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Objectives: To analyze the frequency of extralaryngeal branching (ELB) of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) in a consecutive series of patients undergoing thyroidectomy by the same group of surgeons during an extended period and to compare our findings with the data available in the literature. Design: Retrospective medical record study. Setting: Academic research. Patients: From March 1, 1983, to September 30, 2008, 2677 patients underwent thyroidectomy. Of these, 1638 patients had surgical information about at least 1 RLN. A total of 1081 patients underwent bilateral operations. During the last 5 years of the study, intraoperative laryngeal nerve monitoring was performed in selected patients using a commercially available system. Main Outcome Measures: Information was obtained regarding 2154 RLNs. Results: A total of 1390 RLNs (64.53%) had ELB. Among 447 patients in whom intraoperative laryngeal nerve monitoring was used, the anterior branches usually exhibited more electrophysiologic activity. Conclusions: Extralaryngeal branching was found in 64.53% of RLNs in this case series. In recent patients with intraoperative laryngeal nerve monitoring, electrophysiologic activity was observed in the branches, particularly the anteriorly situated ones. Recognition of this frequent anatomical configuration and meticulous preservation of all branches are of paramount importance to decrease postoperative morbidity associated with thyroidectomy.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of postoperative hypothyroidism among patients who underwent unilateral total lobectomy and identify related factors. Design: Retrospective medical record analysis. Setting: Oncological center and private clinic. Patients: From March 1996 to July 2005, 228 euthyroid patients underwent unilateral total lobectomy for benign diseases; 168 had all the information required for inclusion in this study. Main Outcome Measures: Serum levels of thyrotropin and antithyroidal antibodies were assessed, as well as ultrasonographic evaluation of the remaining thyroid lobe and review of all histological specimens, with emphasis on lymphocytic infiltration. Hypothyroidism was defined as thyrotropin level greater than 5.5 mU/L. Results: Most patients were female (88%), with a median (range) age of 45 (16-72) years. Hypothyroidism occurred in 61 cases (32.8%), during a median follow-up period of 29 months (range, 6-108 months). Statistically related factors included higher preoperative thyrotropin levels (2.1 mU/L among hypothyroid patients vs 1.2 mU/L in euthyroid patients; P<.001), smaller thyroid remnant volume (3.9 mL vs; 6.0 mL, respectively; P = .003); right vs left lobectomy (P = .006), and higher thyroperoxidase antibody serum levels (P = .009). Conclusions: Postoperative hypothyroidism appeared in 32.8% of the cases in this series, especially among patients with elevated preoperative thyrotropin and postoperative thyroperoxidase antibody levels, after right lobectomy and when a smaller thyroid remnant was left. After confirmation with larger prospective series, these results may support the indication for early postoperative hormone supplementation in these instances.
Condensation of (-)-norephedrine with excess formaldehyde under mild conditions leads to formation of the 2:1 condensation product N,N'-methylenebis(4-methyl-5-phenyl)oxazolidine compared with the reaction with 1 mol of formaldehyde, which leads to 4-methyl-5-phenyloxazolidine. H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy was used to monitor the stability of this compound and its decomposition products. The 2:1 condensation product is found to be stable in CDC1(3) but breaks down rapidly in CD3OD to yield a 50:50 mixture of 4-methyl-5-phenyloxazolidine and 3-hydroxymethyl-4-methyl-5-phenyloxazolidine. Upon addition of D2O to this equimolar mixture, the latter compound decomposes to norephedrine and formaldehyde, whereas the former compound is stable. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The sensitivity of several short tests of speed of information processing to the effects of mild head injury in rugby league football was investigated. The measures used were the Symbol Digit Modalities Test, the Digit Symbol Substitution Test, and the Speed of Comprehension Test. Two studies were conducted, the first to examine the effect of practice, the second to determine sensitivity to cognitive impairment immediately following injury. The first study established alternate form equivalence and demonstrated that performance on the Speed of Comprehension and Digit Symbol Substitution tests improved with practice, whereas the Symbol Digit Modalities test remained stable. A second study of 10 players who subsequently sustained mild head injuries showed that measures of speed of information processing were sensitive to impairment in the postacute phase, whereas an untimed task of word recognition (Spot-the-Word) was not. Speed of Comprehension was more sensitive to postinjury impairment than either the Digit Symbol Substitution or Symbol Digit Modalities tests. A repeated baseline assessment before injury using the higher score to reflect a player's potential, allowed measurement of impaired performance on sensitive tests.
The present study aimed to investigate the presence of corpus callosum (CC) volume deficits in a population-based recent-onset psychosis (ROP) sample, and whether CC volume relates to interhemispheric communication deficits. For this purpose, we used voxel-based morphometry comparisons of magnetic resonance imaging data between ROP (n = 122) and healthy control (n = 94) subjects. Subgroups (38 ROP and 39 controls) were investigated for correlations between CC volumes and performance on the Crossed Finger Localization Test (CFLT). Significant CC volume reductions in ROP subjects versus controls emerged after excluding substance misuse and non-right-handedness. CC reductions retained significance in the schizophrenia subgroup but not in affective psychoses subjects. There were significant positive correlations between CC volumes and CFLT scores in ROP subjects, specifically in subtasks involving interhemispheric communication. From these results, we can conclude that CC volume reductions are present in association with ROP. The relationship between such deficits and CFLT performance suggests that interhemispheric communication impairments are directly linked to CC abnormalities in ROP. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experimental data for E. coli debris size reduction during high-pressure homogenisation at 55 MPa are presented. A mathematical model based on grinding theory is developed to describe the data. The model is based on first-order breakage and compensation conditions. It does not require any assumption of a specified distribution for debris size and can be used given information on the initial size distribution of whole cells and the disruption efficiency during homogenisation. The number of homogeniser passes is incorporated into the model and used to describe the size reduction of non-induced stationary and induced E. coil cells during homogenisation. Regressing the results to the model equations gave an excellent fit to experimental data ( > 98.7% of variance explained for both fermentations), confirming the model's potential for predicting size reduction during high-pressure homogenisation. This study provides a means to optimise both homogenisation and disc-stack centrifugation conditions for recombinant product recovery. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Goals: To assess maternal and fetal outcomes and clinical management of pregnancy in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Background: There is a paucity of information about maternal and fetal outcomes, and AIH activity during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. There is no consensus about the administration of azathioprine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Study: Retrospective analysis of 54 pregnancies (3 still in progress) in 39 AIH patients. Results: The median age at conception was 24 years, and 68.4% of women had liver cirrhosis. Before conception and in early pregnancy, azathioprine and prednisone were administered in 48.1%, but treatment regimen vas usually changed further to 20 mg/d prednisone and 20.4%, were off treatment. There were 36 livebirths, and fetal loss rates were 29.4% (13 miscarriages, 1 stillbirth, and 1 ectopic pregnancy). Preterm birth rate was 11.8%. In 2 cases, there was acute fetal distress; and in 2 others congenital malformations (3.9%). The rate of serious maternal complication was 7.8%, with no deaths. There were no flares in 41.2% pregnancies, but aminotransferase elevations occurred in 54.9%, 31.4% of which were true AIH relapses, only registered in the postpartum period. Conclusions: Despite the high fetal miscarriage rate, pregnancy in AIH was safe. Patients needed careful monitoring, especially in the postpartum period because of relapses. There was no evidence of a cause and effect relationship among azathioprine administration and premature births and congenital abnormalities, but more studies are necessary. Higher doses of prednisone may be an alternative option for those who prefer azathioprine withdrawal during pregnancy.
Objective. To study the epidemiology of rotavirus and estimate rotavirus- associated morbidity and mortality in children <= 5 years of age in Brazil in 2004 before introducing the rotavirus vaccine in Brazil`s National Immunization Program ( Programa Nacional de Imunizacoes, PNI). Methods. To estimate rotavirus morbidity, published studies ( 1999 - 2006) addressing incidence of acute diarrhea among children <= 5 years of age and frequency of rotavirus infection among children with diarrhea in Brazil were reviewed. Diarrhea episodes were divided into three categories of severity by level of care: mild cases requiring only home- based care; moderate cases requiring a visit to an outpatient healthcare facility; and severe cases requiring hospitalization. To estimate rotavirus mortality, information on the number of registered deaths from diarrhea in children <= 5 years of age was obtained from the Mortality Information System ( Sistema de Informacao, sobre Mortalidade, SIM) of Brazil`s public healthcare system ( Sistema Unico de Sa de, SUS) and the proportion of deaths due to rotavirus was calculated. Results. Rotavirus infections were estimated to cause 3 525 053 episodes of diarrhea, 655 853 visits to outpatient healthcare facilities, 92 453 hospitalizations, and 850 deaths of children <= 5 years of age each year in Brazil. Conclusion. Rotavirus infections are an important cause of child morbidity and mortality in Brazil.
The ground and excited state geometry of the six-coordinate copper(II) ion is examined in detail using the CuF64- and Cu(H2O)(6)(2+) complexes as examples. A variety of spectroscopic techniques are used to illustrate the relations between the geometric and electronic properties of these complexes through the characterization of their potential energy surfaces.