829 resultados para return on investment
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
A relação entre crescimento econômico e desenvolvimento sustentável é a problemática deste estudo que propõe analisar esta por meio do uso do Índice de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Local. Nesse sentido, a categoria de análise usada foi à região que é definida como um sistema formado por e a partir da conjunção de elementos internos e externos. O objeto de análise selecionado foi a região do Araguaia paraense que se localiza no Estado do Pará – Brasil, essa escolha ocorreu porque, ao longo dos últimos 40 anos, essa região tem assumido expressão econômica nesse estado e, ao mesmo tempo, tem sido foco de questionamentos quanto ao modelo de desenvolvimento econômico empregado no passado e os seus resultados no presente. O objetivo central deste estudo é analisar, por meio dos elementos internos e externos de uma região considerada como fronteira de recursos, se o cenário de crescimento econômico contribuiu para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A seleção de um estudo de caso foi à estratégia de investigação e os instrumentos de levantamento de dados foram: a aplicação de questionários, a análise da evolução de dados secundários e a construção de um Índice de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (IDLS) que foi usado para dimensionar de forma integrada o desempenho social, ambiental, econômico e institucional da região pesquisada em relação ao contexto regional paraense. O principal resultado, deste estudo, foi à constatação de que crescimento econômico das regiões paraenses até a atualidade não mediou processos favoráveis ao desenvolvimento na perspectiva da sustentabilidade. Observou-se que a região do Araguaia, encontra-se em estado de alerta no IDLS, seguindo a mesma tendência de outros espaços regionais que cresceram economicamente no Estado do Pará. Para cada região do Estado do Pará, uma dimensão diferente comprometeu a sustentabilidade regional, no caso da Região do Araguaia a dimensão ambiental foi a que mais comprometeu o seu IDSL. Tal resultado comprova vários estudos que afirmaram que os impactos ambientais comprometem o desenvolvimento sustentável dessa região. Apesar disso, essa região obteve o terceiro melhor desempenho na dimensão social da sustentabilidade, dado mais importante para o desenvolvimento sustentável que este estudo se propôs medir. Por conseguinte, duas conclusões principais podem ser apontadas. A primeira é que atualmente houve uma melhora no padrão social das regiões paraense como um todo, em alguns casos as áreas centrais dos grandes investimentos superaram o desempenho social de outras regiões que não foram focos dos investimentos promovidos nas décadas anteriores. Apesar de alguns estudos apontarem que os investimentos governamentais não se revestiram em benefícios sociais. A segunda é que os elementos externos às regiões contribuíram para a mudança do quadro social descrito, mas não para alteração do quadro ambiental regional, pois criou institucionalidades que direcionassem as forças internas na produção dos resultados do quadro econômico, social, institucional e ambiental. Portanto, tanto a elevação do padrão social quanto a piora do quadro ambiental da região do Araguaia paraense são o resultado de um conjunto de políticas nacionais que, provavelmente, se somaram aos cenários de ação e decisão dos atores locais.
Aquaculture is a crucial source of income and livelihood for millions of people around the world. Most fish farms require technical knowledge expertise and qualified staff. This research was developed in Santa Felicidade Settlement Project Cocalzinho de Goias city - GO, where a substantial part of the settlers by INCRA are exploring subsistence farming activities. After meeting open to the 76 settler's families, those who joined the project received courses on intensive farming of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) in net cages. The production was an innovative technique, fully realized with the participatory labor of family members, without prejudice of the main activities. The economic analysis showed the return on invested capital in 7.5 years within the financial activity with 7.1% Internal Return Rate higher than the average interest rate market. The Net Cash Flow showed ability to fulfill financial obligations from the second year. The implementation of more productive cycles optimizes the workforce with increased operational efficiency. Diet alternatively produced with local ingredients can minimize the effects of critical variables of the project, since it does not affect productivity.
Based on investment strategies, the history of the BNDES and the economic policy current between the years 2006 and 2010, this paper presents an analysis of the support given by the Bank in the state of São Paulo, trying to see how these influenced the territorial structure and development of this state in the period
This work presents a study about distributed generation using photovoltaic systems in the context of smart grids. The characteristics of a Smart Grid and the several aspects this concept involves - distributed generation among them - are discussed. There are also examples of equipment, like smart meters, and of national and international projects. The specificities of distributed generation and the rules and standards necessary in this sort of installation are talked through with focus in the solar energy generation method. Regarding photovoltaic systems, the working principles of the panels are presented, along with its main electrical characteristics and the technologies available. Finally there is a study concerning the sizing of a distributed generation system that involves photovoltaic panels in a residential plant. An analysis of the costs and return of investment period is made about the specific case in consideration.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...
Before announcing our honorees this evening, I would like to call your attention to results of an independent study done for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln during the past year. The "At Work for Nebraska" study was done by Battelle, of Columbus, Ohio, which is a nonprofit research and development organization specializing in global science and technology. The independent study found that our Institute provides a 15-to-one return on every tax dollar invested with us. That's 15-to-one conservatively. We all wish we could get that return on all our own investments. I encourage you to browse our At Work for Nebraska Web Site for additional results of the study. You can find out more about this study which relates to our efforts in natural resources and other areas on the web at the address atworkfornebraska.unl.edu. I encourage you to check it out.
Folks, I'm so pleased to be here with you today to talk about the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the exciting, valuable contributions our faculty, staff, and students are making to Nebraska and, indeed, the world. Last year an independent study found the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources provides a conservative 15-to-1 return on state tax dollars invested with us. We call that study the At Work for Nebraska study because well, that's what we are about.
After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...
Neste trabalho, discute-se a fixação de taxas de retorno de concessões no Brasil, com aplicação específica ao caso da metodologia da Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT). Mostra-se a inadequação da regulamentação vigente, baseada no conceito de taxa interna de retorno (TIR), e não de custo de oportunidade do capital. A partir de um exemplo com dados referentes ao auge da crise financeira internacional (dezembro de 2008), evidencia-se também a falta de lógica decorrente da utilização de retornos e preços passados na estimação de taxas de retorno, um procedimento comum a toda a área de concessões de serviços públicos no Brasil. Propõe-se uma metodologia alternativa cujos resultados são sensíveis às condições correntes de mercado de capitais, que produz resultados coerentes com a situação então vigente.
The recent default of important Italian agri-business companies provides a challenging issue to be investigated through an appropriate scientific approach. The events involving CIRIO, FERRUZZI or PARMALAT rise an important research question: what are the determinants of performance for Italian companies in the Italian agri – food sector? My aim is not to investigate all the factors that are relevant in explaining performance. Performance depends on a wide set of political, social, economic variables that are strongly interconnected and that are often very difficult to express by formal or mathematical tools. Rather, in my thesis I mainly focus on those aspects that are strictly related to the governance and ownership structure of agri – food companies representing a strand of research that has been quite neglected by previous scholars. The conceptual framework from which I move to justify the existence of a relationship between the ownership structure of a company, governance and performance is the model set up by Airoldi and Zattoni (2005). In particular the authors investigate the existence of complex relationships arising within the company and between the company and the environment that can bring different strategies and performances. They do not try to find the “best” ownership structure, rather they outline what variables are connected and how they could vary endogenously within the whole economic system. In spite of the fact that the Airoldi and Zattoni’s model highlights the existence of a relationship between ownership and structure that is crucial for the set up of the thesis the authors fail to apply quantitative analyses in order to verify the magnitude, sign and the causal direction of the impact. In order to fill this gap we start from the literature trying to investigate the determinants of performance. Even in this strand of research studies analysing the relationship between different forms of ownership and performance are still lacking. In this thesis, after a brief description of the Italian agri – food sector and after an introduction including a short explanation of the definitions of performance and ownership structure, I implement a model in which the performance level (interpreted here as Return on Investments and Return on Sales) is related to variables that have been previously identified by the literature as important such as the financial variables (cash and leverage indices), the firm location (North Italy, Centre Italy, South Italy), the power concentration (lower than 25%, between 25% and 50% and between 50% and 100% of ownership control) and the specific agri – food sector (agriculture, food and beverage). Moreover we add a categorical variable representing different forms of ownership structure (public limited company, limited liability company, cooperative) that is the core of our study. All those variables are fully analysed by a preliminary descriptive analysis. As in many previous contributions we apply a panel least squares analysis for 199 Italian firms in the period 1998 – 2007 with data taken from the Bureau Van Dijck Dataset. We apply two different models in which the dependant variables are respectively the Return on Investments (ROI) and the Return on Sales (ROS) indicators. Not surprisingly we find that companies located in the North Italy representing the richest area in Italy perform better than the ones located in the Centre and South of Italy. In contrast with the Modigliani - Miller theorem financial variables could be significant and the specific sector within the agri – food market could play a relevant role. As the power concentration, we find that a strong property control (higher than 50%) or a fragmented concentration (lower than 25%) perform better. This result apparently could suggest that “hybrid” forms of concentrations could create bad functioning in the decision process. As our key variables representing the ownership structure we find that public limited companies and limited liability companies perform better than cooperatives. This is easily explainable by the fact that law establishes that cooperatives are less profit – oriented. Beyond cooperatives public limited companies perform better than limited liability companies and show a more stable path over time. Results are quite consistent when we consider both ROI and ROS as dependant variables. These results should not lead us to claim that public limited company is the “best” among all possible governance structures. First, every governance solution should be considered according to specific situations. Second more robustness analyses are needed to confirm our results. At this stage we deem these findings, the model set up and our approach represent original contributions that could stimulate fruitful future studies aimed at investigating the intriguing issue concerning the effect of ownership structure on the performance levels.
L’elaborato ha lo scopo di presentare le nuove opportunità di business offerte dal Web. Il rivoluzionario cambiamento che la pervasività della Rete e tutte le attività correlate stanno portando, ha posto le aziende davanti ad un diverso modo di relazionarsi con i propri consumatori, che sono sempre più informati, consapevoli ed esigenti, e con la concorrenza. La sfida da accettare per rimanere competitivi sul mercato è significativa e il mutamento in rapido sviluppo: gli aspetti che contraddistinguono questo nuovo paradigma digitale sono, infatti, velocità, mutevolezza, ma al tempo stesso misurabilità, ponderabilità, previsione. Grazie agli strumenti tecnologici a disposizione e alle dinamiche proprie dei diversi spazi web (siti, social network, blog, forum) è possibile tracciare più facilmente, rispetto al passato, l’impatto di iniziative, lanci di prodotto, promozioni e pubblicità, misurandone il ritorno sull’investimento, oltre che la percezione dell’utente finale. Un approccio datacentrico al marketing, attraverso analisi di monitoraggio della rete, permette quindi al brand investimenti più mirati e ponderati sulla base di stime e previsioni. Tra le più significative strategie di marketing digitale sono citate: social advertising, keyword advertising, digital PR, social media, email marketing e molte altre. Sono riportate anche due case history: una come ottimo esempio di co-creation in cui il brand ha coinvolto direttamente il pubblico nel processo di produzione del prodotto, affidando ai fan della Pagina Facebook ufficiale la scelta dei gusti degli yogurt da mettere in vendita. La seconda, caso internazionale di lead generation, ha permesso al brand di misurare la conversione dei visitatori del sito (previa compilazione di popin) in reali acquirenti, collegando i dati di traffico del sito a quelli delle vendite. Esempio di come online e offline comunichino strettamente.
L'analisi della segmentazione, viene utilizzata per identificare sottogruppi omogenei all'interno di una popolazione generale. La segmentazione è particolarmente importante se la concorrenza varia nei diversi sottomercati all'interno di un settore in modo tale che alcuni sono più attraenti di altri. Il lavoro di tesi svolto è stato organizzato in quattro capitoli. Nel primo si parla della strategia e dell'importanza che essa riveste per un'azienda, e si analizzanno le caratteristiche di una strategia di successo. Nel secondo capitolo si trattano tre aspetti vitali di un'azienda : la vision, la mission e gli obiettivi. Nel terzo capitolo si parla del modello che Porter ha sviluppato per fornire un quadro di riferimento per la comprensione della competitività strategica di un'impresa all'interno di un mercato specifico. Si definisce formalmente cosa si intende per teoria dei giochi e si presenta quello che probabilmente è l'esempio più noto di questa teoria : il dilemma del prigioniero - un gioco di cooperazione a somma zero. Nel quarto capitolo si analizza la segmentazione del mercato italiano, si fà l'analisi dell'ambiente esterno e vedremo infatti che un'azienda prima di creare piani di business o di prendere decisioni, deve conoscere l'ambiente su cui opera. Ciò può essere ottenuto attraverso un analisi PESTEL.Il capitolo si conclude con l'analisi di un campione di azende su cui calcoleremo alcuni indici medi di redditività, il Return On Assets (ROA), il Return On common Equity (ROE)e l'Earnings Before Interests Taxes and Amortization (EBITA).
This paper examines whether Swiss firms maximize shareholder value. To find out, we survey the goals of 313 listed and unlisted firms. We then examine whether managers’ decisions are consistent with their goals and analyze whether performance corresponds to intentions. Our results show that most managers pursue conflicting targets. Many also declare that they do not maximize shareholder value. And those who claim they do sometimes rely on investment criteria that are inconsistent with that target. Finally, we find that share-price performance is marginally better when managers claim to maximize shareholder value, particularly when stock prices have fallen.