839 resultados para job rotation
Currently the organizations are passing for continuous cycles of changes due to necessity of survival in the work market. The administration of the future points a way to the organizations of today and tomorrow, the search of the competitiveness from loyalty and motivation of its staff. Of this form, the model of the Auditoria do Sistema Humano (ASH), developed for Spanish researchers and that now it is being applied in Brazil, contemplates a series of dimensions about Human Resources management quality in the companies and the organizational effectiveness, such as the environment where the company is inserted, the strategies, the organizational drawing, the psychological and psychosocial processes, e the reached results. In this direction, the present research analyzed the factors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, making, also, a relation of causality between the same ones. The quantitative-descriptive research had as population the employees of twenty three nourishing industries of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), registered in the Federacy of the Industries of the state. The collection of the data occurred for the months of October of 2005 and March of 2006, by means of the application of questionnaire of model ASH. The sample was composed for 197 employees, however it was observed presence of five outliers, that they had been excluded from the analysis of the data. To extract the dimensions of the satisfaction and the commitment and identification the factorial analysis was used, with extraction method of principal components, rotation Varimax and normalization Kaiser. The gotten dimensions had been evaluated with the calculation of the coefficient Alpha of Cronbach. The factorial analysis of the pointers of the organizational commitment and identification had extracted ten factors. Of these, four had gotten significance of the analyses inside: affective commitment, values commitment, continuance commitment and necessity commitment. The result of the analysis of the pointers of job satisfaction indicated four factors: extrinsic, motivations, relation with the friends and auto-accomplishment. To deal with the data the relation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment it was used technique of multiple regression. The correlation between commitment and satisfaction was satisfactory, detaching the affective commitment with bigger index of correlation, followed of the affective one
The spatial distribution of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton cultivated in crop rotation with sorghum-peanut-velvetbean was studied using geostatistics. The experimental field, which had been continuously cropped with cotton for 20 years, comprised two 32 x 48 m-grids, each divided in sixty-four 4 x 6 in sampling plots. For all crops, 300 cm(3) soil samples were taken at the center of each plot at crop germination (Pi) and again at harvest (Pf), from which the numbers of nematodes were determined. The results revealed that the spatial distribution of R. reniformis was highly aggregated and with the aid of geostatistical techniques the nematode intensities were mapped and the risk areas accurately identified. Consequently, geostatistics is here considered a useful tool for planning nematode control strategies, particularly in precision agriculture.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The use of crop rotation and manure application can provide sustainability for an agricultural production system by improving soil quality and increasing nutrient use efficiency. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of mineral, organic and mineral+organic fertilization on grain yield and on soil phosphorus and potassium balance, in two crop systems under no-till, with and without rotation of cover crops. The experiment was carried out from 2006 to 2008 on a clayey Rhodic Hapludox in Marechal Candido Rondon, Parana State, Brazil. The cropping sequence in the rotation system involving cover crops was black oat + hairy vetch + forage turnip/corn/pigeon pea/wheat/mucuna + brachiaria + sunn hemp, and in the succession system was wheat/corn/wheat/soybean. Organic and mineral+organic fertilizations consisted of the application of solely manure and manure combined with mineral fertilizer, respectively. Soil P and K balances were calculated after the second year of the experiment, up to a depth of 0.40 m. First year corn yields were higher in the crop succession system accompanied by mineral fertilization. In the second year, wheat and soybean yield did not vary between crop systems and nutrient sources, demonstrating the residual effect of crop rotation and manure use. Crop rotation with cover crops resulted in an increase in soil K levels by promoting the recycling of this nutrient in the soil. In both crop systems, the application of mineral and organic fertilizers - either in isolation or in combination - resulted in a negative soil P and K balance in the short term. This represents a threat to the sustainability of the agricultural production system in the long term, due to the depletion of soil nutrient reserves.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O trabalho em turnos existe desde o início da vida social dos homens, sendo utilizado em diferentes setores, como na indústria de produção de bens de consumo e de serviços. A área da saúde exige o sistema em turnos para manutenção de atividades durante 24 horas. Teve-se como objetivo identificar os sistemas de turnos em funcionários de enfermagem em um hospital universitário, avaliar a percepção sobre os prováveis efeitos do trabalho em turnos em sua saúde e vida social e o grau de participação desses funcionários na forma de organização de sua jornada. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, cujos resultados foram obtidos mediante questionário aplicado a 348 funcionários da enfermagem do Hospital de Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo. Dentre os resultados, observou-se que, em sua maioria, eles tinham menos de 40 anos, eram casados, do sexo feminino, com um filho pelo menos, cumprindo uma escala de turnos alternados, com freqüência de revezamento superior a quinze dias e referindo queixas de caráter neuro-psíquico, gastrintestinal e cardiovascular. Houve ainda queixas sobre relacionamento e tempo de convivência. Na maioria das vezes, era pouca a participação do funcionário na forma de organização de sua escala de trabalho.
The purpose of this Study was to evaluate Soft tissue response to rnaxillo-mandibular counter-clockwise rotation, with TMJ reconstruction and mandibular advancement using TMJ Concepts (R) total joint prostheses, and maxillary osteotomies in 44 females. All patients were operated at Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas TX, USA, by one Surgeon (Wolford). Eighteen patients had genioplasties with either porous block hydroxyapatite or hard tissue replacement implants (Group 2) 26 had no genioplasty (Group 1). Surgically, the maxilla moved forward and upward by counter-clockwise maxillo-mandibular rotation with greater horizontal movement in Group 2. Vertically, both groups showed diversity of maxillo-mandibular mean movement. Group I showed a consistent 1:0.97 ratio of hard to soft tissue advancement at pogonion; Group 2 results were less consistent, with ratios between 1:0.84 and 1:1.02. Horizontal changes in upper lip morphology after maxillary advancement/impaction, VY closure, and alar base cinch sutures showed greater movement in both groups, than observed in hard tissue. Counter-clockwise rotation of the maxillo-mandibular complex using TMJ Concepts total joint prostheses resulted in similar soft tissue response as previously reported for traditional maxillo-mandibular advancement without counter-clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane. The association of chin implants, in the present sample, showed higher variability of soft tissue response.
47 end-stage TMJ patients with high occlusal plane angulation, treated with TMJ custom-fitted total joint prostheses and simultaneous maxillo-mandibular counter-clockwise rotation were evaluated for pain and dysfunction presurgery (T1) and at the longest follow-up (T2). Patients subjectively rated their facial pain/headache, TMJ pain, jaw function, diet and disability. Objective functional changes were determined by measuring maximum interincisal opening (MIO) and laterotrusive movements. Patients were divided according to the number of previous failed TMJ surgeries: Group 1 (0-1), Group 2 (2 or more). Significant subjective pain and dysfunction improvements (37-52%) were observed (<0.001). MIO increased 14% but lateral excursion decreased 60%. The groups presented similar absolute changes, but Group 2 showed more dysfunction at T1 and T2. For patients who did not receive fat grafts around the prostheses and had previous failure of proplast/teflon and or silastic TMJ implants, more than half required surgery for TMJ debridement and removal of foreign body giant cell reaction and heterotopic bone formation. End-stage TMJ patients can be treated in one operation with TMJ custom-made total joint prostheses and maxillo-mandibular counter-clockwise rotation, for correction of dentofacial deformity and improvement in pain and TMJ dysfunction; Group 1 patients had better results than Group 2 patients.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anatomical changes and stability of the oropharyngeal airway and head Posture following TMJ reconstruction and mandibular advancement with TMJ Concepts custom-made total joint prostheses and maxillary osteotomies with counter-clockwise rotation of the maxillo-mandibular complex. All patients were operated at Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas TX, USA, by one surgeon (Wolford). The lateral cephalograms of 47 patients were analyzed to determine surgical and post-surgical changes of the oropharyngeal airway, hyoid bone and head posture. Surgery increased the narrowest retroglossal airway space 4.9 mm. Head Posture showed flexure immediately after surgery (-5.6 +/- 6.7 degrees) and extension long-term post surgery (1.8 +/- 6.7 degrees); cervical curvature showed no significant change. Surgery increased the distances between the third cervical vertebrae and the menton 11.7 +/- 9.1 mm and the third cervical vertebrae and hyoid 3.2 +/- 3.9 mm, and remained stable. The distance from the hyoid to the mandibular plane decreased during surgery (-3.8 +/- 5.8 mm) and after surgery (-2.5 +/- 5.2 mm), Maxillo-mandibular advancement with counter-clockwise rotation and TMJ reconstruction with total joint prostheses produced immediate increase in oropharyngeal airway dimension, which was influenced by long-term changes in head posture but remained stable over the follow-up period.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A doença descrita no livro bíblico de Jó é controversa, e tem interessado a teólogos, psiquiatras e dermatologistas, há tempos. Neste trabalho os autores apontam para evidências do diagnóstico de insuficiência renal crônica com alterações neurológicas.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Soil and subsoil aluminium toxicity has been one of the main limiting factors for soybean and wheat yields in tropical soils. Usually liming is the most effective way to deal with soil acidity and Al toxicity, but in no-till systems the soil is not disturbed making it impossible to incorporate lime in the arable layer, and lime has been usually applied on the soil surface. In this paper soybean and wheat responses to lime applied on the soil surface and/or incorporated in the soil arable layer were evaluated during the transition from conventional tillage to a no-till system. The experiment was conducted for 3 years in Parana, Brazil, using a wheat-soybean rotation. Lime rates ranging from 0.0 to 9.0 t ha(-1) were incorporated down to 20 cm and 4.5 t ha(-1) were spread or not on the soil surface. Soil samples were taken down to 60 cm, 39 months after the first lime application. Soil chemical characteristics were affected by lime application down to 60 cm deep in the profile. Soybean responded to lime irrespective of application method, but the highest accumulated yield was obtained when lime was incorporated into the arable layer. For wheat, the more sensitive the cultivar, the greater was the response to lime. During the introduction of a no-till system, lime must be incorporated into the arable layer when the wheat cultivar is Al-sensitive. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.