420 resultados para palatal obturators


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The aim of this study was to assess the effect of bracket type on the labiopalatal moments generated by lingual and conventional brackets. Incognito™ lingual brackets (3M Unitek), STb™ lingual brackets (Light Lingual System; ORMCO), In-Ovation L lingual brackets (DENTSPLY GAC), and conventional 0.018 inch slot brackets (Gemini; 3M Unitek) were bonded on identical maxillary acrylic resin models with levelled and aligned teeth. Each model was mounted on the orthodontic measurement and simulation system and 10 0.0175 × 0.0175 TMA wires were used for each bracket type. The wire was ligated with elastomerics into the Incognito, STb, and conventional brackets and each measurement was repeated once after religation. A 15 degrees buccal root torque (+15 degrees) and then a 15 degrees palatal root torque (-15 degrees) were gradually applied to the right central incisor bracket. After each activation, the bracket returned to its initial position and the moments in the sagittal plane were recorded during these rotations of the bracket. One-way analysis of variance with post hoc multiple comparisons (Tukey test at 0.05 error rate) was conducted to assess the effect on bracket type on the generated moments. The magnitude of maximum moment at +15 degrees ranged 8.8, 8.2, 7.1, and 5.8 Nmm for the Incognito, STb, conventional Gemini, and the In-Ovation L brackets, respectively; similar values were recorded at -15 degrees: 8.6, 8.1, 7.0, and 5.7 Nmm, respectively. The recorded differences of maximum moments were statistically significant, except between the Incognito and STb brackets. Additionally, the torque angles were evaluated at which the crown torque fell well below the minimum levels of 5.0 Nmm, as well as the moment/torque ratio at the last part of the activation/deactivation curve, between 10 and 15 degrees. The lowest torque expression was observed at the self-ligating lingual brackets, followed by the conventional brackets. The Incognito and STb lingual brackets generated the highest moments.


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In complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (CLP), a vomerplasty is assumed to improve midfacial growth because of the reduction in scarring in the growth-sensitive areas of the palate. Our aim, therefore, was to evaluate maxillofacial morphology after a modified Langenbeck technique or a vomerplasty in children with complete unilateral CLP who were operated on by a single surgeon. As part of a one-stage closure of complete unilateral CLP done during the first year of life, the technique for repair of the hard palate repair differed between the two groups. In the modified group (n=37, mean age 11 years) a modified von Langenbeck technique was used that resulted in denudation of the bony surface on the non-cleft side only. In the vomerplasty group (n=37, mean age 11 years) a vomerplasty was used to cover the palatal bone. Lateral cephalograms from both groups were compared using the Eurocleft protocol. Fourteen angular variables were measured and 2 ratios calculated. Skeletal morphology in the groups was comparable. Maxillary incisor inclination (ILs/NL angle) and interincisal angle (ILs/ILi) were better after vomerplasty (p=0.001 and 0.04, respectively) but soft tissue facial convexity (gs-prn-pgs) was less good after vomerplasty (p=0.009). However, there was no difference between the groups in the other variable that reflected facial convexity (gs-sn-pgs) (p=0.22). Modification of the palatoplasty had a limited effect on skeletal morphology in preadolescent children, but it resulted in better inclination of the maxillary incisors.


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PURPOSE The anterior maxilla, sometimes also called premaxilla, is an area frequently requiring surgical interventions. The objective of this observational study was to identify and assess accessory bone channels other than the nasopalatine canal in the anterior maxilla using limited cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). METHODS A total of 176 cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria comprising region of interest, quality of CBCT image, and absence of pathologic lesions or retained teeth. Any bone canal with a minimum diameter of 1.00 mm other than the nasopalatine canal was analyzed regarding size, location, and course, as well as patient gender and age. RESULTS A total of 67 accessory canals ≥1.00 mm were found in 49 patients (27.8%). A higher frequency of accessory canals was observed in males (33.0%) than in females (22.7%) (p = 0.130). Accessory canals occurred more frequently in older rather than younger patients (p = 0.115). The mean diameter of accessory canals was 1.31 ± 0.26 mm (range 1.01-2.13 mm). Gender and age did not significantly influence the diameter. Accessory canals were found palatal to all anterior teeth, but most frequently palatal to the central incisors. In 56.7%, the accessory canals curved superolaterally and communicated with the ipsilateral alveolar extension of the canalis sinuosus. CONCLUSIONS The study confirms the presence of bone channels within the anterior maxilla other than the nasopalatine canal. More than half of these accessory bone canals communicated with the canalis sinuosus. From a clinical perspective, studies are needed to determine the content of these accessory canals.


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The present study reports on the surgical and prosthodontic rehabilitation of 46 patients, 31 male and 15 female, after resection of oral tumors. The treatment was carried out from 2004 to 2007 at the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Bern, with a follow-up time of 3 to 6 years. The average age at diagnosis was 54 years. 76% of all tumors were squamous cell carcinoma, followed by adenocarcinoma. Resection of the tumors including soft and/or hard tissues was performed in all patients. 80% of them additionally underwent radiotherapy and 40% chemotherapy. A full block resection of the mandible was perfomed in 23 patients, and in 10 patients, the tumor resection resulted in an oronasal communication. 29 patients underwent grafting procedures, mostly consisting of a free fibula flap transplant. To enhance the prosthetic treatment outcome and improve the prosthesis stability, a total of 114 implants were placed. However, 14 implants were not loaded because they failed during the healing period or the patient could not complete the final treatment with the prostheses. The survival rate of the implants reached 84.2% after 4 to 5 years. Many patients were only partially dentate before the tumors were detected, and further teeth had to be extracted in the course of the tumor therapy. Altogether, 31 jaws became or remained edentulous. Implants provide stability and may facilitate the adaptation to the denture, but their survival rate was compromised. Mostly, patients were fitted with removable prostheses with obturators in the maxilla and implant-supported complete dentures with bars in the mandible. Although sequelae of tumor resection are similar in many patients, the individual intermaxillary relations, facial morphology and functional capacity vary significantly. Thus, individual management is required for prosthetic rehabilitation.


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To assess the prevalence of tooth wear on buccal/facial and lingual/palatal tooth surfaces and identify related risk factors in a sample of young European adults, aged 18-35 years. Calibrated and trained examiners measured tooth wear, using the basic erosive wear examination (BEWE) on in 3187 patients in seven European countries and assessed the impact of risk factors with a previously validated questionnaire. Each individual was characterized by the highest BEWE score recorded for any scoreable surface. Bivariate analyses examined the proportion of participants who scored 2 or 3 in relation to a range of demographic, dietary and oral care variables. The highest tooth wear BEWE score was 0 for 1368 patients (42.9%), 1 for 883 (27.7%), 2 for 831 (26.1%) and 3 for 105 (3.3%). There were large differences between different countries with the highest levels of tooth wear observed in the UK. Important risk factors for tooth wear included heartburn or acid reflux, repeated vomiting, residence in rural areas, electric tooth brushing and snoring. We found no evidence that waiting after breakfast before tooth brushing has any effect on the degree of tooth wear (p=0.088). Fresh fruit and juice intake was positively associated with tooth wear. In this adult sample 29% had signs of tooth wear making it a common presenting feature in European adults.


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PURPOSE To investigate the adequacy of potential sites for insertion of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs) in the anterior alveolar region (delimited by the first premolars) through a systematic review of studies that used computed tomography (CT) or cone beam CT (CBCT) to assess anatomical hard tissue parameters, such as bone thickness, available space, and bone density. MATERIALS AND METHODS MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched to identify all relevant papers published between 1980 and September 2011. An extensive search strategy was performed that included the key words "computerized (computed) tomography" and "mini-implants." Information was extracted from the eligible articles for three anatomical areas: maxillary anterior buccal, maxillary anterior palatal, and mandibular anterior buccal. Quantitative data obtained for each anatomical variable under study were evaluated qualitatively with a scoring system. RESULTS Of the 790 articles identified by the search, 8 were eligible to be included in the study. The most favorable area for OMI insertion in the anterior maxilla (buccally and palatally) and mandible is between the canine and the first premolar. The best alternative area in the maxilla (buccally) and the mandible is between the lateral incisor and the canine, while in the maxillary palatal area it is between the central incisors or between the lateral incisor and the canine. CONCLUSIONS Although there is considerable heterogeneity among studies, there is a good level of agreement regarding the optimal site for OMI placement in the anterior region among investigations of anatomical hard tissue parameters based on CT or CBCT scans. In this context, the area between the lateral incisor and the first premolar is the most favorable. However, interroot distance seems to be a critical factor that should be evaluated carefully.


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BACKGROUND: Autofluorescence imaging is used widely for diagnostic evaluation of various epithelial malignancies. Cancerous lesions display loss of autofluorescence due to malignant changes in epithelium and subepithelial stroma. Carcinoma of unknown primary site presents with lymph node or distant metastasis, for which the site of primary tumour is not detectable. We describe here the use of autofluorescence imaging for detecting a clinically innocuous appearing occult malignancy of the palate which upon pathological examination was consistent with a metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. CASE DESCRIPTION: A submucosal nodule was noted on the right posterior hard palate of a 59-year-old white female during clinical examination. Examination of this lesion using a multispectral oral cancer screening device revealed loss of autofluorescence at 405 nm illumination. An excisional biopsy of this nodule, confirmed the presence of a metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. Four years ago, this patient was diagnosed with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the right mid-jugular lymph node of unknown primary. She was treated with external beam irradiation and remained disease free until current presentation. CONCLUSION: This case illustrates the important role played by autofluorescence tissue imaging in diagnosing a metastatic palatal tumour that appeared clinically innocuous and otherwise would not have been biopsied.


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The purpose of this long-term follow-up study was twofold-firstly, to assess prevalence of relapse after treatment of deep bite malocclusion and secondly, to identify risk factors that predispose patients with deep bite malocclusion to relapse. Sixty-one former patients with overbite more than 50% incisor overlap before treatment were successfully recalled. Clinical data, morphometrical measurements on plaster casts before treatment, after treatment and at long-term follow-up, as well as cephalometric measurements before and after treatment were collected. The median follow-up period was 11.9 years. Patients were treated by various treatment modalities, and the majority of patients received at least a lower fixed retainer and an upper removable bite plate during retention. Relapse was defined as increase in incisor overlap from below 50% after treatment to equal or more than 50% incisor overlap at long-term follow-up. Ten per cent of the patients showed relapse to equal or larger than 50% incisor overlap, and their amount of overbite increase was low. Among all cases with deep bite at follow-up, gingival contact and palatal impingement were more prevalent in partially corrected noncompliant cases than in relapse cases. In this sample, prevalence and amount of relapse were too low to identify risk factors of relapse.


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BACKGROUND Facial appearance is important for normal psychosocial development in children with cleft lip and palate (CLP). There is conflicting evidence on how deficient maxillary growth may affect nasolabial esthetics. METHODS We retrospectively investigated nasolabial appearance in two groups, the Langenback (35 children; mean age 11.1 years; range: 7.9-13.6) and Vomerplasty (58 children; mean age 10.8 years; range: 7.8-14), who received unilateral CLP surgery by the same surgeon. The hard palate repair technique differed between the two groups. In the Langenback group, palatal bone on the non-cleft side only was left denuded, inducing scar formation and inhibiting maxillary growth. In the Vomerplasty group, a vomerplasty with tight closure of the soft tissues on the palate was applied. Thirteen lay judges rated nasolabial esthetics on photographs using a modified Asher-McDade's index. RESULTS Nasolabial esthetics in both groups was comparable (p > 0.1 for each nasolabial component). Inferior view was judged as the least esthetic component and demonstrated mean scores 3.18 (SD = 0.63) and 3.13 (SD = 0.47) in the Langenback and Vomerplasty groups, respectively. Mean scores for other components were from 2.52 (SD = 0.63) to 2.81 (SD = 0.62). Regression analysis showed that vomerplasty is related with slight improvement in the nasal profile only (coefficient B = -0.287; p = 0.043; R(2 ) = 0.096). CONCLUSIONS This study demonstrates that the use of vomerplasty instead of the Langenbeck technique is weakly associated with the nasolabial appearance among pre-adolescent patients with UCLP.


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BACKGROUND The aim of the survey was to obtain information on the treatment plan preferences, mechanics and characteristics of temporary anchorage device (TAD) application using a single case presented to orthodontists in Switzerland. METHODS A structured questionnaire to be completed by all study participants with case-specific (treatment plan including mechanics and TAD usage) and general questions (general fixed appliance and TAD usage as well as professional, educational and demographic questions) together with an orthodontic borderline case was utilised. The case was a female adult with dental Class II/2, deep bite and maxillary anterior crowing, who had been treated in childhood with extraction of four premolars and fixed appliance followed by wisdom tooth extraction. RESULTS The response rate was 24.4% (108 out of 443). The majority (96.3%, 104) proposed comprehensive treatment, while 3.7% (4) planned only alignment of maxillary teeth. 8.3% (9) included a surgical approach in their treatment plan. An additional 0.9% (1) combined the surgical approach with Class II mechanics. 75.1% (81) decided on distalization on the maxilla using TADs, 7.4% (8) planned various types of Class II appliances and 3.7% (4) combined distalization using TADs or headgear with Class II appliances and surgery. Palatal implants were the most popular choice (70.6%, 60), followed by mini-screws (22.4%, 19) and mini-plates on the infrazygomatic crests (7.0%, 6). The preferred site of TAD insertion showed more variation in sagittal than in transversal dimension, and the median size of mini-screws used was 10.0-mm long (interquartile range (IQR) 2.3 mm) and 2.0-mm wide (IQR 0.3 mm). CONCLUSIONS Distalization against palatal implants and then distalization against mini-screws were the most popular treatment plans. Preferred site for TAD insertion varied depending on type and size but varied more widely in the sagittal than in the transversal dimension.


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OBJECTIVE To compare the archwires inserted during the final stages of the orthodontic treatment with the generated moments at 0.018- and 0.022-inch brackets. MATERIALS AND METHODS The same bracket type, in terms of prescription, was evaluated in both slot dimensions. The brackets were bonded on two identical maxillary acrylic resin models, and each model was mounted on the orthodontic measurement and simulation system. Ten 0.017 × 0.025-inch TMA and ten 0.017 × 0.025-inch stainless steel archwires were evaluated in the 0.018-inch brackets. In the 0.022-inch brackets, ten 0.019 × 0.025-inch TMA and ten 0.019 × 0.025-inch stainless steel archwires were measured. A 15° buccal root torque (+15°) and then a 15° palatal root torque (-15°) were gradually applied to the right central incisor bracket, and the moments were recorded at these positions. A t-test was conducted to compare the generated moments between wires within the 0.018- and 0.022-inch bracket groups separately. RESULTS The 0.017 × 0.025-inch archwire in the 0.018-inch brackets generated mean moments of 9.25 Nmm and 14.2 Nmm for the TMA and stainless steel archwires, respectively. The measured moments in the 0.022-inch brackets with the 0.019 × 0.025-inch TMA and stainless steel archwires were 6.6 Nmm and 9.3 Nmm, respectively. CONCLUSION The 0.017 × 0.025-inch stainless steel and β-Ti archwires in the 0.018-inch slot generated higher moments than the 0.019 × 0.025-inch archwires because of lower torque play. This difference is exaggerated in steel archwires, in comparison with the β-Ti, because of differences in stiffness. The differences of maximum moments between the archwires of the same cross-section but different alloys were statistically significant at both slot dimensions.


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AIM To provide an overview on the biology and soft tissue wound healing around teeth and dental implants. MATERIAL AND METHODS This narrative review focuses on cell biology and histology of soft tissue wounds around natural teeth and dental implants. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The available data indicate that: (a) Oral wounds follow a similar pattern. (b) The tissue specificities of the gingival, alveolar and palatal mucosa appear to be innately and not necessarily functionally determined. (c) The granulation tissue originating from the periodontal ligament or from connective tissue originally covered by keratinized epithelium has the potential to induce keratinization. However, it also appears that deep palatal connective tissue may not have the same potential to induce keratinization as the palatal connective tissue originating from an immediately subepithelial area. (d) Epithelial healing following non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy appears to be completed after a period of 7–14 days. Structural integrity of a maturing wound between a denuded root surface and a soft tissue flap is achieved at approximately 14-days post-surgery. (e) The formation of the biological width and maturation of the barrier function around transmucosal implants requires 6–8 weeks of healing. (f) The established peri-implant soft connective tissue resembles a scar tissue in composition, fibre orientation, and vasculature. (g) The peri-implant junctional epithelium may reach a greater final length under certain conditions such as implants placed into fresh extraction sockets versus conventional implant procedures in healed sites.


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INTRODUCTION The proximity of the roots of the posterior maxillary teeth to the maxillary sinus is a constant challenge to the dental practitioner. Because the majority of studies have assessed the relationship regarding molars, the present study focused on premolars. METHODS Cone-beam computed tomographic images of 192 patients were reconstructed in sagittal, coronal, and axial planes to quantify the distances between the root apices of the maxillary premolars and the adjacent maxillary sinus. Measurements were taken for each root, and data were correlated with age, sex, side, and presence of both or absence of 1 of the 2 premolars. RESULTS A total of 296 teeth (177 first and 119 second premolars) were evaluated. The mean distances from buccal roots of the first premolars to the border of the maxillary sinus in the sagittal, coronal, and axial planes ranged from 5.15 ± 2.99 to 8.28 ± 6.27 mm. From palatal roots, the mean distances ranged from 4.20 ± 3.69 to 7.17 ± 6.14 mm. The mean distances of second premolars were markedly shorter in buccal roots between 2.32 ± 2.19 and 3.28 ± 3.17 mm and in palatal roots between 2.68 ± 3.58 and 3.80 ± 3.71 mm, respectively. The frequency of a premolar root protrusion into the maxillary sinus was very low in first premolars (0%-7.2%) but higher in second premolars (2.5%-13.6%). Sex, age, side, and presence/absence of premolars failed to significantly influence the mean distances between premolar roots and the maxillary sinus. CONCLUSIONS Based on the calculated mean distances of the present study, only few premolars (and if so second premolars) would present a risk of violating the border of the maxillary sinus during conventional or surgical endodontic treatment or in case of tooth extraction.


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Necrotizing sialometaplasia (NS) is a rare and benign lesion that mostly affects the posterior hard palate. Its importance resides in its clinical and microscopic characteristics, which can closely mimic malignant neoplasias, in particular oral squamous cell carcinoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Accurate histopathologic evaluation of an incisional biopsy is considered as the diagnostic gold standard. NS lesions heal spontaneously within weeks, and no further treatment is necessary. We report a case of a bilateral palatal NS in a 22-yearold woman with bulimia, where an incisional biopsy confirmed the clinical diagnosis. The different clinical stages of the lesions from onset to resolution and the possible etiologic factors are described in detail, as well as a discussion of the differential diagnoses of palatal ulcers. When taking a biopsy from suspicious oral lesions, care has to be taken that an appropriate tissue sample is harvested, and the histopathologic analysis is performed by an experienced pathologist to establish a correct diagnosis.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of fluorescence-based methods (DIAGNOdent, LF; DIAGNOdent pen, LFpen, and VistaProof fluorescence camera, FC) in detecting demineralization and remineralization on smooth surfaces in situ. Ten volunteers wore acrylic palatal appliances, each containing 6 enamel blocks that were demineralized for 14 days by exposure to a 20% sucrose solution and 3 of them were remineralized for 7 days with fluoride dentifrice. Sixty enamel blocks were evaluated at baseline, after demineralization and 30 blocks after remineralization by two examiners using LF, LFpen and FC. They were submitted to surface microhardness (SMH) and cross-sectional microhardness analysis. The integrated loss of surface hardness (ΔKHN) was calculated. The intraclass correlation coefficient for interexaminer reproducibility ranged from 0.21 (FC) to 0.86 (LFpen). SMH, LF and LFpen values presented significant differences among the three phases. However, FC fluorescence values showed no significant differences between the demineralization and remineralization phases. Fluorescence values for baseline, demineralized and remineralized enamel were, respectively, 5.4 ± 1.0, 9.2 ± 2.2 and 7.0 ± 1.5 for LF; 10.5 ± 2.0, 15.0 ± 3.2 and 12.5 ± 2.9 for LFpen, and 1.0 ± 0.0, 1.0 ± 0.1 and 1.0 ± 0.1 for FC. SMH and ΔKHN showed significant differences between demineralization and remineralization phases. There was a negative and significant correlation between SMH and LF and LFpen in the remineralization phase. In conclusion, LF and LFpen devices were effective in detecting demineralization and remineralization on smooth surfaces provoked in situ.