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The design and implementation of a new control scheme for reactive power compensation, voltage regulation and transient stability enhancement for wind turbines equipped with fixed-speed induction generators (IGs) in large interconnected power systems is presented in this study. The low-voltage-ride-through (LVRT) capability is provided by extending the range of the operation of the controlled system to include typical post-fault conditions. A systematic procedure is proposed to design decentralised multi-variable controllers for large interconnected power systems using the linear quadratic (LQ) output-feedback control design method and the controller design procedure is formulated as an optimisation problem involving rank-constrained linear matrix inequality (LMI). In this study, it is shown that a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) with energy storage system (ESS), controlled via robust control technique, is an effective device for improving the LVRT capability of fixed-speed wind turbines.
Increase in the pH medium of aniline polymerization is used for giving products of different morphologies, which are often wrongly attributed to PANI chains. Infrared and Raman spectroscopic data, supported by quantum chemical calculations, show that aniline-1,4-benzoquinone (AnBzq) is a model system for the characterization of the products of aniline oligomerization in low acidic media. The Raman spectra excited at different laser lines reveal the bichromophoric nature of AnBzq, whose absorption bands at 550 nm and 440 nm can be attributed to pi-pi* transitions of the delocalized benzoquinone and amino-phenyl moieties, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) on bovine oocyte and granulosa cells metabolism during in vitro maturation (IVM) and further embryo development. Cumulus-oocytes complexes (COCs) were subjected (experimental group) or not (control group) to irradiation with LLLI in a 633-nm wavelength and 1 J/cm2 fluency. The COCs were evaluated after 30 min, 8, 16, and 24 h of IVM. Cumulus cells were evaluated for cell cycle status, mitochondrial activity, and viability (flow cytometry). Oocytes were assessed for meiotic progression status (nuclear staining), cell cycle genes content [real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)], and signal transduction status (western blot). The COCs were also in vitro fertilized, and the cleavage and blastocyst rates were assessed. Comparisons among groups were statistically performed with 5% significance level. For cumulus cells, a significant increase in mitochondrial membrane potential and the number of cells progressing through the cycle could be observed. Significant increases on cyclin B and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK4) levels were also observed. Concerning the oocytes, a significantly higher amount of total mitogen-activated protein kinase was found after 8 h of irradiation, followed by a decrease in all cell cycle genes transcripts, exception made for the CDK4. However, no differences were observed in meiotic progression or embryo production. In conclusion, LLLI is an efficient tool to modulate the granulosa cells and oocyte metabolism
Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in wireless sensor networks (WSN) for environmental monitoring systems because it can be used to improve the quality of life and living conditions are becoming a major concern to people. This paper describes the design and development of a real time monitoring system based on ZigBee WSN characterized by a lower energy consumption, low cost, reduced dimensions and fast adaptation to the network tree topology. The developed system encompasses an optimized sensing process about environmental parameters, low rate transmission from sensor nodes to the gateway, packet parsing and data storing in a remote database and real time visualization through a web server.
The Assimilation in the Unstable Subspace (AUS) was introduced by Trevisan and Uboldi in 2004, and developed by Trevisan, Uboldi and Carrassi, to minimize the analysis and forecast errors by exploiting the flow-dependent instabilities of the forecast-analysis cycle system, which may be thought of as a system forced by observations. In the AUS scheme the assimilation is obtained by confining the analysis increment in the unstable subspace of the forecast-analysis cycle system so that it will have the same structure of the dominant instabilities of the system. The unstable subspace is estimated by Breeding on the Data Assimilation System (BDAS). AUS- BDAS has already been tested in realistic models and observational configurations, including a Quasi-Geostrophicmodel and a high dimensional, primitive equation ocean model; the experiments include both fixed and“adaptive”observations. In these contexts, the AUS-BDAS approach greatly reduces the analysis error, with reasonable computational costs for data assimilation with respect, for example, to a prohibitive full Extended Kalman Filter. This is a follow-up study in which we revisit the AUS-BDAS approach in the more basic, highly nonlinear Lorenz 1963 convective model. We run observation system simulation experiments in a perfect model setting, and with two types of model error as well: random and systematic. In the different configurations examined, and in a perfect model setting, AUS once again shows better efficiency than other advanced data assimilation schemes. In the present study, we develop an iterative scheme that leads to a significant improvement of the overall assimilation performance with respect also to standard AUS. In particular, it boosts the efficiency of regime’s changes tracking, with a low computational cost. Other data assimilation schemes need estimates of ad hoc parameters, which have to be tuned for the specific model at hand. In Numerical Weather Prediction models, tuning of parameters — and in particular an estimate of the model error covariance matrix — may turn out to be quite difficult. Our proposed approach, instead, may be easier to implement in operational models.
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der räumlichen und zeitlichen Aspekte der heterogenen Dynamik in Modellglasbildnern. Dabei wird vor allem die langsame alpha-Relaxationsdynamik oberhalb des Glasüberganges Tg untersucht. Die nukleare Magnetresonanz zeigt ihre einmalige Vielseitigkeit bei der Untersuchung molekularer Dynamik, wenn die angewandten Techniken und Experimente durch Simulationen unterstützt werden. Die räumliche Aspekt dynamischer Heterogenitäten wird untersucht durch ein reduziertes vierdimensionales Spindiffusionsexperiment (4D3CP), ein Experiment, das Reorientierungsraten örtlich korreliert. Eine Simulation dieses Experimentes an einem System harter Kugeln liefert wertvolle Informationen über die Auswertemethode des 4D3CP Experiments. Glycerol und o-terphenyl werden durch das 4D3CP Experiment untersucht. Die erhaltenen Resultate werden mit bereits publizierten Daten des polymeren Glasbildners PVAc verglichen. Während PVAc und o-terphenyl eine Längenskale von 3.7 nm bzw. 2.9 nm aufweisen, ist die Längenskale von Glycerol signifikant kleiner bei 1.1 nm. Ein neues Experiment, welches sensitiv auf Translationsbewegung reagiert, wird vorgestellt. Durch Verwendung eines pi-Impulszuges kann eine separate Evolution unter dem Hamiltonian der dipolaren Kopplung und der chemischen Verschiebungsanisotropie erreicht werden.
Osteoarticular allograft is one possible treatment in wide surgical resections with large defects. Performing best osteoarticular allograft selection is of great relevance for optimal exploitation of the bone databank, good surgery outcome and patient’s recovery. Current approaches are, however, very time consuming hindering these points in practice. We present a validation study of a software able to perform automatic bone measurements used to automatically assess the distal femur sizes across a databank. 170 distal femur surfaces were reconstructed from CT data and measured manually using a size measure protocol taking into account the transepicondyler distance (A), anterior-posterior distance in medial condyle (B) and anterior-posterior distance in lateral condyle (C). Intra- and inter-observer studies were conducted and regarded as ground truth measurements. Manual and automatic measures were compared. For the automatic measurements, the correlation coefficients between observer one and automatic method, were of 0.99 for A measure and 0.96 for B and C measures. The average time needed to perform the measurements was of 16 h for both manual measurements, and of 3 min for the automatic method. Results demonstrate the high reliability and, most importantly, high repeatability of the proposed approach, and considerable speed-up on the planning.
To study the effect of a nonlinear noise filter on the detection of simulated endoleaks in a phantom with 80- and 100-kVp multidetector computed tomographic (CT) angiography.
Lodox Statscan provides high-speed, high-quality, low radiation, full body imaging in a single scan, combined with three-dimensional reconstructive and zooming functionality. Several trauma centres have incorporated it into their advanced trauma life support protocol. This review gives a brief overview of the system.
In 2005, Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI) installed an extensive Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater management system on their new office site in Gainesville, Virginia. The 4-acre site is serviced by a network of LID components: permeable pavements (two proprietary and one gravel type), bioretention cell / rain garden, green roof, vegetated swale, rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation, and slow-release underground detention. The site consists of heavy clay soils, and the LID components are mostly integrated by a series of underdrain pipes. A comprehensive monitoring system has been designed and installed to measure hydrologic performance throughout the LID, underdrained network. The monitoring system measures flows into and out of each LID component independently while concurrently monitoring rainfall events. A sensitivity analysis and laboratory calibration has been performed on the flow measurement system. Field data has been evaluated to determine the hydrologic performance of the LID features. Finally, hydrologic models amenable to compact, underdrained LID sites have been reviewed and recommended for future modeling and design.
OBJECTIVE: In this experimental study we assessed the diagnostic performance of digital linear slit scanning radiography compared with computed radiography (CR) for the detection of urinary calculi in an anthropomorphic phantom imitating patients weighing approximately 58-88 kg. CONCLUSION: Compared with CR, linear slit scanning radiography is superior for the detection of urinary stones and may be used for pretreatment localization and follow-up at a lower patient exposure.