928 resultados para physiological specialization
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
One of the best examinations used routinely to detect gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is scintigraphy and attempts are continuously being made to improve the performance of the test. We have tested a new manoeuvre to improve the results. Three hundred and twenty eight patients (190 males and 138 females, aged 1 month to 84 years, average 4.47 years) were studied after a 12 h fast period with 100 MBq of Tc-99(m)-Phytate, 50 ml volume, directly delivered into the stomach in a mixture of orange juice. All patients were strongly suspected of having GOR. Conventional acquisition was done for 20 min, at a rate of one frame every 20 s. in the middle of the examination, small children were put in the upright position and held there for a few seconds or released in a way that allowed movement; adults were asked to stand up and walk a few metres. The test was then continued for the remaining 10 min. The global index of positivity was 64.6% (76 positive cases in the first half of the examination and 134 positive cases only after the manoeuvre). The mean of GOR episodes observed in the positive cases without the manoeuvre was 0.5 per patient, significantly different from the mean of 1.59 noted after the manoeuvre (P<0.01). In 28 cases the manoeuvre increased either the intensity or the frequency of reflux previously detected without it. We believe that this manoeuvre should be performed in all scintigraphic tests aiming to detect GOR. In the present series, the manoeuvre increased the frequency of GOR episodes. ((C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)].
This study tested whether aggressive behaviour can predict individual variation in stress responses of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. We used a mirror test to measure tendency to aggressive behaviour, and calculated the attack frequency and time until the first attack (latency) for each fish. One day later, we measured plasma cortisol and glucose, and two days later, we measured ventilatory frequency (VF) (pre-confinement responses). Immediately after the VF measure, we subjected the same fish to 30 min confinement, followed by measurements of cortisol, glucose, and VF (post-confinement responses). We found that post-confinement stress cortisol, glucose, and VF were higher than pre-confinement responses. Attack frequency was negatively correlated with VF and latency was positively correlated with baseline glucose and VF. Thus, we conclude that attack frequency and latency to a mirror reflection could be used to predict baseline levels of physiological stress indicators in Nile tilapia.
The effect of chronic social stress on growth, energetic substrates and hormones was tested in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. After a 14-day isolation period, the fish were paired for 8 days. In order to expose fish to chronic intermittent social contact during pairing, they were maintained in direct contact with each other during the first day. After that, a black plastic screen partition was introduced in each tank, preventing direct contact between animals. Every day the partition was removed for 30 min, allowing physical interaction between fish. At the end of pairing period, they were isolated again for 13 days. Fish were weighed and blood was sampled frequently during the experiment. Plasma levels of cortisol, growth hormone, glucose, total protein and free amino acids were quantified. Both dominants and subordinates had specific growth rate decreased during the pairing period, but only subordinates increased when the stressor was abolished (dominants: 0.32 +/- 0.21 and 0.24 +/- 0.41, subordinates: -0.77 +/- 0.29 and 0.37 +/- 0.31, respectively). Dominants showed a higher cortisol level one week after pairing condition had been abolished than subordinates (dominants: 56.76 +/- 13.26, subordinates: 31.89 +/- 13.36). We conclude that chronic condition of intermittent social stress represents a stressful condition for animals of both hierarchical ranks and a treatment of one daily short direct contact between conspecifics does not promote habituation in fish, as mentioned for other stressors. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Tropidurid lizards have colonized a variety of Brazilian open environments without remarkable morphological variation, despite ecological and structural differences among habitats used. This study focuses on two Tropidurus sister-species that, despite systematic proximity and similar morphology, exhibit great ecological divergence and a third ecologically generalist congeneric species providing an outgroup comparison. We quantified jumping capacity and sprint speed of each species on sand and rock to test whether ecological divergence was also accompanied by differences in locomotor performance. Relevant physiological traits possibly associated with locomotor performance metabolic scopes and fiber type composition, power output and activity of the enzymes citrate synthase, pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase of the iliofibularis muscle - were also compared among the three Tropidurus species. We found that the two sister-species exhibited remarkable differences in jumping performance, while Tropidurus oreadicus, the more distantly related species, exhibited intermediate values. Tropidurus psamonastes, a species endemic to sand dunes, exhibited high absolute sprint speeds on sand, jumped rarely and possessed a high proportion of glycolytic fibers and low activity of citrate synthase. The sister-species Tropidurus itambere, endemic to rocky outcrops, performed a large number of jumps and achieved lower absolute sprint speed than T. psamonastes. This study provides evidence of rapid divergence of locomotor parameters between sister-species that use different substrates, which is only partially explained by variation in physiological parameters of the iliofibularis muscle.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Renan B. Pitilin, Marcio S. Araujo, and Maria L.T. Buschini (2012) Individual specialization in the hunting-wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) agamemnon Richards (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Zoological Studies 51(5): 655-662. Individuals of a population may differ with respect to resource use. This among-individual variation in resource utilization is called 'individual specialization' and may substantially impact the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of a population. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether females of 1 population of the hunting-wasp Trypoxylon agamemnon differed in their preferences for spider size and/or taxa. To observe the behavior of wasps, trap-nests were installed in an araucaria forest fragment in the Parque Municipal das Araucarias, Guarapuava (PR), southern Brazil. The indices within-individual component (WIC)/total niche width of a population (TNW) and average of values of the proportional similarity index (IS) were used to measure the degree of individual specialization. We found evidence of strong, significant individual specialization in T agamemnon in terms of both prey size (WIC/TNW = 0.43) and taxa (IS = 0.45). We hypothesized that individual specialization in this species resulted from cognitive tradeoffs that limit individuals to exploring a small subset of available resources. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/51.5/655.pdf
Oliveira, AS, Greco, CC, Pereira, MP, Figueira, TR, de Araujo Ruas, VD, Goncalves, M, and Denadai, BS. Physiological and neuromuscular profile during a Bodypump session: acute responses during a high-resistance training session. J Strength Cond Res 23(2): 579-586, 2009-The main purposes of this study were 1) to describe and to compare blood lactate ([La]), heart rate (HR), and electromyographic (EMG) parameters during high-repetition training sessions (HRTSs), 2) to analyze the influence of physical fitness levels in these parameters, and, 3) to analyze the relationship between metabolic ([La]) and neuromuscular (EMG) responses during the HRTS. Fifteen healthy untrained women (21.7 +/- 2.1 years) performed an HRTS called Bodypump for 1 hour, which incorporated the use of variable free weights and high repetitions in a group setting. This session involved 10 music selections (M1-M10) containing resistive exercises for different muscle groups. After music selections 2 (M2), 4 (M4), 6 (M6), 7 (M7), and 9 (M9), [La], HR, and EMG (vastus medialis [VM], vastus lateralis [VL], iliocostalis lumborum [IC], and longissimus thoracis <) were determined. The [La] (M2, 4.00 +/- 1.45 mM; M7, 5.02 +/- 1.73 mM) and HR (M2, 153.64 +/- 18.89 bpm; M7, 16.14 +/- 20.14 bpm) obtained at M2 and M7 were similar but were significantly higher than the other moments of the session. However, EMG (root mean square [RMS]) at M2 (VL, VM, and LT) was lower than at M7. There was no significant correlation of strength and aerobic physical fitness with [La], RMS. In the same way, there was no significant correlation of [La] with RMS at M2 and M7. on the basis of our data, we can conclude that metabolic, cardiovascular, and EMG variables present different and independent behavior during an HRTS. Accordingly, for neuromuscular conditions during HRTS, it seems to be enough to induce improvement in the muscular strength of inferior limbs in untrained subjects.
Aims of the study. - The aim of this study is to investigate the behavior of the physiological, biochemical and psychological parameters in Brazilian soccer players during a training program.Materials. - Fifteen athletes were evaluated at the beginning (T1), in the middle (T2) and at the end (T3) of the training program. on the first day, at 7:30 am, before the blood collecting at rest for the determination of serum creatine kinase (CK), serum creatinine and serum urea, the athletes had their psychological parameters assessed by the profile of mood state questionnaire (POMS). After 90 min, they performed a 250-m sprint. on the second day at 8:30 am, the athletes had their alactic anaerobic performance measured and, after 40 min, they completed the aerobic test. Friedman test was used to verify the behavior of overtraining markers.Results. - There was a decrease in vigor score in T3 (p=0.01) compared with T1 and T2. In T3 (p=0.01), the athletes also showed an increase in serum creatinine levels compared to T1. Furthermore, in the same period, we verified a diminishing in the team performance.Conclusion. - The training program developed between T2 and T3 led to the fall of the vigor score, the increase in serum creatinine concentrations and the diminishing in team performance. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Rodents from and and semi-arid deserts are faced with the problem of water conservation. The physiological responses of small rodents to such conditions have been intensively investigated over broad geographically disjunct areas. Despite the presence of xeric habitats in South America since the late Tertiary, some studies suggest that sigmodontine South-American desert rodents do not display the same diversity of physiological responses at the species level as those observed in other desert-dwelling species of rodents. In this paper, we analyzed the physiological responses to water deprivation, at the interespecific and interindividual level, among eight species of sigmodontine desert-dwelling rodents from different geographical areas within South-American deserts. Using randomization tests, we found no significant phylogenetic signal for resistance to water deprivation or for individual variability in this response. Contrary to our initial predictions, we observed that sigmodontine rodents from arid/semi-arid habitats (Monte Desert) had significantly lower rates of body mass loss per day (higher tolerances to water deprivation) than species from the hyperarid deserts. We showed that sigmodontine rodents from South America showed a remarkable diversity of physiological mechanisms for coping with water shortage resulting from different evolutionary adaptive strategies. This diversity, however, displays a rather unexpected pattern in terms of its geographical distribution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.