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Acknowledgements. This work is dedicated to the memory of Andrés Pérez-Estaún, brilliant scientist, colleague, and friend. The authors sincerely thank Ian Ferguson and an anonymous reviewer for their useful comments on the manuscript. Xènia Ogaya is currently supported in the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies by a Science Foundation Ireland grant IRECCSEM (SFI grant 12/IP/1313). Juan Alcalde is funded by NERC grant NE/M007251/1, on interpretational uncertainty. Juanjo Ledo, Pilar Queralt and Alex Marcuello thank Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and EU Feder Funds through grant CGL2014- 54118-C2-1-R. Funding for this Project has been partially provided by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, through the CIUDEN-CSIC-Inst. Jaume Almera agreement (ALM-09-027: Characterization, Development and Validation of Seismic Techniques applied to CO2 Geological Storage Sites), the CIUDEN-Fundació Bosch i Gimpera agreement (ALM-09-009 Development and Adaptation of Electromagnetic techniques: Characterisation of Storage Sites) and the project PIERCO2 (Progress In Electromagnetic Research for CO2 geological reservoirs CGL2009-07604). The CIUDEN project is co-financed by the European Union through the Technological Development Plant of Compostilla OXYCFB300 Project (European Energy Programme for Recovery).
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FUNDING Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) [BB/I020926/1 to I.S.]; BBSRC PhD studentship award [C103817D to I.S. and M.C.R.]; Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance PhD studentship award (to M.C.R. and I.S.]. Funding for open access charge: BBSRC. Conflict of interest statement. None declared.
Funding The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/ or publication of this article: The research upon which this article reports was funded by the Leverhulme Trust, grant F/00 273/N.
This work was supported by the Brazilian agencies FAPESP and CNPq. MSB also acknowledges the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant Ref. EP/I032606/1. GID thanks Felipe A. C. Pereira for fruitful discussions.
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the following bodies that provided financial support for the project: (i) China Scholarship Council, (ii) National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. U1334201) and (iii) UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant no. EP/G069441/1).
Acknowledgements This work was supported by NSF DMR-1410378 and DMR-1121288. We thank V. Borshch for helping with preparation of illustrations, to Y. K. Kim for the help in experiments, V. A. Belyakov and S. V. Shiyanovskii for useful discussions.
Funding: This work was supported by funding awards to Dr Isabel Crane from the National Eye Research Centre, Bristol, UK (Grant ref. SCIAD 058); and NHS Grampian Endowment Trust (Grant ref. 10/16). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Heavy metal contamination and drought are expected to increase in large areas worldwide. However, their combined effect on plant performance has been scantly analyzed. This study examines the effect of Zn supply at different water availabilities on morpho-physiological traits of Quercus suber L. in order to analyze the combined effects of both stresses. Seedlings were treated with four levels of zinc from 3 to 150 µM and exposed to low watering (LW) or high watering (HW) frequency in hydroponic culture, using a growth chamber. Under both watering regimes, Zn concentration in leaves and roots increased with Zn increment in nutrient solution. Nevertheless, at the highest Zn doses, Zn tissue concentrations were almost twice in HW than in LW seedlings. Functional traits as leaf photosynthetic rate and root hydraulic conductivity, and morphological traits as root length and root biomass decreased significantly in response to Zn supply. Auxin levels increased with Zn concentrations, suggesting the involvement of this phytohormone in the seedling response to this element. LW seedlings exposed to 150 µM Zn showed higher root length and root biomass than HW seedlings exposed to the same Zn dose. Our results suggest that low water availability could mitigate Zn toxicity by limiting internal accumulation. Morphological traits involved in the response to both stresses probably contributed to this response.
Background: Retinal ganglion cell death underlies the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders such as glaucoma or optic nerve trauma. To assess the potential influence of photoreceptor degeneration on retinal ganglion cell survival, and to evaluate functionality, we took advantage of the optic nerve section mouse model. Methods: Surviving retinal ganglion cells were double-stained by exposing both superior colliculi to fluorogold, and by applying dextran-tetramethylrhodamine to the injured optic nerve stump. To assess retinal function in wild-type animals, electroretinograms were recorded on the injured eyes and compared with the contralateral. Similar labelling experiments were carried out on retinal degeneration 1 mice. Surviving retinal ganglion cells were counted 21 days after axotomy and compared with wild-type mice. No functional experiments were performed on retinal degeneration 1 animals because they do not develop normal electroretinographical responses. Results: A significant decrease in retinal ganglion cell density was observed 6 days after axotomy in the wild type. Functional studies revealed that, in scotopic conditions, axotomy induced a significant amplitude decrease in the positive scotopic threshold response component of the electroretinogram. Such decrease paralleled cell loss, suggesting it may be an appropriate technique to evaluate functionality. When comparing retinal ganglion cell densities in wild-type and retinal degeneration 1 mice, a significant greater survival was observed on the latter. Conclusions: After optic nerve section, electroretinographical recordings exhibited a progressive decrease in the amplitude of the positive scotopic threshold response wave, reflecting ganglion cell loss. Interestingly, rod degeneration seemed, at least initially, to protect from axotomy-driven damage.
New color-measuring instruments known as multiangle spectrophotometers have been recently created to measure and characterize the goniochromism of special-effect pigments in many materials with a particular visual appearance (metallic, interference, pearlescent, sparkle, or glitter). These devices measure the gonioapparent color from the spectral relative reflectance factor and the L*a*b* values of the sample with different illumination and observation angles. These angles usually coincide with requirements marked in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and Deutsches Institut Für Normung standards relating to the gonioapparent color, but the results of comparisons between these instruments are still inconclusive. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to compare several multiangle spectrophotometers at a reproducibility level according to ASTM E2214-08 guidelines. In particular, we compared two X-Rite multi-gonio spectrophotometers (MA98 and MA68II), a Datacolor multi-gonio spectrophotometer (FX10), and a BYK multi-gonio spectrophotometer (BYK-mac). These instruments share only five common measurement geometries: 45° × −30° (as 15°), 45° × −20° (as 25°), 45° × 0° (as 45°), 45° × 30° (as 75°), 45° × 65° (as 110°). Specific statistical studies were used for the reproducibility comparison, including a Hotelling test and a statistical intercomparison test to determine the confidence interval of the partial color differences ΔL*, Δa*, Δb*, and the total color difference ΔE*ab. This was conducted using a database collection of 88 metallic and pearlescent samples that were measured 20 times without the replacement of all the instruments. The final findings show that in most measurement geometries, the reproducibility differences between pairs of instruments are statistically significant, although in general, there is a better reproducibility level at certain common geometries for newer instruments (MA98 and BYK-mac). This means that these differences are due to systematic or bias errors (angle tolerances for each geometry, photometric scales, white standards, etc.), but not exclusively to random errors. However, neither of the statistical tests used is valid to discriminate and quantify the detected bias errors in this comparison between instruments.
In recent decades wild boar have greatly increased in Europe due a combination of environmental and human factors. Because of a high reproduction rate, wild boar cause conflicts with human activities and in particularly agriculture. However, there are concerns also about environmental impact and in particular on ground nesting birds. Our study aim to evaluate the potential impact of wild boar on pheasants nests. Predation rates were compared between two areas with different wild boar abundance and between nests placed in fenced plots with no wild boar access (but accessible to other predators) and open plots in which the wild boar gains access. Predation rate by wild boar in the area with higher wild boar abundance was 61.5% whereas in the area with lower abundance was 16.0%. In plots with free access, wild boar predation was 34.2% whereas in exclusion plots we did not registered predation by wild boar. Moreover, wild boar resulted the main nest predator (total loss 22.8%). Our findings suggest that wild boar could have e strong impact on pheasant reproductive success.
In the tropics, bats are an essential component of many native ecosystems, through providing various ecological services including pollination and insect pest control, in addition to seed dispersal. Many Philippine bat species roost in caves and underground habitats. However, many caves are disturbed by people, to exploit resources for food, recreation, and mineral and guano extraction. The misunderstanding of the importance of bats to the ecosystem is also considered a threat to many cave roosting species. Understanding the conflicts between humans and ecosystems which provide essential services is important to maintain ecosystem service provision. A total of 100 local respondents from the village of Pisan, Kabacan North Cotabato in south central Mindanao were interviewed through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. Respondents were asked about their views, levels of knowledge, use, interaction, and awareness towards both the caves and bats in their locality. Our survey found that most of the respondents are aware of the presence of bats from the caves in their locality. Unfortunately, a large proportion of the respondents noted that bats are hunted in caves for bush meat and trade, and most people perceived bats as pest to fruit crops such as durian. These factors are among the main factors of the execution of many bat colonies in caves of south central Mindanao. In general, cave bats are under appreciated species in caves. The unregulated tourism, hunting for bush meat and trade, and guano extraction are among the alarming threats occurring for both caves and bats in the locality and possibly to other localities in the country. Furthermore, the establishment of strong and effective model conservation education programs and the strengthening the participation of local government, academic, and community are essential steps to preserve the current state of cave bats in the area.
The wild cats and the livestock farmers are part of the space conflict in the rural areas in Latin America. In this sense, this conflict causes a discomfort among the livestock producers due to the loss of animals and, consequently, it also causes a negative reaction towards the wild cats leading such reaction into the elimination of the wild cats per se. Although, there have been some initiatives have tried to approach such conflict by recommending mitigation and prevention measurements to the producers, these measurements are undertaken without coordination. For this reason, the following project presents a planning tool that can ease the coordination processes undertaken for the solving of the conflict between human beings and wild cats.