920 resultados para labour market inequality
Educational aspirations during lower secondary school and choice of upper secondary education are important for young people’s future trajectories into higher education and labour market positions. In line with ideas about reflexive, autonomous individuals (Giddens, 1991), choice of education is often represented as a young person’ individual decision, and educational guidance as aimed at discovering what ‘fits’ an individual’s personality, interests and abilities. Educational aspirations and choices are also social patterns that are reproduced. Some population categories represent exceptions from expected patterns of social reproduction of educational level and professions. In several countries, one such category is young people from families with migration experiences (Lauglo, 2000; Modood, 2004). In Norway, students have a legal right to non-compulsory upper secondary schooling and 96 percent of the students continue from lower to upper secondary school. In spite of positive developments regarding minority youths’ completion of upper secondary and higher education in later years, studies still persistently show lower educational attainment among minority youth, particularly among boys (Fekjaer, 2006). However, in lower secondary school, minor ity youth tend to have markedly higher educational aspirations and stronger learning motivation than their majority peers, as well as greater effort in school and strong adherence to school values (Lauglo, 2000) despite lower educational attainment or lower socio-economic backgrounds. In addition, gender differences in educational aspirations seem to be smaller among minority youth. The principal objective of the study in progress that will be presented in this paper, is to describe how processes relating to gendered, ethnic and class-based identities influence young people’s educational choices. The study is undertaken as a PhD project in social anthropology. The methodological approach is ethnographic longitudinal fieldwork in two multicultural lower secondary schools in Oslo. The study is part of a larger project that also include quantitative analyses of longitudinal data covering 9th graders in Oslo 2006 through four data collections during lower and upper secondary school.
La importància de la formació permanent és indiscutible en qualsevol context laboral i molt especialment en les actuals circumstàncies de crisi econòmica mundial. Però en l'actual espai europeu d'educació superior (EEES), les tendències i els plans de formació contínua adquireixen una dimensió global, que supera o, millor dit, hauria de superar els plantejaments reduccionistes. Per això, la construcció i el desenvolupament de l'espai europeu de formació permanent, EEFP (Comissió de les Comunitats Europees, 2001a), ha d'entendre's com un procés que està immers en un teixit més ampli. Es tracta d'una acció en xarxa on és necessària la implicació de molts agents actius professionals i on la convergència, el reconeixement i la cohesió han de ser els seus màxims elements qualitatius
Regional Advisory Committee on Cancer (RACC) was established in 1997 to carry forward the recommendations of the Campbell Report of 1996 and to provide advice to the Department of Health and Social Services on the future development of cancer services. The Committee meets twice a year and its membership (Appendix I) is an indication of the wide range of interests involved in Cancer Care across the community. This report records some of the key developments in cancer services over the last 3 years. åÊ Significant progress has been made toward developing a high quality and integrated cancer care network. All five Cancer Units are now operational with chemotherapy and outpatient services for the most common forms of cancer are delivered from these locations. Agreement to the start of the new Cancer Centre, at the Belfast City Hospital, currently estimated to cost å£58m, is expected shortly. As a temporary expedient two additional therapy machines will be installed in Belvoir Park Hospital to increase capacity while the building of the new Cancer Centre proceeds. åÊ To deliver high quality cancer care the workforce needs to continue to expand. This requires increasing investment in the training of professional staff in the context of an already difficult HPSS labour market. The development of the five Cancer Units has increased staff mobility in the short-term, drawing skilled staff away from the centre who have been difficult to replace. At the same time increasing numbers of patients are being offered effective therapies at both the Cancer Units and the Centre. åÊ This report contains a review of selected developments in cancer care. The first section introduces the Memorandum of Understanding and the Tripartite Agreement between the National Cancer Institute of the USA and the Health Departments both North and South. This is a unique international partnership, which promises to bring very significant advantages to both the service and research communities across the Island. åÊ åÊ åÊ
Cognitive impairment has emerged as a major driver of disability in old age, with profound effects on individual well-being and decision making at older ages. In the light of policies aimed at postponing retirement ages, an important question is whether continued labour supply helps to maintain high levels of cognition at older ages. We use data of older men from the US Health and Retirement Study to estimate the effect of continued labour market participation at older ages on later-life cognition. As retirement itself is likely to depend on cognitive functioning and may thus be endogenous, we use offers of early retirement windows as instruments for retirement in econometric models for later-life cognitive functioning. These offers of early retirement are legally required to be nondiscriminatory and thus, inter alia, unrelated to cognitive functioning. At the same time, these offers of early retirement options are significant predictors of retirement. Although the simple ordinary least squares estimates show a negative relationship between retirement duration and various measures of cognitive functioning, instrumental variable estimates suggest that these associations may not be causal effects. Specifically, we find no clear relationship between retirement duration and later-life cognition for white-collar workers and, if anything, a positive relationship for blue-collar workers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper analyses the integration of Africa in the global labour market of football through the study of players' migrations to Asia and Europe. The presence of African footballers in the latter continent is analysed via a statistical survey carried out in September and October 2008 on a sample of 456 top division clubs in 30 European countries. The article emphasizes that the aspirations placed on football by male African youth, as a means of upward social mobility, are often too high when compared to the harsh realities of a transfer market based on commercial logics, which each year push many footballers away from the professional game.
Northern Ireland’s labour market and poverty rates have deteriorated in the last five years, in addition to longstanding issues of mental health and community divisions – and welfare reforms are likely to exacerbate these problems.��New research��by the New Policy Institute for JRF brings together the latest data to show the extent and nature of poverty in Northern Ireland (NI), focusing on the links between poverty, work, disability and age. It finds that:��•��between 2006/07 and 2011/12 the average (median) income in NI fell by almost 10 per cent compared with 7 per cent for the UK as a whole;��•��the proportion of unemployed working-age people in NI almost doubled between 2007/08 and 2012/13 to reach 5.8 per cent. Growth in the proportion working part-time and wanting full-time work has been greater – up from 1.7 per cent, the same as in Great Britain (GB), to 4.4 per cent (compared with 3.5 per cent in GB);��•��the proportion of pensioners in poverty in NI fell from 19 per cent to 16 per cent in the five years to 2011/12. The poverty rate rose over this period for working-age adults and children;��•��in the five years to 2011/12, the poverty rate among adults aged 16 to 29 rose by 8 percentage points to reach 26 per cent. Poverty has also increased among those aged 30 to 59, solely among those in working families.��For more information about this research and forthcoming work, please contact Aleks Collingwood, programme manager:��Aleks.Collingwood@jrf.org.uk
Ireland’s further education and training system faces major challenges at a time of severe economic crisis. The unprecedented level of unemployment -14.8% of our labour force is unemployed - has resulted in significantly increased demand for education and training. More and more people are seeking to upskill or reskill in order to enter or re-enter the labour market and the need to upskill those who have lost their jobs has become obvious to us all. The Government is re-inventing Ireland’s economy so that it is competitive, sustainable and provides opportunities for all to secure employment. The State has a fundamental role in this challenge and there is a particular need to respond with activation measures that provide clear and purposeful pathways to employment, either directly or via further and higher education and training
In May 2013, the then Minister for Education and Skills announced a wide ranging review of apprenticeship in Ireland. The review was undertaken by an independent Review Group under the chairmanship of Kevin Duffy. The objective of the review was to “examine the future of apprenticeship training in Ireland with a greater focus on a work based learning and a closer alignment of the current needs if the Irish labour market”. The Apprenticeship Review took place in the context of a wider reform programme in education and training, including major structural change in further education and training, the establishment of SOLAS and the development of new national strategies in both further and higher education. Apprenticeship was defined by the Apprenticeship Review Group as a programme of structured education and training, which formally combines and alternates learning in the work place with learning in an education or training centre, (a dual system i.e. a blended combination of on-the-job employer-based training and off-the-job training) whose completion - Prepares the participant for a specific occupation - Leads to an award, recognised under the National Framework of Qualifications from Level 5 to Level 1
Thematic reviews of early childhood policy originated in response to a significant change in Western societies in the latter part of the 20th century. In effect, the care and education of young children in the industrialised world had shifted from the private to the public sphere, to become a shared responsibility of families and the state. Not only was the provision of equal access to women to the labour market an important goal in this development, but also the issue of giving every child a fair start in life and at school.
The chapter provides an account of the changing role played by active labour market policies (ALMPs) in Europe since the post-war years. Focusing on six countries (Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom), it shows that the role of ALMPs is related to the broad economic situation. At times of rapid expansion and labour shortage, like the 1950s and 1960s, their key objective was to upskill the workforce. After the oil shocks of the 1970s, the raison d'être of ALMPs shifted from economic to social policy, and since the mid-1990s, we see the development of a new function, well captured by the notion of activation, which refers to the strengthening of work incentives and the removal of obstacles to employment, mostly for low-skilled people. The adequacy between economic context and policy is not always optimal, though. Like other ones, this policy domain suffers from inertia, with the result that the countries that have led the way in one period have more difficulty adapting to the economic conditions prevailing in the following one.
Late career is often seen as a more vulnerable life-stage in the labour market, in which workers may experience a deterioration in job quality. Using a life course perspective and longitudinal data, this article analyses the vulnerability associated with late career by focusing on four occupational dimensions: working-time, career continuity, retirement timing and income change. The research is carried out using data from Switzerland, a country where the age profile of the labour force is an increasing issue. The paper also adopts a cumulative disadvantage perspective to examine the impact of previous work and family life experiences on work life vulnerability at older age. Our data come from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARELIFE). The paper uses cluster analysis, sequence analysis and ordered logistic regression. Results show that women with previous family responsibilities resulting in long-term unemployment or caring, often with health complications, are more likely to be vulnerable to deterioration in job quality in late career. This suggests that experiences in the last period of the working life may be just as gendered as earlier periods.
This article provides an in-depth study of long-term female unemployment in Catalonia.Long-term unemployment statistics reveal which social groups are most likely to experience difficulty re-entering the labour market. In this case, we found that women are mainly affected by this type of labour exclusion, in particular poorly qualified, working-class women who are aged over 45 and with family responsibilities.The article aims to explore how the overlapping of factors such as gender, age, social class, origin and the division of work based on gender are related to long-term female unemployment. Moreover, we were able to detect which conceptual tools provide us with the production/reproduction paradigm so as to be able to analyse the future of female unemployment. The methodology we used combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. On the one hand, the analysis of secondary statistical data focusing on Catalonia is useful in understanding the situation from a macro-social perspective. On the other hand, an exploratory discussion group enables us to investigate social imaginary practises among unemployed working class women aged over 45. This discussion group was held in Igualada -capital of the Anoia region - an area of Catalonia deeply affected by unemployment in the current economic crisis.
This paper addresses the migration behaviours of young university graduates from a rural region in Switzerland. Based on a questionnaire survey, it compares graduates' current place of residence (i.e. whether or not they returned to their home region) with characteristics related to their socio-familial, migration and professional trajectories. The propensity to return varies not only according to labour market variables (employment opportunities), but also to other factors, some of which have even more influence than job opportunities. The graduates' life course position (kind of household), their partners' characteristics (level of education and home region) and their family background (socio-economic status and history of migration) all play a central role. On the whole, results show that migration appears as a selective and complex process embedded in the life course of graduates.
La literatura econòmica sobre immigració i mercat de treball ha analitzat dos grans temes. Un és l’efecte que genera la immigració sobre les condicions laborals (ocupació i salaris) dels nadius. L’altre és l’assimilació dels immigrants en el país d’acollida. Aquest projecte s'emmarca en aquesta segona línia de recerca. L’assimilació s’entén com un procés complex en el que un immigrant s’integra completament en el seu país d’acollida en diferents aspectes interrelacionats: l’estatus socioeconòmic, el progrés salarial, el domini de l’idioma o la segregació residencial, entre d'altres. El nostre projecte es centra en l’anàlisi de l’assimilació dels immigrants que han arribat recentment al nostre mercat de treball. Des d'aquesta perspectiva, s'ha analitzat si com a conseqüència de la transferibilitat limitada del capital humà entre països, es produeix o no una degradació ocupacional inicial que porti associada una quantiosa diferència salarial amb els nadius de similars característiques. De fet, com menys transferible sigui el capital humà d'origen, major serà la degradació ocupacional i la consegüent bretxa salarial inicial. També s'ha analitzat de manera més directa quin paper juga la portabilitat del capital humà a l'hora d'explicar el progrés econòmic dels immigrants. L’evidència obtinguda permet concloure que, a mesura que s'amplia el temps de residència al país de destinació, el capital humà es va adaptant als requeriments del mercat laboral del país hoste, especialment a través de l'experiència en el lloc de treball, però també per aprenentatge del nou idioma o fins i tot realització d'estudis. El capital humà així acumulat permet millorar posicions en l'escala ocupacional i augmentar en paral•lel els ingressos, assimilant-los amb el temps als dels nadius d'iguals característiques. Per últim, l’anàlisi del paper de les xarxes socials dels immigrants mostra un efecte positiu sobre la probabilitat de trobar feina però un pitjor emparellament en el mercat de treball.
Background: Despite the fact that labour market flexibility has resulted in an expansion of precarious employment in industrialized countries, to date there is limited empirical evidence about its health consequences. The Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES) is a newly developed, theory-based, multidimensional questionnaire specifically devised for epidemiological studies among waged and salaried workers. Objective: To assess acceptability, reliability and construct validity of EPRES in a sample of waged and salaried workers in Spain. Methods: Cross-sectional study, using a sub-sample of 6.968 temporary and permanent workers from a population-based survey carried out in 2004-2005. The survey questionnaire was interviewer administered and included the six EPRES subscales, measures of the psychosocial work environment (COPSOQ ISTAS21), and perceived general and mental health (SF-36). Results: A high response rate to all EPRES items indicated good acceptability; Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, over 0.70 for all subscales and the global score, demonstrated good internal consistency reliability; exploratory factor analysis using principal axis analysis and varimax rotation confirmed the six-subscale structure and the theoretical allocation of all items. Patterns across known groups and correlation coefficients with psychosocial work environment measures and perceived health demonstrated the expected relations, providing evidence of construct validity. Conclusions: Our results provide evidence in support of the psychometric properties of EPRES, which appears to be a promising tool for the measurement of employment precariousness in public health research.