950 resultados para plasma materials processing applications
The current magnetic confinement nuclear fusion power reactor concepts going beyond ITER are based on assumptions about the availability of materials with extreme mechanical, heat, and neutron load capacity. In Europe, the development of such structural and armour materials together with the necessary production, machining, and fabrication technologies is pursued within the EFDA long-term fusion materials programme. This paper reviews the progress of work within the programme in the area of tungsten and tungsten alloys. Results, conclusions, and future projections are summarized for each of the programme´s main subtopics, which are: (1) fabrication, (2) structural W materials, (3) W armour materials, and (4) materials science and modelling. It gives a detailed overview of the latest results on materials research, fabrication processes, joining options, high heat flux testing, plasticity studies, modelling, and validation experiments.
El wolframio (W) y sus aleaciones se consideran los mejores candidatos para la construcción del divertor en la nueva generación de reactores de fusión nuclear. Este componente va a recibir las cargas térmicas más elevadas durante el funcionamiento del reactor ya que estará en contacto directo con el plasma. En los últimos años, después de un profundo análisis y siguiendo una estrategia de reducción de costes, la Organización de ITER tomó la decisión de construir el divertor integramente de wolframio desde el principio. Por ello, el wolframio no sólo actuará como material en contacto con el plasma (PFM), sino que también tendría aplicaciones estructurales. El wolframio, debido a sus excelentes propiedades termo-físicas, cumple todos los requerimientos para ser utilizado como PFM, sin embargo, su inherente fragilidad pone en peligro su uso estructural. Por tanto, uno de los principales objetivos de esta tesis es encontrar una aleación de wolframio con menor fragilidad. Durante éste trabajo, se realizó la caracterización microstructural y mecánica de diferentes materiales basados en wolframio. Sin embargo, ésta tarea es un reto debido a la pequeña cantidad de material suministrado, su reducido tamaño de grano y fragilidad. Por ello, para una correcta medida de todas las propiedades físicas y mecánicas se utilizaron diversas técnicas experimentales. Algunas de ellas se emplean habitualmente como la nanoindentación o los ensayos de flexión en tres puntos (TPB). Sin embargo, otras fueron especificamente desarrolladas e implementadas durante el desarrollo de esta tesis como es el caso de la medida real de la tenacidad de fractura en los materiales masivos, o de las medidas in situ de la tenacidad de fractura en las láminas delgadas de wolframio. Diversas composiciones de aleaciones de wolframio masivas (W-1% Y2O3, W-2% V-0.5% Y2O3, W-4% V-0.5% Y2O3, W-2% Ti-1% La2O3 y W-4% Ti-1% La2O3) se han estudiado y comparado con un wolframio puro producido en las mismas condiciones. Estas aleaciones, producidas por ruta pulvimetalúrgica de aleado mecánico (MA) y compactación isostática en caliente (HIP), fueron microstructural y mecánicamente caracterizadas desde 77 hasta 1473 K en aire y en alto vacío. Entre otras propiedades físicas y mecánicas se midieron la dureza, el módulo elástico, la resistencia a flexión y la tenacidad de fractura para todas las aleaciones. Finalmente se analizaron las superficies de fractura después de los ensayos de TPB para relacionar los micromecanismos de fallo con el comportamiento macroscópico a rotura. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron un comportamiento mecánico frágil en casi todo el intervalo de temperaturas y para casi todas las aleaciones sin mejoría de la temperatura de transición dúctil-frágil (DBTT). Con el fin de encontrar un material base wolframio con una DBTT más baja se realizó también un estudio, aún preliminar, de láminas delgadas de wolframio puro y wolframio dopado con 0.005wt.% potasio (K). Éstas láminas fueron fabricadas industrialmente mediante sinterizado y laminación en caliente y en frío y se sometieron posteriormente a un tratamiento térmico de recocido desde 1073 hasta 2673 K. Se ha analizado la evolución de su microestructura y las propiedades mecánicas al aumentar la temperatura de recocido. Los resultados mostraron la estabilización de los granos de wolframio con el incremento de la temperatura de recocido en las láminas delgadas de wolframio dopado con potasio. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar estudios adicionales para entender mejor la microstructura y algunas propiedades mecánicas de estos materiales, como la tenacidad de fractura. Tungsten (W) and tungsten-based alloys are considered to be the best candidate materials for fabricating the divertor in the next-generation nuclear fusion reactors. This component will experience the highest thermal loads during the operation of a reactor since it directly faces the plasma. In recent years, after thorough analysis that followed a strategy of cost reduction, the ITER Organization decided to built a full-tunsgten divertor before the first nuclear campaigns. Therefore, tungsten will be used not only as a plasma-facing material (PFM) but also in structural applications. Tungsten, due to its the excellent thermo-physical properties fulfils the requirements of a PFM, however, its use in structural applications is compromised due to its inherent brittleness. One of the objectives of this phD thesis is therefore, to find a material with improved brittleness behaviour. The microstructural and mechanical characterisation of different tunsgten-based materials was performed. However, this is a challenging task because of the reduced laboratory-scale size of the specimens provided, their _ne microstructure and their brittleness. Consequently, many techniques are required to ensure an accurate measurement of all the mechanical and physical properties. Some of the applied methods have been widely used such as nanoindentation or three-point bending (TPB) tests. However, other methods were specifically developed and implemented during this work such as the measurement of the real fracture toughness of bulk-tunsgten alloys or the in situ fracture toughness measurements of very thin tungsten foils. Bulk-tunsgten materials with different compositions (W-1% Y2O3, W-2% V- 0.5% Y2O3, W-4% V-0.5% Y2O3, W-2% Ti-1% La2O3 and W-4% Ti-1% La2O3) were studied and compared with pure tungsten processed under the same conditions. These alloys, produced by a powder metallurgical route of mechanical alloying (MA) and hot isostatic pressing (HIP), were microstructural and mechanically characterised from 77 to 1473 K in air and under high vacuum conditions. Hardness, elastic modulus, flexural strength and fracture toughness for all of the alloys were measured in addition to other physical and mechanical properties. Finally, the fracture surfaces after the TPB tests were analysed to correlate the micromechanisms of failure with the macroscopic behaviour. The results reveal brittle mechanical behaviour in almost the entire temperature range for the alloys and micromechanisms of failure with no improvement in the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT). To continue the search of a tungsten material with lowered DBTT, a preliminary study of pure tunsgten and 0.005 wt.% potassium (K)-doped tungsten foils was also performed. These foils were industrially produced by sintering and hot and cold rolling. After that, they were annealed from 1073 to 2673 K to analyse the evolution of the microstructural and mechanical properties with increasing annealing temperature. The results revealed the stabilisation of the tungsten grains with increasing annealing temperature in the potassium-doped tungsten foil. However, additional studies need to be performed to gain a better understanding of the microstructure and mechanical properties of these materials such as fracture toughness.
In this work we review some earlier distributed algorithms developed by the authors and collaborators, which are based on two different approaches, namely, distributed moment estimation and distributed stochastic approximations. We show applications of these algorithms on image compression, linear classification and stochastic optimal control. In all cases, the benefit of cooperation is clear: even when the nodes have access to small portions of the data, by exchanging their estimates, they achieve the same performance as that of a centralized architecture, which would gather all the data from all the nodes.
Tungsten (W) and its alloys are very promising materials for producing plasma-facing components (PFCs) in the fusion power reactors of the near future, even as a structural part in them. However, whereas the properties of pure tungsten are suitable for a PFC, its structural applications are still limited due to its low toughness, ductile to brittle transition temperature and recrystallization behaviour. Therefore, many efforts have been made to improve its performance by alloying tungsten with other elements. Hence, in this investigation, the thermo-mechanical performance of two new tungsten-tantalum materials has been evaluated. Materials with We5wt.%Ta and We15wt.%Ta were processed by mechanical alloying (MA) and later consolidation by hot isostatic pressing (HIP), with distinct settings for each composition. Thus, it was possible to determine the relationship between the microstructure and the addition of Ta with the macroscopic mechanical properties. These were measured by means of hardness, flexural strength and fracture toughness, in the temperature range of 300e1473 K. The microstructure and the fracture surfaces features of the tested materials were analysed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM).
The Colloquium on Human-Machine Communication by Voice highlighted the global technical community's focus on the problems and promise of voice-processing technology, particularly, speech recognition and speech synthesis. Clearly, there are many areas in both the research and development of these technologies that can be advanced significantly. However, it is also true that there are many applications of these technologies that are capable of commercialization now. Early successful commercialization of new technology is vital to ensure continuing interest in its development. This paper addresses efforts to commercialize speech technologies in two markets: telecommunications and aids for the handicapped.
Comunicación presentada en las V Jornadas de Computación Empotrada, Valladolid, 17-19 Septiembre 2014
Magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MFH) is considered a promising therapeutic technique for the treatment of cancer cells, in which magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with superparamagnetic behavior generate mild-temperatures under an AC magnetic field to selectively destroy the abnormal cancer cells, in detriment of the healthy ones. However, the poor heating efficiency of most NMPs and the imprecise experimental determination of the temperature field during the treatment, are two of the majors drawbacks for its clinical advance. Thus, in this work, different MNPs were developed and tested under an AC magnetic field (~1.10 kA/m and 200 kHz), and the heat generated by them was assessed by an infrared camera. The resulting thermal images were processed in MATLAB after the thermographic calibration of the infrared camera. The results show the potential to use this thermal technique for the improvement and advance of MFH as a clinical therapy.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
"May 1997."
"June 1995."
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Title on spine: Library applications of data processing, 1973.
Title from half-title page.