436 resultados para palate


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Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) in the head and neck region are malignant lymphoid neoplasms that usually originate from B-lymphocytic cell lines. Primary extranodal manifestations of this hematolymphoid tumor in the oral cavity are rare and involve the maxillary jaw including the palatal soft tissues, the mandible, and gingival tissues in patients between 60 and 70 years of age without sex predilection. This case report of an extra-nodal NHL in the palate of a 75-year-old patient emphasizes the importance of accurate clinical, radiographic, and histologic diagnostic procedures to avoid delayed diagnosis or inappropriate treatment strategies. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a combination of the two with a regular clinical and hemic follow-up is recommended.


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OBJECTIVE: Myofibroblasts are responsible for contraction and scarring after cleft palate repair. This leads to growth disturbances in the upper jaw. We hypothesized that cells from the bone marrow are recruited to palatal wounds and differentiate into myofibroblasts. METHODS: We transplanted bone marrow from green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic rats into lethally irradiated wild-type rats. After recovery, experimental wounds were made in the palatal mucoperiosteum, and harvested 2 weeks later. GFP-expressing cells were identified using immunostaining. Myofibroblasts, activated fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and myeloid cells were quantified with specific markers. RESULTS: After transplantation, 89 ± 8.9% of mononuclear cells in the blood expressed the GFP and about 50% of adherent cells in the bone marrow. Tissue obtained during initial wounding contained only minor numbers of GFP-positive cells, like adjacent control tissue. Following wound healing, 8.1 ± 5.1% of all cells in the wound area were positive, and 5.0 ± 4.0% of the myofibroblasts, which was significantly higher than in adjacent tissue. Similar percentages were found for activated fibroblasts and endothelial cells, but for myeloid cells it was considerably higher (22 ± 9%). CONCLUSIONS: Bone marrow-derived cells contribute to palatal wound healing, but are not the main source of myofibroblasts. In small wounds, the local precursor cells are probably sufficient to replenish the defect.


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BACKGROUND: Most prevalence studies on oral leukoplakia (OL) in China have been published in the Chinese language. The present review on the literature in Chinese aimed at making the data available to colleagues who are not familiar with the Chinese language. METHODS: The overall rate and 95% confidence interval of OL were calculated using Excel 2003. RESULTS: Overall prevalence of OL was 9.18% (95%CI = 9.06-9.30%). Gender ratio of prevalence was 8.03:1 (males/females). Prevalence was high in age groups over 40 years with the highest in the group aged 60-69 years (21.04%, 95%CI = 19.95-22.13%). The buccal mucosa was most commonly affected (47.08%, 95%CI = 46.52-47.64%), followed by lip (39.09%), palate (9.85%), gingiva (1.80%), and tongue (1.46%). The prevalence in smokers was 23.43% and in non-smokers 1.93%. Among three variants of smoking, the traditional Hanyan pipe smoking carried the highest risk for the development of OL followed by cigarette and Shuiyan water pipe smoking. The rate of alcohol drinkers with OL was 54.50% and 22.21% in individuals without OL. No case of oral cancer was found in six surveys. CONCLUSIONS: The present data on the prevalence of OL in China are comparable to those in other parts of the world. Some traditional smoking habits, however, are particular to certain regions of China.


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Morphea is a cutaneous disorder characterized by an excessive collagen deposition. While in almost all cases the sclerosing process exclusively affects the skin, there are anecdotal cases in which associated mucosal involvement has been described. We here report the case of a woman developing a whitish indurated plaque over the left upper vestibular mucosa and hard palate leading to dental mobility and exposure of the roots of several teeth. Cone beam computed tomography of the left maxilla showed bone resorption involving the upper cuspid to the second molar region with widened periodontal ligament spaces, while light microscopy studies demonstrated epithelial atrophy and fibrosis of the dermis extending into the submucosa with hyalinization of subepithelial collagen. Our observation expands the spectrum of clinical presentations of morphea and provides the first example of isolated oral morphea. Its recognition is important to avoid significant local complications.


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Consumption of tobacco can result not only in a multitude of different general health problems like carcinoma of the lung, ischaemic cardiac diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, stroke, chronic-obstructive pulmonary diseases or peptic ulcers, but also in pathologic lesions of the oral mucosa. Benign oral lesions from smoking or consumption of smokeless tobacco are the so-called smoker's palate and smoker's melanosis. On the other hand, tobacco-associated lesions like oral leukoplakia or oral squamous cell carcinoma are already potentially life-threatening diseases that in general require active treatment. The following review article will present and discuss the typical lesions of the oral mucosa that result from chronic tobacco consumption. The aim of this article is to demonstrate dental health care providers the needs and benefits of tobacco use cessation in a dental setting, especially regarding stomatologic sequelae and consequences. The present article is the first in a series of articles from the Swiss task force "Smoking - Intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine".


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Natal teeth have been defined as teeth which are present at birth, while neonatal teeth erupt during the first 30 days. Their occurrence is rare, the prevalence ranges from 1:2000 to 1:3000 with a higher frequency in the lip and palate clefts and syndroms. In about 85% natal or neonatal teeth are lower central incisors (60% in pairs), rare are upper teeth, molars and multiple teeth. In almost 90% they are part of the deciduous dentition. A lot of possible causes of early eruption are discussed, but only the relation to hereditary factors seems to be evident. An autosomal dominant trait is often described. The appearance of these teeth is dependent on the degree of maturity, but most of the time it is loose, small, discoloured and hypoplastic. Histologically, enamel hypoplasia with normal prism structure is apparent. No significant disturbances of the dentin structures are observed, only cervically dentin becomes atubular with spaces and enclosed cells. A large vascular pulp and failure of root formation are further investigations. Our microhardness measurements showed values from 24.3-32.4 KHN for enamel and 48.3-62.2 KHN for dentin, while normal deciduous teeth have an enamel hardness of 322.0 +/- 17.5 KHN. The thickness of enamel was never more than 280 microm compared to up to 1200 microm in normal teeth. This shows the retarded development of natal and neonatal teeth, because mineralization has not finished at the time of birth. In accordance with developmental age tooth structure and appearence are normal. In consideration of complications as Riga-Fede-disease, feeding problems, possibility of infection and hypermobility most of the time extraction is the treatment of choice, but in the interest of protecting the child this decision should be made carefully.


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Velopharyngeal insufficiency in cleft patients with muscular insufficiency detected by nasendoscopy is commonly treated by secondary radical intravelar veloplasty, in which the palatal muscles are reoriented and positioned backwards. The dead space between the retro-displaced musculature and the posterior borders of the palatal bone remains problematic. Postoperatively, the surgically achieved lengthening of the soft palate often diminishes due to scar tissue formation in the dead space, leading to reattachment of the reoriented muscles to the palatal bone and to decreased mobility of the soft palate. To avoid this, the dead space should be restored by a structure imitating the function of the missing palatal aponeurosis. The entire dead space was covered using a double layer of autogenous fascia lata harvested from the lateral thigh, which should allow sufficient and permanent sliding of the retro-positioned musculature. A clinical case of a 9-year-old boy who underwent the operation is reported. Postoperatively, marked functional improvements were observable in speech assessment, nasendoscopy and nasometry. The case reported here suggests that the restoration of the dead space may be beneficial for effective secondary palatal repair. Fascia lata seems to be a suitable graft for this purpose.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of secondary functional cheilorhinoplasty of residual lip and nasal deformities caused by muscular deficiency in cleft patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: During a 4-year period, 31 patients underwent cheilorhinoplasty, including complete reopening of the cleft borders and differentiated mimic muscle reorientation. In 21 patients, remarkable residual clefts of the anterior palate were also closed. Simultaneous alveolar bone grafting was performed in 15 patients. The minimum follow-up was 1 year. Cosmetic features evaluated were spontaneous facial appearance and changes in position of the nasal floor and the philtrum. The width of the alar base was measured. For functional outcomes, deficiency during mimic movements was evaluated, using standardized photographs taken preoperatively and postoperatively. The final results, judged according to defined criteria with several clinical factors, were compared. RESULTS: Cosmetic and functional improvement was achieved in all patients. In young patients (aged 4 to 9 years), the improvements were noteworthy. There were no differences in outcomes between the groups with and without simultaneous grafting, except for unilateral cases with minor muscular deficiency, in whom bone grafting before cheilorhinoplasty led to better results. CONCLUSION: In cases of major muscular deficiency, early cheilorhinoplasty should be performed at age 7 years, without waiting for the usual timing of bone grafting. In minor and moderate cases, the operation can ideally be done in combination with bone grafting.


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AIMS: To assess rates of periodontal disease progression in subjects with cleft lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP) over a 25-year period without regular maintenance care in a specialist setting and to compare those with those of subjects without alveolar clefts, i.e. cleft lip (CL) or cleft palate (CP). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten subjects with CLAP and 10 subjects with CL/CP were examined in 1979, 1987, 1993 and 2004. Probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), bleeding on probing (BoP) and plaque control record (PCR) scores were recorded in all 20 subjects. RESULTS: High plaque and BoP scores were recorded at all examinations in both groups. Over 25 years, a statistically significant loss of mean full-mouth CAL of 1.52 +/- 0.12 mm (SD) and 1.66 +/- 0.15 mm occurred in the CLAP and CL/CP group respectively (p<0.05). A statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in mean full-mouth PPD of 0.35 +/- 0.12 mm was observed in the CL/CP group, whereas only a trend for a mean full-mouth increase in PPD of 0.09 +/- 0.11 mm was observed in the CLAP group. In subjects with CLAP, a statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in PPD of 0.92 +/- 1.13 mm at cleft sites was observed compared with that of 0.17 +/- 0.76 mm at control sites. With respect to CAL, the loss at the corresponding sites amounted to 2.71 +/- 1.46 and to 2.27 +/- 1.62 mm, respectively (p=0.36). CONCLUSIONS: When stringent and well-defined supportive periodontal therapy was not provided, subjects with orofacial clefts were at high risk for periodontal disease progression. Over 25 years, alveolar cleft sites tended to have more periodontal tissue destruction compared with control sites.


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The patent nasopalatine duct is a rare anomaly in the anterior maxilla. During the early fetal period, a bilateral and epithelium-lined duct is formed within the primary palatal process as an oro-nasal communication. However, the duct obliterates and degenerates before birth. A persisting patent or through-and-through nasoplatine duct is therefore considered a developmental anomaly. A patent nasopalatine duct normally presents as one (or two) tiny openings lateral or posterior to the incisive papilla. In such a case, the ducts can be partially or completely probed with gutta-percha points with subsequent radiographic imaging. The patients report strange sensations such as squeaking noise, palatal drainage, nasal regurgitation, or airway communication between nasal and oral cavities; however, patients rarely complain about pain. About 40 cases have been documented in the literature. We describe two patients who have been referred to our department for evaluation of "sinus tracts" in the anterior palate. Since a patent nasopalatine duct can become a diagnostic pitfall, a thorough inspection of the mucosa around the incisive papilla is essential to avoid unnecessary endodontic or surgical interventions in the area of the central maxillary incisors.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess retrospectively, over at least 5 years, the incidences of technical and biological complications and failures in young adult patients with birth defects affecting the formation of teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All insurance cases with a birth defect that had crowns and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) inserted more than 5 years ago were contacted and asked to participate in a reexamination. RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 19.3 years (range 16.6-24.7 years) when prosthetic treatment was initiated. Over the median observation period of 15.7 years (range 7.4-24.9 years) and considering the treatment needs at the reexamination, 19 out of 33 patients (58%) with reconstructions on teeth remained free from all failures or complications. From the patients with FDPs and single unit crowns (SCs) on implants followed over a median observation period of 8 years (range 4.6-15.3 years), eight out of 17% or 47% needed a retreatment or repair at some point due to a failure or a complication. From the three groups of patients, the cases with amelogenesis/dentinogenesis imperfecta demonstrated the highest failure and complication rates. In the cases with cleft lip, alveolus and palate (CLAP) or hypodontia/oligodontia, 71% of the SCs and 73% of the FDPs on teeth (FDP T) remained complication free over a median observation period of about 16 years. Sixty-two percent of the SCs and 64% of the FDPs on implants remained complication free over 8 years. Complications occurred earlier with implant-supported reconstructions. CONCLUSIONS: Because healthy, pristine teeth can be left unprepared, implant-supported SCs and FDPs are the treatment choice in young adults with birth defects resulting in tooth agenesis and in whom the edentulous spaces cannot be closed by means of orthodontic therapy. However, the trend for earlier and more frequent complications with implant-supported reconstructions in young adults, expecting many years of function with the reconstructions, has to be weighed against the benefits of keeping teeth unprepared. In cases with CLAP in which anatomical conditions render implant placement difficult and in which teeth adjacent to the cleft require esthetic corrections, the conventional FDP T still remains the treatment of choice.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess retrospectively the cumulative costs for the long-term oral rehabilitation of patients with birth defects affecting the development of teeth. METHODS: Patients with birth defects who had received fixed reconstructions on teeth and/or implants > or =5 years ago were asked to participate in a comprehensive clinical, radiographic and economic evaluation. RESULTS: From the 45 patients included, 18 were cases with a cleft lip and palate, five had amelogenesis/dentinogenesis imperfecta and 22 were cases with hypodontia/oligodontia. The initial costs for the first oral rehabilitation (before the age of 20) had been covered by the Swiss Insurance for Disability. The costs for the initial rehabilitation of the 45 cases amounted to 407,584 CHF (39% for laboratory fees). Linear regression analyses for the initial treatment costs per replaced tooth revealed the formula 731 CHF+(811 CHF x units) on teeth and 3369 CHF+(1183 CHF x units) for reconstructions on implants (P<.001). Fifty-eight percent of the patients with tooth-supported reconstructions remained free from failures/complications (median observation 15.7 years). Forty-seven percent of the patients with implant-supported reconstructions remained free from failures/complications (median observation 8 years). The long-term cumulative treatment costs for implant cases, however, were not statistically significantly different compared with cases reconstructed with tooth-supported fixed reconstructions. Twenty-seven percent of the initial treatment costs were needed to cover supportive periodontal therapy as well as the treatment of technical/biological complications and failures. CONCLUSION: Insurance companies should accept to cover implant-supported reconstructions because there is no need to prepare healthy teeth, fewer tooth units need to be replaced and the cumulative long-term costs seem to be similar compared with cases restored on teeth.


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A 28-week-old sheep was presented at the animal hospital because of chronic emaciation, anemia and slight diarrhea. Due to poor general condition and bad prognosis the animal was euthanized and submitted for postmortem investigation. Multiple erosions and ulcerations were found in the dorsal region of the tongue, the pharynx, the hard palate, in the esophagus and the ruminal pillars. Histologically, these lesions consisted of necrosuppurative inflammation. The animal was tested positive for pestivirus antigen both by immunohistochemical and by virological examination (cell culture, antigen capture ELISA and RT-PCR). A non-cytopathic Border Disease Virus was identified, and sequencing revealed a virus belonging to the BDV-3 cluster. Based on the macroscopical, histological, immunohistological and virological results this case was diagnosed as Border Disease with mucosal lesions. This is the first report of such a case in Switzerland.


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INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to examine the overall success of miniscrews inserted in the paramedian palatal region for support of various appliances during orthodontic treatment. METHODS The patients received 1 or 2 miniscrews in the paramedian anterior palate of 8.0-mm length and 1.6-mm diameter placed during orthodontic treatment by the same experienced orthodontist. RESULTS In total, 196 patients (121 girls, 75 boys; median age, 11.7; interquartile range, 3.7) who received 384 miniscrews were evaluated. Two hundred four miniscrews were used with rapid palatal expansion appliances, 136 with appliances for distalization of posterior teeth, and 44 with other appliances, such as transpalatal arches for tooth stabilization. The overall survival of the miniscrews was excellent (97.9%) in the cases examined. Cox regression analysis showed no difference in the overall survival rates of miniscrews loaded with different appliances for sex (hazard ratio, 0.95; 95% confidence interval, 0.71-1.27; P = 0.73) after adjusting for appliance and age. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that miniscrews placed in the paramedian anterior palate for supporting various orthodontic appliances have excellent survival.


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BACKGROUND: General anesthesia in adult humans is associated with narrowing or complete closure of the pharyngeal airway. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of progressive mandibular advancement on pharyngeal airway size in normal adults during intravenous infusion of propofol for anesthesia. METHODS: Magnetic resonance imaging was performed in nine normal adults during wakefulness and during propofol anesthesia. A commercially available intraoral appliance was used to manually advance the mandible. Images were obtained during wakefulness without the appliance and during anesthesia with the participants wearing the appliance under three conditions: without mandibular advancement, advancement to 50% maximum voluntary advancement, and maximum advancement. Using computer software, airway area and maximum anteroposterior and lateral airway diameters were measured on the axial images at the level of the soft palate, uvula, tip of the epiglottis, and base of the epiglottis. RESULTS: Airway area across all four airway levels decreased during anesthesia without mandibular advancement compared with airway area during wakefulness (P < 0.007). Across all levels, airway area at 50% advancement during anesthesia was less than that at centric occlusion during wakefulness (P = 0.06), but airway area with maximum advancement during anesthesia was similar to that during wakefulness (P = 0.64). In general, anteroposterior and lateral airway diameters during anesthesia without mandibular advancement were decreased compared with wakefulness and were restored to their wakefulness values with 50% and/or maximal advancement. CONCLUSIONS: Maximum mandibular advancement during propofol anesthesia is required to restore the pharyngeal airway to its size during wakefulness in normal adults.