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Sugar uptake and metabolism were studied in callus cultures and shoot tips of asparagus. Asparagus callus cultures were used to model senescence in shoot tips. Callus cultures absorbed glucose from a nutrient medium, and accumulated sucrose, glucose and fructose. This uptake of glucose by the callus cultures down-regulated expression of asparagine synthetase and beta -galactosidase transcripts that otherwise accumulated when sugar was withheld. When 80 mm-long asparagus shoots were excised from growing plants and placed in 2% and 8% sucrose solutions, endogenous concentrations of sucrose, glucose, fructose, UDPglucose, and glucose-6-phosphate declined in the 30mm-long meristematic tip regions. At the same time, asparagine and asparagine synthetase gene transcripts began to accumulate in these tips. When 10 mm-long asparagus shoot tips were placed on glucose- or fructose-containing agar, the tips accumulated sucrose, glucose and fructose, and asparagine accumulation and expression of asparagine synthetase were marginally reduced. We concluded that in callus cultures, asparagine synthetase expression was sugar regulated, but that sugar regulation was not as pronounced in asparagus shoot tips. This may be due in part to slower rates of sugar uptake into shoot tips and in part to compartmentation of sugars in the tips. We suggest that callus cultures are not a suitable model for metabolic studies in asparagus shoot tips.
The postural response to translation of the support surface may be influenced by the performance of an ongoing voluntary task. This study was designed to test this proposal by applying lateral perturbations while subjects handled a load in the frontal plane. Measurements were made of medio-lateral displacement of the centre of pressure, angular displacement of the trunk and thigh in the frontal plane and intra-abdominal pressure. Subjects were translated randomly to the left and right in a variety of conditions that involved standing either quietly or with a 5 kg load in their left hand, which they were required either to hold statically or to lift or lower. The results indicate that when the perturbation occurred towards the loaded left side the subjects were able to return their centre of pressure, trunk and thigh rapidly and accurately to the initial position. However, when the perturbation occurred towards the right (away from the load) this correction was delayed and associated with multiple changes in direction of movement, suggesting decreased efficiency of the postural response. This reduced efficiency can be explained by a conflict between the motor commands for the ongoing voluntary task and the postural response, and/or by the mechanical effect of the asymmetrical addition of load to the trunk.
Numerous studies on the relationship between the structure and function of peptide agonists derived from the biologically active, C-terminal region of human C5a anaphylatoxin have been reported over the past decade. These studies have been performed with the objective of parlaying this structure-function information into the design of peptide/peptidomimetic modulators of C5a receptor (C5aR)-mediated function. In this review, we describe a rational approach for the development of conformationally biased, decapeptide agonists of C5a and described how these stabilized and specific conformational features relate to the expression of specific C5a-like activities in vitro and in vivo. The therapeutic potential of such response-selective C5a agonists is discussed and underscored by the results of one such response-selective C5a agonist that was used in vivo as an effective molecular adjuvant capable of generating antigen-specific humoral and cellular immune responses. Finally, we describe the synthesis of a new generation of highly response-selective, conformationally biased C5a agonist and discuss the in vitro and in vivo biologic results that so indicate this biologic selectivity.
We have identified novel adjuvant activity in specific cytosol fractions from trophozoites of Giardia isolate BRIS/95/HEPU/2041 (J. A. Upcroft, P. A. McDonnell, and P. Upcroft, Parasitol. Today, 14:281-284, 1998). Adjuvant activity was demonstrated in the systemic and mucosal compartments when Giardia extract was coadministered orally with antigen to mice. Enhanced antigen-specific serum antibody responses were demonstrated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent. assay to be comparable to those generated by the gold standard, mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin. A source of adjuvant activity was localized to the cytosolic component of the parasite. Fractionation of the cytosol produced fraction pools, some of which, when coadministered with antigen, stimulated an enhanced antigen-specific serum response. The toxic component of conventional mucosal adjuvants is associated with adjuvant activity; therefore, in a similar way, the toxin-like attributes of BRIS/95/HEPU/2041 may be responsible for its adjuvanticity. Complete characterization of the adjuvant is under way.
Several cystic fibrosis (CF) mouse models demonstrate an increased susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection, characterized by excessive inflammation and high rates of mortality. Here we developed a model of chronic P. aeruginosa lung disease in mice homozygous for the murine CF transmembrane conductance regulator G551D mutation that provides an excellent model for CF lung disease. After 3 days of infection with mucoid P. aeruginosa entrapped in agar beads, the G551D animals lost substantially more body weight than non-CF control animals and were less able to control the infection, harboring over 40-fold more bacteria in the lung. The airways of infected G551D animals contained altered concentrations of the inflammatory mediators tumor necrosis factor-alpha, KC/N51, and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 during the first 2 days of infection, suggesting that an ineffective inflammatory response is partly responsible for the clearance defect.
The effects of conditioning and hot water treatments on immature and mature 'Kensington' mangoes were examined. A hot water treatment of 47 degreesC fruit core temperature held for 15 min increased weight loss (50%), fruit softness (15%), disrupted starch hydrolysis and interacted with maturity to reduce the skin yellowness (40-51%) of early harvested fruit. Immature fruit were more susceptible to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding, starch layer and starch spot injuries and disease. Conditioning fruit at 40 degreesC for up to 16 h before hot water treatment accelerated fruit ripening, as reflected in higher total soluble solids and lower titratable acidity levels. As fruit maturity increased, the tolerance to hot water treatment-induced skin scalding and the retention of starch layers and starch spots increased and susceptibility to lenticel spotting decreased. A conditioning treatment of either 22 degrees or 40 degreesC before hot water treatment could prevent the appearance of cavities at all maturity levels. The 40 degreesC conditioning temperature was found to be more effective in increasing fruit heat tolerance than the 22 degreesC treatment; the longer the time of conditioning at 40 degreesC, the more effective the treatment (16 v. 4 h). For maximum fruit quality, particularly for export markets, it is recommended that mature fruit are selected and conditioned before hot water treatment to reduce the risk of heat damage.
It is now 35 years since Brandtzaeg and Kraus (1965) published their seminal work entitled Autoimmunity and periodontal disease. Initially, this work led to the concept that destructive periodontitis was a localized hypersensitivity reaction involving immune complex formation within the tissues. In 1970, Ivanyi and Lehner highlighted a possible role for cell-mediated immunity, which stimulated a flurry of activity centered on the role of lymphokines such as osteoclast-activating factor (OAF), macrophage-activating factor (MAF), macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF), and myriad others. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, attention focused on the role of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, and it was thought that periodontal destruction occurred as a series of acute exacerbations. As well, at this stage doubt was being cast on the concept that there was a neutrophil chemotactic defect in periodontitis patients. Once it was realized that neutrophils were primarily protective and that severe periodontal destruction occurred in the absence of these cells, attention swung back to the role of lymphocytes and in particular the regulatory role of T-cells. By this time in the early 1990s, while the roles of interleukin (IL)-1, prostaglandin (PG) E-2, and metalloproteinases as the destructive mediators in periodontal disease were largely understood, the control and regulation of these cytokines remained controversial. With the widespread acceptance of the Th1/Th2 paradigm, the regulatory role of T-cells became the main focus of attention, Two apparently conflicting theories have emerged. One is based on direct observations of human lesions, while the other is based on animal model experiments and the inability to demonstrate IL-4 mRNA in gingival extracts. As part of the Controversy series, this review is intended to stimulate debate and hence may appear in some places provocative. In this context, this review will present the case that destructive periodontitis is due to the nature of the lymphocytic infiltrate and is not due to periodic acute exacerbations, nor is it due to the so-called virulence factors of putative periodontal pathogens.
Background: Susceptibility to periodontal infections may, in part, be genetically determined. Porphyromonas gingivalis is a major periodontopathogen, and the immune response to this organism requires T-cell help. The aim of the present study was to examine the specific T-cell cytokine responses to P gingivalis outer membrane antigens in a mouse model and their relationship with H-2 haplotype. Methods: BALB/c and DBA/2J (H-2(d)), CBACaH (H-2(k)), and C57BL6 (H-2(b)) mice were immunized with P gingivalis outer membrane antigens weekly for 3 weeks. One week after the final injection, the spleens were removed, and 6 T-cell lines specific for P gingivalis were established for each mouse strain. The percentage of CD4 and CD8 cells in the P gingivalis-specific T-cell lines staining positive for intracytoplasmic interleukin (IL)-4, interferon (IFN)-gamma, and IL-10 was determined by 2-color flow cytometry. Results: The cytokine profiles of T-cell lines from BALB/c and DBA/2J mice showed no significant differences. Significantly fewer IL4+, IFN-gamma+, and IL-10+ CD4 cells than IL-4+, IFN-gamma+, and IL-10+ CD8 cells, respectively, were demonstrated for both strains. P gingivalis-specific T-cell lines generated from CBACaH mice were similar to those generated from BALB/c and DBA/2J mice; however, the mean percentage of IL4+ CD4 cells in CBACaH mice was lower than the percentage of IFN-gamma+ CD4 cells. Also, the mean percentage of IFN-gamma+ CD4 cells in CBACaH mice was significantly increased compared to DBA/2J mice. Unlike the other 3 strains, T-cell lines established from C57BL6 mice contained similar percentages of cytokine-positive cells, although the percentage of IL-4+ CD4 cells was reduced in comparison to the percentage of CD8 cells. However, comparisons with the other 3 strains demonstrated a higher percentage of IL-4+ CD4 cells than in lines established from the spleens of DBA/2J mice, IFN-gamma+ CD4 cells than in lines established from BALB/c and CBACaH mice, and IL-10+ CD4 cells than in lines established from all 3 other strains. No significant differences in the percentage of positive CD8 cells were demonstrated between lines in the 4 strains of mice. Conclusion: The specific T-cell response to P gingivalis in mice may, in the case of the CD4 response, depend on MHC genes. These findings are consistent with the concept that patient susceptibility is important to the outcome of periodontal infection and may, in part, be genetically determined.
Background: It has previously been suggested that CD4(+) T cells play a pivotal role in regulating the immune response to periodontal pathogens. The aim of the present study therefore was to determine delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH), spleen cell proliferation, serum and splenic anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis antibody levels, and lesion sizes following challenge with viable P. gingiualis in CD4-depleted BALB/c mice immunized with P. gingiualis outer membrane proteins (OMP). Methods: Four groups of BALB/c mice were used. Groups 1 and 2 were injected intraperitoneally (ip) with saline for 3 consecutive days and then weekly throughout the experiment. Groups 3 and 4 were injected ip with rat immunoglobulin and a monoclonal rat anti-mouse CD4 antibody, respectively. Two days later, group 1 mice were injected ip with saline only, while all the other groups were immunized ip with P. gingiualis OMP weekly for 3 weeks. One week later following the last immunization of OMP, 3 separate experiments were conducted to determine: 1) the DTH response to P. gingiualis OMP by measuring footpad swelling; 2) the levels of antibodies to P. gingiualis in serum samples and spleen cell cultures using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, as well as spleen cell proliferation after stimulation with OMP; and 3) the lesion sizes after a subcutaneous challenge with viable P. gingiualis cells. Results: In CD4(+) T-cell-depleted mice (group 4), the DTH response and antigen-stimulated cell proliferation were significantly suppressed when compared to groups 2 and 3. Similarly, the levels of serum and splenic IgM, IgG, and all IgG subclass antibodies to P. gingiualis OMP were depressed. Delayed healing of P. gingivalis-induced lesions was also observed in the CD4(+) T-cell-depleted group. Conclusions: This study has shown that depletion of CD4(+) T cells prior to immunization with P. gingiualis OMP led to the suppression of both the humoral and cell-mediated immune response to this microorganism and that this was associated with delayed healing. These results suggest that the induction of the immune response to P. gingiualis is a CD4(+) T-cell-dependent mechanism and that CD4(+) T cells are important in the healing process.
Genetic and environmental sources of covariation among the P3(00) and online performance elicited in a delayed-response working memory task, and psychometric IQ assessed by the multidimensional aptitude battery, were examined in an adolescent twin sample. An association between frontal P3 latency and task performance (phenotypic r = -0.33; genotypic r = -0.49) was indicated, with genes (i.e. twin status) accounting for a large part of the covariation ( > 70%). In contrast, genes influencing P3 amplitude mediated only a small part (2%) of the total genetic variation in task performance. While task performance mediated 15% of the total genetic variation in IQ (phenotypic r = 0.22; genotypic r = 0.39) there was no association between P3 latency and IQ or P3 amplitude with IQ. The findings provide some insight into the inter-relationships among psychophysiological, performance and psychometric measures of cognitive ability, and provide support for a levels-of-processing genetic model of cognition where genes act on specific sub-components of cognitive processes.