947 resultados para satellite-to-ground laser communications


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The magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling is mainly manifested by the trans- porting processes of energy into the ionosphere , the energy is carried by solar wind and firstly accumulate at the magnetosphere, and the coupling processes also significantly include the interaction between the magnetosphere and ionosphere for mass and energy. At the quiet condition, energy is delivered by the large-scale convection of the geomagnetic field; the huge energy from solar wind bulk will be injected into and consumed at the near magnetosphere and ionosphere by the geomagnetic storm and substorm activities. Aurorae and FACs (Field-aligned currents) are the important phenomena in the coupling processes. In the present work, firstly, we analyze the activity characteristics of auroral precipitating particle, secondly, we study the distribution characters of large-scale field aligned currents (LS FACs) at storm-time using the observations from different satellites at different altitudes. Finally, we investigate the evolution of the geomagnetic field configuration at the nightside sector on the onset of the expansion phase in a substorm event, the substorm event happened at 0430UT to 0630UT on 8th Nov. 2004. The main results as follows: At the first, the data of the estimated power input (EPI) of auroral particles from NOAA/POES (Polar orbiting environmental satellite) for some 30 years have been analyzed. The variation tendencies of the EPI generally coincide with aa, AE and Dst indices. The annual variation of EPI shows equinox peaks and an asymmetric-activity with a higher peak in the winter-hemisphere than in the summer-hemisphere. The diurnal UT variations are different from north and south hemisphere: for north hemisphere, the peak appears at 1200UT, and the relative deviation is 22% to the daily average of the north hemisphere. For south hemisphere, the maximal deviation is 22% at 2000UT. So the diurnal variation of EPI is more dominant than the annual variation which maximal deviation is 3% to 12% for different seasons. Studies on correlations of the hourly average of EPI, Pa, with AE and Dst indices show a correlation coefficient r=0.74 of Pa and AE, and r=-0.55 of Pa and Dst. The hourly EPIs for north and south polar regions, NPa and SPa, show a north-south asymmetry with a higher correlation of SPa and AE (or Dst). Time delays of EPI with respect to magnetic indices are examined, the maximum correlation coefficient of Pa with AE (r=0.78) occurs when the time delay =0, suggesting a synchronous activity of auroral electrojet and auroral precipitating particles, while =1-2h, the correlation coefficient of Pa with Dst is maximum (r=0.57), suggesting that the activity of auroral particle precipitating may influence the ring current on some extent. Sencondly, we use the high-resolution magnetic field vector data of the CHAMP satellite to investigate the distribution of large-scale FACs during the great magnetic storm on 7th to 8th Nov. 2004. The results show that, whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, the number and density of large-scale FACs during the main-phase are more and bigger than these during the recover-phase, and the number of large-scale FACs in morning sector obviously is more than that in afternoon sector. In terms of the magnetic indices, we find that large-scale FACs in morning sector significantly affected by the substorm activities, while in afternoon sector the large-scale FACs mainly indicate the fluctuations of the ring-current in storm time. Accordingly to the former studies, similarly, we find that in the morning sector, the scale of the large-scale FACs move to the high-latitude region, and in the afternoon sector, large-scale FACs distinctly expand to the low-latitude region. During the time periods that the NOAA/POES auroral precipitating particle power data temporally correspond to the large-scale FACs, the more the power of auroral particle is, the more and bigger the number and density of FACs are. At the same time, we use the magnetic field vector data of POLAR obtain a good form of region 1, region 2, and three pieces of cusp FACs during a single transit at 1930UT-2006UT on 07th. And the characteristics of simultaneous electric field and energy particles observations on Polar are coincide with the five FACs pieces. Finally, by means of the observation of Cluster 4 and Goes 10、 Goes 12, we analyze the evolution process of the change of the magnetic field configuration at night sector at the expansion phase of a substorm event which happened during 0430UT to 0630UT on 8th Nov. 2004, we find that the times of the beginning of the polarizations of magnetic field are observed from Goes 10 to Goes 12 then to Cluster 4. So, at the synchronous orbit ( 6.6 RE) to 10RE distance scale of the neutral sheet, the current disruption spread tailward. Simultaneously, the strengthen of the FACs deduced from these satellites’ magnetic field observations are almost consistent with the times of polarizations, as well as the high energy particles injection and the electric field dominant variation. The onset times determined by the magnetic field polarizations from these satellites are all ahead of the onset time that confirmed from the auroral electrojet indices. So, these characters of different observations can be used as the criterions to determine the onset time for the substorms of such type as we studied.


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Karst collapse is one of the most important engineering geology hazards in Karst district, which seriously endangers the living of humankind and the environment around us, as well as the natural resources. Generally speaking, there exist three processes of overburden karst collapse:the formation of soil cavity, the expansion of soil cavity and the fall of the cavity roof. During these processes, groundwater is always the most active factor and plays a key role. Pumping will bring into the great change of groundwater in flow state, flowrate, frequency of fluctuation as well as hydraulic gradient and will speed the fall. Statistics shows that most of the man-made karst collapse are induced by pumping, so studying the mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping will provide theoretical base for the prediction and precaution of collapse. By theoretically studying the initial condition for the forming and expanding of a soil cavity, Spalling step by step the essential mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping is put forward. The catastrophe model for the collapse induced by pumping is set up to predict the fall probability of a cavity roof, and the criterion for the collapse is determined. Simultaneously, Karst collapse induced by pumping is predicted with manmade neural network theory. Finally, the appropriate precaution measurements for the collapse induced by pumping are provided. The creative opinions of the paper is following: The initial condition of forming a soil cavity is put forwarded as formula (4-1-5), (4-1-24),(4-1-25) and (4-1-27); which provide theoretical base for foreclosing the formation of a soil cavity and defending collapse. Spaliing step by step as the essential mechanism of Karst collapse induced by pumping is put forward. The spaliing force is defined as formula (4-2-15). The condition for the expanding of a soil cavity is that spaliing force is greater than tensile strength of soil. The stability of a soil cavity is first studied with catastrophe theory. It is concluded that the process of development up to ground collapse of a small cavity is continuous, however, the process of a big cavity is catastrophic. It is feasibility that the Karst collapse be predicted with manmade neural network theory as a new way.


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It is anticipated that constrained devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) will often operate in groups to achieve collective monitoring or management tasks. For sensitive and mission-critical sensing tasks, securing multicast applications is therefore highly desirable. To secure group communications, several group key management protocols have been introduced. However, the majority of the proposed solutions are not adapted to the IoT and its strong processing, storage, and energy constraints. In this context, we introduce a novel decentralized and batch-based group key management protocol to secure multicast communications. Our protocol is simple and it reduces the rekeying overhead triggered by membership changes in dynamic and mobile groups and guarantees both backward and forward secrecy. To assess our protocol, we conduct a detailed analysis with respect to its communcation and storage costs. This analysis is validated through simulation to highlight energy gains. The obtained results show that our protocol outperforms its peers with respect to keying overhead and the mobility of members.


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Jackson, Peter, and Joe Maiolo, 'Strategic intelligence, Counter-Intelligence and Alliance Diplomacy in Anglo-French relations before the Second World War', Military History (2006) 65(2) pp.417-461 RAE2008


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Pryse, Sian, 'Radio tomography: A new experimental technique', Surveys in Geophysics (2003) 24 pp.1-38 RAE2008


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A thin-film InGaAs/GaAs edge-emitting single-quantum-well laser has been integrated with a tapered multimode SU-8 waveguide onto an Si substrate. The SU-8 waveguide is passively aligned to the laser using mask-based photolithography, mimicking electrical interconnection in Si complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, and overlaps one facet of the thin-film laser for coupling power from the laser to the waveguide. Injected threshold current densities of 260A/cm(2) are measured with the reduced reflectivity of the embedded laser facet while improving single mode coupling efficiency, which is theoretically simulated to be 77%.


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In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Archaeology in Annapolis was invited to excavate the Carroll House and garden on 107 Duke of Gloucester Street in Annapolis, Maryland. The site, named the St. Mary's Site (18AP45) for the Catholic church on the property, is currently owned by the Redemptorists, a Roman Catholic congregation of priests and brothers who have occupied the site since 1852. Prior to the Redemptorists' tenure, the site was owned by the Carroll family from 1701-1852 and is perhaps best known as the home of Charles Carroll of Carrollton (1737-1832), signer of the Declaration of Independence. Excavations at the site were conducted during four consecutive summer seasons from 1987-1990. The investigation focused on three research questions. The first line of inquiry were questions surrounding the dating, architectural configuration, and artifact deposits of the "frame house," a structure adjoining the west wall of the brick Carroll House via a "passage" and later a three story addition. The frame house was partially demolished in the mid-nineteenth century but the construction was thought to pre-date the brick portion of the house. The second research question was spurred by documentary research which indicated that the property might have been the location of Proctor's Tavern, a late 17th-century tavern which served as the meeting place of the Maryland Provincial Assembly. Archaeological testing hoped to determine its location and, if found, investigate Annapolis' early Euro-American occupation. The third research question focused on the landscape of the site as it was shaped by its occupants over the past three hundred years. The research questions included investigating the stratigraphy, geometry, and architectural and planting features of Charles Carroll of Carrollton's terraced garden built during the 1770s, and investigating the changes to the landscape made by the Redemptorists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. While no structural evidence associated with Proctor’s Tavern was uncovered during limited excavations along Spa Creek, the historic shore of Spa Creek was identified, buried beneath deep fill deposits laid down during construction of the Carroll Garden. Features and deposits associated with this period likely remain intact in a waterlogged environment along the southeastern sea wall at the St. Mary’s Site. Evidence of extensive earth moving by Carroll is present in the garden and was identified during excavation and coring. This strongly suggests that the garden landscape visible at the St. Mary’s Site is the intact Carroll Garden, which survives beneath contemporary and late nineteenth century strata. The extant surviving garden should be considered highly sensitive to ground-disturbing activities, and is also highly significant considering demonstrable associations with the Carroll family. Other garden-related features were also discovered, including planting holes, and a brick pavilion or parapet located along Spa Creek to the south of the site. The Duke of Gloucester Street wall was shown to be associated with the Carroll occupation of the site. Finally, intensive archaeological research was directed at the vicinity of a frame house constructed and occupied by the Carrolls to the east of the existing brick house, which was replaced by the Redemptorists in the nineteenth century with a greenhouse. These superimposed buildings were documented in detail and remain highly significant features at the St. Mary’s Site.


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Reviews case law which has provided guidance on the law relating to without prejudice communications in landlord and tenant disputes. Considers: (1) the extent to which without prejudice communications are inadmissible in subsequent litigation; (2) exceptions to the without prejudice rule; (3) the specific context in which the rule applies; (4) the need for a dispute or negotiation to have arisen; (5) the prohibition on using "without prejudice" as an opening shot; and (6) the effect of changing the negotiating basis.


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The inclusion of collisional rates for He-like Fe and Ca ions is discussed with reference to the analysis of solar flare Fe XXV and Ca XIX line emission, particularly from the Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS). The new data are a slight improvement on calculations presently used in the BCS analysis software in that the discrepancy in the Fe XXV y and z line intensities (observed larger than predicted) is reduced. Values of electron temperature from satellite-to-resonance line ratios are slightly reduced (by up to 1 MK) for a given observed ratio. The new atomic data will be incorporated in the Yohkoh BCS databases. The data should also be of interest for the analysis of high-resolution, non-solar spectra expected from the Constellation-X and Astro-E space missions. A comparison is made of a tokamak S XV spectrum with a synthetic spectrum using atomic data in the existing software and the agreement is found to be good, so validating these data for particularly high-n satellite wavelengths close to the S XV resonance line. An error in a data file used for analyzing BCS Fe XXVI spectra is corrected, so permitting analysis of these spectra.


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The attempt to connect philosophy and social hope has been one of the key distinguishing features of critical theory as a tradition of enquiry. This connection has been questioned forcefully from the perspective of a post-philosophical pragmatism, as articulated by Rorty. In this article I consider two strategies that have been adopted by critical theorists in seeking to reject Rorty's suggestion that we should abandon the attempt to ground social hope in philosophical reason. We consider argumentative strategies of the philosophical anthropologist and of the rational proceduralist. Once the exchanges between Rorty and these two strands of critical theory have been reconstructed and assessed, an alternative perspective emerges. It is argued that philosophical reasoning best helps to sustain social hope in a rapidly changing world when we consider it in terms of the practice of democratic criticism.


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This paper derives a general procedure for the numerical solution of the Lindblad equations that govern the coherences arising from multicoloured light interacting with a multilevel system. A systematic approach to finding the conservative and dissipative terms is derived and applied to the laser cooling of p-block elements. An improved numerical method is developed to solve the time-dependent master equation and results are presented for transient cooling processes. The method is significantly more robust, efficient and accurate than the standard method and can be applied to a broad range of atomic and molecular systems. Radiation pressure forces and the formation of dynamic dark states are studied in the gallium isotope 66Ga.


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Solar array rotation mechanism provides a hinged joint between the solar panel and satellite body, smooth rota-tion of the solar array into deployed position and its fixation in this position. After unlocking of solar panel (while in orbit), rotation bracket turns towards ready-to-work position under the action of driving spring. During deployment, once reached the required operating angle (defined by power subsystem engineer), the rotation bracket collides with the fixed bracket that is mounted on body of the satellite, to stop rotation. Due to the effect of collision force that may alter the rotation mechanism function, design of centrifugal brake is essential. At stoppage moment micro-switches activate final position sensor and a stopper locks the rotation bracket. Design of spring and centrifugal brake components, static finite element stress analysis of primary structure body of rotation mechanism at stoppage moment have been obtained. Last, reliability analysis of rotation mechanism is evaluated. The benefit of this study is to aid in the design of rotation mechanism that can be used in micro-satellite applications.


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Solar array rotation mechanism provides a hinged joint between the solar panel and satellite body, smooth rotation of the solar array into deployed position and its fixation in this position. After unlocking of solar panel (while in orbit), rotation bracket turns towards ready-to-work position under the action of driving spring. During deployment, once reached the required operating angle (defined by power subsystem engineer), the rotation bracket collides with the fixed bracket that is mounted on body of the satellite, to stop rotation. Due to the effect of collision force that may alter the rotation mechanism function, design of centrifugal brake is essential. At stoppage moment micro-switches activate final position sensor and a stopper locks the rotation bracket. Design of spring and centrifugal brake components, static finite element stress analysis of primary structure body of rotation mechanism at stoppage moment have been obtained. Last, reliability analysis of rotation mechanism is evaluated. The benefit of this study is to aid in the design of rotation mechanism that can be used in micro-satellite applications.


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Adaptive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems achieve a much higher information rate than conventional fixed schemes due to their ability to adapt their configurations according to the wireless communications environment. However, current adaptive MIMO detection schemes exhibit either low performance (and hence low spectral efficiency) or huge computational
complexity. In particular, whilst deterministic Sphere Decoder (SD) detection schemes are well established for static MIMO systems, exhibiting deterministic parallel structure, low computational complexity and quasi-ML detection performance, there are no corresponding adaptive schemes. This paper solves
this problem, describing a hybrid tree based adaptive modulation detection scheme. Fixed Complexity Sphere Decoding (FSD) and Real-Values FSD (RFSD) are modified and combined into a hybrid scheme exploited at low and medium SNR to provide the highest possible information rate with quasi-ML Bit Error
Rate (BER) performance, while Reduced Complexity RFSD, BChase and Decision Feedback (DFE) schemes are exploited in the high SNR regions. This algorithm provides the facility to balance the detection complexity with BER performance with compatible information rate in dynamic, adaptive MIMO communications


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Energy release from radioactive decays contributes significantly to supernova light curves. Previous works, which considered the energy deposited by ?-rays and positrons produced by Ni, Co, Ni, Co, Ti and Sc, have been quite successful in explaining the light curves of both core collapse and thermonuclear supernovae. We point out that Auger and internal conversion electrons, together with the associated X-ray cascade, constitute an additional heat source. When a supernova is transparent to ?-rays, these electrons can contribute significantly to light curves for reasonable nucleosynthetic yields. In particular, the electrons emitted in the decay of Co, which are largely due to internal conversion from a fortuitously low-lying 3/2 state in the daughter Fe, constitute an additional significant energy-deposition channel. We show that when the heating by these electrons is accounted for, a slow-down in the light curve of SN 1998bw is naturally obtained for typical hypernova nucleosynthetic yields. Additionally, we show that for generic Type Ia supernova yields, the Auger electrons emitted in the ground-state to ground-state electron capture decay of Fe exceed the energy released by the Ti decay chain for many years after the explosion. © 2009 RAS.