431 resultados para seepage


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Six sensor units each having a pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) sensor, plus a central logger, and connection cables were purchased from RBR (Ottawa). The sensing loggers were placed at a transect across the hot spot. Unfortunately, 5 of the 7 loggers were drowned. Only the central logger, that collected the data from the 6 sensor loggers, and one of the sensor loggers remained dry and functional. The sensor was positioned at 50 m south of the frame, in the center of the hot spot. The ORP did not show interpretable signals. The DO and pH signals showed good correlation (. At the end of October 2009 both signals decreased, the pH became as low as 4, possibly indicating increased seepage, or burial in expelled sediments. In December both sensors regained seawater values and then decreased again until the end of May 2010. A pH of 4 can only be reached by very high carbondioxide levels. The dynamics of the signals indicate eruptions and sediment movements from October 2009 till the end of the deployment.


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Esta tesis doctoral es el fruto de un trabajo de investigación cuyo objetivo principal es definir criterios de diseño de protecciones en forma de repié en presas de materiales sueltos cuyo espaldón de aguas abajo esté formado por escollera. La protección propuesta consiste en un relleno de material granular situado sobre el pie de aguas abajo de la presa y formado a su vez por una escollera con características diferenciadas respecto de la escollera que integra el espaldón de la presa. La función de esta protección es evitar que se produzcan deslizamientos en masa cuando una cantidad de agua anormalmente elevada circula accidentalmente por el espaldón de aguas abajo de la presa por distintos motivos como pueden ser el vertido por coronación de la presa o la pérdida de estanqueidad del elemento impermeable o del cimiento. Según los datos de la International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD 1995) el 70% de las causas de rotura o avería grave en presas de materiales sueltos en el mundo están dentro de las que se han indicado con anterioridad. Esta circulación accidental de agua a través del espaldón de escollera, típicamente turbulenta, se ha denominado en esta tesis percolación (“through flow”, en inglés) para diferenciarla del término filtración, habitualmente utilizada para el flujo laminar a través de un material fino. El fenómeno físico que origina la rotura de presas de materiales sueltos sometidas a percolación accidental es complejo, entrando en juego diversidad de parámetros, muchas veces no deterministas, y con acoplamiento entre procesos, tanto de filtración como de arrastre y deslizamiento. En esta tesis se han realizado diferentes estudios experimentales y numéricos con objeto de analizar el efecto sobre el nivel de protección frente al deslizamiento en masa que producen los principales parámetros geométricos que definen el repié: la anchura de la berma, el talud exterior y su altura máxima desde la base. También se han realizado estudios sobre factores con gran influencia en el fenómeno de la percolación como son la anisotropía del material y el incremento de los caudales unitarios en el pie de presa debidos a la forma de la cerrada. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en las distintas campañas de modelación física y numérica se han obtenido conclusiones respecto a la efectividad de este tipo de protección para evitar parcial o totalmente los daños provocados por percolación accidental en presas de escollera. El resultado final de la tesis es un procedimiento de diseño para este tipo de protecciones. Con objeto de completar los criterios de dimensionamiento, teniendo en cuenta los mecanismos de rotura por erosión interna y arrastre, se han incluido dentro del procedimiento recomendaciones adicionales basadas en investigaciones existentes en la bibliografía técnica. Finalmente, se han sugerido posibles líneas de investigación futuras para ampliar el conocimiento de fenómenos complejos que influyen en el comportamiento de este tipo de protección como son el efecto de escala, la anisotropía de la escollera, las leyes de resistencia que rigen la filtración turbulenta a través de medios granulares, los efectos de cimentaciones poco competentes o la propia caracterización de las propiedades de la escollera de presas. This thesis is the result of a research project that had the main objective of defining criteria to design rockfill toe protections for dams with a highly‐permeable downstream shoulder. The proposed protection consists of a rockfill toe berm situated downstream from the dam with specific characteristics with respect to the rockfill that integrates the shoulder of the main dam. The function of these protections is to prevent mass slides due to an abnormally high water flow circulation through the dam shoulder. This accidental seepage flow may be caused by such reasons as overtopping or the loss of sealing at the impervious element of the dam or its foundation. According to data from the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD 1995), 70% of the causes of failure or serious damage in embankment dams in the world are within that described previously. This accidental seepage of water through the rockfill shoulder, typically turbulent, is usually called through‐flow. The physical phenomenon which causes the breakage of the rockfill shoulder during such through‐flow processes is complex, involving diversity of parameters (often not deterministic) and coupling among processes, not only seepage but also internal erosion, drag or mass slide. In this thesis, numerical and experimental research is conducted in order to analyze the effects of the main parameters that define the toe protection, i.e. the toe crest length, its slope and maximum height. Additional studies on significant factors which influence the seepage, such as the anisotropy of the material and the increase of the unit flows at the dam toe due to the valley shape are also performed. In addition, conclusions regarding the effectiveness of this type of protection are obtained based on the results of physical and numerical models. The main result of the thesis is a design procedure for this type of protection to avoid mass sliding. In order to complete the design criteria, additional recommendations about internal and external erosion based on the state of the art are included. Finally, new lines of research are suggested for the future to expand the level of knowledge of the complex phenomena that influence the behavior of this type of protection, such as the effects of scale, rockfill anisotropy, non‐linear seepage laws in turbulent seepage through granular media, effects of erodible foundations, or new procedures to characterize the properties of dam rockfill as a construction material.


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Ferromanganese nodule fields and hardgrounds have recently been discovered in the Cadiz Contourite Channel in the Gulf of Cadiz (850–1000 m). This channel is part of a large contourite depositional system generated by the Mediterranean Outflow Water. Ferromanganese deposits linked to contourites are interesting tools for palaeoenviromental studies and show an increasing economic interest as potential mineral resources for base and strategic metals. We present a complete characterisation of these deposits based on submarine photographs and geophysical, petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data. The genesis and growth of ferromanganese deposits, strongly enriched in Fe vs. Mn (av. 39% vs. 6%) in this contourite depositional system result from the combination of hydrogenetic and diagenetic processes. The interaction of the Mediterranean Outflow Water with the continental margin has led to the formation of Late Pleistocene–Holocene ferromanganese mineral deposits, in parallel to the evolution of the contourite depositional system triggered by climatic and tectonic events. The diagenetic growth was fuelled by the anaerobic oxidation of thermogenic hydrocarbons (δ13CPDB=−20 to −37‰) and organic matter within the channel floor sediments, promoting the formation of Fe–Mn carbonate nodules. High 87Sr/86Sr isotopic values (up to 0.70993±0.00025) observed in the inner parts of nodules are related to the influence of radiogenic fluids fuelled by deep-seated fluid venting across the fault systems in the diapirs below the Cadiz Contourite Channel. Erosive action of the Mediterranean Outflow Water undercurrent could have exhumed the Fe–Mn carbonate nodules, especially in the glacial periods, when the lower core of the undercurrent was more active in the study area. The growth rate determined by 230Thexcess/232Th was 113±11 mm/Ma, supporting the hypothesis that the growth of the nodules records palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 70 ka. Ca-rich layers in the nodules could point to the interaction between the Mediterranean Outflow Water and the North Atlantic Deep Water during the Heinrich events. Siderite–rhodochrosite nodules exposed to the oxidising seabottom waters were replaced by Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides. Slow hydrogenetic growth of goethite from the seawaters is observed in the outermost parts of the exhumed nodules and hardgrounds, which show imprints of the Mediterranean Outflow Water with low 87Sr/86Sr isotopic values (down to 0.70693±0.00081). We propose a new genetic and evolutionary model for ferromanganese oxide nodules derived from ferromanganese carbonate nodules formed on continental margins above the carbonate compensation depth and dominated by hydrocarbon seepage structures and strong erosive action of bottom currents. We also compare and discuss the generation of ferromanganese deposits in the Cadiz Contourite Channel with that in other locations and suggest that our model can be applied to ferromanganiferous deposits in other contouritic systems affected by fluid venting.


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Aunque las primeras fábricas de tubos de poliéster reforzado con fibra de vidrio en España datan del año 1984, no es sino hasta el año 1996 cuando se comienza su utilización masiva como un sustituto de las tuberías de fribrocemento, que ya habían sido prohibidas por la legislación, debido a los efectos cancerígenos de este material. Desde entonces se ha prodigado la utilización de todas las diferentes tipologías de esta clase de tubería, de conformidad a los procesos de fabricación empleados que se encuentran recopilados en el AWWA Manual M45 (Fiberglass Pipe Design), obteniéndose muy diversos resultados. Durante estos años, ha surgido una creciente preocupación en los usuarios de este tipo de tuberías dadas las continuas y numerosas averías en todo el ámbito geográfico. Esto ha promovido el desarrollo de la presente investigaicón, que se ha dividido en dos partes y que ha concluido con la determinación de un nuevo mecanismo específico de fractura. La primera parte se centró en la obtención y desarrollo del modelo teórico que hemos venido a denominar como "Teoría de la Caja Mecánicamente Contaminada", y que está basado en la contaminación o separación por un impacto de dos de las tres capas que forman la tubería, la capa intermedia de arena y la capa más interna o "inner layer". La consecuencia es la disminución del canto resistente, la rotura del inner layer y la entrada de fluido a la capa de arena. Para la evaluación de la magnitud de esta separación se ha desarrollado un modelo analítico que ha determinado la existencia de una relación cuadrática que la rige, y que ha sido verificado mediante ensayos de impacto sobre probetas de tuberías, alcanzando ajustes de hasta el 92%. Así, se ha determinado que impactos de muy baja intensidad, del entorno de 90 a 160 Julios en tuberías Filament Winding continuo PN 16-20 (de 800 a 1000mm) pueden comprometer seriamente la integridad estructural de la tubería sin dejar, en un principio, muesca o traza alguna que pueda alertar del problema. Los siguientes pasos en el estudio se dirigieron a determinar qué otros mecanismos, aparte del golpe, podrían contaminar la tubería y a estudiar el consiguiente avance de la fractura a las capas externas. Se trataba además de analizar la aparición en el tubo de unas misteriosas manchas en forma de "piel de leopardo" y de otros fenómenos aparecidos en las averías como que algunas de las deformaciones de la rotura por presión interna son hacia el interior del tubo y no al revés, como habría sido de esperar a priori. Se optó entonces por comenzar la que ha constituido la segunda parte de la investigación. Para ello se recurrió a realizar ensayos hidráulicos en banco de pruebas a alta presión, cuyos resultados fueron sorprendentes al descubrir que en el proceso se producía la hidrólisis de la resina de poliéster no catalizada que fluía hacia el exterior del tubo. Como consecuencia se llevaron a cabo nuevos ensayos físicos y químicos para estudiar la migración del material y la hidrólisis producida en el proceso de fractura. En este estudio, resultó muy relevante el hecho de sobrepasar o no la presión que producía el desagarro entre las capas del tubo. En definitiva, en esta investigación, que ha constado de estudios analíticos y estudios experimentales, químicos y numéricos, se ha determinado un nuevo mecanismo de fractura que explica gran parte de los fallos acontecidos en las tuberías de poliéster reforzado con fibra de vidrio. Como aplicación se exponen recomendaciones para mejorar el comportamiento mecánico de esta tipología y evitar así los sobrecostes millonarios producidos por su reposición. Numerous and continuous failures in fiberglass reinforced polyester pipes of different companies and manufacturing processes of the AWWA Manual M45 (Fiberglass Pipe Design), have prompted the development of this research, that has concluded with a specific mechanism describing pipe fractures. This research was carried out via two independent studies. The first one is the development of the hypothesis that turned into the Mechanically Contaminated Layer Theory. This theory describes the fracture mchanism which explains a significant part of massive failures due to the existence of a sand layer placed near the neutral axis in the core making the composite very sensitive to impacts in fibreglass reinforced polyester pipes. These failures create interface delamination and consequently fluid can leak into supporting sand backfill thereby iniating the fracture process. In order to assess the delimination magnitude, an analytic method is developed and a squared root law between delamination and energy applied proposed. Vertical blunt ram testts on samples extracted from complete pipes have been carried out to verify this theory, reaching a goodness of fit up to 92%. It is concluded that low energy impacts, around 90-160J in 800-1000mm diameter PN 16-20 continuous filament winding pipes, can seriously compromise their structural integraty with no external trace. The next step in the study was to determine what other mechanism, apart from the brittle hit, could contaminate the pipe and to analyse the consequente advance of the fracture to the external layers. Another aim was to analyse two phenomena occurred in real pipe failures. The first one is the appearance on the tube of "leopard fur" stains on some of the analysed failures, and the other phenomenon is the "inverse fracture", in which the deformations of the failure due to internal pressure are towards the inside of the tube and not the other way round, as it would be expected. It was then chosen to follow a new branch of the investigation by hydraulic high-pressure bench tests that study seepage and load transmission. The results were very surprising as it was discovered that in the process, hydrolysis of the non-catalysed polyester resin occured, flowing towards the outer of the pipe, which entailed the development of chemical and physical tests of the exuded material to study material migration and hydrolysis of the fracture process. In this particular study it was relevant to exceed or not the pressure that produced the rip between the layers of the tube. In conclusion, a new breakage mechanism in FRP pies with sand-filled layer has been found, which explains a high part of the failure global cases. The whole failure process is justified by the Mechanically Contaminated Layer Theory, which has been corroborated by means of analytical, numerical and experimental studies. Several recommendations are also provided in order to improve the mechanical behaviour of this typology and avoid the millionaire overruns generated by its massive failures.


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ODP Leg 204, which drilled at Hydrate Ridge, provides unique insights into the fluid regime of an accretionary complex and delineates specific sub-seafloor pathways for fluid transport. Compaction and dewatering due to smectite-illite transition increase with distance from the toe of the accretionary prism and bring up fluids from deep within the accretionary complex to sampled depths (<= 600 mbsf). These fluids have a distinctly non-radiogenic strontium isotope signature indicating reaction with the oceanic basement. Boron isotopes are also consistent with a deep fluid source that has been modified by desorption of heavy boron as clay minerals change from smectite to illite. One of three major horizons serves as conduit for the transport of mainly fluid. Our results enable us to evaluate fluid migration pathways that play important roles on massive gas hydrate accumulations and seepage of methane-rich fluids on southern Hydrate Ridge.