977 resultados para lambda-carrageenan
Mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) y los Geminivirus, son un serio problema para los productores de tomate en Nicaragua, este complejo afecta drásticamente los rendimientos del cultivo. Se han reportado diferentes tecnologías como solución al problema, tales como el uso de microinvernadero en la etapa semillero, uso de insecticidas sintéticos y prácticas culturales en la etapa de campo sin embargo, la problemática de la plaga aún persiste. Con el propósito de identificar alternativas que disminuyan el daño ocasionado al medio ambiente y que sean económicamente viables, se estableció está investigación en la que se evaluó el efecto de alternativas botánicas y químicas sobre la poblaciones de adultos B. tabaci, porcentaje de incidencia de virus, porcentaje de severidad de virus, incidencia de otros insectos plaga y su efecto sobre los enemigos naturales. El ensayo se estableció en dos ambientes, uno en Tisma (Masaya) en el periodo de Octubre a Diciembre del 2009 y el otro en Camoapa (Boaco) en los meses de Abril a Junio del 2010. El diseño utilizado fue un bloque completo al azar (BCA) en ambas localidades, los tratamientos evaluados fueron: Actara 25 WG ( Thiametoxam); Engeo 24,7 SC (Thiametoxam+Lambda-Cihalotrina); macerado de hojas de madero negro (Gliricidia sepium); aceite vegetal+jabón líquido, chile (Capsicum sp)+ ajo (Allium sativum)+jabón y un testigo. Los resultados encontrados fueron los siguientes: los tratamientos con engeo, aceite vegetal + jabón líquido y hojas de madero negro registraron los promedios más bajo de mosca blanca por planta tanto en Tisma como en Camoapa. Los menores porcentajes de incidencia de virus y porcentaje de severidad del daño del virus fueron en engeo, aceite vegetal+jabón líquidos y madero negro. Los mejores rendimientos fueron registrados en engeo y hojas de madero negro en ambas localidades. El análisis económico demostró que engeo presentó un a TRM de 457 % en Tisma (2009) y 696 % en Camoapa (2010).
Mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) y los Geminivirus, son un serio problema para los productores de tomate en Nicaragua, este complejo afecta drásticamente los rendimientos del cultivo. Se han reportado diferentes tecnologías como solución al problema, tales como el uso de microinvernadero en la etapa semillero, uso de insecticidas sintéticos y prácticas culturales en la etapa de campo, sin embargo, la problemática de la plaga aún persiste. Con el propósito de identificar alternativas que disminuyan el daño ocasionado al medio ambiente y que sean económicamente viables, se estableció la investigación en la que se comparo el efecto de alternativas botánicas y químicas sobre la poblaciones de adultos B. tabaci, porcentaje de incidencia de virus, porcentaje de severidad de virus, rendimientos y análisis económico. El ensayo se estableció en dos ambientes, uno en Tisma (Masaya) en el periodo de Octubre a Diciembre del 2009 y el otro en Camoapa (Boaco) en los meses de Abril a Junio del 2010. El diseño utilizado fue un bloque completo al azar (BCA) en ambas localidades, los tratamientos evaluados fueron: Actara 25 WG (Thiametoxam); Engeo 24,7 SC (Thiametoxam+Lambda-Cihalotrina); macerado de hojas de madero negro (Gliricidia sepium); aceite vegetal+jabón líquido, chile (Capsicum sp)+ ajo (Allium sativum)+jabón y un testigo. Los resultados encontrados fueron los siguientes: los tratamientos con engeo, aceite vegetal + jabón líquido y hojas de madero negro registraron los promedios más bajo de mosca blanca por planta tanto en Tisma como en Camoapa. Los menores porcentajes de incidencia de virus y porcentaje de severidad del daño del virus fueron en engeo, aceite vegetal+jabón líquidos y madero negro. Los mejores rendimientos fueron registrados en engeo con promedios 26581-18953 kg ha -1 y hojas de madero negro con promedios 25277-18107 kg ha -1 en Tisma (2009) y Camoapa (2010) respectivamente. El análisis económico demostró que engeo presentó una TRM de 457 % en Tisma (2009) y 696 % en Camoapa (2010).
The plane strain asymptotic fields for cracks terminating at the interface between elastic and pressure-sensitive dilatant material are investigated in this paper. Applying the stress-strain relation for the pressure-sensitive dilatant material, we have obtained an exact asymptotic solution for the plane strain tip fields for two types of cracks, one of which lies in the pressure-sensitive dilatant material and the other in the elastic material and their tips touch both the bimaterial interface. In cases, numerical results show that the singularity and the angular variations of the fields obtained depend on the material hardening exponent n, the pressure sensitivity parameter mu and geometrical parameter lambda.
A second-order dynamic model based on the general relation between the subgrid-scale stress and the velocity gradient tensors was proposed. A priori test of the second-order model was made using moderate resolution direct numerical simulation date at high Reynolds number ( Taylor microscale Reynolds number R-lambda = 102 similar to 216) for homogeneous, isotropic forced flow, decaying flow, and homogeneous rotating flow. Numerical testing shows that the second-order dynamic model significantly improves the correlation coefficient when compared to the first-order dynamic models.
Based on studies on the strain distribution in short-fiber/whisker reinforced metal matrix composites, a deformation characteristic parameter, lambda is defined as a ratio of root-mean-square strain of the reinforcers identically oriented to the macro-linear strain along the same direction. Quantitative relation between lambda and microstructure parameters of composites is obtained. By using lambda, the stiffness moduli of composites with arbitrary reinforcer orientation density function and under arbitrary loading condition are derived. The upper-bound and lower-bound of the present prediction are the same as those from the equal-strain theory and equal-stress theory, respectively. The present theory provides a physical explanation and theoretical base for the present commonly-used empirical formulae. Compared with the microscopic mechanical theories, the present theory is competent for stiffness modulus prediction of practical engineering composites in accuracy and simplicity.
Semi-weight function method is developed to solve the plane problem of two bonded dissimilar materials containing a crack along the bond. From equilibrium equation, stress and strain relationship, conditions of continuity across interface and free crack surface, the stress and displacement fields were obtained. The eigenvalue of these fields is lambda. Semi-weight functions were obtained as virtual displacement and stress fields with eigenvalue-lambda. Integral expression of fracture parameters, K-I and K-II, were obtained from reciprocal work theorem with semi-weight functions and approximate displacement and stress values on any integral path around crack tip. The calculation results of applications show that the semi-weight function method is a simple, convenient and high precision calculation method.
This paper presents the electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics in plasma and the attenuation coefficients of the microwave in terms of the parameters n(e), v, w, L, w(b). The phi800 mm high temperature shock tube has been used to produce a uniform plasma. In order to get the attenuation of the electromagnetic wave through the plasma behind a shock wave, the microwave transmission has been used to measure the relative change of the wave power. The working frequency is f = (2 similar to 35) GHz (w = 2pif, wave length lambda = 15 cm similar to 8 mm). The electron density in the plasma is n(e) = (3 x 10(10) similar to 1 x 10(14)) cm(-3). The collision frequency v = (1 x 10(8) similar to 6 x 10(10)) Hz. The thickness of the plasma layer L = (2 similar to 80) cm. The electron circular frequency w(b) = eB(0)/m(e), magnetic flux density B-0 = (0 similar to 0.84) T. The experimental results show that when the plasma layer is thick (such as L/lambda greater than or equal to 10), the correlation between the attenuation coefficients of the electromagnetic waves and the parameters n(e), v, w, L determined from the measurements are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of electromagnetic wave propagations in the uniform infinite plasma. When the plasma layer is thin (such as when both L and lambda are of the same order), the theoretical results are only in a qualitative agreement with the experimental observations in the present parameter range, but the formula of the electromagnetic wave propagation theory in an uniform infinite plasma can not be used for quantitative computations of the correlation between the attenuation coefficients and the parameters n(e), v, w, L. In fact, if w < w(p), v(2) much less than w(2), the power attenuations K of the electromagnetic waves obtained from the measurements in the thin-layer plasma are much smaller than those of the theoretical predictions. On the other hand, if w > w(p), v(2) much less than w(2) (just v approximate to f), the measurements are much larger than the theoretical results. Also, we have measured the electromagnetic wave power attenuation value under the magnetic field and without a magnetic field. The result indicates that the value measured under the magnetic field shows a distinct improvement.
The existing theories dealing with the evaluation of the absolute coagulation rate constant by turbidity measurement were experimentally tested for different particle-sized (radius = a) suspensions at incident wavelengths (lambda) ranging from near-infrared to ultraviolet light. When the size parameter alpha = 2 pi a/lambda > 3, the rate constant data from previous theories for fixed-sized particles show significant inconsistencies at different light wavelengths. We attribute this problem to the imperfection of these theories in describing the light scattering from doublets through their evaluation of the extinction cross section. The evaluations of the rate constants by all previous theories become untenable as the size parameter increases and therefore hampers the applicable range of the turbidity measurement. By using the T-matrix method, we present a robust solution for evaluating the extinction cross section of doublets formed in the aggregation. Our experiments show that this new approach is effective in extending the applicability range of the turbidity methodology and increasing measurement accuracy.
El presente trabajo se realizó entre el periodo comprendido de Abril a Julio del 2010, en la comunidad de Mombachito, municipio Camoapa, departamento de Boaco. El objetivo fue evaluar cinco alternativas de manejos contra el complejo Bemisia tabaci- Geminivirus, en el cultivo de tomate. El híbrido utilizado fue Shanty, estableciendo el semillero bajo condiciones de micro-invernadero, para evaluar las alternativas de manejo se utilizo un diseño de bloque completo al azar (BCA), arreglando los siguientes tratamientos: actara 25 WG ITbiametoxam); engeo 24,7 SC (Thiarnetoxam + Lambda-Cihalotrina); macerado de hojas de madero negro ( Gliricidia sepium ); aceite vegetal + jabón liquido, macerados de ajo (A/luim sativum)+ chile (Capsicum sp)+ jabón y un testigo (sin aplicación). En las variables evaluadas (promedio de mosca blanca, incidencia de virus, severidad de virus, otros insectos, rendimiento y análisis económico). Se registraron los siguientes resultados: promedio de mosca blanca/plantas más bajos actara (1.20 ± 0.12; Pr S 0.0001), aceite vegetal (1.57 ± 0.16) y madero negro (1.66 ± 0.18). Los menores porcentajes de incidencia y severidad de virus fue el actara. En el tratamiento de madero negro se registraron los promedios más alto de araña, después del tratamiento testigo. Los rendimientos promedios registrado por tratamientos más altos fue en engeo y madero negro, el tratamiento que mostró la tasa de retorno marginal más alta fue engeo con 638%.
Zero thickness crack tip interface elements for a crack normal to the interface between two materials are presented. The elements are shown to have the desired r(lambda-1) (0 < lambda < 1) singularity in the stress field at the crack tip and are compatible with other singular elements. The stiffness matrices of the quadratic and cubic interface element are derived. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed interface elements for a crack perpendicular to the bimaterial interface.
We propose here a local exponential divergence plot which is capable of providing an alternative means of characterizing a complex time series. The suggested plot defines a time-dependent exponent and a ''plus'' exponent. Based on their changes with the embedding dimension and delay time, a criterion for estimating simultaneously the minimal acceptable embedding dimension, the proper delay time, and the largest Lyapunov exponent has been obtained. When redefining the time-dependent exponent LAMBDA(k) curves on a series of shells, we have found that whether a linear envelope to the LAMBDA(k) curves exists can serve as a direct dynamical method of distinguishing chaos from noise.
we propose here a local exponential divergence plot which is capable of providing a new means of characterizing chaotic time series. The suggested plot defines a time dependent exponent LAMBDA and a ''plus'' exponent LAMBDA+ which serves as a criterion for estimating simultaneously the minimal acceptable embedding dimension, the proper delay time and the largest Lyapunov exponent.
A series of experiments have been conducted on cruciform specimens to investigate fatigue crack growth from circular notches under high levels of biaxial stress. Two stress levels (Δσ1= 380 and 560 MPa) and five stress biaxialities (λ=+1.0, +0.5, 0, −0.5 and −1.0; where λ=σ2/σ1 were adopted in the fatigue tests in type 316 stainless steel having a monotonic yield strength of 243 MPa. The results reveal that fatigue crack growth rates are markedly influenced by both the stress amplitude and the stress biaxiality. A modified model has been developed to describe fatigue crack growth under high levels of biaxial stress.
A perturbation solution is obtained for the local stress-strain fields in an axially cracked cylindrical shell. The tenth-order differential equations are used that take into account the transverse shear deformation. The perturbation of a curvature parameter, λ, is employed, where . The stress intensity factors for finite size cylindrical shells subjected to bending and internal pressure are evaluated. Sufficient accuracy can be obtained without using fine mesh sizes in regions near the crack tip. Also analyzed are the influence of cylinder diameter and shearing stiffness on bulging.