949 resultados para parabolic trough collector
Recent developments in nonlinear optics have brought to the fore of intensive research an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile and a linear instantaneous frequency shift or chirp. Parabolic pulses propagate in optical fibres with normal group-velocity dispersion in a self-similar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, duration and chirp parameter, and can tolerate strong nonlinearity without distortion or wave breaking. These solutions, which have been dubbed similaritons, were demonstrated theoretically and experimentally in fibre amplifiers in 2000. Similaritons in fibre amplifiers are, along with solitons in passive fibres, the most well-known classes of nonlinear attractors for pulse propagation in optical fibre, so they take on major fundamental importance. The unique properties of parabolic similaritons have stimulated numerous applications in nonlinear optics, ranging from ultrashort high-power pulse generation to highly coherent continuum sources and to optical nonlinear processing of telecommunication signals. In this work, we review the physics underlying the generation of parabolic similaritons as well as recent results obtained in a wide range of experimental configurations.
Underwater sound is very important in the field of oceanography where it is used for remote sensing in much the same way that radar is used in atmospheric studies. One way to mathematically model sound propagation in the ocean is by using the parabolic-equation method, a technique that allows range dependent environmental parameters. More importantly, this method can model sound transmission where the source emits either a pure tone or a short pulse of sound. Based on the parabolic approximation method and using the split-step Fourier algorithm, a computer model for underwater sound propagation was designed and implemented. This computer model differs from previous models in its use of the interactive mode, structured programming, modular design, and state-of-the-art graphics displays. In addition, the model maximizes the efficiency of computer time through synchronization of loosely coupled dual processors and the design of a restart capability. Since the model is designed for adaptability and for users with limited computer skills, it is anticipated that it will have many applications in the scientific community.
The Nimish Subgroup igneous suite is a linear belt of volcanic and plutonic rocks in the Dyke Lake area of the southern Labrador Trough. The volcanics are interbedded with the sediments of the Wishart and Sokoman Formations of the Aphebian aged, Knob Lake Group. The sokoman Formation forms a time stratigraphic horizon that separates the lower Petitsikapau Lake Formation from the upper Astray Lake formation of the Nimish Subgroup. The occurrence of these volcanics within the Knob Lake Group is unique relative to Labrador Trough stratigraphy, as elsewhere the Knob Lake Group is a dominantly sedimentary succession and volcanics are restricted to the younger Doublet Group. Stratigraphic relationships between the Nimish Subgroup and the Sokoman formation indicate contemporaneous volcanic, clastic and chemical sedimentary activity. The internal stratigraphy of the Sokoman Formation exhibits a three-fold subdivision that is broadly correlatable with similar subdivisions in the Schefferville "main ore zone", 30 miles to the northwest. A detailed facies and paleogeographic model relating the volcanic activity to iron formation deposition in the Dyke Lake is presented. The rocks of the Dyke Lake area have been affected by lower greenschist facies metamorphism during the Hudsonian orogenic event, circa 1735 my. Geochemical evidence indicates that the igneous rocks of the Nimish Subgroup have been metasomatized with large degrees of mobility in Na₂O, K₂O, CaO, MgO, SiO₂, FeO and Fe₂O₃ suspected. The "immobile trace elements", Ti, Zr, Nb, Y and Ga imply that the Nimish lavas are a mildly alkaline suite that has an alkali basalt-trachyandesite-comendite differentiation scheme. The rare earth element, REE, geochemistry of the Nimish Subgroup is supportive of the alkaline nature of the volcanics and has been used to model the fractional crystallization petrogenesis involved in the two volcanic cycles. The geological, geochemical and geophysical evidence indicates that the Nimish Subgroup lavas are possibly a rift facies, alkaline suite related to the tensional tectonic regime that preceeded the extrusion of voluminous tholeiitic lavas of the Doublet Group.
Pore water was collected from sediment cores from Holes 1202A and 1202D in the southern Okinawa Trough during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 195. Because drilling at this site was completed only a few hours out of port during the end of the leg, whole rounds of sediment core 5 or 10 cm long were sealed and stored at ~3°C until pore water could be extracted from them during Leg 196, using a titanium squeezer designed by Manheim and Sayles (1974) and standard handling techniques (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.195.103.2002).
INTRODUCTION Zero-G parabolic flight reproduces the weightlessness of space for short periods of time. However motion sickness may affect some fliers. The aim was to assess the extent of this problem and to find possible predictors and modifying factors. METHODS Airbus Zero-G flights consist of 31 parabolas performed in blocks. Each parabola consisted of 20s 0g sandwiched by 20s hypergravity of 1.5-1.8g. The survey covered n=246 person-flights (193 Males 53 Females), aged (M+/-SD) 36.0+/-11.3 years. An anonymous questionnaire included motion sickness rating (1=OK to 6=Vomiting), Motion Sickness Susceptibility Questionnaire (MSSQ), anti-motion sickness medication, prior Zero-G experience, anxiety level, and other characteristics. RESULTS Participants had lower MSSQ percentile scores 27.4+/-28.0 than the population norm of 50. Motion sickness was experienced by 33% and 12% vomited. Less motion sickness was predicted by older age, greater prior Zero-G flight experience, medication with scopolamine, lower MSSQ scores, but not gender nor anxiety. Sickness ratings in fliers pre-treated with scopolamine (1.81+/-1.58) were lower than for non-medicated fliers (2.93+/-2.16), and incidence of vomiting in fliers using scopolamine treatment was reduced by half to a third. Possible confounding factors including age, sex, flight experience, MSSQ, could not account for this. CONCLUSION Motion sickness affected one third of Zero-G fliers, despite being intrinsically less motion sickness susceptible compared to the general population. Susceptible individuals probably try to avoid such a provocative environment. Risk factors for motion sickness included younger age and higher MSSQ scores. Protective factors included prior Zero-G flight experience (habituation) and anti-motion sickness medication.
We will be presenting the following practical proposal that will consist of two sessions implemented with different courses of Secondary Education (ESO) of the Colegio Círculo Católico (Catholic School Group), located in the city of Burgos. Each session lasts 55 minutes. These sessions focus on the morphology of the Spanish language. Its design has been carried out by keeping in mind the theoretical basis of the communicative approach and cooperative learning.
Nowadays it is still difficult to perform an early and accurate diagnosis of dementia, therefore many research focus on the finding of new dementia biomarkers that can aid in that purpose. So scientists try to find a noninvasive, rapid, and relatively inexpensive procedures for early diagnosis purpose. Several studies demonstrated that the utilization of spectroscopic techniques, such as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy could be an useful and accurate procedure to diagnose dementia. As several biochemical mechanisms related to neurodegeneration and dementia can lead to changes in plasma components and others peripheral body fluids, blood-based samples and spectroscopic analyses can be used as a more simple and less invasive technique. This work is intended to confirm some of the hypotheses of previous studies in which FTIR was used in the study of plasma samples of possible patient with AD and respective controls and verify the reproducibility of this spectroscopic technique in the analysis of such samples. Through the spectroscopic analysis combined with multivariate analysis it is possible to discriminate controls and demented samples and identify key spectroscopic differences between these two groups of samples which allows the identification of metabolites altered in this disease. It can be concluded that there are three spectral regions, 3500-2700 cm -1, 1800-1400 cm-1 and 1200-900 cm-1 where it can be extracted relevant spectroscopic information. In the first region, the main conclusion that is possible to take is that there is an unbalance between the content of saturated and unsaturated lipids. In the 1800-1400 cm-1 region it is possible to see the presence of protein aggregates and the change in protein conformation for highly stable parallel β-sheet. The last region showed the presence of products of lipid peroxidation related to impairment of membranes, and nucleic acids oxidative damage. FTIR technique and the information gathered in this work can be used in the construction of classification models that may be used for the diagnosis of cognitive dysfunction.
We extend some previous existence results for quenching type parabolic problems involving a negative power of the unknown in the equation to the case of merely integrable initial data. We show that L1 Ω is the suitable framework to obtain the continuous dependence with respect to some norm of the initial datum; This way we answer to the question raised by several authors in the previous literature. We also show the complete quenching phenomena for such a L1-initial datum.
This work is devoted to creating an abstract framework for the study of certain spectral properties of parabolic systems. Specifically, we determine under which general conditions to expect the presence of absolutely continuous spectral measures. We use these general conditions to derive results for spectral properties of time-changes of unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces of semisimple groups regarding absolutely continuous spectrum as well as maximal spectral type; the time-changes of the horocycle flow are special cases of this general category of flows. In addition we use the general conditions to derive spectral results for twisted horocycle flows and to rederive spectral results for skew products over translations and Furstenberg transformations.
This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.
Tesi hau Solarus AB enpresaren konzentratzailedun eguzki kolektore fotovoltaiko termikoei (C-PVT) buruz doa eta bi helburu nagusi ditu. Lehena Solarus-eko oraingo diseinuaren alderaketak diseinatzea da, MaReCo (Maximum Reflector Collector) diseinuaren eta parabola puruaren alderaketa batzuekin batera. Diseinu hauetan eguzki zelulen ebaketa berriak daude barruan eta 4 busbar-eko eguzki zeluletan oinarritua dago. Honi esker analisi sakon bat egin ahalko da hargailu eta estruktura diseinuak konparatuz. Bigarren helburua Solarus AB-k Gävleko unibertsitatean (HiG) kokaturik dituen kolektoreen errendimendu elektriko eta termikoa aztertzean datza. Datuak simulazio eta software espezifikoen bidez lortu dira eta ondoren Microsoft Excel®-en aztertu. Bi proiektu txikiagoak egin dira ere enpresan, bata eguzki kolektore fotovoltaiko termikoen merkatuaren ikerketan datza eta bestea eguzki kolektoreen produkzio prozesuaren gida batean. Hargailuen eta estrukturaren diseinu berriak preparatuta utzi dira prototipoen hurreneko eraikuntzarako eta proiektuarekin jarraitzeko etorkizuneko lan bat planeatu da. Unibertsitateko instalakuntzaren analisiari dagokionez, errendimendu elektriko eta termikoa estimatuena baino nabarmenki txikiagoak izan dira.
Abstrac: Today our society is constantly facing the need to adapt to a globalized world; ever changing life styles increase social differences; this circumstance leads to critical situations such as: extreme poverty, undernourishment, the need of a dignified life, shelter, clothing and labor; elements that become obstacles in building a culture of peace. Among the multiplicity of activities that contribute to peace; we will focus on highlighting the importance of sport as a bond of peace in which human beings find the ability to live and coexist peacefully. Considering including education for peace through sports, as it is a global medium that is not distinguished among cultures and which can be achieved with study, practice and internalization of values, lifestyles and education, would mean building a sense of enduring peace in our daily lives. En la actualidad nuestra sociedad se enfrenta constantemente a la necesidad de adaptación en un mundo globalizado; los cambios de ritmos de vida y el crecimiento de las diferencias sociales, son circunstancias que han generado situaciones críticas como la pobreza extrema, desnutrición, necesidad de una vida digna, vivienda, vestido y trabajo, elementos que se convierten en obstáculos en la construcción de una cultura de paz. Dentro de la multiplicidad de actividades que contribuyen a la paz, nos centraremos en destacar la relevancia del deporte como vínculo de paz en el que los seres humanos encuentran esa capacidad de vivir y convivir pacíficamente. Consideramos incluso la educación para la paz a través de los deportes, ya que son un medio global que no distingue entre culturas y que se puede lograr con el estudio, la práctica y la interiorización de valores, estilos de vida y educación, con lo cual estaríamos construyendo una idea de paz perdurable en nuestra vida diaria.
Nel primo capitolo si riporta il principio del massimo per operatori ellittici. Sarà considerato, in un primo momento, l'operatore di Laplace e, successivamente, gli operatori ellittici del secondo ordine, per i quali si dimostrerà anche il principio del massimo di Hopf. Nel secondo capitolo si affronta il principio del massimo per operatori parabolici e lo si utilizza per dimostrare l'unicità delle soluzioni di problemi ai valori al contorno.
We show that a set of fundamental solutions to the parabolic heat equation, with each element in the set corresponding to a point source located on a given surface with the number of source points being dense on this surface, constitute a linearly independent and dense set with respect to the standard inner product of square integrable functions, both on lateral- and time-boundaries. This result leads naturally to a method of numerically approximating solutions to the parabolic heat equation denoted a method of fundamental solutions (MFS). A discussion around convergence of such an approximation is included.