477 resultados para polyaniline


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This proposed thesis is entitled “Plasma Polymerised Organic Thin Films: A study on the Structural, Electrical, and Nonlinear Optical Properties for Possible Applications. Polymers and polymer based materials find enormous applications in the realm of electronics and optoelectronics. They are employed as both active and passive components in making various devices. Enormous research activities are going on in this area for the last three decades or so, and many useful contributions are made quite accidentally. Conducting polymers is such a discovery, and eversince the discovery of conducting polyacetylene, a new branch of science itself has emerged in the form of synthetic metals. Conducting polymers are useful materials for many applications like polymer displays, high density data storage, polymer FETs, polymer LEDs, photo voltaic devices and electrochemical cells. With the emergence of molecular electronics and its potential in finding useful applications, organic thin films are receiving an unusual attention by scientists and engineers alike. This is evident from the vast literature pertaining to this field appearing in various journals. Recently, computer aided design of organic molecules have added further impetus to the ongoing research activities in this area. Polymers, especially, conducting polymers can be prepared both in the bulk and in the thinfilm form. However, many applications necessitate that they are grown in the thin film form either as free standing or on appropriate substrates. As far as their bulk counterparts are concerned, they can be prepared by various polymerisation techniques such as chemical routes and electrochemical means. A survey of the literature reveals that polymers like polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, have been investigated with a view to studying their structural electrical and optical properties. Among the various alternate techniques employed for the preparation of polymer thin films, the method of plasma polymerisation needs special attention in this context. The technique of plasma polymerisation is an inexpensive method and often requires very less infra structure. This method includes the employment of ac, rf, dc, microwave and pulsed sources. They produce pinhole free homogeneous films on appropriate substrates under controlled conditions. In conventional plasma polymerisation set up, the monomer is fed into an evacuated chamber and an ac/rf/dc/ w/pulsed discharge is created which enables the monomer species to dissociate, leading to the formation of polymer thin films. However, it has been found that the structure and hence the properties exhibited by plasma polymerized thin films are quite different from that of their counterparts produced by other thin film preparation techniques such as electrochemical deposition or spin coating. The properties of these thin films can be tuned only if the interrelationship between the structure and other properties are understood from a fundamental point of view. So very often, a through evaluation of the various properties is a pre-requisite for tailoring the properties of the thin films for applications. It has been found that conjugation is a necessary condition for enhancing the conductivity of polymer thin films. RF technique of plasma polymerisation is an excellent tool to induce conjugation and this modifies the electrical properties too. Both oxidative and reductive doping can be employed to modify the electrical properties of the polymer thin films for various applications. This is where organic thin films based on polymers scored over inorganic thin films, where in large area devices can be fabricated with organic semiconductors which is difficult to achieve by inorganic materials. For such applications, a variety of polymers have been synthesized such as polyaniline, polythiophene, polypyrrole etc. There are newer polymers added to this family every now and then. There are many virgin areas where plasma polymers are yet to make a foray namely low-k dielectrics or as potential nonlinear optical materials such as optical limiters. There are also many materials which are not been prepared by the method of plasma polymerisation. Some of the materials which are not been dealt with are phenyl hydrazine and tea tree oil. The advantage of employing organic extracts like tea tree oil monomers as precursors for making plasma polymers is that there can be value addition to the already existing uses and possibility exists in converting them to electronic grade materials, especially semiconductors and optically active materials for photonic applications. One of the major motivations of this study is to synthesize plasma polymer thin films based on aniline, phenyl hydrazine, pyrrole, tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil by employing both rf and ac plasma polymerisation techniques. This will be carried out with the objective of growing thin films on various substrates such as glass, quartz and indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. There are various properties namely structural, electrical, dielectric permittivity, nonlinear optical properties which are to be evaluated to establish the relationship with the structure and the other properties. Special emphasis will be laid in evaluating the optical parameters like refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), the real and imaginary components of dielectric constant and the optical transition energies of the polymer thin films from the spectroscopic ellipsometric studies. Apart from evaluating these physical constants, it is also possible to predict whether a material exhibit nonlinear optical properties by ellipsometric investigations. So further studies using open aperture z-scan technique in order to evaluate the nonlinear optical properties of a few selected samples which are potential nonlinear optical materials is another objective of the present study. It will be another endeavour to offer an appropriate explanation for the nonlinear optical properties displayed by these films. Doping of plasma polymers is found to modify both the electrical conductivity and optical properties. Iodine is found to modify the properties of the polymer thin films. However insitu iodine doping is tricky and the film often looses its stability because of the escape of iodine. An appropriate insitu technique of doping will be developed to dope iodine in to the plasma polymerized thin films. Doping of polymer thin films with iodine results in improved and modified optical and electrical properties. However it requires tools like FTIR and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy to elucidate the structural and optical modifications imparted to the polymer films. This will be attempted here to establish the role of iodine in the modification of the properties exhibited by the films


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In this article, we report the preparation of conducting natural rubber (NR) with polyaniline (Pani). NR was made into a conductive material by the compounding of NR with Pani in powder form. NR latex was made into a conductive material by the in situ polymerization of aniline in the presence of NR latex. Different compositions of Pani- NR semi-interpenetrating networks were prepared, and the dielectric properties of all of the samples were determined in microwave frequencies. The cavity perturbation techpique was used for this study. A HP8510 vector network analyzer with a rectangular cavity resonator was used for this study. S bands 2-4 GHz in frequency were used. Thermal studies were also carried out with thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry.


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In this article, we report the preparation of conducting natural rubber (NR) with polyaniline (Pani). NR was made into a conductive material by the compounding of NR with Pani in powder form. NR latex was made into a conductive material by the in situ polymerization of aniline in the presence of NR latex. Different compositions of Pani- NR semi-interpenetrating networks were prepared, and the dielectric properties of all of the samples were determined in microwave frequencies. The cavity perturbation techpique was used for this study. A HP8510 vector network analyzer with a rectangular cavity resonator was used for this study. S bands 2-4 GHz in frequency were used. Thermal studies were also carried out with thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry.


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Poly(o-toluidine) (PoT) and poly(o-toluidine co aniline) were prepared by using ammonium persulfate initiator, in the presence of 1M HCI. It was dried under different conditions: room temperature drying (48 h), oven drying (at 50°C for 12 h), or vacuum drying (under vacuum, at room temperature for 16 h). The dielectric properties, such as dielectric loss, conductivity, dielectric constant, dielectric heating coefficient, loss tangent, etc., were studied at microwave frequencies. A cavity perturbation technique was used for the study. The dielectric properties were found to be related to the frequency and drying conditions. Also, the copolymer showed better properties compared to PoT alone.


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Microwave properties of conductive polymers is crucial because of their wide areas of applications such as coating in reflector antennas, coating in electronic equipments, firequenry selective .surfaces, EMI materials, satellite communication links, microchip antennas, and medical applications. This work involves a comparative study of dielectric properties of selected conducting polymers such as polyaniline. poly(3,4-eth),lenedio.syt2iophene), polvthiophene, polvpvrrole. and pohparaphenylene diazomethine (PPDA) in microwave and DC,fields. The inicrowave properties such as dielectric constant, dielectric loss. absorption coefficient, heating coefficient, skin depth, and conductivity in the microwave frequency (S hand), and DC fields were compared. PEDOT and polccuiiline were found to exhibit excellent properties in DC field and microwave frequencies, which make thein potential materials in many of the alorenientioned applications


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Dielectric properties of polyaniline at different frequencies were studied. Cavity perturbation technique was employed for the study. Poly aniline in the powder and pelletised forms were prepared under different environmental conditions. Different samples of poly aniline exhibit high conductivity. However, the conductivity of samples prepared under different environmental conditions is found to vary. All the samples in the powder form have high conductivity irrespective of the method of preparation. The high conductivity at microwave frequency makes it possible to be used for developing microwave components like filters.


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In this work polymers belonging to polyaniline and polyaniline doped with camphor sulphonic acid are synthesised. Cobalt phthalocyanine is an interesting candidate belonging to the tetramers. Studies on the composites containing cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer and polyaniline doped with camphor sulphonic acid for various concentration are also undertaken in order to understand the mechanism. RF plasma polymerised aniline and furfural are prepared. The structural and electrical properties are evaluated. The bombardment of swift heavy ions of these films are carried out and the effect of irradiation on their properties is also investigated.


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In the present study, radio frequency plasma polymerization technique is used to prepare thin films of polyaniline, polypyrrole, poly N-methyl pyrrole and polythiophene. The thermal characterization of these films is carried out using transverse probe beam deflection method. Electrical conductivity and band gaps are also determined. The effect of iodine doping on electrical conductivity and the rate of heat diffusion is explored.Bulk samples of poyaniline and polypyrrole in powder form are synthesized by chemical route. Open photoacoustic cell configuration is employed for the thermal characterization of these samples. The effect of acid doping on heat diffusion in these bulk samples of polyaniline is also investigated. The variation of electrical conductivity of doped polyaniline and polypyrrole with temperature is also studied for drawing conclusion on the nature of conduction in these samples. In order to improve the processability of polyaniline and polypyrrole, these polymers are incorporated into a host matrix of poly vinyl chloride. Measurements of thermal diffusivity and electrical conductivity of these samples are carried out to investigate the variation of these quantities as a function of the content of polyvinyl chloride.


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The primary aim of these investigations was to probe the elecnuchemical and material science aspects of some selected metal phthalocyanines(MPcs).Metal phthalocyanines are characterised by a unique planar molecular structure. As a single class of compounds they have been the subject of ever increasing number of physicochemical and technological investigations. During the last two decades the literature on these compounds was flooded by an outpour of original publications and patents. Almost every branch of materials science has benefited by their application-swface coating, printing, electrophotography, photoelectrochemistry, electronics and medicine to name a few.The present study was confined to the electrical and electrochemical properties of cobalt, nickel, zinc. iron and copper phthalocyanines. The use of soluble Pes as corrosion inhibitor for aluminium was also investigated.In the introductory section of the thesis, the work done so far on MPcs is reviewed. In this review emphasis is given to their general methods of synthesis and the physicochemical properties.In phthalocyanine chemistry one of the formidable tasks is the isolation of singular species. In the second chapter the methods of synthesis and purification are presented with necessary experimental details.The studies on plasma modified films of CoPe, FePc, ZnPc. NiPc and CuPc are also presented.Modification of electron transfer process by such films for reversible redox systems is taken as the criterion to establish enhanced electrocatalytic activity.Metal phthalocyanines are p- type semiconductors and the conductivity is enhanced by doping with iodine. The effect of doping on the activation energy of the conduction process is evaluated by measuring the temperature dependent variation of conductivity. Effect of thennal treatment on iodine doped CoPc is investigated by DSC,magnetic susceptibility, IR, ESR and electronic spectra. The elecnucatalytic activity of such doped materials was probed by cyclic voltammetry.The electron transfer mediation characteristics of MPc films depend on the film thickness. The influence of reducing the effective thickness of the MPc film by dispersing it into a conductive polymeric matrix was investigated. Tetrasulphonated cobalt phthalocyanine (CoTSP) was electrostatically immobilised into polyaniline and poly(o-toluidine) under varied conditions.The studies on corrosion inhibition of aluminium by CoTSP and CuTSP and By virtue of their anionic character they are soluble in water and are strongly adsorbed on aluminium. Hence they can act as corrosion inhibitors. CoTSP is also known to catalyze the reduction of dioxygen.This reaction can accelerate the anodic dissolution of metal as a complementary reaction. The influence of these conflicting properties of CoTSP on the corrosion of aluminium was studied and compared with those of CuTSP.In the course of these investigations a number of gadgets like cell for measuring the electrical conductivity of solids under non-isothermal conditions, low power rf oscillator and a rotating disc electrode were fabricated.


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Green chemistry boots eco-friendly,natural clays as catalysts in the chemical as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.Industry demands thermal stability,mechanical strength etc for the catalyst and there the modification methods becomes important.Pillaring tunes clays as efficient catalytic templates for shape selective organic synthesis.Here pillared clays are used as promising alternatives for the environmentally hazardous homogeneous catalysts in some industrially important Friedel-Crafts alkylation reactions of arenes with lower alchohols and higher olefins.The layer structure is enhanced upon pillaring and allows the nanocomposite formation with polyaniline to develop today’s nanoscale diameter devices.Present work gives an entry of pillared clays to the world of conducting composite nanofibers.


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This work was focused to study the immobilization of enzymes on polymers. A large range of polymer matrices have been employed as supports for enzyme immobilization. Here polyaniline (PAN!) and poly(0~toluidine) (POT) were used as supports. PANI and POT provides an excellent support for enzyme immobilization by virtue of its facile synthesis, superior chemical and physical stabilities, and large retention capacity. We selected industrially important starch hydrolyzing enzymes a-amylase and glucoamylase for the study. In this work the selected enzymes were immobilized via adsorption and covalent bonding methods.To optimize the catalytic efficiency and stability of the resulting biocatalysts, the attempt was made to understand the immobilization effects on enzymatic properties. The effect of pH of the immobilization medium, time of immobilization on the immobilization efficiency was observed. The starch hydrolyzing activity of free 0:-amylase and glucoamylase were compared with immobilized forms. Immobilization on solid supports changes the microenvironment of the enzyme there by influences the pH and temperature relationship on the enzymatic activity. Hence these parameters also optimized. The reusability and storage stability of immobilized enzymes an important aspect from an application standpoint, especially in industrial applications. Taking in to consideration of this, the reusability and the long tenn storage stability of the immobilized enzyme investigated.


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Dielectric properties of polyaniline at different frequencies were studied. Cavity perturbation technique was employed for the study. Poly aniline in the powder and pelletised forms were prepared under different environmental conditions. Different samples of poly aniline exhibit high conductivity. However. the conductivity of samples prepared under different environmental conditions is found to vary. All the samples in the powder form have high conductivity irrespective of the method of preparation. The high conductivity at microwave frequency makes it possible to be used for developing microwave components like filters.


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The electrical properties of polymers make up an inherently interdisciplinary topic, being closely associated, on the one hand, with the mechanical properties of polymers polarization and relaxation) and, on the other hand, with the semi conductive properties (conduction and break down). In addition, unlike conventional technologies, which use these properties in its various applications like antistatic coatings, rechargeable batteries, sensors, electrochromic devices, electrochemical devices etc, microwave technology extract the microwave absorbing ability of electrically conducting polymers. The conducting polymers are widely used in its potential applications like electro magnetic interference shielding, satellite communication links, beam steering radars, frequency selective surfaces etc. Considering the relevance of microwave applications of conducting polymers, the study of microwave properties of conducting polymers stands poised to become a compelling choice for synthetic chemists and condensed - matter physicists, physical chemists and material scientists, electrochemists and polymer scientists. The main aim of the present work is to study the microwave and low frequency properties of various conducting polymers, conducting semi-interpenetrating networks, conducting copolymers and to characterise it. Also this thesis collated the microwave properties of these conducting systems and exposes the various technologically important applications in the industrial, scientific, communication and defence applications.


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Polyaniline is a widely studied conducting polymer and is a useful material in its bulk and thin film form for many applications, because of its excellent optical and electrical properties. Pristine and iodine doped polyaniline thin films were prepared by a.c. and rf plasma polymerization techniques separately for the comparison of their optical and electrical properties. Doping of iodine was effected in situ. The structural properties of these films were evaluated by FTIR spectroscopy and the optical band gap was estimated from UV-vis-NIR measurements. Comparative studies on the structural, optical and electrical properties of a.c. and rf polymerization are presented here. It has been found that the optical band gap of the polyaniline thin films prepared by rf and a.c. plasma polymerization techniques differ considerably and the band gap is further reduced by in situ doping of iodine. The electrical conductivity measurements on these films show a higher value of electrical conductivity in the case of rf plasma polymerized thin films when compared to the a.c. plasma polymerized films. Also, it is found that the iodine doping enhanced conductivity of the polymer thin films considerably. The results are compared and correlated and have been explained with respect to the different structures adopted under these two preparation techniques


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Thermally stable materials with low dielectric constant (k < 3.9) are being hotly pursued. They are essential as interlayer dielectrics/intermetal dielectrics in integrated circuit technology, which reduces parasitic capacitance and decreases the RC time constant. Most of the currently employed materials are based on silicon. Low k films based on organic polymers are supposed to be a viable alternative as they are easily processable and can be synthesized with simpler techniques. It is known that the employment of ac/rf plasma polymerization yields good quality organic thin films, which are homogenous, pinhole free and thermally stable. These polymer thin films are potential candidates for fabricating Schottky devices, storage batteries, LEDs, sensors, super capacitors and for EMI shielding. Recently, great efforts have been made in finding alternative methods to prepare low dielectric constant thin films in place of silicon-based materials. Polyaniline thin films were prepared by employing an rf plasma polymerization technique. Capacitance, dielectric loss, dielectric constant and ac conductivity were evaluated in the frequency range 100 Hz– 1 MHz. Capacitance and dielectric loss decrease with increase of frequency and increase with increase of temperature. This type of behaviour was found to be in good agreement with an existing model. The ac conductivity was calculated from the observed dielectric constant and is explained based on the Austin–Mott model for hopping conduction. These films exhibit low dielectric constant values, which are stable over a wide range of frequencies and are probable candidates for low k applications.