1000 resultados para psicologia educacional
no abstract
Aquest treball tracta sobre l’evolució de la Psicologia en els centres penitenciaris. En el desenvolupament del treball es començarà amb una breu introducció del marc legislatiu que emmarca aquest àmbit per veure quines reformes legislatives s’han donat. A continuació, s’exposaran les funcions que exerceix un psicòleg penitenciari, els instruments i les tècniques més utilitzades, l’itinerari personal que segueixen els interns i quins programes de tractament existeixen en l’actualitat. Seguidament, s’exposarà la part més pràctica que consta de la realització de dues entrevistes [Centre Penitenciari d’Homes de Barcelona (La Model) i Centre Penitenciari Brians 2 de Sant Esteve Sesrovires]. Es finalitzarà amb unes conclusions integrant la teoria i la part pràctica del treball.
Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica, estado del arte, historia, características, desarrollo, proyectos y líneas de investigación de los recursos educativos abiertos (OERs), así como su disposición en repositorios y su uso en la práctica educativa universitaria. Los OERs han tenido dos fases: una inicial, preocupada por el acceso, y otra más actual, centrada en su incorporación a la práctica educativa.
The concepts of molecule and of molecular structure are so central to understand chemical phenomena that seems to be no doubt about the uniqueness of its meanings. Nevertheless, the idea that the world exhibits a multiform structure and that to different spheres of the world correspond different ways of knowing (Berger & Luckmann, 1967) has received support from different areas of scientific inquiry. Bachelard (1940, 1982) showed that a single philosophical doctrine is not enough to describe all the different ways of thinking when we try to explain a single concept. Wooley's question about the possibility of deducing the concept of molecular structure from quantum theory (Wooley, 1978) strengthened the feasibility of thinking the concept of molecule as a profile that encompasses different meanings. Moreover, research on students' learning of scientific concepts have brought to light that students use several ideas to explain scientific and everyday phenomena which are different from those learned in formal schooling. These ideas are not extinguished or replaced by scientific concepts, despite the efforts to do so in science classes. The common sense and scientific ways of understanding and talking about reality seems to be complementary in the same sense of the Bohr's complementarity (Halliday & Martin, 1993). So, we have to include in our profile of the concept of molecule not only scientific but also common sense zones. Drawing from Bachelard's notion of epistemological profile, from the history of science and from the research on children's ideas in science, we have developed the idea of a conceptual profile and used it to analyse basic scientific concepts, such as the concepts of matter and physical states of matter (Mortimer, 1995) and to investigate new ways to teach them. In the present paper, we will discuss the zones that might constitute a conceptual profile of molecule. The need of complementary views to account for the molecular structure in different contexts bring important issues for understanding and teaching chemistry, which will be discussed further in the article.
Article 2 de la sèrie Tastets d'economia, adreçada al target: principiants, estudiants de batxillerat i de cicles formatius, de l'àrea de les ciències socials.
Con el presente trabajo queremos dar a conocer los primeros resultados de un Pro-yecto de Innovación Docente (UB), “Competencias de exposición oral en contextos académicos: trabajo en equipo docente interasignaturas”; concretamente dos mate-riales elaborados en el marco de desarrollo del mencionado proyecto.
Con el presente trabajo queremos dar a conocer los primeros resultados de un Pro-yecto de Innovación Docente (UB), “Competencias de exposición oral en contextos académicos: trabajo en equipo docente interasignaturas”; concretamente dos mate-riales elaborados en el marco de desarrollo del mencionado proyecto.
Chemicals binding to membrane receptors may induce events within the cell changing its behavior. Since these events are simultaneous and hard to be understood by students, we developed a computational model to dynamically and visually explore the cAMP signaling system to facilitate its understanding. The animation is shown in parts, from the hormone-receptor binding to the cellular response. There are some questions to be answered after using the model. The software was field-tested and an evaluation questionnaire (concerning usability, animations, models, and the software as an educational tool) was answered by the students, showing the software to be a valuable aid for content comprehension.
La propuesta de Vygotski de sustituir la unidad de análisis de naturaleza diádica propuesta por Piaget por una unidad de análisis de naturaleza triádica en la que ('alguien' organiza socialmente la actividaddel sujeto con el objeto de conocimiento ha llevado a diversos autores a formular como unidad de análisis ((la actividad semióticamente mediada)). En este articulo discutimos, a partir de la noción de contexto y mediante un ejemplo, la validez de dicha unidad. El ejemplo forma parte de un conjunto de observaciones de un niño de 4 años con su madre en situaciones naturales y en el contexto familiar. En las conclusiones mostramos la adecuación de las propuestas de Vygotski sobre la naturaleza social de la mente humana
L'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior s'ha convertit en un repte, un desafiament que implica assolir una convergència de titulacions universitàries equivalents. Per això es requereix una modificació del tradicional ensenyament, en el nostre cas, de la psicologia. En aquest article s'examina l'ensenyament de la psicologia al Institute of Psychological Sciences de la Universitat de Leeds (metodologia docent; avaluació i contingut curricular)
Optical activity is the ability of chiral substances to rotate the plane of plane-polarized light and is measured using an instrument called a polarimeter. An educational software application to explore, both interactively and visually, the concepts related to polarimetry to facilitate their understanding was developed. The software was field-tested and a questionnaire evaluating the graphics interface, usability and the software as an educational tool, was answered by students. The results characterized the computer application developed as an auxiliary tool for assisting teachers in lectures and students in the learning process.
Resonance is a useful concept that shows how electrons are shared between two or more atoms and allows a prediction of the chemical reactivity and relative stability of reagents, intermediates, and products. An educational software that enables interactive exploration of the concepts related to resonance and thereby facilitates its understanding was developed. The software was field-tested, and an evaluation questionnaire concerning the software as an educational tool was answered by the students and professors involved in the test. The results led to the conclusion that the developed computer application can be characterized as an auxiliary tool that assists teachers in their lectures and students in their learning process.