973 resultados para rectangular aquarium
ABSTRACTTo evaluate the effect of planting date and spatial pattern on common bean yield under weed-free and weed-infested conditions, an experiment was conducted in Kelachay, Northern Iran, in 2013. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement with three replicates. Factors were planting date (10 August and 20 August), spatial pattern (square and rectangular planting pattern, with a planting distance of 30 x 30 cm and 45 x 20 cm, respectively), and weed management regime (weed-free and weedy conditions, weeded and not weeded throughout the growing season, respectively). Results showed that the main effect of planting date was significant only for pod number per plant and seed number per pod. At the same time, pod number per plant, seed number per pod, pod length, and grain yield were influenced significantly by spatial pattern. Results of ANOVA have also indicated that all traits, except pod length, were influenced significantly by weed-management regimes. Moreover, effect of planting date and spatial pattern were nonsignificant for weed dry weight. Mean comparison has expressed a significant increment in seed yield for square planting arrangement (1,055 kg ha-1) over rectangular (971 kg ha-1). Weeding has also presented an overall 12% and 8% improvement in grain and pod yield over control (weedy check), respectively. Based on the results of this study, weed control, as well as square planting pattern, are recommended for obtaining the highest seed yield in common bean.
Shallow coastal areas are dynamic habitats that are affected by a variety of abiotic and biotic factors. In addition to the natural environmental stress, estuarine and coastal seagrass ecosystems are exposed to effects of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts. In this thesis the effect of different abiotic (shading stress, salinity and temperature) and biotic stressors (presence of co-occurring species) and different levels and combinations of stressors on the performance and survival of eelgrass (Zostera marina) was assessed. To investigate the importance of scale for stress responses, varying levels of biological organization (genotype, life stage, population and plant community) were studied in field and aquarium experiments. Light limitation, decreased salinity and increased temperature affected eelgrass performance negatively in papers I, II and III, respectively. While co-occurring plant species had no notable effect on eelgrass in paper IV, the presence of eelgrass increased the biomass of Potamogeton perfoliatus. The findings in papers II and III confirmed that more extreme levels of salinity and temperature had stronger impacts on plant performance compared to intermediate levels, but intermediate levels also had more severe effects on plants when they were exposed to several stressors, as illustrated in paper II. Thus, multiple stressors had negative synergetic effects. The results in papers I, II and III indicate that future changes in light climate, salinity and temperature can have serious impacts on eelgrass performance and survival. Stress responses were found to vary among genotypes, life stages and populations in papers I, II and III, respectively, emphasizing the importance of study scale. The results demonstrate that while stress in general affects seagrass productivity negatively, the severity of effects can vary substantially depending on the studied scale or level of biological organization. Eelgrass genotypes can differ in their stress and recovery processes, as observed in paper I. In paper II, eelgrass seedlings were less prone to abiotic stress compared to adult plants, but stress also decreased their survival considerably. This indicates that recruitment and re-colonization through seeds might be threatened in the future. Variation among population responses observed in paper III indicates that long-term local adaptation under differing selection pressures has caused divergence in salinity tolerance between Baltic eelgrass populations. This variability in stress tolerance observed in papers I and III suggests that some eelgrass genotypes and populations have a better capacity to adapt to changes and survive in a changing environment. Multiple stressors and biological level-specific responses demonstrate the uncertainty in predicting eelgrass responses in a changing environment. As eelgrass populations may differ in their stress tolerance both within and across regions, conservation strategies at both local and regional scales are urgently needed in order to ensure the survival of these important ecosystems.
In routine studies of sensory nerve conduction, only fibers e7 µm in diameter are analyzed. The late components which originate from thinner fibers are not detected. This explains why a normal sensory action potential (SAP) may be recorded in patients with peripheral neuropathies and sensory loss. In the present study we investigated the late component of the median SAP with a near nerve needle electrode technique in 14 normal volunteers (7 men and 7 women), aged 34.5 ± 14.8 years. The stimulus consisted of rectangular pulses of 0.2-ms duration at a frequency of 1 Hz with an intensity at least 6 times greater than the threshold value for the main component. Five hundred to 2000 sweep averagings were performed. The duration of analysis was 40 or 50 ms and the wave analysis frequency was 200 (-6 dB/oct) to 3000 Hz (-12 dB/oct). We used an apparatus with a two-channel amplifier system, 200 MW or more of entry impedance and a noise level of 0.7 µVrms or less. The main component mean amplitude, conduction velocity and latency and the late component mean amplitude, conduction velocity and latency were respectively (mean ± SD): 26.5 ± 5.42 µV, 56.8 ± 5.42 m/s, 3.01 ± 0.31 ms, 0.12 ± 0.04 µV, 16.4 ± 2.95 m/s and 10.6 ± 2.48 ms. More sophisticated equipment has an internal noise of 0.6 µVrms. These data demonstrate that the technique can now be employed to study thin fiber neuropathies, like in leprosy, using commercial electromyographs, even in non-academic practices
In the present study, using noise-free simulated signals, we performed a comparative examination of several preprocessing techniques that are used to transform the cardiac event series in a regularly sampled time series, appropriate for spectral analysis of heart rhythm variability (HRV). First, a group of noise-free simulated point event series, which represents a time series of heartbeats, was generated by an integral pulse frequency modulation model. In order to evaluate the performance of the preprocessing methods, the differences between the spectra of the preprocessed simulated signals and the true spectrum (spectrum of the model input modulating signals) were surveyed by visual analysis and by contrasting merit indices. It is desired that estimated spectra match the true spectrum as close as possible, showing a minimum of harmonic components and other artifacts. The merit indices proposed to quantify these mismatches were the leakage rate, defined as a measure of leakage components (located outside some narrow windows centered at frequencies of model input modulating signals) with respect to the whole spectral components, and the numbers of leakage components with amplitudes greater than 1%, 5% and 10% of the total spectral components. Our data, obtained from a noise-free simulation, indicate that the utilization of heart rate values instead of heart period values in the derivation of signals representative of heart rhythm results in more accurate spectra. Furthermore, our data support the efficiency of the widely used preprocessing technique based on the convolution of inverse interval function values with a rectangular window, and suggest the preprocessing technique based on a cubic polynomial interpolation of inverse interval function values and succeeding spectral analysis as another efficient and fast method for the analysis of HRV signals
Technical problems have hampered the study of sleep in teleosts. The electrical discharges of Gymnotus carapo L. (Gymnotidae: Gymnotiformes) were monitored to evaluate their ease and reliability as parameters to study sleep. The discharges were detected by electrodes immersed in a glass aquarium and were recorded on a conventional polygraph. G. carapo showed conspicuous signs of behavioral sleep. During these periods, opercular beat rates were counted, electric discharges recorded, and the "sharp discharge increase" (SDI) of the orienting reflex was investigated. All 20 animals monitored maintained electrical discharges during behavioral sleep. The discharge frequencies during sleep (50.3 ± 10.4 Hz) were not significantly different from those observed when the fish was awake and inactive (57.2 ± 12.1 Hz) (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test, P>0.05). However, the SDI, which was prevalent in the awake fish, was not observed during periods of behavioral sleep. Additional observations showed that the species had cannibalistic habits. When presented with electrical discharges from a conspecific, the sleeping fish showed an initial decrease or pause in discharge frequency, while the awake fish did not have this response. We conclude that the electrical discharges of G. carapo were not conspicuous indicators of behavioral sleep. Discharges may have been maintained during sleep for sensory purposes, i.e., conspecific detection and avoidance of cannibalistic attacks.
The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has been used as a model in neuroscience but knowledge about its behavior is limited. The aim of this study was to determine the preference of this fish species for a dark or light environment. Initially we used a place preference test and in a second experiment we applied an exit latency test. A two-chamber aquarium was used for the preference test. The aquarium consisted of a black chamber and a white chamber. In the first experiment the animal was placed in the aquarium and the time spent in the two compartments was recorded for 10 min. More time was spent in the black compartment (Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test, T = 7, N1 = N2 = 18, P = 0.0001). In the second experiment the animal was placed in the black or white compartment and the time it took to go from the initial compartment to the opposite one was recorded. The test lasted a maximum of 10 min. The results showed that the animal spent more time to go from the black to the white compartment (Mann-Whitney rank sum test, T = 48, N1 = 9, N2 = 8, P<0.0230). These data suggest that this fish species has a natural preference for a dark environment and this characteristic can be very useful for the development of new behavioral paradigms for fish.
Haihdutuskiteytyksessä haihdutusolosuhteilla on suuri vaikutus kiteiden muodostumiseen, joten toivottujen kidemuotojen saamiseksi prosessia on hallittava tarkasti. Kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli tutkia puhtaiden liuottimien ja karbamatsepiiniliuosten haihtumisvuota eri olosuhteissa. Lisäksi tutkittiin kiteytysolosuhteiden vaikutusta karbamatsepiinikiteiden muodostumiseen ja rakenteeseen. Puhtaille liuottimille kokeet suoritettiin ilman virtausnopeudella 0,2 m/s lämpötiloissa 30 ºC, 40 ºC, 50 ºC ja 60 ºC, sekä ilman virtausnopeudella 0,3 m/s lämpötiloissa 40 ºC ja 50 ºC. Karbamatsepiiniliuoksille kokeet suoritettiin ilman virtausnopeudella 0,2 m/s lämpötiloissa 30 ºC ja 60 ºC sekä ilman virtausnopeudella 0,3 m/s lämpötiloissa 40 ºC ja 50 ºC. Haihdutuskiteytys suoritettiin suorakulmaisessa haihdutuskammiossa, jonka toisessa päässä oli tuulettimet virtausnopeuden säätämiseksi. Koehuoneessa vallitsi normaali ilmanpaine, ilman suhteellinen kosteus vaihteli välillä 50–65 % ja huoneen lämpötila välillä 21,2–24,1 ºC. Kuivatut kiteet analysoitiin optisella mikroskoopilla. Kaikista karbamatsepiinin vesiliuoksista kiteytyi dihydraatti-muotoa. Muutokset haihdutusolosuhteissa vaikuttivat selvästi haihtumis-voihin ja muodostuvien kiteiden rakenteeseen.
Double grade S420MH/S355J2H – rakenneputki on Ruukin kylmämuovattujen rakenneputkien vakioteräslaji. Se voidaan mitoittaa joko lujuusluokan S355 tai S420 mukaisesti. Teräslajin S355 mukaisesti mitoitettaessa on suunnittelu yksinkertaista. Painonsäästöä ja pidennettyjä jännevälejä haluttaessa käytetään lujuusluokan S420 mukaista mitoitusta. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kylmämuovattujen teräsrakenneputkien todellinen puristuskestävyys. Eurocode 3:n mukaan kylmämuovatut teräsrakenneputket kuuluvat nurjahduskäyrälle c. Tutkimukseen valittiin viisi eri profiilia olevaa rakenneputkea, joiden poikkileikkausluokat olivat 1, 2, 3 ja 4. Käytettäessä rakenneputkia puristussauvoina, on teräksen käyttö tehokkainta poikkileikkausluokassa 3, lähellä poikkileikkausluokkaa 4. Rakenneputkista laskettiin muunnetun hoikkuuden arvoilla 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 ja 1.5 koesauvojen pituudet kaikille profiileille. Valmistettiin kolme samanlaista koesauvaa jokaisesta koosta ja puristuskokeita suoritettiin yhteensä 57 kappaletta. Koesauvojen todelliset pituudet, alkukäyryydet ja poikkileikkaukset mitattiin. Ainestodistuksista saatiin materiaalin todelliset lujuudet. Laskettiin Eurocode 3:n mukaisesti kestävyydet nurjahduskäyrille a, b ja c. Laskennallisia kestävyyksiä verrattiin puristuskokeiden tuloksiin. Puristuskokeiden tulosten perusteella voidaan b-käyrää pitää oikeana profiileille 100x100x3, 150,150x5 ja 200x200x6. Profiili 150x150x5 kuuluu poikkileikkausluokkaan 2. Profiilit 100x100x3 ja 200x200x6 kuuluvat poikkileikkausluokkaan 4. Profiili 50x50x2 kuuluu nurjahduskäyrälle c. Profiilin poikkileikkausluokka on 1 ja aiemmat tutkimukset tukevat nurjahduskäyrän c käyttöä. Profiilista 300x300x8.8 ei saatu testattua täyttä sarjaa sen suuren kapasiteetin rikottua testilaitteiston, mutta puristuskokeiden perusteella se kuuluu nurjahduskäyrälle b. Profiili kuuluu poikkileikkausluokkaan 4.
The present study aimed to test the effects of blue, green or white light on the stress response of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Each color was tested on two groups of isolated adult Nile tilapia (8 replicates each): one being subjected to confinement stress, and the other not (control). A different environmental color was imposed on each compartment by covering the light source with cellophane of the respective color (green or blue; no cellophane was used for white light). The intensity of green, white and blue lights was 250, 590 and 250 lux, respectively. Basal plasma cortisol levels were determined for each fish prior to the experimental procedures. The fish were confined by being displaced toward one side of the aquarium using an opaque partition for 1 h both in the morning and the afternoon of the two consecutive days of the test. At the end of this 48-h period, plasma cortisol levels were measured again. Basal cortisol levels (ng/ml) were similar for each group (ANOVA, F(2;42) = 0.77, P = 0.47). Thus, plasma cortisol levels were analyzed in terms of variation from their respective basal level. After confinement, plasma cortisol levels were not increased in fish submitted to a blue light environment. Thus, blue light prevents the confinement-induced cortisol response, an effect not necessarily related to light intensity.
Female Nile tilapia incubate fertilized eggs in their mouth until they are released as alevins. Consequently, the female may not eat during this period. Thus, it would be expected that female Nile tilapia are more adapted to recovering from fasting than males, which do not display this behavior. To test this hypothesis we conducted an experiment with two groups of fish consisting of 7 males and 7 females each, with one fish per aquarium. The experiment was divided into three phases involving adjustment of the animals to experimental aquaria (0-15th day), fasting (16th-27th day), and refeeding (27th-42nd day). Compensatory growth performance was assessed by specific growth rate, weight, food conversion efficiency and food intake. Food conversion efficiency increased after fasting with a similar rate for both sexes. However, specific growth rate, food intake and weight gain (%) were significantly higher in males than in females in the refeeding phase. Thus, we conclude that male Nile tilapia can compensate for a fasting period more efficiently than females, refuting our hypothesis. A possible mechanism involved in the greater male compensation is that they presented greater hyperphagia than females, concomitantly with a similar rate of food conversion efficiency for both sexes during refeeding, which would probably be provoking greater growth in males.
The purpose of the present study was to modulate the secretion of insulin and glucagon in Beagle dogs by stimulation of nerves innervating the intact and partly dysfunctional pancreas. Three 33-electrode spiral cuffs were implanted on the vagus, splanchnic and pancreatic nerves in each of two animals. Partial dysfunction of the pancreas was induced with alloxan. The nerves were stimulated using rectangular, charge-balanced, biphasic, and constant current pulses (200 µs, 1 mA, 20 Hz, with a 100-µs delay between biphasic phases). Blood samples from the femoral artery were drawn before the experiment, at the beginning of stimulation, after 5 min of stimulation, and 5 min after the end of stimulation. Radioimmunoassay data showed that in the intact pancreas stimulation of the vagal nerve increased insulin (+99.2 µU/ml) and glucagon (+18.7 pg/ml) secretion and decreased C-peptide secretion (-0.15 ng/ml). Splanchnic nerve stimulation increased insulin (+1.7 µU/ml), C-peptide (+0.01 ng/ml), and glucagon (+50 pg/ml) secretion, whereas pancreatic nerve stimulation did not cause a marked change in any of the three hormones. In the partly dysfunctional pancreas, vagus nerve stimulation increased insulin (+15.5 µU/ml), glucagon (+11 pg/ml), and C-peptide (+0.03 ng/ml) secretion. Splanchnic nerve stimulation reduced insulin secretion (-2.5 µU/ml) and increased glucagon (+58.7 pg/ml) and C-peptide (+0.39 ng/ml) secretion, and pancreatic nerve stimulation increased insulin (+0.2 µU/ml), glucagon (+5.2 pg/ml), and C-peptide (+0.08 ng/ml) secretion. It was concluded that vagal nerve stimulation can significantly increase insulin secretion for a prolonged period of time in intact and in partly dysfunctional pancreas.
We investigated the effects of environmental color on the reproductive behavior of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Two environmental colors were tested by covering the aquarium (60 x 60 x 40 cm) with white (12 groups) or blue (13 groups) cellophane and observing reproductive behavior in groups of 2 males (10.27 ± 0.45 cm) and 3 females (10.78 ± 0.45 cm) each. After assignment to the respective environmental color (similar luminosity = 100 to 120 Lux), the animals were observed until reproduction (identified by eggs in the female's mouth) or up to 10 days after the first nest building. Photoperiod was from 6:00 h to 18:00 h every day. Food was offered in excess once a day and water quality was similar among aquaria. Daily observations were made at 8:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 h regarding: a) latency to the first nest, b) number of nests, c) gravel weight removed (the male excavates the nest in the bottom of the aquarium), d) nest area, and e) mouthbrooding incubation (indication of reproduction). The proportion of reproducing fish was significantly higher (6 of 13) in the group exposed to the blue color compared the group exposed to the white color (1 of 12; Goodman's test of proportions). Moreover, males under blue light removed significantly larger masses of gravel (blue = 310.70 ± 343.50 g > white = 130.38 ± 102.70 g; P = 0.01) and constructed wider nests (blue = 207.93 ± 207.80 cm² > white = 97.68 ± 70.64 cm²; P = 0.03) than the control (white). The other parameters did not differ significantly between light conditions. We concluded that reproduction in the presence of blue light was more frequent and intense than in the presence of white light.
Adult Lymnaea acuminata (average length 20-22 mm) were collected locally from lakes and low-lying submerged fields from Gorakhpur. The chemoattraction studies were made in round glass aquaria measuring 30 cm in diameter and filled to a depth of 10 mm with 500 ml dechlorinated tap water. Each aquarium was divided into four concentric zones. At the starting time of the assay 10 snails were placed on the circumference of outermost zone 0. Snail attractant pellets (SAP) were added simultaneously in the center of central zone 3. SAP of different amino acids were prepared at concentrations of 10, 20, 50, 80 and 100 mM/2% agar solution and, subsequently, spread to a uniform thickness of 5 mm. After cooling, SAP were cut in small pieces of 5 mm in diameter. Lymnaea acuminata's attraction to amino acids was studied using different amino acid concentrations in SAP. Pellets containing amino acids with non-polar R groups (proline and tryptophan), a charged polar group (arginine) and uncharged polar R groups (serine, citrulline and asparagine) were tested. The snails were more attracted to the uncharged polar R group amino acid serine than to other groups of amino acids. The preferred amino acid concentration was 80 mM. The attraction of snails to different amino acids was concentration dependent. Snails could discriminate amongst the different amino acids at > or = 50 mM.
Plasma cortisol and glucose levels were measured in 36 adult Nile tilapia males, Oreochromis niloticus (standard length, mean ± SD, 14.38 ± 1.31 cm), subjected to electroshock and social stressors. Pre-stressor levels were determined 5 days after the adjustment of the fish to the experimental aquaria (1 fish/aquarium). Five days later, the effects of stressors on both cortisol and glucose levels were assessed. The following stressors were imposed for 60 min: pairing with a larger resident animal (social stressor), or a gentle electroshock (AC, 20 V, 15 mA, 100 Hz for 1 min every 4 min). Each stressor was tested in two independent groups, one in which stress was quantified immediately after the end of the 60-min stressor imposition (T60) and the other in which stress was quantified 30 min later (T90). Pre-stressor values for cortisol and glucose were not statistically different between groups. Plasma cortisol levels increased significantly and were of similar magnitude for both electroshock and the social stressor (mean ± SD for basal and final samples were: electroshock T60 = 65.47 ± 15.3, 177.0 ± 30.3; T90 = 54.8 ± 16.0, 196.2 ± 57.8; social stress T60 = 47.1 ± 9.0, 187.6 ± 61.7; T90 = 41.6 ± 8.1, 112.3 ± 26.8, respectively). Plasma glucose levels increased significantly for electroshock at both time points (T60 and T90), but only at T90 for the social stressor. Initial and final mean (± SD) values are: electroshock T60 = 52.5 ± 9.2, 115.0 ± 15.7; T90 = 35.5 ± 1.1, 146.3 ± 13.3; social stress T60 = 54.8 ± 8.8, 84.4 ± 15.0; T90 = 34.5 ± 5.6, 116.3 ± 13.6, respectively. Therefore, electroshock induced an increase in glucose more rapidly than did the social stressor. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation between cortisol and glucose was detected only at T90 for the social stressor. These results indicate that a fish species responds differently to different stressors, thus suggesting specificity of fish stress response to a stressor.