536 resultados para motive
Der Vortrag soll eine Zusammenschau und teilweise Neugewichtung der zahlreichen Einzelthemen bieten, die in der umfangreichen Literatur (samt noch unveröffentlichten Kongress-Beiträgen) zur Frage erarbeitet wurden, welche venezianischen Voraussetzungen im Werk des zum Verherrlicher seiner zweiten Heimat – Roms – gewordenen 'architectus venetus' – wie er sich zeitlebens nannte – wirksam blieben. Es geht dabei um Biographisches, Künstlerisches und Geistesgeschichtliches, um Techniken, Gattungen und Motive, um Methoden, Sichtweisen und bildliche Vorstellungen; nebst Lehre und Einflüssen älterer und zeitgenössischer venezianischer Kunst werden parallele Verläufe in den beiden Städten, Annäherungen und neuerliche Entfernung des Künstlers im Verhältnis zum Erbe Venedigs diskutiert. Einzelpunkte betreffen seine Ausbildung, den Leitbegriff der 'magnificenza', klassische und antiklassische Elemente seiner Kunst, das Kompositionsprinzip des Kandelabers etc.
Die traditionelle japanische Architektur mit ihrer Leere und Sachlichkeit wurde zwischen 1930 und 1950 zu einem Referenzmodell für die Moderne. Doch die Wahrnehmung der gestalterischen Qualitäten der japanischen Baukunst in Europa erfolgte spät. Manfred Speidel untersucht in seinem Beitrag die Schritte und die Motive für die Wahrnehmung der japanischen Baukunst in Deutschland – ein Prozess der bis heute vom "Überraschtsein" erzählt, in Asien grundlegende Ziele der Moderne wiederzufinden.
Der Beitrag beschreibt eine doppelte, verfremdete und letztendlich tragische Spiegelung in der Wahrnehmung von Architektur zwischen Europa und Indien: zwischen 1780 und 1856 entstanden in der nordindischen Stadt Lucknow mehrere große Baukomplexe, die von den indisch-islamischen Herrschern der Stadt in europäisch-klassizistischen Formen gestaltet wurden. Nach dem indischen Aufstand, der in den Jahren 1857 und 1858 gegen die britische Herrschaft in Lucknow losbrach, wurden diese Bauten zum Gegenstand einer scharfen europäischen Architekturkritik. Der erste Abschnitt – "Das Eigene und das Fremde" – betrachtet die westliche Rezeption dieser europäisch-klassizistischen Bauten, die über Jahrzehnte durch ein Negativurteil bestimmt war, das sich aus der politischen Interpretation des indischen Aufstands erklärt. Der zweite Abschnitt – "Kopie und Synthese" – geht auf die Suche nach den Zusammenhängen für die positive Europarezeption in Lucknow und für die negative Kritik dieser Bauten in Europa. Es erweist sich, dass die Praxis von Architekturkopie und die Wahrnehmung europäischer Stilformen bei der Übernahme klassizistischer Motive in Indien deutlich anders war als das exakte und moralisch überhöhte Verständnis von Stilformen im Europa nach 1850.
Der Beitrag beschreibt eine doppelte, verfremdete und letztendlich tragische Spiegelung in der Wahrnehmung von Architektur zwischen Europa und Indien: zwischen 1780 und 1856 entstanden in der nordindischen Stadt Lucknow mehre-re große Baukomplexe, die von den indisch-islamischen Herrschern der Stadt in europäisch-klassizistischen Formen gestaltet wurden. Nach dem indischen Auf-stand, der in den Jahren 1857 und 1858 gegen die britische Herrschaft in Lucknow losbrach, wurden diese Bauten zum Gegenstand einer scharfen europäi-scher Architekturkritik. Der erste Abschnitt – "Das Eigene und das Fremde" – betrachtet die westliche Rezeption dieser europäisch-klassizistischen Bauten, die über Jahrzehnte durch ein Negativurteil bestimmt war, das sich aus der politischen Interpretation des indischen Aufstands erklärt. Der zweite Abschnitt – "Kopie und Synthese" – geht auf die Suche nach den Zusammenhängen für die positive Europarezeption in Lucknow und für die negative Kritik dieser Bauten in Europa. Es erweist sich, dass die Praxis von Architekturkopie und die Wahrnehmung europäischer Stilfor-men bei der Übernahme klassizistischer Motive in Indien deutlich anders war als das exakte und moralisch überhöhte Verständnis von Stilformen im Europa nach 1850.
Die Verwendung europäischer Architektursettings in japanischen "Trick"-Filmen (anime) ist mehr als die bloße Adaption einer – aus asiatischer Perspektive – exotischen Kulisse. Populäre Medien vertreten keine kritische Positionen; sie sind bemüht, an Vorstellungswelten und Seherfahrungen ihrer Betrachter anzuknüpfen. Auf diese Weise gelesen, sagen Kopien und bewusste (Re-)Kombinationen europäischer Motive im japanischen Film eine Menge über die Assoziationen, die asiatische Betrachter mit bestimmten Phasen europäischer Geschichte verbinden. Doch auch Eigengesetzlichkeiten des "Trick"-Films als Medium dürfen nicht vernachlässigt werden. Wenig bekannte Motive aus der expressionistischen Architektur können beispielsweise dazu eingesetzt werden, einen bloßen Verfremdungseffekt zu erzielen. In subtileren Beispielen kann der Umweg über europäische Kulissen aber auch dazu dienen, Spannungen der jüngeren Geschichte Japans in einem verfremdeten Gewand zu verarbeiten.
We have integrated the basic psychological needs approach from self-determination theory with motive disposition theory in order to enhance the prediction of flow experience in sports. We hypothesize that an environment that enables people to fulfill their basic psychological needs for competence and social relatedness results in flow. Additionally, we assume that the effect of competence need satisfaction is moderated by the achievement motive and that the effect of need-for-relatedness satisfaction is moderated by the affiliation motive. Four studies show the expected positive effects of need satisfaction on flow and further confirm that high achievement and affiliation-motivated individuals benefit more from competence and relatedness sports environments, respectively, than individuals low in these motives.
Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan in Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. Plenum Press, New York, 1985) suggests that certain experiences, such as competence, are equally beneficial to everyone’s well-being (universal hypothesis), whereas Motive Disposition Theory (McClelland in Human motivation. Scott, Foresman, Glenview, IL, 1985) predicts that some people, such as those with a high achievement motive, should benefit particularly from such experiences (matching hypothesis). Existing research on motives as moderators of the relationship between basic need satisfaction and positive outcomes supports both these seemingly inconsistent views. Focusing on the achievement motive, we sought to resolve this inconsistency by considering the specificity of the outcome variables. When predicting domain-specific well-being and flow, the achievement motive should interact with felt competence. However, when it comes to predicting general well-being and flow, felt competence should unfold its effects without being moderated by the achievement motive. Two studies confirmed these assumptions indicating that the universal and matching hypotheses are complementary rather than mutually exclusive.
Dieses Dokument beschreibt die Erkenntnisse der qualitativen Umfrage im Projekt eProcess. Dabei werden insbesondere die Motive beschrieben, weshalb organisationsübergreifende Prozesse trotz vorhandener Technologien und möglichen Kosteneinsparungen in der Schweiz nicht breiter genutzt werden[1, 2].
Behavioral sensitization is defined as the subsequent augmentation of the locomotor response to a drug following repeated administrations of the drug. It is believed to occur due to alterations in the motive circuit in the brain by stressors, central nervous system stimulants, and similar stimuli. The motive circuit (or mesocorticolimbic system) consists of several interconnected nuclei that determine the behavioral response to significant biological stimuli. A final target of the mesocorticolimbic system is the nucleus accumbens (NAc), which is a key structure linking motivation and action. In particular, the dopaminergic innervations of the Nac are considered to be essential in regulating motivated states of behavior such as goal-directed actions, stimulus-reward associations and reinforcement by addictive substances. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the role of dopaminergic afferents of the NAc in the behavioral sensitization elicited by chronic treatment with methylphenidate (MPD), a psychostimulant that is widely used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The dopaminergic afferents can be selectively destroyed using catecholamine neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). In order to determine whether destruction of dopaminergic afferents of the NAc prevents sensitization, I compared locomotor activity in rats that had received infusions of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the NAc with that of control and sham-operated animals. All groups of rats received six days of single daily MPD injections after measuring their pre and post surgery locomotor baseline. Following the consecutive MPD injections, there was a washout period of 4 days, where no injections were given. Then, a rechallenge injection of MPD was given. Behavioral responses after repeated MPD were compared to those after acute MPD to assess behavioral sensitization. Expression of sensitization to MPD was not prevented by 6-OHDA infusion into the NAc. Moreover, two distinct responses were seen to the acute injection of MPD: one group of rats had essentially no response to acute MPD, while the other had an augmented (‘sensitized’-like) acute response. Among rats with 6-OHDA infusions, the animals with diminished acute response to MPD had intact behavioral sensitization to repeated MPD, while the animals with increased acute response to MPD did not exhibit further sensitization to it. This suggests that the acute and chronic effects of MPD have distinct underlying neural circuitries.
The present article deals exemplarily with the remarkable iconographic attestations connected with the Wadi ed-Daliye (WD) findings. The discussed bullae were attached to papyri which provide a clear dating of the hoard between 375-335 BCE. Considering style and convention the preserved motives are to be classified as Persian, Greek or Greco-Persian. A major goal of the following presentation is the contextualization of the very material; this is achieved by taking into account local parallels as well as relevant attestations of the dominant / “imperial” cultures of Persia and Greece. The correlation of motives with the (often more complex, more detailed or more contoured) examples stemming from the “source-cultures” follows a clear agenda: It is methodologically based on the approach that was employed by Silvia Schroer and Othmar Keel throughout the project „Die Ikonographie Palästinas/Israels und der Alte Orient (IPIAO). Eine Religionsgeschichte in Bildern” (2005, 23ff). The WD-findings demand a careful analysis since the influencing cultures behind the imagery are deeply rooted in the field of Greek mythology and iconography. Special attention has to be drawn to the bullae, as far as excavated, from a huge Punic temple archive of Carthago (Berges 1997 and 2002) as well as those from the archive of the satrap seat in Daskyleion in the Northwest of Asia Minor (Kaptan 2002), which are chronologically close (end 5th and 4th century BCE) to the WD-finds. Not each and every single motive and artifact of the WD-corpus comprising more than 120 items can be dealt with in detail throughout the following pages. We refer to the editio princeps by Leith (1990, 1997) respectively to the concerning chapter in Keel’s Corpus volume II (Keel 2010, 340-379). The article gives a brief history of research (2.), some basic remarks on the development of style (3.) and a selection of detail-studies (4.). A crosscheck with other relevant corpora of stamp-seals (5.) as well as a compressed synthesis (6.) are contributions in order to characterize and classify the unique iconographic assemblage. There are rather few references to the late Persian coins from Samaria (Meshorer/Qedar 1999), which have been impressed about contemporaneous with the WD-bullae (372-333 BCE), as there is an article by Patrick Wyssmann in this volume about that specific corpus. Through the perspective of the late Persian iconography, Samaria appears as a dazzling metropolis at the crossroads of Greek and Persian culture, which is far away from a strict and revolutionary religious orthodoxy
This study focused on the instruments that are currently being used by fire department personnel to identify and classify juvenile firesetters, these instruments, as published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) have never been empirically validated as to their ability to discriminate between first time and multiple firesetters and to predict the degree of risk for future firesetting by juveniles that come to the attention of authorities for firesetting behaviors. The study was descriptive in nature and not designed to test the validity of these instruments. The study was designed to test the ability of the instruments to discriminate between first time and multiple firesetters and to categorize known firesetters, based on the motive for firesetting, as to their degree or risk for future firesetting.^ The results suggest that the F.E.M.A. instruments are of little use in discriminating between first time and multiple firesetters. The F.E.M.A. instruments were not able to categorize juvenile firesetters as to their potential risk for future firesetting. A subset of variables from the F.E.M.A. instruments was identified that may be useful in discriminating between youth that are troubled firesetters and those that are not. ^
It is well established that the therapeutic relationship contributes about as much to therapy outcome as 'technical' intervention. Furthermore, it follows clear prescriptive concepts in the same manner as technical interventions do. 'Motive Oriented Therapeutic Relationship' is such a concept for establishing a solid basis for whatever therapeutic work the patients' problems require (Grawe, 1980, 1992; Caspar, 1996). Yet, the therapeutic relationship doesn't explain everything because other factors play a significant role too. Previous studies showed that outcome is clearly better when therapists achieved a generally high quality of a therapeutic relationship when they did not shy away from possibly threatening interventions such as confrontations. This ratio of a fruitful alliance and marginally present confrontations in the same session also showed significant correlations with patient's assessment of alliance and progress in therapy (Figlioli et al., 2009).Aim: The current state of research in the field does not give any answers to questions like how good and bad confrontations can be characterized or what role does the intensity, respectively frequency of confrontations play in the process of psychotherapy. Methods: A sample of 80 therapies of 3 sessions each representing either good or bad outcome was judged moment by moment by independent raters if and how therapists used confrontative interventions. Results: Preliminary analyses show that successful confrontations are explicitly uttered, short but intense, related to important patients goals in therapy and embedded in prior complementarity. Discussion: The results will be discussed in terms of their implications for the clinical daily work.
It is well established that the therapeutic relationship contributes about as much to therapy outcome as ‘technical’ intervention. Furthermore, it follows clear prescriptive concepts in the same manner as technical interventions do. ‘Motive Oriented Therapeutic Relationship’ is such a concept for establishing a solid basis for whatever therapeutic work the patients’ problems require (Grawe, 1980, 1992; Caspar, 1996). Yet, the therapeutic relationship doesn’t explain everything because other factors play a significant role too. Previous studies showed that outcome is clearly better when therapists achieved a generally high quality of a therapeutic relationship when they did not shy away from possibly threatening interventions such as confrontations. This ratio of a fruitful alliance and marginally present confrontations in the same session also showed significant correlations with patient’s assessment of alliance and progress in therapy (Figlioli et al., 2009). These findings are also very much in line with Sachse’s metaphor of accumulating, but then also using ‘relationship credits’ and Farrelly’s ‘Provocative Therapy’ (1986), as well as the ‘Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy’ by Davanloo (1980).Aim: The current state of research in the field does not give any answers to questions like how good and bad confrontations can be characterized or what role does the intensity, respectively frequency of confrontations play in the process of psychotherapy.Methods: A sample of 80 therapies of 3 sessions each representing either good or bad outcome was judged moment by moment by independent raters if and how therapists used confrontative interventions. Results / Discussion: The results will be discussed in terms of their implications for the clinical daily work. Preliminary analyses show that successful confrontations are explicitly uttered, short but intense, related to important patients goals in therapy and embedded in prior complementarity.
Psychological characteristics are crucial to identifying talents, which is why these are being incorporated in today’s multidimensional talent models. In addition to multidimensionality, talent studies are increasingly drawing on holistic theories of development, leading to the use of person-oriented approaches. The present study adopts such an approach by looking at the influence that motivational characteristics have on the development of performance, in a person-oriented way. For this purpose, it looks at how the constructs achievement motive, achievement goal orientation and self-determination interact with one another, what patterns they form and how these patterns are linked to subsequent sports success. 97 top young football players were questioned twice. Another year later, it was enquired which of these players had been selected for the U15 national team. At both measuring points, four patterns were identified, which displayed a high degree of structural and individual stability. As expected, the highly intrinsically achievement-oriented players were significantly more likely to move up into the U15 national team. The results point to the importance of favourable patterns of motivational variables in the form of specific types, for medium-term performance development among promising football talents, and thus provide valuable clues for the selection and promotion of those.
Pflegende Angehörige im Spannungsfeld von Erwartungen, Liebe und Solidarität Trotz bedeutsamer Verlängerung der Lebenserwartung in guter Gesundheit, ist das hohe Alter nach wie vor eine Phase der körperlichen und kognitiven Fragilisierung. Im Falle einer Pflegebedürftigkeit wünschen sich die meisten älteren Menschen nichts Sehnlicheres, als bis ans Lebensende im eigenen Heim verbleiben zu dürfen. Diese Tatsache ist eine Herausforderung für die familiale intergenerationelle Solidarität. In der Schweiz wird die grosse Mehrheit der zu Hause lebenden pflegebedürftigen älteren Menschen von ihren Angehörigen betreut. Neben den Partnerinnen und Partner sind es die Töchter und zunehmend auch die Söhne, die diese Arbeit übernehmen – und dies sehr oft bis zur Überforderung. Pflegende Angehörige sind mit hohen und teils unausgesprochenen familialen und gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen konfrontiert, welche nicht selten im Widerspruch stehen zu den eigenen Möglichkeiten. Wie gehen pflegende Angehörige damit um und was sind ihre hauptsächlichen Probleme, ihre Motive und ihre Ressourcen? Warum sind gewisse Angehörige weniger belastet und andere stark und dies offenbar unabhängig vom Pflegefall? Welche Rolle spielen dabei Entlastungsangebote und externe professionelle wie nichtprofessionelle Helfende? Basierend auf Daten der beiden Studien SwissAgeCare-2011 und AgeCare-SuisseLatine-2012 will dieser Vortrag Antworten auf diese Fragen geben und konkrete Empfehlungen ableiten.