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A new species, Neocypholaelaps geonomae n. sp., is described based on the morphology of adult females and males collected on Geonoma spp. (Arecaceae) in southeastern Brazil. This is the first species of this genus identified from the American continent. A key to the world species of Neocypholaelaps is provided.


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Four new species of Anastrepha Schiner were collected in McPhail-type traps hung in trees in a natural reserve and in commercial papaya orchards in Linhares, Espirito Santo state, Brazil. They are described and named herein as follows: Anastrepha atlantica n. sp., Anastrepha glochin n. sp., Anastrepha linharensis n. sp. and Anastrepha martinsi n. sp. Only the latter was collected in traps hung in papaya orchards. The classification of these species in species groups of Anastrepha is also discussed.


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Gamasiphis paulista n. sp. is described based on specimens representing all postembryonic stages, collected from litter and soil in Piracicaba, State of Sao Paulo. This is the first species of Gamasiphis described from Brazil. A key is provided for the separation of species of this genus known from the Neotropical Region.


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Tenuipalpus omani n. sp. (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) is described from the Sultanate of Oman, based on adults of both sexes collected on date palm, Phoenix dactylifera L. (Arecaceae). This new species is most similar to T. eriophyoides Baker, T. pareriophyoides Meyer & Gerson and T. yarensis Hasan, Bashir & Wakil, also collected from date palm.


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Proctolaelaps bulbosus n. sp. (Acari: Ascidae) is described from adult females and males of a laboratory colony derived from a collection from Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae) in northeastern Brazil. This species is distinguished from other Proctolaelaps species by the absence of the setae z3 and R3, knobbed seta Z5 and long spermatodactyl.


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Two new species of spider mites (Tetranychidae) found on Solanaceae in Peru are described: Tetranychus singularis n. sp. from Datura stramonium L. and T. amazonensis n. sp. from Solanum caricaefolium Rusby.


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This paper reports the mites of the subfamilies Phytoseiinae and Typhlodrominae (Phytoseiidae) from Peru, providing descriptions of 2 new species, Phytoseius ortegae Guanilo and Moraes, n. sp. and Phytoseius poripherus Guanilo and Moraes, n. sp., and a taxonomic key to separate the species reported.


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Summer squash: a new host of phytoplasm belonging to the 16SrIII group In a commercial field located in the Vale do Ribeira, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, plants of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) exhibiting witches` broom and leaf deformation were observed. PCR assays demonstrated the presence of phytoplasma associated with diseased tissues. A phytoplasma belonging to the 16SrIII group was identified by PCR and RFLP analysis performed with five restriction enzymes. The present note is the first report of the presence of phytoplasma representative of the 16SrIII group in summer squash in Brazil.


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A new genus and new species of the mite family Eriophyidae (Phyllocoptinae), namely Cothrix erugata n. sp. et n. gen., is described from Heliconia stricta Huber (Heliconiaceae). In addition, one new genus and two new species of Diptilomiopidae, namely Rhyncadicrus asperulus n. sp. et n. gen. from banana, Musa acuminata Colla x Musa balbisiana Colla (genomic group AAB) (Musaceae) and Catarhinus granatus n. sp. from Heliconia bihai L., are described and illustrated. The mites were collected in the State of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. All were vagrants on the lower leaf surfaces of their host plants and no visible damage symptoms were observed.


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A new species of eriophyoid mite, belonging in the genus Abacarus Keifer (Eriophyidae), causing damage to sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum L. (Poaceae), in Costa Rica is illustrated and described. Abacarus doctus n. sp. is the only eriophyoid species recorded so far with a tibial seta (l`) on the second pair of legs, an unexpected characteristic observed for the first time in the superfamily Eriophyoidea. Remarks on the phylogenetic and taxonomical aspects related to the presence of this seta are presented. Damage symptoms caused by this mite are presented as well as a key for Abacarus species described from sugarcane. In addition, the need to apply biosecurity procedures during sugarcane germplasm exchange to avoid dissemination of the new mite species is discussed.


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Tetranychus palmarum sp.nov., a new red spider mite from the African oil palm, is described and figured.


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A new genus and two new species of eriophyoid mites in the family Diptilomiopidae associated with Spondias mombin L. (Anacardiaceae), namely Solivagus n. gen. alpha n. sp. and Davisella spondias n. sp., are described. In addition, a new species of Eriophyidae associated with Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae), namely Dichopelmus ibapitanga n. sp., is described and Aculus pitangae Boczek & Davis, also from E. uniflora, is redescribed including a description of the male, and its classification is discussed. All material studied was collected in the State of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil.


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Two new genera and five new species of Eriophyidae from forest trees in southern Brazil are described, namely: Juxtacolopodacus n. gen., Juxtacolopodacus phalakros n. sp. from Mollinedia clavigera Tul. (Monimiaceae); Procalacarus perporosus n. sp., from Randia armata (Sw.) (Rubiaceae); Scolotosus Flechtmann & Keifer, n. gen., Scolotosus centrolobii Flechtmann & Keifer, n. sp., from Centrolobium robustum Mart. (Leguminosae); Scolotosus hartfordi n. sp., from Centrolobium tomentosum Guill. (Leguminosae), and Metaculus tanythrix n. sp., from Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. (Dicksoniaceae).


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In this paper we present the description of five new species of tetranychid mites collected in south Tunisian oasis areas. These are: Bryobia alveolata sp. nov., Aplonobia crispipilis sp. nov., Petrobia (Petrobia) carthagensis sp. nov., Petrobia (Petrobia) pseudotetranychina sp. nov. and Tetranychus (Tetranychus) atriplexi sp. nov. The notion of dorsal tubercles used to separate the sub-genera Tetranychina from Petrobia sensu stricto and Mesotetranychus among the genus Petrobia is also discussed.


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Aceria inusitata Britto and Navia n. sp. (Acari: Eriophyidae) is described from protogynes, deutogynes and two forms of males occurring under a ""patches of webbing"" from ""pau-brasil,"" Caesalpinia echinata L. (Caesalpiniaceae), leaves. This is the first example of a deuterogynous eriophyid mite in tropical regions with two forms of males, one resembling the protogyne and the other the deutogyne. In addition, biological observations are presented. Aberoptus cerostructor Flechtmann, is given a new generic assignment, Aceria cerostructor n. comb.