998 resultados para queijo Minas Frescal


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Descendentes do planorbídeo Biomphalaria peregrina, coletados em Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Minas Gerais, Brasil, foram expostos a miracídios de três cepas de Schistosoma mansoni: "LE" de Belo Horizonte, MG; "SJ" de São José dos Campos, SP e "AL" do Estado de Alagoas. Dentre 300 exemplares expostos, nenhum se infectou com as três cepas do trematódeo. Por outro lado, 300 exemplares de B. glabrata, dos grupos de controle, apresentaram taxas de infecção de 61,1 a 95,3% com as três cepas do trematódeo. As taxas de mortalidade de B. peregrina e de B. glabrata foram de 20,0 e de 28,0%, respectivamente.


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A louse survey based on samples of cut hair collected from floors of barbershops and beauty parlors was conducted in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, from October 1984 to April 1985, as an alternative way to determine the prevalence of pediculosis capitis in the population. Of 475 samples examined for nits, nymphs, or adults of Pediculus capitis, 140 were infested (29.5%). A total of 58 lice and 3.553 nits were found in 33.632.9 g of hair collected, giving a ratio of 0.10 nit/g. Almost 29% of the nits were viable and capable of being transmitted after hatching. There was significant difference among the infestation rates by socioeconomic levels, and samples from barbershops with male customers were the most infested. based upon the number of haircuts in each sample, we estimated that 5 or 6% of the population might be infested by this species.


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Recebemos para exame uma pequena coleção de carrapatos no Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (MG), entre 1979 e 1980. Os autores demosntraram a existência de uma larga co-acomodação de Amblyomma pseudoconcolor em edentados da familia Dasypodidae, sendo Dasypodini a tribo mais ajustada a sta infestação. De acordo com as Figs. 1 e 2, Dasypodini são, provavelmente, os hospedeiros reais de A. pseudoconcolor e também os hospedeiros mais antigos. Pela primeira vez, A. pseudoconcolor é também registrado e, Cabassous tatouay, C. unicinctus, priododntes maximus e Euphractus sexcinctus. Também, pela primeira vez, A. pseudoconcolor e A. calcaratum foram registrados no Estado de Minas Gerais. os ectoparasitos estão depositados no Departamento de Parasitologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil.


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Três novas espécies de tripanosomatídeos foram isoladas em Alfenas, MG, Brasil: Herpetomonas anglusteri sp. n., do intestino posterior de Liopygia ruficorins (Diptera: Sarcophagidae); Crithidia roitmani sp. e.e Crithidia de souzai sp. n., do intestino médio e o posterior de Ornidia obesa (Diptera: Syrphidae). O isolamento foi feito em meio complexo de roitmanmas os três isolados cresceram bem no meio definido do mesmo Autor. Os clones foram obtidos em ágar-sangue de carneiro, desfibrinado, em placas de Petri, a 28ºC, por 2-7 dias. Um único clone de cada espécie foi utilizado neste trabalho. Dados morfológicos e morfométricos foram obtidos em câmara clara após coloração dos flagelados. H. anglusteri cresceu em meio complexo tanto a 28 como a 37ºC e, em meio definido, apenas a 28ºC. Não exige treonina e biotina para seu crescimento. C. roitmani apresenta tamanho médio maior que C. desouzai, não cresce em água de coco e seu crescimento é mais lento comparativamente a C. desouzai, apesar de terem sido isoladas critídias exige hemina e adenina para seu crescimento. Alguns ácidos aminados e vitaminas componentes do meio definido utilizado no ensaio, também não são exigidos, o que sugere serem estes tripanosomatídeos portadores de endossimbiontes.


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This paper describes some results of a systematic survey of the Ceratopogonidae midges of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Three species, Stilobezzia punctulata Lane, 1947, Heteromyia chaquensis Duret & Lane, 1955 and Dasyhelea paulistana Forattini & Rabello, 1957 were identified from a small lake, "Lagoinha" or "Olhos d'Água", near to the main lake of Lagoa Santa. The first descriptions of the males of Heteromyia chaquensis and Dasyhelea paulistana are presented.


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During 1985, 50,356 children and adolecents from 105 public schools of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State were questioned about or examined for head lice (Pediculus capitis). The mean prevalence of pediculosis, obtainde from the questionnaires and sometimes confirmed by head inspections, was 7.7% or else 10.2% when adjusted to 38,311 respondents. Current and past infestations combined - within a period of three months before survey - revealed a total prevalence of 57.4%. Significant differences were observed among socioeconomic levels, and grades of school age. The more prevalent categories among the factors studied were: sex - femal: 9.2% (P<0.001); ethnic group - white: 10.0% (P<0.001); hair length - long: 9.5% (P<0.05); year age-group - 1-5 years: 19.2% (P<0.001), with a peak in the 5th year (21.3%).


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In a small forest of 4ha placed inside the Ecologic Campus of Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, were made captures of mosquitoes each fifteen days (during the day and the night) in a complete year: March 1988 to February, 1989. The daylight captures were made on human bait and the night captures were made with New Jersey trap. Sixty one captures were made, yielding 497 specimens of 15 species.


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In a survey realized on the sylvatic and peridomestic environment at Bambuí county, Minas Gerais State, 44 (37.9%) out of 116 opossums (Didelphis albiventris) captured were found to be naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. One handred and forty three parasite samples were obtanied from 43 infected opossums using simultaneously hemoculture, xenodiagnosis (Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus and Rhodnius neglectus) and examination of anal glands contents. The parasite samples were characterized according to six isoenzyme patterns. All samples, independently of the method of isolation, presented an isoenzyme pattern similar to the standard T. cruzi Z1, showing that either xenodiagnosis or hemoculture can used without selecting parasite subpopulation from naturally infected opossums. Preveous isoenzyme patterns reported for human T.cruzi isolates from same region were completely different. This isoenzyme dissimilarity between sylvatic and domiciliar environments suggests the existence of two independent T. cruzi transmission cycles in Bambuí. The epidemiological implicatinos of these results are discussed.


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To evaluate the results of xenodiagnosis in chronic Chagas patients infected for ten years or over in an area where transmission has been stemmed as well as the performance of these tests applied one or more times to determine the presence of the paraiste in serum-positive patients for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, 570 xenodiagnosis were performed in 246 patients by exoposing each pacient to 40 Triatoma infestans nymphs of 3 rd/4th stage once, twice or three times, at 30 days intervals. The 570 xenodiagnosis showed overall positive results in 50.7% with a peak 78% in patients under 20 years of age, and 60.5% in those over 60. Of the l58 patients who underwent three xenodiagnosis, 51 (32.3%) had three positive tests, 48 (30.3%) had all negative results, and the remainder had alternating positve and negative findings. There was no difference in number of positive results between the 1st, 2nd and 2rd tests; however, the 1st and 2nd trials added up to 53.2% and the sum total of all three trials was 57.7%.


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In the Epidemiological Surveillance Program in the county of Bambuí, Minas Gerais, between August 1986 and December 1988, 154 Panstrongylus megistus were captured by the local population in both peridomicile and intradomicile environments. Fifteen (9.8%) of the P. megistus harboured Trypanosoma cruzi. Preciptin tests showed that the most frequent triatomine blood meal sources were birds, but other sources were dogs, men and cats. The isoenzyme characterization of 13 T. cruzi strains showed that six belonged to zymodeme Z1, corresponding to the wild parasites, and seven belonged to zymodeme Z2, corresponding to parasites isolated from chronic chagasic patients (domestic cycle). As P. megistus were found to be naturally infected by parasites from both cycles, they are cleary able to transmit T. cruzi from the wild cycle to the domestic cycle. Furthermore the capacity of P. megistus in colonizing houses was observed in one residence, vacant for several years, in wich 153 triatomines were captured. The data show the possibility of P. megistus reintroducing transmission of Chaga's disease in the county if Epidemiological Surveillance is interrupted.