998 resultados para human schistosomiasis mansoni


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Background and Aim: Although prophylaxis with beta-blockers has been shown to decrease variceal pressure and wall tension in cirrhotic patients, this has not been demonstrated in non-cirrhotic portal hypertension caused by Schistosoma mansoni infection. Methods: Thirteen patients without history of previous gastrointestinal bleeding were included. All of them had high-risk esophageal varices at endoscopy. An endoscopic gauge and a high-frequency endoscopic ultrasonography miniprobe were used to assess transmural variceal pressure and wall tension before and after achieving beta-blockade with propranolol. Results: Baseline variceal pressure decreased from 13.3 +/- 3.5 to 8.2 +/- 2.0 mmHg (P < 0.0001) and wall tension from 500.2 +/- 279.8 to 274.0 +/- 108.3 mg.mm-1. The overall effect of propranolol on decreasing variceal pressure and wall tension expressed in percentage change in relation to baseline values was 35.7 +/- 18.4% and 35.9 +/- 26.7%, respectively (P = 0.9993). Conclusion: Propranolol significantly reduced variceal pressure and wall tension in schistosomiasis.


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Objectives The objective of this study was to evaluate the natural history of untreated schistosomiasis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (Sch-PAH) patients as compared to idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) with respect to hemodynamics recorded at presentation and 36 months survival. Background Schistossomiasis (Sch) is one of the most prevalent chronic infectious diseases in the world. Nevertheless data regarding one of its most severe clinical complications, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), is scarce. Methods We retrospectively analyzed case notes of all consecutive patients diagnosed of Sch-PAH and IPAH referred to the Heart Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil, between 2004 and 2008. None of the Sch-PAH received PAH specific treatment whereas all IPAH patients did. Results Sch-PH patients (n = 54) had less severe pulmonary hypertension as evidenced by lower levels of pulmonary vascular resistance (11.3 +/- 11.3 W vs. 16.7 +/- 10.6 W; p = 0.002) and mean pulmonary artery pressure (56.7 +/- 18.7 mm Hg vs. 64.6 +/- 17.4 mm Hg; p = 0.01) and higher cardiac output (4.62 +/- 1.5 l/min vs. 3.87 +/- 1.5 l/min; p = 0.009) at presentation than IPAH patients (n = 95). None of the Sch-PAH patients demonstrated a positive response to acute vasodilator testing, whereas 16.2% of IPAH patients did (p = 0.015). Survival rates at 1, 2, and 3 years were 95.1%, 95.1%, and 85.9% and 95%, 86%, and 82%, for Sch-PAH and IPAH, respectively (p = 0.49). Both groups had a higher survival rate when compared to IPAH survival as estimated by the NIH equation (71%, 61%, and 52%, respectively). Conclusions Sch-PAH has a more benign clinical course than IPAH despite a lack of demonstrable acute vasoreactivity at hemodynamic evaluation. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 56: 715-20) (C) 2010 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation


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Presenilins (PS) are integral membrane proteins involved, among other functions, in regulated intramembrane proteolysis. In this study, we report the identification and characterization of a complementary DNA from Schistosoma mansoni exhibiting a significant homology to human and nonvertebrate presinilins. S. mansoni contained a 1,485 bp open reading frame encoding a predicted protein of 494 amino acids. Alignment of predicted amino acid sequence of S. mansoni with PS (SmPS) from other species revealed up to 40% similarity shared among the investigated organisms. In addition, phylogenetic analyses demonstrated SmPS being closely related to its orthologues found in Schistosoma japonicum and Caenorhabditis elegans. Expression analysis of SmPS using quantitative real-time PCR revealed that the transcript is up-regulated in the egg stage. We hypothesize that the high level of SmPS in the S. mansoni embryo correlates to an important role during cellular signaling associated to larval development. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to investigate the existence and abundance of PS from a helminth parasite.


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Schistosoma mansoni is responsible for the neglected tropical disease schistosomiasis that affects 210 million people in 76 countries. Here we present analysis of the 363 megabase nuclear genome of the blood fluke. It encodes at least 11,809 genes, with an unusual intron size distribution, and new families of micro-exon genes that undergo frequent alternative splicing. As the first sequenced flatworm, and a representative of the Lophotrochozoa, it offers insights into early events in the evolution of the animals, including the development of a body pattern with bilateral symmetry, and the development of tissues into organs. Our analysis has been informed by the need to find new drug targets. The deficits in lipid metabolism that make schistosomes dependent on the host are revealed, and the identification of membrane receptors, ion channels and more than 300 proteases provide new insights into the biology of the life cycle and new targets. Bioinformatics approaches have identified metabolic chokepoints, and a chemogenomic screen has pinpointed schistosome proteins for which existing drugs may be active. The information generated provides an invaluable resource for the research community to develop much needed new control tools for the treatment and eradication of this important and neglected disease.


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The Schistosoma mansoni fatty acid binding protein (FABP), SmA, is a vaccine candidate against, S. mansoni and F hepatica. Previously, we demonstrated the importance of a correct fold to achieve protection in immunized animals after cercariae challenge [[10]. C.R.R. Ramos, R.C.R. Figueredo, T.A. Pertinhez, M.M. Vilar, A.L.T.O. Nascimento, M. Tendler, I. Raw, A. Spisni, P.L. Ho, Gene structure and M20T polymorphism of the Schistosoma mansoni Sm14 fatty acid-binding protein: structural, functional and immunoprotection analysis. J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 12745-12751]. Here we show that the reduction of vaccine efficacy over time is due to protein dimerization and subsequent aggregation. We produced the mutants Sm14-M20(C62S) and Sm14M20(C62V) that, as expected, did not dimerize in SDS-PAGE. Molecular dynamics calculations and unfolding experiments highlighted a higher structural stability of these mutants with respect to the wild-type. In addition, we found that the mutated proteins, after thermal denaturation, refolded to their active native molecular architecture as proved by the recovery of the fatty acid binding ability. Sm14-M20(C62V) turned out to be the more stable form over time, providing the basis to determine the first 3D solution structure of a Sm14 protein in its apo-form. Overall, Sm14-M20(C62V) possesses an improved structural stability over time, an essential feature to preserve its immunization capability and, in experimentally immunized animals, it exhibits a protection effect against S. mansoni cercariae infections comparable to the one obtained with the wild-type protein. These facts indicate this protein as a good lead molecule for large-scale production and for developing an effective Sm14 based anti-helminthes vaccine. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To identify possible associations between host genetic factors and the onset of liver fibrosis following Schistosoma japonicum infection, the major histocompatibility class II alleles of 84 individuals living on an island (Jishan) endemic for schistosomiasis japonica in the Poyang Lake Region of Southern China were determined. Forty patients exhibiting advanced schistosomiasis, characterised by extensive liver fibrosis, and 44 age and sex-matched control subjects were assessed for the class II haplotypes HLA-DRBI and HLA-DQB1. Two HLA-DRB1 alleles, HLA-DRB1*0901 (P = 0.012) and *1302 (P = 0.039), and two HLA-DQB1 alleles, HLA-DQB1*0303 (P = 0.012) and *0609 (P = 0.037), were found to be significantly associated with susceptibility to fibrosis. These associated DRB1 and DQB1 alleles are in very strong linkage disequilibrium, with DRB1*0901-DQB1*0303 and DRB1*1302-DQB1*0609 found as: common haplotypes in this population. In contrast, the alleles HLA-DRB1*1501 (P = 0.025) and HLA-DQB 1*0601 (P = 0.022) were found to be associated with resistance to hepatosplenic disease. Moreover, the alleles DQB1*0303 and DRB1*0901 did not increase susceptibility in the presence of DQB1*0601, indicating that DQB1*0601 is dominant over DQB1*0303 and DRB1*0901. The study has thus identified both positive and negative associations between HLA class II alleles and the risk of individuals developing moderate to severe liver fibrosis following schistosome infection. (C) 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recombinant cathepsin D aspartic protease of Schistosoma japonicum cleaved human IgG in vitro in a time and dose-dependent manner. Optimal cleavage was seen at pH 3.6-4.5; modest cleavage remained at pH 5.0, and no cleavage was detected above pH 5.0. Amino terminal sequencing of the major cleavage fragments of human IgG identified a Fab fragment from the VH1 domain, and 2 cleavage sites in the CH2 domain below the hinge region. The P1 and P1' residues at the 2 CH2 cleavage sites were Phe254-Leu255 and Leu325-Thr326, indicating a preference by the schistosome protease for bulky hydrophobic residues flanking the scissile bond. No cleavage of the immunoglobulin light chain was detected. In addition, the recombinant schistosome protease indiscriminately degraded the human serum proteins complement C3 and serum albumin into numerous small fragments. These results demonstrate specific cleavage of human IgG by the recombinant schistosome aspartic protease, and highlight the broad range digestive specificity of the enzyme which may play a role in the degradation of host serum proteins ingested as part of the schistosome bloodmeal.


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Mice were vaccinated with recombinant Schistosoma japonicum cathepsin D aspartic protease, expressed in both insect cells and bacteria, in order to evaluate the vaccine efficacy of the schistosome protease. Mean total worm burdens were significantly reduced in vaccinated mice by 21-38%, and significant reductions in female worm burdens were also recorded (22-40%). Vaccination did not reduce fecundity; rather, we recorded increased egg output per female worm in vaccinated animals, suggesting a crowding effect. Vaccinated mice developed high levels of antibodies (predominantly IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b isotypes), but there was no correlation between antibody levels and protective efficacy. Immune sera from vaccinated mice did not inhibit the in vitro degradation of human haemoglobin by the recombinant protease, and passive transfer of serum or antibodies from vaccinated animals, before and after parasite challenge, did not significantly reduce worm or egg burdens in recipient animals. These results suggest that antibodies may not play a key role in the protective effect elicited, and that protection may be due to a combination of humoral and cell-mediated responses.


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In 1851, Theodor Bilharz described a parasitic infection (bilharzia) that would later be termed schistosomiasis. Currently, 200 million people in 74 countries have this disease; 120 million of them have symptoms, and 20 million have severe illness.1 Schistosomiasis is caused by parasitic trematode worms (schistosomes) that reside in the abdominal veins of their vertebrate definitive hosts. The life cycle of the schistosome is depicted in Figure 1. Schistosomiasis is 1 of the 10 tropical diseases especially targeted for control by the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases of the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, . . . [Full Text of this Article]


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A new RTE-like, non-long terminal repeat retrotransposon, termed SjR2, from the human blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum, is described. SjR2 is similar to3.9 kb in length and is constituted of a single open reading frame encoding a polyprotein with apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease and reverse transcriptase domains. The open reading frame is bounded by 5'- and 3'-terininal untranslated regions and, at its 3-terminus, SjR2 bears a short (TGAC)(3) repeat. Phylogenetic analyses based on conserved domains of reverse transcriptase or endonuclease revealed that SjR2 belonged to the RTE clade of non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons. Further, SjR2 was homologous, but probably not orthologous, to SR2 front the African blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni; this RTE-like family of non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons appears to have arisen before the divergence of the extant schistosome species. Hybridisation analyses indicated that similar to 10,000 copies of SjR2 were dispersed throughout the S. japonicum chromosomes, accounting for up to 14% of the nuclear genome. Messenger RNAs encoding the reverse transcriptase and endonuclease domains of SjR2 were detected in several developmental stages of the schistosome, indicating that the retrotransposon was actively replicating within the genome of the parasite. Exploration of the coding and non-coding regions of SjR2 revealed two notable characteristics. First, the recombinant reverse transcriptase domain of SjR2 expressed in insect cells primed reverse transcription of SjR2 mRNA in vitro. By contrast, recombinant SjR2-endonuclease did not appear to cleave schistosome or plasmid DNA. Second, the 5'-untranslated region of SjR2 was >80% identical to the 3-untranslated region of a schistosome heat shock protein-70 gene (hsp-70) in the antisense orientation, indicating that SjR2-like elements were probably inserted into the non-coding regions of ancestral S. japonicum HSP-70, probably after the species diverged from S. mansoni. (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present investigation was carried out on a sample of 840 children (5 to 16 years old) from ten small towns of the State of Bahia in northeastern Brazil. The objetive was to study, by using a cross sectional methodology, the evolution of schistosomiasis morbidity (hepatic and splenic enlargement) in children, and the role of the intensity of S. mansoni infection in this process. The children were analised in three age groups (5 to 8, to 12 and 13 to 16 years old) and classified as uninfected, mildly infected, moderately infected and heavily infected according to the number of eggs in the stool. In children aged 5 to 8 years, increasing egg counts were not associated with increasing frequencies of hepatic or splenic enlargement. In the 9 to 12 years old group and association was observed with the prevalence of hepatic enlargement, but not with the prevalence of spleen enlargement. In the oldest group, 13 to 16 years old, an association was observed with the prevalence of enlargement of both organs. It was evident that in this population schistosomiasis morbidity develops in the early period of life as a gradual process starting with liver enlargement and followed by spleen enlargement some years later. It was found that the intensity of infection has a fundamental role in this process, although there is a latent period of some years before clinical splenomegaly appears in moderate-heavily infected children. The Authors suggest that the prevalence of splenomegaly in the 13 to 16 years old group is a good measure of the community level of schistosomiasis morbidity and could be used to measure the impact of control programs.


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The susceptibility of the MAP Brazilian strain (F1 to F5 progenies) of S. mansoni to four antischistosomal drugs has been reported in a previous study. In the present investigation, progeny F14 of the same strain, was tested for stability to the same 4 drugs. A new medication, Oltipraz (35,972 RP), was added to the study. Five groups of 12 mice infected with cercariae by tail immersion were treated with hycanthone, oxamniquine, niridazole, praziquantel and Oltipraz. An untreated group was used as control. Schistosomal activity was assessed by the localization of worms in the portal vein system, by oogram changes, and percentage of parasite reduction. The stability of the susceptibility of progeny F14 did not change in relation to generations F1 to F5; the progeny was resistant to hycanthone and oxamniquine; but sensitive to niridazole, praziquantel and Oltipraz. We emphasize the importance of the phenomenon of resistance of the worm in view of the fact that oxamniquine has been widely used in Brazilian areas where mansonic schistosomiasis is endemic.


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Mice experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni were injected with sodium thiopental or sodium antimonyl gluconate (Triostib R), or submitted to halothane inhalation, with or without a previous injection of thiopental. Data obtained showed that halothane and thiopental induce worm shift to the liver (99 and 76%, respectively). Sodium gluconate and antimonium (Triostib R) shifted 52% of worms towards the liver. These results seem to indicate that the use of antimonium would be unnecessary, when surgical removal of schistosomules is carried out through the extracorporeal filtration technique, in patients with portal hypertension.


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Crossed immunoelectrophoresis (IEC) was used for detection of free and complexed circulating polisaccharide anodic antigen (AgCA) of Schistosoma mansoni in sera of infected hamsters. An attempt was also done to detect AgCA in human sera from patients infected with S. mansoni. The conditions for isolation and detection of complexed AgCA were established. The sensitivity of IEC was increased by incorporation of 2% polyethylene glicol (PEG) to the agarose and by maintaining the system at 4°C during the electrophoretic run. Free AgCA was detected in 12 and the complexed in 30 of the 37 hamsters sera analysed. Correlation between AgCA (free and complexed) and the parasite load was observed. AgCA was not detected, under the experimental conditions used, in human sera from 7 patients in the acute and 23 in the chronic phase of infection.


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The interrelation between schistosomiasis and the retinol blood levels was studied in a double blind method, by comparing the serum vitamin A of the infected and non-infected group of an endemic area of Schistosoma mansoni infection. The infected group was characterized by 106 parasitized persons in the intestinal and hepatointestinal forms, who eliminated less than 500 eggs/gram of feces (Modified Kato's method); the non-infected group was characterized by 112 inhabitants of this endemic area without eggs in the stools and presenting negative intradermal reactions, and absence of previous specific treatment. The blood levels of retinol was determinated using trifluoracetic acid method, regarding the normal levels > 20,0mg/100ml. The results of this study point out the absence of correlation between S. mansoni infection and blood levels of vitamin A.