede llevar a cabo la gestión del conocimiento en lugar del manejo de la información. El planteamiento que se ha llevado a cabo en este trabajo para dar respuesta a esta pregunta es la aplicación de los modelos de adopción tecnológica, que se basan en las percepciones de los individuos sobre diferentes aspectos relacionados con el uso de la tecnología. Bajo este enfoque, este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de los factores que influyen en la adopción de blogs y wikis en empresas, mediante un modelo predictivo, teórico y unificado, de adopción tecnológica, con un planteamiento holístico a partir de la literatura de los modelos de adopción tecnológica y de las particularidades que presentan las herramientas bajo estudio y en el contexto especifico. Este modelo teórico permitirá determinar aquellos factores que predicen la intención de uso de las herramientas y el uso real de las mismas. El trabajo de investigación científica se estructura en cinco partes: introducción al tema de investigación, desarrollo del marco teórico, diseño del trabajo de investigación, análisis empírico, y elaboración de conclusiones. Desde el punto de vista de la estructura de la memoria de la tesis, las cinco partes mencionadas se desarrollan de forma secuencial a lo largo de siete capítulos, correspondiendo la primera parte al capítulo 1, la segunda a los capítulos 2 y 3, la tercera parte a los capítulos 4 y 5, la cuarta parte al capítulo 6, y la quinta y última parte al capítulo 7. El contenido del capítulo 1 se centra en el planteamiento del problema de investigación así como en los objetivos, principal y secundarios, que se pretenden cumplir a lo largo del trabajo. Así mismo, se expondrá el concepto de colaboración y su encaje con las herramientas colaborativas Web 2.0 que se plantean en la investigación y una introducción a los modelos de adopción tecnológica. A continuación se expone la justificación de la investigación, los objetivos de la misma y el plan de trabajo para su elaboración. Una vez introducido el tema de investigación, en el capítulo 2 se lleva a cabo una revisión de la evolución de los principales modelos de adopción tecnológica existentes (IDT, TRA, SCT, TPB, DTPB, C-TAM-TPB, UTAUT, UTAUT2), dando cuenta de sus fundamentos y factores empleados. Sobre la base de los modelos de adopción tecnológica expuestos en el capítulo 2, en el capítulo 3 se estudian los factores que se han expuesto en el capítulo 2 pero adaptados al contexto de las herramientas colaborativas Web 2.0. Con el fin de facilitar la comprensión del modelo final, los factores se agrupan en cuatro tipos: tecnológicos, de control, socio-normativos y otros específicos de las herramientas colaborativas. En el capítulo 4 se lleva a cabo la relación de los factores que son más apropiados para estudiar la adopción de las herramientas colaborativas y se define un modelo que especifica las relaciones entre los diferentes factores. Estas relaciones finalmente se convertirán en hipótesis de trabajo, y que habrá que contrastar mediante el estudio empírico. A lo largo del capítulo 5 se especifican las características del trabajo empírico que se lleva a cabo para contrastar las hipótesis que se habían enunciado en el capítulo 4. La naturaleza de la investigación es de carácter social, de tipo exploratorio, y se basa en un estudio empírico cuantitativo cuyo análisis se llevará a cabo mediante técnicas de análisis multivariante. En este capítulo se describe la construcción de las escalas del instrumento de medida, la metodología de recogida de datos, y posteriormente se presenta un análisis detallado de la población muestral, así como la comprobación de la existencia o no del sesgo atribuible al método de medida, lo que se denomina sesgo de método común (en inglés, Common Method Bias). El contenido del capítulo 6 corresponde al análisis de resultados, aunque previamente se expone la técnica estadística empleada, PLS-SEM, como herramienta de análisis multivariante con capacidad de análisis predictivo, así como la metodología empleada para validar el modelo de medida y el modelo estructural, los requisitos que debe cumplir la muestra, y los umbrales de los parámetros considerados. En la segunda parte del capítulo 6 se lleva a cabo el análisis empírico de los datos correspondientes a las dos muestras, una para blogs y otra para wikis, con el fin de validar las hipótesis de investigación planteadas en el capítulo 4. Finalmente, en el capítulo 7 se revisa el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados en el capítulo 1 y se presentan las contribuciones teóricas, metodológicas y prácticas derivadas del trabajo realizado. A continuación se exponen las conclusiones generales y detalladas por cada grupo de factores, así como las recomendaciones prácticas que se pueden extraer para orientar la implantación de estas herramientas en situaciones reales. Como parte final del capítulo se incluyen las limitaciones del estudio y se sugiere una serie de posibles líneas de trabajo futuras de interés, junto con los resultados de investigación parciales que se han obtenido durante el tiempo que ha durado la investigación. ABSTRACT In the last two decades, the relevance of knowledge acquisition and dissemination processes has been highlighted and consequently, the study of these processes and the implementation of the technologies that make them possible has generated growing interest in the scientific community. In order to ease and optimize knowledge acquisition and dissemination, hierarchical organizations have evolved to a more horizontal configuration with more agile net structures, decreasing the dependence of a centralized authority, and building team-working oriented organizations. At the same time, Web 2.0 collaboration tools such as blogs and wikis have quickly developed. These collaboration tools are characterized by a strong social component and can reach their full potential when they are deployed in horizontal organization structures. Web 2.0, based on user participation, arises as a concept to challenge the existing technologies of the 90’s which were based on websites. Fortune 500 companies – HP, IBM, Xerox, Cisco- adopted the concept immediately even though there was no unanimity about its real usefulness or how it could be measured. This is partly due to the fact that the factors that make the drivers for employees to adopt these tools are not properly understood, consequently leading to implementation failure due to the existence of certain barriers. Given this situation, and faced with theoretical advantages that these Web 2.0 collaboration tools seem to have for companies, managers and the scientific community are showing an increasing interest in answering the following question: Which factors contribute to the decision of the employees of a company to adopt the Web 2.0 tools for collaborative purposes? The answer is complex since these tools are relatively new in business environments. These tools allow us to move from an information Management approach to Knowledge Management. In order to answer this question, the chosen approach involves the application of technology adoption models, all of them based on the individual’s perception of the different aspects related to technology usage. From this perspective, this thesis’ main objective is to study the factors influencing the adoption of blogs and wikis in a company. This is done by using a unified and theoretical predictive model of technological adoption with a holistic approach that is based on literature of technological adoption models and the particularities that these tools presented under study and in a specific context. This theoretical model will allow us to determine the factors that predict the intended use of these tools and their real usage. The scientific research is structured in five parts: Introduction to the research subject, development of the theoretical framework, research work design, empirical analysis and drawing the final conclusions. This thesis develops the five aforementioned parts sequentially thorough seven chapters; part one (chapter one), part two (chapters two and three), part three (chapters four and five), parte four (chapters six) and finally part five (chapter seven). The first chapter is focused on the research problem statement and the objectives of the thesis, intended to be reached during the project. Likewise, the concept of collaboration and its link with the Web 2.0 collaborative tools is discussed as well as an introduction to the technology adoption models. Finally we explain the planning to carry out the research and get the proposed results. After introducing the research topic, the second chapter carries out a review of the evolution of the main existing technology adoption models (IDT, TRA, SCT, TPB, DTPB, C-TAM-TPB, UTAUT, UTAUT2), highlighting its foundations and factors used. Based on technology adoption models set out in chapter 2, the third chapter deals with the factors which have been discussed previously in chapter 2, but adapted to the context of Web 2.0 collaborative tools under study, blogs and wikis. In order to better understand the final model, the factors are grouped into four types: technological factors, control factors, social-normative factors and other specific factors related to the collaborative tools. The first part of chapter 4 covers the analysis of the factors which are more relevant to study the adoption of collaborative tools, and the second part proceeds with the theoretical model which specifies the relationship between the different factors taken into consideration. These relationships will become specific hypotheses that will be tested by the empirical study. Throughout chapter 5 we cover the characteristics of the empirical study used to test the research hypotheses which were set out in chapter 4. The nature of research is social, exploratory, and it is based on a quantitative empirical study whose analysis is carried out using multivariate analysis techniques. The second part of this chapter includes the description of the scales of the measuring instrument; the methodology for data gathering, the detailed analysis of the sample, and finally the existence of bias attributable to the measurement method, the "Bias Common Method" is checked. The first part of chapter 6 corresponds to the analysis of results. The statistical technique employed (PLS-SEM) is previously explained as a tool of multivariate analysis, capable of carrying out predictive analysis, and as the appropriate methodology used to validate the model in a two-stages analysis, the measurement model and the structural model. Futhermore, it is necessary to check the requirements to be met by the sample and the thresholds of the parameters taken into account. In the second part of chapter 6 an empirical analysis of the data is performed for the two samples, one for blogs and the other for wikis, in order to validate the research hypothesis proposed in chapter 4. Finally, in chapter 7 the fulfillment level of the objectives raised in chapter 1 is reviewed and the theoretical, methodological and practical conclusions derived from the results of the study are presented. Next, we cover the general conclusions, detailing for each group of factors including practical recommendations that can be drawn to guide implementation of these tools in real situations in companies. As a final part of the chapter the limitations of the study are included and a number of potential future researches suggested, along with research partial results which have been obtained thorough the research.


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Technology transfer (TT) in the area of renewable energy (RE) throughout history has been an important tool for rural development (RD). Initially, the TT has been conceptualized as the purchase or donation of machinery from first world countries - without any consideration of staff training and contextual conditions for the adaptation of technology to the needs of the country. Various researches have revealed the existence of different approaches to planning the TT of RE, demonstrating the high complexity of projects from the social and contextual dimension. This paper addresses the conceptual evolution of the TT of RE for RD, examining its different periods considered for three criteria: historical events occurred, the role of stakeholders and changing objectives for the TT of RE for RD. For the conceptual analysis of changes the model Working With People (WWP) is used for planning and project management of high social complexity in RD. The analysis defines the existence of four historical periods in the TT of RE and synthesizes the lessons of experience from the three dimensions (ethical-social, technical-entrepreneurial, and political-contextual) of the WWP model.


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La tesis aborda el estudio de la casa patio y su relación con todas las escalas del proyecto, dentro del ámbito de la vivienda colectiva desarrollada en Madrid desde el comienzo de la década de los cincuenta hasta principio de los sesenta. Se investiga su vínculo con la ciudad a partir de la configuración de la trama y los espacios públicos, la organización de la casa en torno a un vacío y las relaciones espaciales entre el patio exterior y las estancias interiores. Mediante el análisis de los diferentes ejemplos existentes de casas con patio en el contexto señalado, se realiza la selección de los casos de estudio de esta investigación. Los proyectos analizados se organizan a partir del trabajo desarrollado por los arquitectos Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza y Antonio Vázquez de Castro, liderando equipos más amplios y como representantes de la construcción definitiva de un verdadero lenguaje moderno en la arquitectura española. Cada uno de los proyectos, estructurados en dos apartados para cada uno de los autores, muestran de forma particular, la evolución de las herramientas arquitectónicas empleadas, a partir de la casa patio, en las distintas escalas de trabajo. En los proyectos de Oíza, se analiza en primer lugar la definición de un modelo mínimo y racional de vivienda con patio en el poblado de absorción de Fuencarral “A” (1956) y con el prototipo del concurso de vivienda experimental (1956). A continuación se estudia, en el Poblado Dirigido de Entrevías (1956), la construcción de la ciudad horizontal a partir del patio como elemento estructurante de las tramas urbanas. Las obras de Vázquez de Castro muestran inicialmente la incorporación del patio como una estancia privada más de la casa con la definición de un modelo tipológico en “L” en el Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto (1956). Finalmente, se analiza el desarrollo de nuevas y complejas estructuras urbanas en forma de tapiz en el proyecto de la Unidad Vecinal de Costa Rica (1961). Los ejemplos, antes descritos, protagonizan un proceso delimitado desde la importación y adaptación de los modelos de vivienda europeos producidos en el periodo de entreguerras, con un significativo retraso; hasta la apuesta por sistemas complejos como el “mat-building”, en diálogo directo, con los proyectos de las nuevas corrientes arquitectónicas internacionales de principios de los sesenta. El estudio y análisis de los ejemplos se realiza mediante la disección pormenorizada de cada uno de ellos, en los sistemas arquitectónicos que establecen la relación del patio con las tres escalas objeto de estudio: la ciudad, la casa y la estancia. Para ello se realiza una reconstrucción de los proyectos mediante la elaboración de una nueva documentación gráfica a partir de los planos y fotografías originales. Finalmente, a partir de los temas arquitectónicos más significativos extraídos del análisis de los casos de estudio y organizados en función de las distintas escalas de proyecto, se realiza una comparación transversal, a modo de conclusiones, respecto a otros ejemplos de similares características del panorama internacional de casas con patio. De esta forma se produce una síntesis sobre los distintos mecanismos que sirvieron para construir, a partir de la tradición del patio en la casa, la vivienda moderna. ABSTRACT The thesis deals the study of the house with courtyard and its relation with all the scales of the project inside the ambience of the collective housing developed in Madrid from the beginning of the fifties up to beginning of the sixties. This document investigates its link with the city from the configuration of the weave and the public spaces, the organization of the house around a void and the spatial relations between the exterior courtyard and the interior spaces. The selection of the case studies of this research is made Through the analysis of the different existing examples of courtyard houses in this defined context. The analyzed projects are organized from the work developed by the architects Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza and Antonio Vázquez de Castro, leading wider teams and as representatives of the definitive construction of a real modern language in the Spanish architecture. Each of the projects, structured in two sections to each one of the authors, show in a particular way, the evolution of the architectural tools employed, from the house with courtyard, at different scales of work. In the projects of Oiza, it´s analyced the definition of a minimum and rational model of a house with courtyard in the absorption village of Fuencarral “A” (1956) and with the experimental housing contest prototype (1956). Next, in “el Poblado Dirigido de Entrevías” (1956), the construction of the horinzontal city with the courtyard as a structuring element of the urban weave will be studied. The works of Vázquez de Castro initially show the incorporation of the courtyard as another private area of the house with the typological model definition as an “L” in El Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto (1956). Finally, the thesis analyzes the development of new and complex urban structures with a mat-building shape in the project of Unidad Vecinal de Costa Rica (1961). The examples described above, starring a process delimited from the import and the adaptation of european housing models produced in the interwar period, with a significant delay; until the opt for complex systems such as the “mat-building”, in direct dialog, with the projects of the new architectural international flows of the beginning of the sixties. The study and analysis of the examples is made by the dissection of them, in the architectural systems that establish the relation of the courtyard with the three scales of the study: the city, the house and the stay. To reach this objetive this document reconstructs the projects making a new graphic documentation from the original maps and photos. Finally, from the most important architectural issues drawn from the analysis of the case studies and organised by the different scales of project, as conclussions, a cross comparison of similar examples of houses with courtyard around the world is made. This produces a synthesis about the different mechanisms that served to build, from the tradition of the courtyard in the house, the modern housing.


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Aunque los conjuntos de vivienda social carecen en Europa de un nivel de protección patrimonial comparable a otras áreas urbanas, las negociaciones que surgen a raíz del anuncio de su remodelación o rehabilitación resultan inexplicables si no se supone su aceptación como patrimonio por parte de algunos de los actores implicados. Nos encontraríamos entonces no con un repertorio patrimonial consolidado, sino ante un proceso de patrimonialización, entendido no sólo como el paso de la categoría de no-patrimonio a la de patrimonio mediante la protección jurídica o urbanística, sino también como la construcción del consenso social suficiente en torno la posesión de ciertos valores preexistentes, así como la producción y reproducción social e histórica de estos valores. Ante el incipiente proceso de patrimonialización de determinados Barrios de Promoción Oficial madrileños, la tesis aborda dos cuestiones fundamentales, los mecanismos que conducen a su construcción social e histórica como nuevos elementos patrimoniales, y la evolución y estado actual del conjunto de elementos eventualmente patrimonializables, los Barrios de Promoción Oficial madrileños. De esta forma, propone un modelo teórico del proceso de patrimonialización de los conjuntos de vivienda social, basado en la identificación de discursos, valores, sujetos y etapas, así como de su relación con las características físicas y sociales originales de los barrios y su evolución hasta la actualidad. Para ello, se reconstruye la evolución física, social y de la protección patrimonial de los Barrios de Promoción Oficial madrileños, y se analizan tres procesos concretos de patrimonialización, la participación de la Colonia del Tercio y Terol en la defensa ciudadana de las Colonias Históricas madrileñas (1973-1979), la incorporación de criterios patrimoniales en la rehabilitación integral del Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto (1991-2004), y la protección patrimonial como obstáculo para la remodelación de la U.V.A. de Hortaleza (2004-2015). ABSTRACT Comparatively speaking, few social housing estates are legally protected as cultural heritage in Europe. However, when a physical intervention is announced, the ensuing negotiation often defies explanation unless one assumes that the estate is regarded as cultural heritage by some of the players involved. Therefore, one should not so much talk of social housing as heritage, but of the process of patrimonialisation, which refers not only to the change of these estates from the status of non-heritage to that of cultural heritage through their legal recognition, but also to the process that leads to the acknowledgment of certain values in these estates, and even the social and cultural shaping of these values. This thesis tackles two main issues: the mechanisms that lead to the social and historical construction of new heritage elements or repertoires, and the evolution and current status of the Barrios de Promoción Oficial in Madrid. It proposes a theoretical model of the process of patrimonialisation of social housing estates, based on the identification of discourses, values, subjects and phases, as well as its relationship with the original physical and social features of these estates and their further evolution up to the present. In order to do so, the changes in the physical and social features of the Barrios de Promoción Oficial and in their heritage protection are reconstructed, and three particular processes are analysed. These are the role of Colonia del Tercio y Terol in the citizens’ movement for the preservation of the Colonias Históricas in Madrid (1973-1979), the incorporation of conservation criteria in the refurbishment of Poblado Dirigido de Caño Roto (1991-2004), and heritage as an obstacle to urban renewal in U.V.A. de Hortaleza (2004-2015).


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe the historical institutional context of Spain in the past 40 years and to analyze the influence of institutional factors in the current model of social enterprise existing in the country. Design/methodology/approach – This study draws on the theory of historical institutionalism, national-level empirical data and Kerlin conceptual framework (2013) that informs models of social enterprise. Findings – This paper describe some traits of Spain’s social enterprise that can be explained by the evolution of its institutional context in the past 40 years. It helps to validate, from a historical institutionalistic perspective, aspects of the Kerlin framework for social enterprise models. It also begins to show that the analysis of regional differences in the context should be taken into consideration when examining a country’s social enterprise space. Research limitations/implications – This discussion paper encourages academics to analyze regional differences in the emergence of social enterprise within a country. The main limitation of the paper is the lack of an “official” definition of social enterprise in Spain. Originality/value – This paper applies a valuable framework to a country with a unique political and economic history in the past 40 years. It contributes to enrich the research on the emergence and development of social enterprises in a variety of contexts and advances understanding of how regional differences inside a country influence the development of social enterprises.


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Forest engineering in Spain has a long tradition and active presence in the engineering field. It is also one of the first educational institutions that shaped the Spanish technological panorama in the mid nineteenth century. The actual situation of the forest systems in Spain is the result of 166 years of observation, research, education and the application of specific techniques and principles that forest engineers acquired with the successive study plans that were implanted in educational institutions. In this paper, the planning historical process of education in Forest engineer is analyzed, differentiating between four historical periods. The analysis of the stages focuses on the contents of the study plans, the orientation towards educational objectives, the duration of the studies and the causes for the modifications that had an impact on the evolution through time within the framework of the acquired experience and the technological advances


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O objetivo deste trabalho é levantar os diversos entendimentos que se tem sobre a função social da escola e como os diversos segmentos da equipe escolar a percebem. Procede-se a um levantamento da evolução da instituição escolar ao longo dos períodos históricos, define-se a escola como espaço socialmente destinado à transmissão do conhecimento acumulado pela sociedade humana para as novas gerações, busca-se em Libâneo e Mizukami caracterizar, para cada uma das tendências/abordagens pedagógicas, a sua função social entendendo-a nos níveis micro, meso e macro, e como uma teia de relações caleidoscópicas . Busca-se no pensamento de Gramsci os referenciais teóricos e corpo conceitual que possibilitem a leitura e compreensão dos elementos analisados e presentes na fala dos sujeitos pertencentes a segmentos da equipe escolar pesquisada. Procedeu-se a um estudo qualitativo do tipo etnográfico, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação de campo e análise documental. Verificou-se que a escola apresenta em seu Projeto Pedagógico uma forte tendência tradicional liberal, e nas falas dos sujeitos nvolvidos na pesquisa: alunos, pais/mães, colaboradores e professores uma forte crença na escola como possibilitadora de sucesso e ascensão social aos educandos, depositando nela todas as expectativas nesse sentido. O entendimento da função social da escola é percebida no nível do individual, não demonstrando preocupações com o coletivo, nem tampouco com o diploma sem saberes aprendidos , a personalidade do educando ou seu nível para o acesso ao capital cultural. Os professores partilham dessa esponsabilidade com a formação e sucesso do indivíduo educando. Buscou-se a partir dessa reflexão, um entendimento sobre a função social da escola contemporânea.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é levantar os diversos entendimentos que se tem sobre a função social da escola e como os diversos segmentos da equipe escolar a percebem. Procede-se a um levantamento da evolução da instituição escolar ao longo dos períodos históricos, define-se a escola como espaço socialmente destinado à transmissão do conhecimento acumulado pela sociedade humana para as novas gerações, busca-se em Libâneo e Mizukami caracterizar, para cada uma das tendências/abordagens pedagógicas, a sua função social entendendo-a nos níveis micro, meso e macro, e como uma teia de relações caleidoscópicas . Busca-se no pensamento de Gramsci os referenciais teóricos e corpo conceitual que possibilitem a leitura e compreensão dos elementos analisados e presentes na fala dos sujeitos pertencentes a segmentos da equipe escolar pesquisada. Procedeu-se a um estudo qualitativo do tipo etnográfico, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observação de campo e análise documental. Verificou-se que a escola apresenta em seu Projeto Pedagógico uma forte tendência tradicional liberal, e nas falas dos sujeitos nvolvidos na pesquisa: alunos, pais/mães, colaboradores e professores uma forte crença na escola como possibilitadora de sucesso e ascensão social aos educandos, depositando nela todas as expectativas nesse sentido. O entendimento da função social da escola é percebida no nível do individual, não demonstrando preocupações com o coletivo, nem tampouco com o diploma sem saberes aprendidos , a personalidade do educando ou seu nível para o acesso ao capital cultural. Os professores partilham dessa esponsabilidade com a formação e sucesso do indivíduo educando. Buscou-se a partir dessa reflexão, um entendimento sobre a função social da escola contemporânea.


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Temporal polyethism is a highly derived form of behavioral development displayed by social insects. Hormonal and genetic mechanisms regulating temporal polyethism in worker honey bees have been identified, but the evolution of these mechanisms is not well understood. We performed three experiments with male honey bees (drones) to investigate how mechanisms regulating temporal polyethism may have evolved because, relative to workers, drones display an intriguing combination of similarities and differences in behavioral development. We report that behavioral development in drones is regulated by mechanisms common to workers. In experiment 1, drones treated with the juvenile hormone (JH) analog methoprene started flying at significantly younger ages than did control drones, as is the case for workers. In experiment 2, there was an age-related increase in JH associated with the onset of drone flight, as in workers. In experiment 3, drones derived from workers with fast rates of behavioral development themselves started flying at younger ages than drones derived from workers with slower rates of behavioral development. These results suggest that endocrine and genetic mechanisms associated with temporal polyethism did not evolve strictly within the context of worker social behavior.


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The current phylogenetic hypothesis for the evolution and biogeography of fiddler crabs relies on the assumption that complex behavioral traits are assumed to also be evolutionary derived. Indo-west Pacific fiddler crabs have simpler reproductive social behavior and are more marine and were thought to be ancestral to the more behaviorally complex and more terrestrial American species. It was also hypothesized that the evolution of more complex social and reproductive behavior was associated with the colonization of the higher intertidal zones. Our phylogenetic analysis, based upon a set of independent molecular characters, however, demonstrates how widely entrenched ideas about evolution and biogeography led to a reasonable, but apparently incorrect, conclusion about the evolutionary trends within this pantropical group of crustaceans. Species bearing the set of "derived traits" are phylogenetically ancestral, suggesting an alternative evolutionary scenario: the evolution of reproductive behavioral complexity in fiddler crabs may have arisen multiple times during their evolution. The evolution of behavioral complexity may have arisen by coopting of a series of other adaptations for high intertidal living and antipredator escape. A calibration of rates of molecular evolution from populations on either side of the Isthmus of Panama suggest a sequence divergence rate for 16S rRNA of 0.9% per million years. The divergence between the ancestral clade and derived forms is estimated to be approximately 22 million years ago, whereas the divergence between the American and Indo-west Pacific is estimated to be approximately 17 million years ago.