970 resultados para septal hepatic fibrosis
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION:Hydatidosis is the result of infection with the larval stages of some species of the genus Echinococcus. Treatment approaches for hydatid cysts include the use of albendazole, surgery, and/or medico-surgical procedures. The choice of the therapeutic surgical approach depends on the cyst number and localization, surgeon expertise, and presence of complications. The present study aimed to compare the outcomes of the following therapeutic approaches for the treatment of hepatic hydatid cysts: pericystectomy; the puncture, aspiration, injection, and reaspiration (PAIR) technique; and the PAIR technique followed by deroofing, evacuation of cysts, and omentoplasty.METHODS:The 54 patients were divided into 3 groups: Group I (14 patients) who underwent pericystectomy, Group II (23 patients) who underwent the PAIR technique, and Group III (17 patients) who underwent the PAIR technique followed by deroofing and omentoplasty. The diagnosis of hydatid cysts was based on serological testing using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, abdominal ultrasound, and parasitological examination of the cyst contents. Morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay, recurrence, and postoperative complications were evaluated.RESULTS:Postoperative bleeding, infection, and recurrence were reported in Groups I and II; Group III did not experience postoperative infection and had shorter hospital stays. Recurrence and postoperative complications did not occur in Group III.CONCLUSIONS:The partial surgical procedure with deroofing, evacuation of the cysts, and omentoplasty, as performed in the present study, is recommended as a safe and effective method for elimination of the entire parasite with minimal possibility for intra-peritoneal spillage.
ABSTRACTIn Latin America, Bothrops envenomation is responsible for the majority of accidents caused by venomous snakes. Patients usually present local edema, bleeding and coagulopathy. Visceral hemorrhage is extremely rare and considered a challenge for diagnosis and management. We report the first case of hepatic hematoma owing to the bothropic envenomation in a 66-year-old man who was bitten in the left leg. He presented local edema, coagulopathy, and acute kidney injury. Radiological findings suggested hepatic hematoma, with a volume of almost 3 liters. The hepatic hematoma was gradually absorbed without the need for surgical intervention with complete resolution in 8 months.
Biochemical and hematimetric indicators of inflammation and cell damage were correlated with bilirubin and hepatic and pancreatic enzymes in 30 chronic male alcoholics admitted into psychiatric hospital for detoxification and treatment of alcoholism. Aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and total bilirubin were altered, respectively, in 90%, 63%, 87%, 23% and 23% of the cases. None of the indicators of inflammation (lactic dehydrogenase, altered in 16% of the cases; alpha-1 globulin, 24%; alpha-2 globulin, 88%; leucocyte counts, 28%) was correlated with alterations of bilirubin or liver enzymes. Lactic dehydrogenase was poorly sensitive for detection of hepatocytic or muscular damage. Alterations of alpha-globulins seemed to have been due more to alcohol metabolism-induced increase of lipoproteins than to inflammation. Among indicators of cell damage, serum iron, increased in 40% of the cases, seemed to be related to liver damage while creatine phosphokinase, increased in 84% of the cases, related to muscle damage. Hyperamylasemia was found in 20% of the cases and significantly correlated with levels of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltransferase. It was indicated that injuries of liver, pancreas, salivary glands, and muscle occurred in asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic chronic alcoholics.
Laparoscopic treatment of retroperitoneal fibrosis: report of two cases and review of the literature
OBJECTIVES: We present the results of treatment by laparoscopy of two patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis and review the literature since 1992, when the first case of this disease that was treated using laparoscopy was published. We also discuss the contemporary alternatives of clinical treatment with corticosteroids and tamoxifen. CASE REPORT: Two female patients, one with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, and other with retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with Riedel's thyroiditis, were treated using laparoscopic surgery. Both cases had bilateral pelvic ureteral obstruction and were treated using the same technique: transperitoneal laparoscopy, medial mobilization of both colons, liberation of both ureters from the fibrosis, and intraperitonealisation of the ureters. Double-J catheters were inserted before the operations and removed 3 weeks after the procedures. The first patient underwent intraperitonealisation of both ureters in a single procedure. The other had 2 different surgical procedures because of technical difficulties during the first operation. Both patients were followed for more than 1 year and recovered completely from the renal insufficiency. One of them still has occasional vague lumbar pain. There were no abnormalities in the intravenous pyelography in either case. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical correction of retroperitoneal fibrosis, when indicated, should be attempted using laparoscopy. If possible, bilateral ureterolysis and intraperitonealisation of both ureters should be performed in the same operation.
OBJECTIVE: To establish a murine experimental model of bile duct obstruction that would enable controlled observations of the acute and subacute phases of cholestasis. METHODOLOGY: Adult male isogenic BALB/c mice underwent a bile duct ligation (22 animals) or a sham operation (10 animals). Fifteen days after surgery, or immediately after the animal's death, macroscopic findings were noted and histological study of the liver, biliary tree, and pancreas was performed (hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichromic staining). RESULTS: Beginning 24 hours after surgery, all animals from the bile duct ligation group presented progressive generalized malaise. All animals presented jaundice in the parietal and visceral peritoneum, turgid and enlarged liver, and accentuated dilatation of gallbladder and common bile duct. Microscopic findings included marked dilatation and proliferation of bile ducts with accentuated collagen deposits, frequent areas of ischemic necrosis, hepatic microabscesses, and purulent cholangitis. Animals from the sham operation group presented no alterations. CONCLUSION: We established a murine experimental model of induced cholestasis, which made it possible to study acute and subacute tissue lesions. Our data suggests that in cholestasis, hepatic functional ischemia plays an important role in inducing hepatic lesions, and it also suggests that the infectious process is an important factor in morbidity and mortality.
OBJECTIVE: To report a case of bilateral giant renal angiomyolipoma associated with tuberous sclerosis, with successful treatment, and to review the literature concerning angiomyolipoma treatment. CASE REPORT: Patient with tuberous sclerosis and angiomyolipoma diagnosed by ultrasonography during her pregnancy. At that time, the angiomyolipoma on the right side was 9 cm in diameter. Conservative management was selected during her pregnancy. The patient returned 7 years later, with a 24.7 x 19.2 x 10.7 cm tumor on the right side and another of 13 x 11.5 x 6.5 cm on the left side, in addition to multiple small angiomyolipomas. A nephron-sparing surgery with tumoral enucleation was performed on the right side, and after 3 months, the tumor on the left side was removed. Renal function in the post-operative period was preserved, and contrast medium progression was uniform and adequate in both kidneys. CONCLUSION: We conclude that an angiomyolipoma larger than 4 cm should be removed surgically, since they have a greater growth rate and pose a risk of hemorrhage. Resection of smaller tumors is safe and has decreased morbidity. Tumoral enucleation is an effective treatment method that preserves kidney function.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease usually diagnosed by abnormal sweat testing. We report a case of an 18-year-old female with bronchiectasis, chronic P. aeruginosa infection, and normal sweat chloride concentrations who experienced rapid decrease of lung function and clinical deterioration despite treatment. Given the high suspicion ofcystic fibrosis, broad genotyping testing was performed, showing a compound heterozygous with deltaF508 and 3849+10kb C->T mutations, therefore confirming cystic fibrosis diagnosis. Although the sweat chloride test remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, alternative diagnostic tests such as genotyping and electrophysiologic measurements must be performed if there is suspicion of cystic fibrosis, despite normal or borderline sweat chloride levels.
Left ventricular hypertrophy following volume overload is regarded as an example of cardiac remodeling without increased fibrosis accumulation. However, infarction is associated with increased fibrosis within the noninfarcted, hypertrophied myocardium, particularly in the subendocardial regions. It is conceivable to suppose that, as also occurs postinfarction, low coronary driving pressure may also interfere with accumulation of myocardial fibrosis following aortocaval fistula. PURPOSE: To investigate the role of acute hemodynamic changes in subsequent deposition of cardiac fibrosis in response to aortocaval fistula. METHOD: Aortocaval fistula were created in 4 groups of Wistar rats that were followed over 4 and 8 weeks: aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8 (10 rats each) and their respective controls (sham-operated controls - Sh), Sh4 and Sh8 (8 rats each). Hemodynamic measurements were performed 1 week after surgery. Hypertrophy and fibrosis were quantified by myocyte diameter and collagen volume fraction at the end of follow up. RESULT: Compared with Sh4 and Sh8, pulse pressure, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and +dP/dt were higher in aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8, but -dP/dt was similar. Coronary driving pressure (mm Hg), used as an estimate of perfusion pressure, was lower in aortocaval fistula 8 (52.6 ± 4.1) than in Sh8 (100.8 ± 1.3), but comparable between aortocaval fistula 4 (50.0 ± 8.9) and Sh4 (84.8 ± 2.3). Myocyte diameter was greater in aortocaval fistula 8, whereas interstitial and subendocardial fibrosis were greater in aortocaval fistula 4 and aortocaval fistula 8. Coronary driving pressure correlated inversely and independently with subendocardial fibrosis (r² = .86, P <.001), whereas left ventricular systolic pressure (r² = 0.73, P = .004) and end-diastolic pressure (r² = 0.55, P = 012) correlated positively and independently with interstitial fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Coronary driving pressure falls and ventricular pressures increase early after aortocaval fistula and are associated with subsequent myocardial fibrosis deposition.
The recent focus on the cystic fibrosis (CF) complex microbiome has led to the recognition that the microbes can interact between them and with the host immune system, affecting the disease progression and treatment routes. Although the main focus remains on the interactions between traditional pathogens, growing evidence supports the contribution and the role of emergent species. Understanding the mechanisms and the biological effects involved in polymicrobial interactions may be the key to improve effective therapies and also to define new strategies for disease control. This review focuses on the interactions between microbe-microbe and host-microbe, from an ecological point of view, discussing their impact on CF disease progression. There are increasing indications that these interactions impact the success of antimicrobial therapy. Consequently, a new approach where therapy is personalized to patients by taking into account their individual CF microbiome is suggested.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Engenharia Clínica)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o papel da doença arterial coronária (DAC) com comprometimento da artéria descendente anterior (ADA) na cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) e sua repercussão na evolução, visto ser controverso o significado da necrose e fibrose do septo interventricular (SIV) nesta cardiomiopatia. MÉTODOS: Entre 158 pacientes com CMH, selecionamos 6 (3,79%) com CMH e DAC com lesão obrigatória de ADA, sendo 4 homens, entre 52 e 70 (x= 65,16) nos, 4 com a forma obstrutiva da CMH. O tempo de diagnóstico da CMH foi de 78 a 182 (x=141) meses e da DAC de 1 dia a 106 (x= 42) meses. Os pacientes foram acompanhados com avaliações clínicas e exames complementares periódicos. RESULTADOS: A forma de apresentação da DAC foi em 5 com angina instável e um com infarto do miocárdio. A ADA estava comprometida entre 60 a 100%, sendo em um lesão única e nos 5 restantes com lesão em 2 ou mais vasos. Na evolução, 3 foram submetidos a revascularização miocárdica (RM), um associada a miomectomia septal, um a angioplastia e 2 somente a tratamento clínico. No período de observação de 76 a 124 meses após o diagnóstico da DAC, ocorreu um óbito. No fim do estudo observamos redução nos valores médios do SIV de 1,53 para 1,40cm, gradiente de pressão entre o corpo e a via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) de 56 para 15,75mmHg, com discreto aumento no diâmetro diastólico do VE de 4,55 para 4,85cm e do diâmetro sistólico de 2,83 para 3,13cm, sem alterar a dimensão do átrio esquerdo (4,13cm). CONCLUSÃO: A DAC da ADA é bem tolerada na CMH septal assimétrica, participando do processo fibrótico septal e melhorando o desempenho cardíaco, não representando problema adverso na evolução da CMH.
Mulher de 75 anos com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica obstrutiva, com dispnéia classe IV, refratária ao tratamento clínico, apresentava contra-indicações relativas para abordagens cirúrgica e de implante de marcapasso. Realizou-se procedimento intervencionista para injeção seletiva de álcool absoluto no 1º ramo septal da artéria interventricular anterior. O infarto septal provocado acompanhou-se de liberação enzimática, elevação de ST e bloqueio de ramo direito do feixe de His. Não houve complicações inesperadas, e o gradiente da via ejetiva de ventrículo esquerdo, de 66mmHg, foi imediatamente abolido. Controle ecocardiográfico evidencia manutenção desse resultado, até o momento, dois meses após o procedimento, em correspondência a marcante alívio sintomático.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os tipos de bloqueio obtidos nos istmos posterior (entre o anel tricuspídeo e veia cava inferior) e septal (entre o anel tricuspídeo e óstio do seio coronário), após ablação do flutter atrial (FLA). MÉTODOS: Foram submetidos à ablação por radiofreqüência (RF) 14 pacientes com FLA tipo I (9 homens) em 16 procedimentos. A ativação atrial ao redor do anel tricuspídeo foi avaliada em ritmo sinusal utilizando-se cateter "Halo" com 10 pares de eletrodos (H1-2 a H19-20), durante estimulação do seio coronário proximal (SCP) e região póstero-lateral do átrio direito (H1-2), antes e após ablações lineares. De acordo com a frente de programação do impulso definiu-se: ausência de bloqueio (condução bidirecional), bloqueio incompleto (condução bidirecional com retardo num dos sentidos) e bloqueio completo (ausência de condução pelo istmo). O intervalo desta ativação (deltaSCP/H1-2) foi analisado. RESULTADOS: Bloqueio completo foi obtido em 7 procedimentos (44%) e incompleto em 4 (25%). O deltaSCP/H1-2 foi de 74 ± 26ms no primeiro grupo e de 30,5 ± 7,5ms no segundo (p<0,05). Em 5 casos não demonstrou-se bloqueio. Num seguimento médio de 12 meses, ocorreu recorrência do FLA nos 6 pacientes com bloqueio incompleto ou ausente e em nenhum com bloqueio completo (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A verificação de bloqueio completo pelo mapeamento multipolar atrial é uma estratégia eficaz para definir o sucesso e recorrência clínica na ablação do FLA tipo I.
PURPOSE: Evaluation of the role of transesophageal echocardiography in percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) with the Amplatzer septal occluder. METHODS: Patients were selected for percutaneous closure of ASD by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), which was also used to monitor the procedure, helping to select the appropriate size of the Amplatzer device, to verify its position, and to access the immediate results of the procedure. During the follow-up, TEE was used to evaluate the presence and magnitude of residual shunt (RS), device position, and right cardiac chamber diameters. RESULTS: Twenty-two (40%) of a total of 55 studied patients were selected. Thirteen underwent Amplatzer device implantation, eight are still waiting for it, and one preferred the conventional surgical treatment. All procedures were successful, which was mainly due to proper patient selection. Six (23%) patients acutely developed RS, which spontaneously disapeared at the three-month follow-up examination in three patients. There was a significant reduction in the right ventricle diastolic diameter, from 27mm (average) to 24mm and 20mm, one and three months after the procedure, respectively (p<0.0076). CONCLUSION: With the aid of TEE, percutaneous closure of ASD can be successfully, safely, and effectively performed.
This is a report of a nine-year-old boy with both mitral stenosis and regurgitation and extensive endomyocardial fibrosis of the left ventricle. Focus is given to the singularity of the fibrotic process, with an emphasis on the etiopathogenic aspects.