880 resultados para presentations
I have always condemned (and to do anything more was not within our power or abilities) the illegal and sometimes destructive whaling by the Soviet Union. This opinion was expressed in numerous documents, including reports and records of presentations at scientific and other meetings; these documents are the witnesses to this condemnation. However, none of these documents ever saw the light of day: all of them were marked with the sinister stamp “secret.” When necessary in this memoir, my opinion of the whaling will be supported by data drawn from these docume
Durante nossas frequentes apresentações em cursos, congressos e jornadas e mesmo em nossas publicações, existiam constantes perguntas sobre o perfil dessas pacientes. O crescente interesse da mídia e das pacientes a este respeito e também a crescente procura pela cirurgia nos estimulou a realizar este trabalho. Segundo dados da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBPC) e da American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), referem que 20.000 pacientes foram submetidas a esta cirurgia. Em 2012, 40.000 pares de implantes glúteos foram produzidos. Existe um crescimento da cirurgia de 20% nos últimos três anos e no Brasil houve aumento de 42% em 2011. Esta tese tem como objetivo estabelecer o perfil epidermiologico das pacientes que se submetem a gluteoplastia de aumento utilizando implantes de silicone, avaliar o grau de satisfação com resultado e a correlação deste com o volume dos implantes utilizados. Cinquenta pacientes responderam a um questionário e foram examinadas pelo cirurgião e outro médico. Outras 37 pacientes foram avaliadas prospectivamente com tomografia computadorizada e volumetria, avaliação de resultado por oito cirurgiões plásticos, medidas antropométricas e correlação destas variáveis. A análise destes dados evidenciou tratar-se de cirurgia com baixo índice de complicação e alto índice de satisfação com resultado (96%). A maior procura foi por pacientes brancas (62%) e pardas (34%). Não percebemos relação de profissão ou nível socioeconômico com a procura pela cirurgia. Observou-se um alto número de pacientes que referiram naturalidade do resultado, sendo que em 94% dos casos, ninguém notou que a paciente havia se submetido à cirurgia, sem que a própria desse esta informação. As queixas, quando existiram, 4% foram referentes a terem achado as próteses pequenas. O tempo de recuperação da maioria (60%) para atividades normais foi de até 45 dias. Houve grande influência positiva na vida sexual e afetiva das pacientes que se submeteram a esta cirurgia. A correlação entre o volume dos implantes utilizados e das medidas antropométricas com o resultado estético da operação não demonstrou significância estatística. Conclui-se que as pacientes que desejam a gluteoplastia são predominantemente brancas e na quarta década de vida. A operação alcança altos índices de satisfação e o volume dos implantes apresenta correlação positiva com a renda mensal, a idade e a satisfação das pacientes, porém com maior tempo de recuperação. Quando o resultado é avaliado por cirurgiões plásticos, este não apresenta correlação com o volume dos implantes ou com as medidas antropométricas das pacientes.
The Third National Fisheries Governance Dialogue was a direct follow up on the Second National Fisheries Governance Dialogue held in Elmina in April 2012. It was agreed at the Second dialogue that co-management was the way forward for sustaining Ghana’s fisheries and that its success would depend on a supportive legal framework. The two day dialogue meeting consisted of four key presentations focusing on: the current status of fisheries in Ghana; co-management as a fresh approach to fisheries; outcomes from the regional stakeholder consultations on co-management structure; and outcomes from the research on the legal framework. The presentations were followed by four breakout groups that generated ideas for co-management structures for different species namely pelagic fish or Sardinella, near shore demersal, Volta lake, and lagoons and estuaries. Key elements for co-management structures and elements of a co-management legal framework were later identified during plenary discussions.
To develop a portfolio of indicators and measures that could best measure changes in the social, economic, environmental and health dimensions of well-being in coastal counties we convened a group of experts March 8-9, 2011 in Charleston, SC, U.S.A. The region of interest was of the northern Gulf of Mexico, specifically, those coastal counties most impacted during the explosion and subsequent oil spill from the Macondo Prospect wellhead during the summer of 2010. Over the course of the two-day workshop participants moved through presentations and facilitated sessions to identify and prioritize potential indicators and measures deemed most valuable for capturing changes in well-being related to changes in or disruption of ecosystem services. The experts reached consensus on a list of indicators that are now being operationalized by NOAA researchers. The ultimate goal of this research project is to determine whether a meaningful set of social and economic indicators can be developed to document changes in well-being that occur as a result of changes in ecosystem services. The outcomes and outputs from the workshop that is the subject of this report helped us to identify high-quality indicators useful for measuring well-being.
The purpose of this project is to model seabird flock size data to provide recommendations to the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management for offshore wind turbine placement. Our hypothesis is that ecological characteristics influence which statistical distribution will provide the best fit to seabird flock size data. To test this, seabird species can be grouped based on shared ecological traits, such as foraging mechanism or diet.
Moving ecosystem modeling from research to applications and operations has direct management relevance and will be integral to achieving the water quality and living resource goals of the 2010 Chesapeake Bay Executive Order. Yet despite decades of ecosystem modeling efforts of linking climate to water quality, plankton and fish, ecological models are rarely taken to the operational phase. In an effort to promote operational ecosystem modeling and ecological forecasting in Chesapeake Bay, a meeting was convened on this topic at the 2010 Chesapeake Modeling Symposium (May, 10-11). These presentations show that tremendous progress has been made over the last five years toward the development of operational ecological forecasting models, and that efforts in Chesapeake Bay are leading the way nationally. Ecological forecasts predict the impacts of chemical, biological, and physical changes on ecosystems, ecosystem components, and people. They have great potential to educate and inform not only ecosystem management, but also the outlook and opinion of the general public, for whom we manage coastal ecosystems. In the context of the Chesapeake Bay Executive Order, ecological forecasting can be used to identify favorable restoration sites, predict which sites and species will be viable under various climate scenarios, and predict the impact of a restoration project on water quality.
This volume contains a total of 21 papers given in talks or poster sessions at the eighth annual Pacific Climate (PACLIM) meeting at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, March 10-13, 1991. Consisting of about a third of the total presentations, this selection gives a representative cross section of the breadth and diversity of topics. With the beautiful and peaceful setting, the relaxed and informal style of the sessions, the diversity of topics, and the quality of presentations, these meetings provide a stimulating atmosphere for cross-disciplinary interaction.
The appendices include the workshop agenda, a list of poster presentations, and a list of attendees.
Nearly 100 participants attended the eleventh annual PACLIM workshop at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, on April 19-22, 1994. A one-day theme session of ten 45-minute talks was followed by sessions of 20-minute presentations. In addition, 19 presenters gave 1- to 2-minute introductions to their posters, which were displayed throughout the meeting.
The appendices include the workshop agenda, a list of poster presentations, and a list of attendees.
The Twelfth Annual PACLIM Workshop was held at the Asilomar Conference Center on May 2-5, 1995. The workshop included 32 talks and 26 poster presentations. The talks consisted of a 1-day theme session of nine 45-minute talks and two featured evening talks. Throughout the remainder of the meeting were over 20 shorter 20-minute presentations. Poster presenters gave a 1-2 minute introduction to their posters, which were displayed during the entire meeting. About 100 participants were registered at the workshop.
The appendices include the workshop agenda, a list of poster presentations, and a list of attendees.
The Thirteenth Annual PACLIM Workshop was held at the Asilomar Conference Center on April 14-17, 1996. Attended by about 100 registered participants, the workshop included 27 talks and 26 poster presentations. The talks consisted of a one-day theme session of seven 45-minute talks and two featured evening talks. Throughout the remainder of the meeting were nearly 20 shorter, 20-minute presentations. Poster presenters gave a short 1-2 minute introduction to their posters, which were displayed during the entire meeting. All presenters were invited to expand their abstracts into a manuscript for inclusion in the Proceedings volume, and nearly all presentations are included in manuscript or abstract form. In this Proceedings volume, manuscripts are presented first, and abstracts of talks and then posters follow.
Abstracts of 24 oral presentations and 25 poster presentations.
The appendices include the workshop agenda, a list of poster presentations, and a list of attendees.