917 resultados para holocene beach sand
This paper comprises part of the so-called "3-beaches Survey" of the LVFRP. In Tanzania, this study has developed to examine two landing sites (Mwasonge and Ihale), and to chart the progress of the newly established Beach Management Units (BMU) at each beach, comparing one BMU against the other. The over-arching objective of this survey was to develop an understanding of the context in which Mwasonge's fishery exists. The study does so by examining the community's history, culture and beliefs, various other socio-cultural factors, their resources, society and economy, wealth and the community's perceptions of wealth. Importantly, the survey examines the community's institutions and its perceptions of fishing rules and changes within the fishery. All of these facets of community life are examined with the use of participatory Rural Appraisal tools, and the images that the study generated are reproduced herein.
The siltation of an experimental gravel bed, with three grades of sand moving in suspension and as bedload, was examined. The rate of infiltration of sand into the void space of the gravel was determined under differing conditions of discharge, water depth, and velocity (jointly expressed as variation in the Froude Number) and suspended sediment concentration. The downstream reduction in siltation from the point source was also examined.
A model for some of the many physical-chemical and biological processes in intermittent sand filtration of wastewaters is described and an expression for oxygen transfer is formulated.
The model assumes that aerobic bacterial activity within the sand or soil matrix is limited, mostly by oxygen deficiency, while the surface is ponded with wastewater. Atmospheric oxygen reenters into the soil after infiltration ends. Aerobic activity is resumed, but the extent of penetration of oxygen is limited and some depths may be always anaerobic. These assumptions lead to the conclusion that the percolate shows large variations with respect to the concentration of certain contaminants, with some portions showing little change in a specific contaminant. Analyses of soil moisture in field studies and of effluent from laboratory sand columns substantiated the model.
The oxygen content of the system at sufficiently long times after addition of wastes can be described by a quasi-steady-state diffusion equation including a term for an oxygen sink. Measurements of oxygen content during laboratory and field studies show that the oxygen profile changes only slightly up to two days after the quasi-steady state is attained.
Results of these hypotheses and experimental verification can be applied in the operation of existing facilities and in the interpretation of data from pilot plant-studies.
There are two main ways in which gravel composition and changes therein arising from siltation, can influence the survival of young salmonids. First, the composition of the gravel will affect its permeability and, hence, may influence the survival of eggs and alevins through its effect upon the rate of supply of oxygen and the rate of removal of metabolic products. Second, the composition of the gravel may affect the ease, or otherwise, of emergence at the time of swim-up and alevins may become trapped in the gravel and perish. This aspect is the main concern of the present report. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects upon fry emergence of a sand layer deposited on the gravel surface. The study concludes that fry of brown trout and Atlantic salmon emerged through layers of sand up to 8 cm thick but the percentage emergence, even from the controls with no sand, was relatively low (5 - 68%). There was no firm evidence that the experimental treatments influenced percentage emergence, timing of emergence or weight of fry at the time of emergence.
A discussion on the cyclic loading of jack-up foundations on sand using the drum centrifuge facility
Devido a sua grande extensão latitudinal, a costa brasileira é influenciada por diferentes regimes climáticos e oceanográficos. Adicionalmente, a distribuição da população brasileira é caracterizada por uma alta concentração nas capitais litorâneas. Todos esses fatores levam à construção de inúmeras estruturas de engenharia que podem de alguma forma impactar o transporte de sedimento e consequentemente o balanço sedimentar de algumas praias. Uma das formas mais eficientes de recuperar esse balanço sedimentar é a alimentação artificial de praias, com sedimentos provenientes da plataforma continental com características semelhantes. Os métodos geofísicos acústicos permitem mapear de forma eficiente o fundo e o subfundo marinho para a busca de áreas fontes para a lavra de forma eficiente. O objetivo deste estudo é a identificação de padrões geoacústicos a partir de analises quantitativas e qualitativas, para a caracterização de áreas fontes de areias siliciclásticas compatíveis com sedimentos de praias em erosão na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O mapeamento foi realizado na plataforma continental interna do Rio de Janeiro, em área adjacente à praia de Itaipuaçu (Maricá, RJ). As análises evidenciaram depósitos, localizados entre 19 e 30 metros, de areias com granulometria, textura e selecionamento em condições ideias para a recomposição de praias do Rio de Janeiro.
Esta pesquisa investigou a formação de depósitos arenosos localizados na planície costeira da Baixada de Sepetiba, em Itaguaí, estado do Rio de Janeiro. A deposição sedimentar e a evolução desta área, na Baixada de Sepetiba tem sido estudada nas três últimas décadas, principalmente, porque é um ambiente de depósitos arenosos antigo de idade Holocênica a Pleistocênica que corresponde a uma linha de praia, originada com eventos transgressivos e/ou regressivos que tiveram seu ápice durante o Quaternário. A metodologia de Radar de Penetração no Solo (GPR) é usada, principalmente nos casos de trabalho em que se estuda um ambiente costeiro arenoso. Este campo da Geofísica tem sido usado para examinar características, tais como: a espessura de depósitos arenosos, a profundidade de um aqüífero, a detecção de uma rocha ou um aqüífero, e determina a direção de progradação. Esta pesquisa usa técnicas de radar de penetração no solo (GPR) para analisar as estruturas, em subsuperfície desde que o ambiente estudado seja definido como linha de costa, as margens de uma lagoa mixohalina, chamada Baía de Sepetiba. Neste trabalho realizamos um total de 11 perfis, que foram processados pelo software ReflexWin. Durante o processamento do dado aplicamos alguns filtros, tais como: subtract-mean (dewow), bandpassfrequency e ganhos. E as melhores imagens dos perfis foram realizadas usando-se uma antena de 200 MHz (canal 1) e outra antena de 80 MHz. Neste caso, obtivemos imagens de alta resolução a uma profundidade de até 25 metros.
The evolutionary associations between closely related fish species, both contemporary and historical, are frequently assessed by using molecular markers, such as microsatellites. Here, the presence and variability of microsatellite loci in two closely related species of marine fishes, sand seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius) and silver seatrout (C. nothus), are explored by using heterologous primers from red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Data from these loci are used in conjunction with morphological characters and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes to explore the extent of genetic exchange between species offshore of Galveston Bay, TX. Despite seasonal overlap in distribution, low genetic divergence at microsatellite loci, and similar life history parameters of C. arenarius and C. nothus, all three data sets indicated that hybridization between these species does not occur or occurs only rarely and that historical admixture in Galveston Bay after divergence between these species was unlikely. These results shed light upon the evolutionary history of these fishes and highlight the genetic properties of each species that are influenced by their life history and ecology.