801 resultados para online media


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In a world that may be described by information revolution, it is becoming more and more important to discover the diffusion of information and news in a new technological environment. We are not dependent but, more in control of receiving and forwarding information in this technology driven environment. What we can find is that in today’s interpersonal communications, even corporate communications, gossip-like information gain a more important role. Starting from the psychological notion of gossip we asked the question how gossip occurs, evolves and disperses on the internet, what the main criteria of its diffusion and how these maybe taken into service of a company. The power of gossip derives from its biological basis that is communication advantage. The “newsmonger” maybe described with good memory, being up-to-date even in non-gossip like situations. The spread of info is faster and more precise among people with similar professions or of common interest. The content of the gossip adopts to the intellectual level of its audience. We conducted multiple research methods in order to discover about the nature of gossip of corporate interest: content analyses of blogs (N=10) and forums (N=10); online in-depth interviews (N=10); and individual consumer narratives (N=100). Our research shows that companies may lead and use gossip in an online context for their own communication intentions, however, corporate presence in terms of online gossips has to fulfill requirements in order to remain acceptable: that are specific language and place, openness, being direct about expressing intention and origin. In our paper we are going to present our major results and theoretical model


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Az online marketing erősödése következtében a vállalatok a marketing költségvetésük egyre nagyobb arányát költik el erre a területre és ezzel párhuzamosan megnövekedett az igény az új eszközök hatásának mérésére is. A technikai adottságokból adódóan ugyanakkor az offline környezetben kialakított és alkalmazott mérési eljárások, illetve mutatók nem alkalmazhatóak egy az egyben az offline kampányok mérése során. A tanulmány célja, hogy az online és az offline kampányok esetében megvizsgálja és összehasonlítsa a hatékonyság és a hatásosság mérésének az elméleti megközelítésből, illetve a gyakorlati alkalmazásból eredő különbségeit. A kutatás rámutat azokra a lehetséges mérési eljárásokra, mutatórendszerre, amelyek lehetővé teszik a két csatornán elért teljesítmény integrált vizsgálatát.


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The present paper examines the political construction of ageing and conflicts between generations. The process of construction is driven not merely by institutional actors and opinion leaders in the media, but also by citizens who talk to each other about politics. In my paper I have focused on the latter by observing online discussions that appear on the political forum Index.hu. Disagreement between old people’ and ‘young people’ evolved mainly about the pension system, thus the examination of ageing constructions is embedded in this context. In spite of its numerous limits, the method used seems to be suitable for providing hypotheses for further research. In the first part of the study I present the applied theoretical approach in which the concept of stereotype is connected with the concept of social construction. After that I focus on investigating the activity, origin and contents of the stereotypes that influence the construction of ageing. In the third part of the study the components of the constructions are demonstrated.


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A vendéglátóipari egységek kommunikációjában fontos szerepe van a közösségi médiában való jelenlétnek. Hazánkban a leggyakrabban használt felület a Facebook, amely sok ilyen vállalkozás esetében kiemelt fontosságú, vagy akár az egyetlen reálisan elérhető marketingkommunikációs felület. Kutatásunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a felhasználók hogyan érzékelik a feléjük továbbított üzleti célú információkat a közösségi felületen, illetve hogy a fogyasztókra milyen mértékű aktivitás jellemző kedvenc vendéglátóipari egységük oldalán. Ennek céljából szubjektív fogyasztói narratívákat (n=151) elemzünk a kvalitatív tartalomelemzés módszertanával. A válaszadókat arra kértük, hogy írjanak kedvenc vendéglátóhelyükkel való kapcsolatukról az online térben. A "belájkolt" vendéglátóipari egységek felületeinek fogyasztók által észlelt aktivitása segítheti a vállalkozásokat abban, hogy alaptevékenységük elemeinek kommunikálásával, vagy akár ettől teljesen eltérő közösségi stratégiát használva pozicionálják márkájukat. A márkák tudatos tartalommenedzselése hozzájárulhat továbbá a felhasználók virtuális térben való hatékonyabb eléréséhez és bevonásához. ____ Presence in social media is an important element in the communication of catering establishments. The most frequently used platform in Hungary – that is extraordinarily important, or even the only reasonably accessible marketing communications platform for many catering companies – is Facebook. In our research, we analyse how users perceive the business-purposed information forwarded to them on the social media platform, and how intensive are the consumers’ activities on their most preferred catering establishment's site. For this purpose we analyse subjective consumer narratives (N=151) with the methodology of qualitative content analysis. We asked the respondents to write about the relationship with their most preferred catering establishment in the online sphere. Perceived activity of the "liked" catering establishment's platform could help enterprises to position themselves by communicating their core activities, or by using a totally different social strategy. Moreover, conscious content management of brands could contribute to reach and to engage users in the virtual sphere more efficiently.


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Distance learning is growing and transforming educational institutions. The increasing use of distance learning by higher education institutions and particularly community colleges coupled with the higher level of student attrition in online courses than in traditional classrooms suggests that increased attention should be paid to factors that affect online student course completion. The purpose of the study was to develop and validate an instrument to predict community college online student course completion based on faculty perceptions, yielding a prediction model of online course completion rates. Social Presence and Media Richness theories were used to develop a theoretically-driven measure of online course completion. This research study involved surveying 311 community college faculty who taught at least one online course in the past 2 years. Email addresses of participating faculty were provided by two south Florida community colleges. Each participant was contacted through email, and a link to an Internet survey was given. The survey response rate was 63% (192 out of 303 available questionnaires). Data were analyzed through factor analysis, alpha reliability, and multiple regression. The exploratory factor analysis using principal component analysis with varimax rotation yielded a four-factor solution that accounted for 48.8% of the variance. Consistent with Social Presence theory, the factors with their percent of variance in parentheses were: immediacy (21.2%), technological immediacy (11.0%), online communication and interactivity (10.3%), and intimacy (6.3%). Internal consistency of the four factors was calculated using Cronbach's alpha (1951) with reliability coefficients ranging between .680 and .828. Multiple regression analysis yielded a model that significantly predicted 11% of the variance of the dependent variable, the percentage of student who completed the online course. As indicated in the literature (Johnson & Keil, 2002; Newberry, 2002), Media Richness theory appears to be closely related to Social Presence theory. However, elements from this theory did not emerge in the factor analysis.


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The arrival of Cuba’s Information Technology (IT) and Communications Minister Ramiro Valdés to Venezuela in the Spring of 2010 to serve as a ‘consultant’ to the Venezuelan government awakened a new reality in that country. Rampant with deep economic troubles, escalating crime, a murder rate that has doubled since Chávez took over in 1999, and an opposition movement led by university students and other activists who use the Internet as their primary weapon, Venezuela has resorted to Cuba for help. In a country where in large part traditional media outlets have been censored or are government-controlled, the Internet and its online social networks have become the place to obtain, as well as disseminate, unfiltered information. As such, Internet growth and use of its social networks has skyrocketed in Venezuela, making it one of Latin America’s highest Web users. Because of its increased use to spark political debate among Venezuelans and publish information that differs with the official government line, Chávez has embarked on an initiative to bring the Internet to the poor and others who would otherwise not have access, by establishing government-sponsored Internet Info Centers throughout the country, to disseminate information to his followers. With the help of Cuban advisors, who for years have been a part of Venezuela’s defense, education, and health care initiatives, Chávez has apparently taken to adapting Cuba’s methodology for the control of information. He has begun to take special steps toward also controlling the type of information flowing through the country’s online social networks, considering the implementation of a government-controlled single Internet access point in Venezuela. Simultaneously, in adapting to Venezuela’s Internet reality, Chávez has engaged online by creating his own Twitter account in an attempt to influence public opinion, primarily of those who browse the Web. With a rapidly growing following that may soon reach one million subscribers, Chávez claims to have set up his own online trench to wage cyber space battle.


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Online Social Network (OSN) services provided by Internet companies bring people together to chat, share the information, and enjoy the information. Meanwhile, huge amounts of data are generated by those services (they can be regarded as the social media ) every day, every hour, even every minute, and every second. Currently, researchers are interested in analyzing the OSN data, extracting interesting patterns from it, and applying those patterns to real-world applications. However, due to the large-scale property of the OSN data, it is difficult to effectively analyze it. This dissertation focuses on applying data mining and information retrieval techniques to mine two key components in the social media data — users and user-generated contents. Specifically, it aims at addressing three problems related to the social media users and contents: (1) how does one organize the users and the contents? (2) how does one summarize the textual contents so that users do not have to go over every post to capture the general idea? (3) how does one identify the influential users in the social media to benefit other applications, e.g., Marketing Campaign? The contribution of this dissertation is briefly summarized as follows. (1) It provides a comprehensive and versatile data mining framework to analyze the users and user-generated contents from the social media. (2) It designs a hierarchical co-clustering algorithm to organize the users and contents. (3) It proposes multi-document summarization methods to extract core information from the social network contents. (4) It introduces three important dimensions of social influence, and a dynamic influence model for identifying influential users.


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The social media classification problems draw more and more attention in the past few years. With the rapid development of Internet and the popularity of computers, there is astronomical amount of information in the social network (social media platforms). The datasets are generally large scale and are often corrupted by noise. The presence of noise in training set has strong impact on the performance of supervised learning (classification) techniques. A budget-driven One-class SVM approach is presented in this thesis that is suitable for large scale social media data classification. Our approach is based on an existing online One-class SVM learning algorithm, referred as STOCS (Self-Tuning One-Class SVM) algorithm. To justify our choice, we first analyze the noise-resilient ability of STOCS using synthetic data. The experiments suggest that STOCS is more robust against label noise than several other existing approaches. Next, to handle big data classification problem for social media data, we introduce several budget driven features, which allow the algorithm to be trained within limited time and under limited memory requirement. Besides, the resulting algorithm can be easily adapted to changes in dynamic data with minimal computational cost. Compared with two state-of-the-art approaches, Lib-Linear and kNN, our approach is shown to be competitive with lower requirements of memory and time.


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Egy digitális eszköz megvásárlásakor különösen, de más helyzetekben is, az egyik legmeghatározóbb viszonyítási pont, az, hogy mások mit mondtak róla, mit írnak a fórumok. Egy szállodáról, egy ebook olvasóról való tájékozódás során vélemények sorozatával kerülünk szembe az online közösségi térben, ahol a vélemények sorrendje, modalitása, részletessége, pozitív és negatív kicsengése is meghatározza döntésünket. Kutatásunkban online döntési helyzeteket állítottunk elő, ahol a tájékozódási pont más felhasználók autentikus véleménye volt. Arra kerestünk a választ, hogy az online vélemények minősége milyen összefüggésben lehet a vásárlási döntésekkel, milyen érzelmi reakciókat váltanak ki az egyes vélemények. Cikkünkben a kutatás kvalitatív projektív módszertanra, állat-metaforákra (Phillips, 1996) épített részét ismertetjük. A válaszok összességében függetlenül a kommentek pozitív vagy negatív kicsengésétől bagoly, kutya, macska asszociációkat adták meg a legnagyobb számban, ugyanakkor az ellentmondásos véleményeket igen árnyaltan nagyon sokféle asszociációt felsorolva értékelték.


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A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA A szájreklám régóta fontos területként jelenik meg a marketing szakirodalomban. A tanulmány azonban az online word-of-mouth kutatások között új nézőpontból vizsgálja a szájreklámhoz köthető egyéni magatartáskomponensek hatását az elégedettségre, és ezen keresztül a továbbajánlási és újravásárlási szándékra. ALKALMAZOTT MÓDSZERTAN A látens változók közötti kapcsolatok elemzésére a strukturális egyenletek módszertana (SEM) került alkalmazásra. Az 1 000 fős mintavétel online kérdőíves megkérdezéssel történt azok körében, akik az adatfelvételt megelőző 3 hónapban vásároltak az interneten. Az egyes látens változók mérésére a szakirodalomban fellelhető korábbi kutatások alapján került sor és a skálák megbízhatósági mutatói megfelelőnek bizonyultak. A KUTATÁS LEGFONTOSABB EREDMÉNYE, ÚJDONSÁGOK A feltárt összefüggések többsége szignifikáns és a felvázolt modell illeszkedésmutatói is elfogadhatóak. A személyközi információs befolyásoltság, mint egyéni tényező, meghatározó jelentőséggel bír a vélemények keresésére és terjesztésére mind online, mind offline környezetben. A kapcsolat szorossága és az észlelt hasonlóság pozitív szignifikáns kapcsolatot mutat az online véleményelfogadási hajlandósággal. Az online véleménykeresés a véleményelfogadáson keresztül szintén pozitív hatást gyakorol az elégedettségre és így a továbbajánlási és az újravásárlási szándékra. Mindez fontos mozzanatát jelenti az online vásárlásoknak, hiszen a vállalattal fennálló kapcsolat nagyobb valószínűséggel folytatódik és még inkább sor kerülhet a továbbajánlásra online vagy offline környezetben. GYAKORLATI/GAZDASÁGPOLITIKAI JAVASLATOK Gyakorlati szempontból érdekes következményekkel jár a modellben feltárt összefüggésrendszer. Ezek szerint azok, akik magasabb véleménykeresési magatartással, mint általános személyes jellemzővel bírnak, az internetes vásárlásaik során egy konkrét alkalommal is magasabb elégedettséggel rendelkeznek majd. Így érdemes lehet e tényezőt önmagában is szegmentációs ismérvnek tekinteni, amennyiben a vállalati cél, hogy pozitívabb vásárlási kimeneteket, elégedettebb ügyfeleket szerezzenek. Tovább árnyalja azonban a képet az online véleményadási magatartás és az elégedettség között feltárt negatív irányú kapcsolat. E mögött számos okot feltételezhetünk, amelyek kifejtésre kerülnek a tanulmányban.


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Due to the growing use of social networks people no longer just consume data, they also produce and share it. Geo-tagged information, i.e., data with geographical location, have been used in many attempts to identify popular places and help tourists that will visit unfamiliar cities. This Master Thesis presents an online strategy that uses geo-tagged photos and their metadata in order to identify places of interest inside a given geographical area and retrieve relevant related information. The whole process runs automatically in real time, returning updated information about places. The proposed strategy takes into account the inherent dynamism of social media, and thus is robust under inconsistencies and/or outdated information, a common issue in solutions that rely on previously stored data. The analysis of the results showed that our approach is very promising, returning places that present high agreement with those from a popular travel website.


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Online Social Network (OSN) services provided by Internet companies bring people together to chat, share the information, and enjoy the information. Meanwhile, huge amounts of data are generated by those services (they can be regarded as the social media ) every day, every hour, even every minute, and every second. Currently, researchers are interested in analyzing the OSN data, extracting interesting patterns from it, and applying those patterns to real-world applications. However, due to the large-scale property of the OSN data, it is difficult to effectively analyze it. This dissertation focuses on applying data mining and information retrieval techniques to mine two key components in the social media data — users and user-generated contents. Specifically, it aims at addressing three problems related to the social media users and contents: (1) how does one organize the users and the contents? (2) how does one summarize the textual contents so that users do not have to go over every post to capture the general idea? (3) how does one identify the influential users in the social media to benefit other applications, e.g., Marketing Campaign? The contribution of this dissertation is briefly summarized as follows. (1) It provides a comprehensive and versatile data mining framework to analyze the users and user-generated contents from the social media. (2) It designs a hierarchical co-clustering algorithm to organize the users and contents. (3) It proposes multi-document summarization methods to extract core information from the social network contents. (4) It introduces three important dimensions of social influence, and a dynamic influence model for identifying influential users.


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In May 2013, Angelina Jolie revealed that because she had a family history of breast and ovarian cancer and carried a rare BRCA gene mutation, she had undergone a preventive double mastectomy. Media coverage has been extensive around the world, including in Russia, not an English-language country, where all global news is inevitably filtered by translation. After examining the reactions of Russian mass media and members of the public to Jolie’s disclosure, I consider what transformations have occurred with Jolie’s message in the process of cross-cultural transfer. I explore the mass media portrayal of Jolie’s announcement, laypersons’ immediate and prolonged reactions, and the reflections of patients involved directly in the field of hereditary breast cancer. To my knowledge, this multifaceted and bilingual project is the first conceptualization of Jolie’s story as it has been translated in a different sociocultural environment. I start with examination of offline and online publications that appeared in Russia within two months after Jolie’s announcement. In this part of my analysis, I conceptualize the representation of Jolie’s case in Russian mass media and grasp what sociocultural waves were generated by this case among general lay audiences. Another part of my study contains the results of qualitative in-depth interviews. Eight women with a family history of hereditary breast cancer were recruited to participate in the research. The findings represent Jolie’s case through the eyes of Russian women with the same gene mutation as Jolie. Consolidating my findings, I argue that Jolie’s announcement was misinterpreted and misrepresented by Russian mass media, as well as misunderstood by a considerable part of the media audience. Jolie’s perspective on hereditary breast cancer mostly remained unheard among members of the Russian public. I make suggestions about the reasons for such a phenomenon, and demonstrate how Jolie’s case is implicated in politics, economics, and the culture of contemporary Russia.